

  1. Which of the following refers to the complexity and content of a message?

  2. A:information density B:richness C:reach D:interactivity
    AI参考:正确答案是A:information density。这道题考查的是关于信息复杂性和内容的相关概念。选项A中的“information density”指的是信息的复杂性和内容,而其他选项B、C、D分别指的是丰富性、影响范围和交互性,与信息复杂性和内容无关。因此,答案为A。'
  3. Which of the following primarily involve long-term sourcing?

  4. A:e-procurement and industry consortia B:e-procurement and exchanges C:e-distributors and industry consortia D:e-distributors and exchanges
  5. Which of the following is an example of a practice network?

  6. A:ResearchGate B:Tencent News C:Instagram D:Kuaishou
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Kuaishou。Kuaishou是一款短视频社交应用,属于实践网络的一种,因此是正确答案。其他选项中,ResearchGate是一款学术社交网络平台,Tencent News是一款新闻资讯应用,Instagram是一款图片和视频分享应用。因此,这三个选项都不是实践网络的例子。'
  7. All of the following are challenges faced by bricks-and-clicks firms except:

  8. A:handling returns of online purchases at retail outlets B:building a brand name C:building a credible website D:coordinating prices across channels
    AI参考:正确答案是B:building a brand name。这是一个基于文本细节进行推理的问题。文中提到,bricks-and-clicks firms面临诸多挑战,如处理线下商店的线上购买退货问题(A选项)、建立可信的网站(C选项)和协调不同渠道的价格(D选项)。而B选项“建立品牌名”是这些公司所不需要面临的挑战,因为它们通常已经拥有自己的品牌名,无需再建立。因此,B选项是唯一一个不属于bricks-and-clicks firms所面临的挑战的选项。'
  9. Which of the following primarily serve horizontal markets?

  10. A:exchanges and industry consortia B:e-distributors and exchanges C:e-distributors and e-procurement D:e-procurement and industry consortia
    答案:正确AI参考:正确答案是C:e-distributors and e-procurement。e-distributors和e-procurement主要服务于水平市场。其他选项A、B、D都包含一些与水平市场无关的服务或功能。因此,答案为C。'
  11. Assuming a manufacturer has four primary suppliers and each one has three primary suppliers, and each of these has two primary suppliers, then what is the total number of suppliers in the chain?

  12. A:50 B:36 C:52 D:40
  13. A business model that uses advertising revenue to provide some content for free, combined with an option to obtain additional content for a price is called a(n) ________ model.

  14. A:distribution B:sales C:a la carte D:freemium
    答案:商业模式AI参考:单选题A business model that uses advertising revenue to provide some content for free, combined with an option to obtain additional content for a price is called a(n) ________ model.根据上下文可以确定答案为D:freemium。freemium是一种商业模式,它结合了免费内容和付费选项,通过提供额外的功能或高级服务来吸引用户并获取收入。这种模式在许多互联网产品中都很常见,如社交网络、视频分享网站等。因此,答案为D。'
  15. The Seam is an example of an:

  16. A:exchange B:industry consortium C:e-distributor D:e-procurement Net marketplace
    答案:industry consortium
  17. _________refer to funds linked to payment platforms that offer ease of access and more competitive returns than the historically low deposit rates.

  18. A:Payments and e-wallets B:Online funds C:Personal finance management D:Supply Chain and Consumer Finance

  19. Which of the following does not use a subscription revenue model?

  20. A:Twitter B:eHarmony C:Ancestry D:Apple Music
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Apple Music。Apple Music采用的是广告+订阅模式,其他选项中,Twitter和Ancestry采用的是订阅模式,eHarmony则属于基于效果的付费模式。因此,选项D不属于使用订阅收入模型的公司。'
  21. All of the following are business models employed in the online music industry except:

  22. A:peer-to-peer streaming B:cloud streaming C:download-and-own D:subscription
  23. Which of the following involves using the inherent strength of social networks to encourage visitors and fans to share their Likes and comments with friends?

  24. A:engagement B:amplification C:dark social D:social density
    AI参考:选项 B involves using the inherent strength of social networks to encourage visitors and fans to share their Likes and comments with friends,即放大参与社交网络的人(或粉丝)们的参与互动分享(他们的点赞评论去吸引他们的朋友)是正确选项。在这个问题中,“A” Engagement (参与)不是一种社交媒体上常见的效果提升手段;“C” Dark Social (黑暗社交) 是对虚假流量的统计描述,通常是软件/应用程序欺骗和窃取真实用户的真实个人信息以收集其隐含信息的手段;“D” Social Density (社交密度)是一种统计学上的描述性分析指标,用来评估网站用户群的联系和活跃程度。而与利用社交网络的内在力量去鼓励粉丝点赞和评论来扩散互动并不好关联。综上,这个题目选择B,是使用社交网络的一种独特策略去推动和增加分享并最终影响社交网络的增长。这种策略包括利用社会网络中粉丝之间的互相联系,让他们的点赞和评论更容易传播到他们其他的朋友。总结来说,对于这个问题,答案是B:放大参与社交网络的人(或粉丝)们的参与互动分享(他们的点赞评论去吸引他们的朋友)。'
  25. ________ is defined as the use of digital technologies to permit organizations to work together to design, develop, build, and manage products through their life cycles.

  26. A:EDI B:Collaborative commerce C:Social e-commerce D:SCM
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Collaborative commerce。协作商务(Collaborative commerce)是指使用数字技术使组织能够共同设计、开发、构建和管理产品生命周期的过程。因此,B选项是正确答案。其他选项与题目描述不符。A选项的EDI通常用于处理贸易数据交换;C选项的社会电子商务涉及通过互联网进行社交和商业活动;D选项的SCM是供应链管理,与题目描述无关。'
  27. ________ties an advertiser’s name to particular information, an event, or a venue in a way that reinforces its brand in a positive yet not overtly commercial manner.

  28. A:Sponsorship B:Email C:Banner ad D:Classified

  29. Which of the following is an example of an on-demand service company?

  30. A:Airbnb B:Tumblr C:YouTube D:Facebook
  31. In ___________, E-commerce players lend to underbanked or unbanked individuals and small medium enterprises (SMEs) .

  32. A:Supply chain and consumer finance B:Personal finance management C:Online funds D:Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms。在P2P借贷平台上,电子商务玩家向未被银行服务或没有银行服务的个人和小型中型企业提供贷款。因此,选项D是正确答案。其他选项A、B、C与电子商务和贷款无关。'
  33. Which of the following are true for e-procurement marketplace except________?

  34. A:operate in horizontal markets B:one-to-many markets C:purchase of indirect goods (MRO) D:essentially provide software service
    AI参考:正确答案是C:purchase of indirect goods (MRO)。电子采购市场除了C选项外,其他选项都是正确的。电子采购市场通常涉及多个供应商和多个买方之间的交易,因此它通常在水平市场上运营,并且提供一对多的市场,这符合选项A和B。电子采购市场通常提供软件服务,这符合选项D。因此,C选项是唯一不符合电子采购市场特点的选项。'
  35. Stickiness is an important attribute for which of the following revenue models?

  36. A:advertising revenue model B:subscription revenue model C:transaction fee revenue model D:affiliate revenue model

  37. __________allow companies to react to disruptions in the supply chain in a particular region by moving production to a different region.

  38. A:Adaptive supply chains B:Supply chain simplification C:Collaborative commerce D:Lean production
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Adaptive supply chains。Adaptive supply chains能够允许公司在特定地区对供应链的扰乱做出反应,并转移生产到其他地区,所以A是正确答案。供应链简化、协作商务和精益生产都可以改善供应链管理,但它们并不允许公司将生产转移到其他地区以应对特定地区的扰乱。因此,答案为A。'
  39. Taobao uses all of the following business models except:

  40. A:e-commerce infrastructure provider B:B2C market creator C:content provider D:C2C market creator
    AI参考:正确答案是C:content provider。阿里巴巴旗下的淘宝主要采用了B2C(企业对消费者)和C2C(消费者对消费者)的商业模式,并建立了电子商务基础设施提供商和B2C市场创建者等商业模式,所以不包括的内容提供商选项。因此,本题答案为C。'
  41. Which of the following statements about the wholesale and agency models for selling books is not true?

  42. A ________ marketplace supplies products and services of interest to particular industries.

  43. A:differentiated B:horizontal C:vertical D:perfect
  44. Ariba is an example of a(n)________.

  45. A:portal B:Industry consortium C:e-procurement firm D:e-distributor

  46. An ________ primarily serves businesses that buy indirect goods on a spot purchasing basis.

  47. A:e-distributor B:e-procurement company C:exchange D:industry consortium

  48. All of the following are true about the Ant ecosystem except ________.

  49. A:acquire customers slowly B:generate more complete customer data C:boost customer stickiness D:incorporate its services into customers’ daily life by providing multiple products
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:generate more complete customer data。根据题干中的关键词“All of the following are true about the Ant ecosystem”可知,本题考查有关蚂蚁生态系统的所有正确信息,再根据选项逐一分析。A项“获取客户缓慢”是蚂蚁生态系统的特点之一,符合题意,正确;B项“生成更完整的客户数据”不是蚂蚁生态系统的特点,不符合题意,排除;C项“提高客户的黏性”是蚂蚁生态系统的特点之一,符合题意,正确;D项“通过提供多种产品将服务纳入客户的日常生活中”也是蚂蚁生态系统的特点之一,符合题意,正确。只有B项不符合题意,故选B。'
  50. Liquidity is typically measured by __________.

  51. A:how big the transactions B:how many transactions C:how much the commission fees D:how many buyers and sellers in a market

  52. Which one of the following is true for P&G’s collaborative commerce strategy?

  53. A:For P&G, it does not need to truck products to Amazon warehouses B:P&G ships the products first to Amazon warehouses, and then to the consumer C:Due to the cooperation, Amazon reduces its costs of shipping and storing goods D:P&G sets aside warehouse space for P&G products purchased by Amazon customers
  54. Advertising networks can tell advertisers__________

  55. A:how much their ads cost you B:where their ads have been showing up C:how many times their ads are shown D:how many times their ads are clicked on
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:how many times their ads are shown】广告网络可以告诉广告主他们的广告被展示了多少次,即C选项。其他选项A、B、D分别涉及广告成本、广告出现位置和广告点击次数,与广告网络的功能不符。因此,C选项是正确答案。'
  56. Which of the following are true for supply chain visibility?

  57. A:you know exactly what their production schedule is B:you know exactly when you can track the goods through shipping firms to your warehouse C:you can monitor the output of its first-and second-tier suppliers D:you know exactly what you have ordered from your suppliers
    AI参考:对供应链可见性来说,以下哪些选项是正确的?正确选项为:D: you know exactly what you have ordered from your suppliers即选项D:你知道从供应商那里订购了什么。供应链可见性是指供应链中的各个节点能够清晰地了解彼此的状态和位置,以便更好地协调和优化整个供应链的运作。选项A和B虽然提到了生产计划和货物追踪,但并不能完全保证供应链的透明度;选项C虽然提到了对一级和二级供应商的监控,但并不能保证整个供应链的透明度。只有选项D,即知道从供应商那里订购了什么,是完全符合供应链可见性的要求。因此,选项D是正确的。'
  58. Which of the following apps belong to payments and e-wallets services?

  59. A:ZOLOZ B:Alipay C:WeBank D:Wechat Pay
    AI参考:正确选项为 B:Alipay,D:Wechat Pay。Alipay和Wechat Pay属于支付和电子钱包服务,而ZOLOZ和WeBank属于不同的服务类型。因此,选项B和D是符合题意的正确选项。'
  60. Basic Mobile Device Features include__________.

  61. A:“always on, always with us” B:built-in GPS C:The time available for marketing materials are greatly expanded D:Users are more tolerant of commercials
    AI参考:正确选项是:B:built-in GPS;基本移动设备功能包括内置GPS(B选项正确)。“always on, always with us”(A选项)描述的是设备的持续性特点,但这并不是基本移动设备功能的一部分。“The time available for marketing materials are greatly expanded”(C选项)与移动设备的功能无关。“Users are more tolerant of commercials”(D选项)与设备的功能无直接关系,更多是关于用户对广告的态度。综上所述,只有B选项“内置GPS”是基本移动设备功能的一部分。'
  62. Which of the following are career sites?

  63. A:Travelocity B:Monster C:CareerBuilder D:Ariba
    AI参考:正确选项为【B:Monster C:CareerBuilder】。这两个网站都是职业招聘网站,提供各种职位的招聘信息,适合求职者寻找工作机会。Travelocity和Ariba不是职业招聘网站,而是一个旅游和商业管理软件公司。因此,选项B和C是正确的职业招聘网站选项。'
  64. What are the advantages of omini-channel merchants?

  65. A:brand name B:coordinating prices across channels. C:large scale so they can get a good deal from suppliers D:building rapid-response order entry and fulfillment systems

  66. Indirect reference groups include________.

  67. Which of the following companies belong to Facebook?

  68. A:Whatsapp B:Youtube C:Instagram D:Twitter

  69. Search engine marketing is on "pay per click" basis.

  70. A:错 B:对

  71. Models of consumer behavior attempt to predict or explain what consumers purchase and where, when, how much, and why they buy.

  72. A:对 B:错

  73. Advertising networks does not handle the money involved.

  74. A:对 B:错

  75. According to context advertising, people who are interested in the topic of the website are more likely to purchase relevant products.

  76. A:错 B:对

  77. Traditional media firms who create the content generally do not possess online channels to distribute its content on the Internet.

  78. A:对 B:错

  79. In the reverse auction, sellers can suggest a price, Priceline presents the price to buyers and buyers decide whether to accept the price.

  80. A:错 B:对
  81. Social networks and online communities attract people with shared affinity, such as hobbies, sports and vacations.

  82. A:错 B:对
  83. Printed books are being replaced by e-books.

  84. A:错 B:对
  85. Built-in GPS allows marketing messages to be targeted to consumers on the basis of their location, and supports local marketing.

  86. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:A。对。Built-in GPS允许根据消费者的位置向他们发送营销信息,支持本地营销。因此,这个说法是正确的。'
  87. SaaS and PaaS essentially provides software service to help both sellers and buyers manage their supply chain.

  88. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。SaaS (Software as a Service) 和 PaaS (Platform as a Service) 都是提供软件服务的模式,它们可以帮助卖家和买家管理供应链。因此,这个判断题的答案是B:对。'
  89. Indirect goods are all other goods not directly involved in the production process, such as office supplies and maintenance products. Often these goods are called MRO goods.

  90. A:错 B:对

  91. To content aggregator, the key to becoming a successful content provider is owning the content.

  92. A:错 B:对

  93. The objectives of traditional online marketing are to send your marketing messages to as many visitors as possible

  94. A:错 B:对
  95. Kindle is a successful application of Walled Garden.

  96. A:对 B:错

  97. Universal standards make price discovery more costly, slower, and less accurate.

  98. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。Universal standards指普遍标准,一般来说,普遍标准会导致价格发现更加昂贵、更慢且更不准确。因此,该题正确答案是B。'
  99. The influencers are mainly supported by their fans and video-hosting platforms without support from incubators or agents.

  100. A:对 B:错
  101. Search engine marketing gives you the ability to target people at one of the best moments—when they search for your products.

  102. A:错 B:对

  103. Only the network owner can forecast demand, develop production plans, and coordinate shipping and warehousing activities.

  104. A:错 B:对

  105. All the practice networks are nonprofit-based.

  106. A:对 B:错

  107. According to grassroots marketing, marketers concentrate on making marketing activities as personally relevant to individual customers as possible.

  108. A:错 B:对

  109. Amateur bloggers and social media opinion leaders can substitute professional reporters and editors.

  110. A:错 B:对
  111. eBay promised to keep free for its first three years of operation. In contrast, Taobao charged a percentage fee for each sale and the listing fees.

  112. A:错 B:对
  113. Matthew Effect is also referred to as accumulated advantage, where those who have more have an advantage to acquire more.

  114. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:对。Matthew Effect也被称为累积优势,即那些拥有更多的人更有优势获得更多。'
  115. The longest time an average Chinese spends is on socializing.

  116. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B. 对。根据问题描述,中国人的平均时间最长的花费是在社交上。因此,答案为B,表示正确。'
  117. Commercial transactions involve the exchange of value (e.g., money).

  118. A:对 B:错

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