第二章 Marketing Environment Analysis 营销环境分析:只有准确地分析出“我们现在在哪”才能清楚地知道“我们能够去哪”。本章通过对企业内外部环境的深入解析,揭示了多种环境因素对市场营销决策的影响作用。【学习目标】1. 说明营销环境对市场营销决策的重要影响作用;2. 解释市场营销环境的分析框架,包括内部环境和外部环境(微观环境及宏观环境),并能够准确识别各个部分的关键环境要素;3. 应用SWOT模型和竞争层次模型进行企业环境分析和竞争情况分析,并解决实际问题。【重点&难点】1. 在明确市场营销环境对营销决策的影响作用的前提下,阐释不同类型环境对营销活动的具体影响机制以及营销管理者对不同环境的控制能力,并能够准确识别不同类型的环境中典型影响因素以及解释清楚其作用逻辑是本章的重点;2. 掌握SWOT分析模型和竞争层次分析模型的理论逻辑和技术难点,并能够应用这两个工具完成对市场环境的有效分析是本章的难点。2.1Why do We Need Internal Marketing? 顺小势者生:内部环境与营销:本节讲授了内部环境中的三个基本要素以及内部营销的常用方法,并借助“海底捞”这一案例揭示了“内部营销”的重要性。
2.2How the Micro Environment Affect Marketing? (1) 顺大势者成:外部环境与营销 (1)——微观环境:本节通过“iPhone手机的发展历程”、“海尔和国美的曲折合作之路”以及“王老吉和加多宝的红罐之争”等多个案例,揭示了微观环境中的多种要素对营销决策的影响作用。
2.3How the Macro Environment Affect Marketing? 顺大势者成:外部环境与营销(2)——宏观环境:本节介绍了宏观环境分析的常用框架——“PESTEL”模型,并借助《战狼2》、“立邦漆”、“春秋航空”以及“数字革命”等案例具体解释了宏观环境要素对营销决策的重要影响。
2.4A Useful Competitive Analysis Approach: Levels of Competition 知人者智,自知者明Ⅰ:竞争战略层次分析:本节介绍了竞争战略层次分析模型,并通过对可口可乐、中国商业银行、中国航空公司以及迪士尼等经典案例的解析,建立了更为宽阔的竞争视角。
2.5A Famous Situation analysis tool: SWOT Model 知人者智,自知者明Ⅱ:SWOT模型分析:本节对SWOT分析模型进行了详细的论述,并深入讲解了模型应用时的典型例子与重点问题,最终形成了一个全面的SWOT分析矩阵。
[多选题]Key environmental factors that marketers need to consider when analysing the marketing environment include political, economic, sociocultural, _________ forces.
[多选题]SWOT includes _________.
weaknesses and opportunities
weakness and opposition
situation and threats
strengths and threats
答案:strengths and threatsweaknesses and opportunities
[多选题]An organisation that outsources functions that can be done more efficiently by specialist external providers is shifting those functions from _________.
its internal environment to its external environment
its internal environment to its micro-environment
its internal environment to its macro-environment
its micro-environment to its macro-environment
答案:its internal environment to its micro-environmentits internal environment to its external environment
[多选题]A movie studio lobbying governments to introduce harsher penalties for the mass copying of pirated DVDs is an example of an organisation attempting to influence its _________.
internal environment
external environment
marketing environment
target market
答案:external environmentmarketing environment
[多选题]Which of the followings are part of an organisation's macro-environment?
Sociocultural forces
Political forces
Competitive forces
Technological forces
答案:Technological forcesSociocultural forcesPolitical forces
[多选题]Which of the followings are examples of an economic macro-environmental force?
A fall in demand for commodities such as coal and iron ore due to the global financial crisis
The Australian dollar rising in value
A rise in interest rates
The level of consumer spending decreasing
答案:The Australian dollar rising in valueA fall in demand for commodities such as coal and iron ore due to the global financial crisisThe level of consumer spending decreasingA rise in interest rates
[多选题]The rising use of social networking sites could be attributed to _________.
sociocultural forces
economic forces
technological forces
legal forces
答案:sociocultural forcestechnological forces
[多选题]Factors those are beyond the organisation's direct control, though the organisation may be able to have some influence over them, are _________.
[多选题]Which of the followings are demographic characteristics?
Marital status
答案:AgeGenderEthnicityMarital status
[多选题]The macro-environment encompasses _________.
local and state geographic levels
marketing planning
the factors outside of the industry that influence the survival of the organisation
country and regional geographic levels
答案:country and regional geographic levels.local and state geographic levels.the factors outside of the industry that influence the survival of the organisation.

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