  1. What is the primary material used for the body of Tang Tri-Color Glazed Ceramics 唐三彩的主要胎料是什么( )?

  2. A:Wood 木头 B:Porcelain 瓷器 C:White clay 白色黏土 D:Bronze 青铜
    答案:White clay 白色黏土
  3. Tang Tri-Color Glazed Ceramics originated in the Ming Dynasty 唐三彩起源于明代. ( )

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. The main purpose of the first firing of Tang Tri-Color Glazed Ceramics is to set the glaze 唐三彩首次烧制的主要目的是上釉. ( )

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. What is the additional step called where the facial details of the figurines are meticulously handled after glaze firing 釉烧后对人物的面部细节进行精细处理的附加步骤叫什么( )?

  8. A:Facial fine-tuning 特征雕刻 B:Facial fine-tuning 面部微调 C:Face opening 开脸 D:Post-glaze detailing 上釉后装饰
  9. The tri-color camels reflect the lifestyle of Central Asian people along the Silk Road in the Tang Dynasty 三彩骆驼反映了唐代丝绸之路沿线中亚人民的生活方式.( )

  10. A:错 B:对

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