1. To achieve coherence in a paragraph, we may ( ).

  2. 答案:arrange our ideas in logical order###refer to words or ideas mentioned earlier by using repeated words, synonyms or pronouns###use transitions to link ideas
  3. The text﹘Surviving an economic crisis exposes the severe impact Sue suffered during the economic crisis. Despite her continuous efforts, she had to face the harsh reality of losing ( ) in sequence.

  4. 答案:high living standard###belief and self-esteem###apartment###income
  5. Facing an economic crisis, an economy may experience ( ).

  6. 答案:a recession or depression###a falling GDP###inflation###a drying up of liquidity 流动性萎缩
  7. According to the lecture, three translation skills, namely, ( ), can be applied in the translation of Chinese conjunctions into English.

  8. 答案:conversion###omission###amplification
  9. The text﹘Under the bombs: 1945 presents many vivid descriptions. For example, the author gives a detailed description of how grandfather gets attacked. These details include: ( ).

  10. 答案:the location of my grandfather###the air raids###my grandfather’s reaction
  11. In the text﹘Surviving an economic crisis, Sue had to face new struggles and obstacles like ( ) when she applied for a job.

  12. 答案:how to live at the level of subsistence###what to do for an address for job applications###what to do if her cell phone was cut off for non-payment
  13. Text is not a simple addition of separate sentences, but a semantic integration. ( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. In an argumentative essay, you are attempting to persuade readers to accept your viewpoint. Therefore, there’s no need for you to pay attention to the points of view that conflict with yours. ( )

  16. 答案:错
  17. Without a plot there is no story. ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. Recessions occur when there is a negative disruption to the balance between supply and demand. ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. Chinese is a subject-prominent language, which stresses subject. Each sentence must have the subject except elliptical sentence. ( )

  22. 答案:错
  23. He refuses to clean up his room, probably to irritate his mother. This is a periodic sentence. ( )
  24. As being announced in today’s papers, the Shanghai Commodities Fair is also open on Sunday. This is a run-on sentence. ( )
  25. From the text-Never, ever give up, we learned that Winston Churchill was dismissed from the school because of breaking the rules, as he was not from a noble family. ( )
  26. An argumentative essay takes a position on an issue using logic and evidence to convince readers. ( )
  27. As a number of authors point out, the urge to migrate is a(n) ( ) part of human nature.
  28. They are to leave the house with only their personal possessions, for they have got a letter ordering the immediate ( ) of their occupancy (居住).
  29. The method used in the translation of 刷脸(face-scanning)is ( ).
  30. Richard was finally released on February 4, one year and six weeks after he’d been taken ( ).
  31. Kids are more likely to ( ) in a situation if they believe their parents expect them to help.
  32. Some people think one should read selectively. Because some books are beneficial to him and some books are harmful to him. What’s wrong with the sentence? It’s a ( ).
  33. To tell someone what to do, use a(n) ( ) sentence.
  34. The first lesson I learned as a newcomer for the company was never to ( ) the degree of difficulty I would face in career advancement.
  35. Please grade the following essay according to the grading criteria for CET writing. ( )For many people life in a big city can be attractive. But from my perspective there can also be quite a few challenges.Firstly, life in a big city means more peer pressure, compared with life in small towns. No matter who you are, an undergraduate or a white-collar worker, you have fierce competitions in life, which means, to succeed, you’ ll have to try harder than most people.Additionally, the fast pace of life in a big city can be quite challenging. Typically, one who lives in a big city never has the luxury of spending a whole afternoon over a cup of coffee. To keep with others, they need to be highly efficient and make every minute count.Furthermore, people in big cities have to battle with traffic jam, air pollution and the soaring house prices. They have no choice but to work hard, sometimes at the cost of their health.All in all, life in a big city is challenging, and we'll have to be diligent if we want to fit in.
  36. In the text﹘Surviving an economic crisis, Sue experienced the following things as a result of the economic crisis except ( ).
  37. He could hardly control his ( ) at the conditions under which the miners were forced to work, without water and enough food.
  38. In general, smokers living in cities are slightly more ( ) to lung cancer than smokers who are living in the country.
  39. It was a moment of overwhelming excitement when Steve was given the first prize; Tiffany couldn’t ( ) from hugging and kissing him.
  40. The disaster is already set to be the world’s worst for ground casualties ( ) by a crashing aircraft.
  41. Of the following sentences, which one is correct? ( ).
  42. We thank donors (捐赠人) for their ( ), and ask them to keep up this accelerated pace of donating money, clothes, shoes, blankets and water to the flood victims.
  43. In those days, divorce under any circumstances was socially unacceptable and there was great ( ) in the family who went through it.
  44. Common transitional words for comparison include: ( ).
  45. Virginia was a perfectionist. She was just not prepared to ( ) anything that was second best.
  46. The growing ( ) of computer hardware, operating systems and programs often makes computers more likely to break down.
  47. The text﹘Swimming through fear is ( ) writing.
  48. For people who live in industrialized countries, it is hard to ( ) of living without electricity and other modern conveniences.
  49. The habit of going to coffee houses was ( ) by the city’s relatively small size, safe streets, good public transportations, and moderate climate.
  50. ( ) means that the meaning of the word is clear, so that your readers are not confused.
  51. The economic situation has been worsening, causing economists to ( ) whether the present policies are sustainable.
  52. Inspired by Martin Luther King’s famous speech, “I Have a Dream”, thousands of people went out onto the streets to support the civil rights movement in ( ) of the curfew.
  53. Lucy stretched up to kiss her dad’s cheek lightly, and he patted his daughter as if he was ( ) an honor to her.
  54. It is not possible to determine from raw data just how many accidents were directly ( ) to excessive speed.
  55. The Chinese attributives can be translated into English ( ).
  56. To avoid repetition in our writing, we may ( ).
  57. Some common types of fragments frequently occurred in your writing include ( ).
  58. To win over readers whose viewpoints may differ from ours, we may ( ).
  59. The life story of Winston Churchill is used to ( ).
  60. According to the text﹘The surprising purpose of travel, we travel because: ( ).
  61. The words or phrases that signal causes include ( ).
  62. How to develop and organize the body paragraph? ( )
  63. To emphasize the key elements in a sentence, we can ( ).
  64. According to the text﹘Reflections of a Chinese mother in the West, the main ideological differences between Chinese and Western parents include ( ).
  65. UNICEF is a United Nations program established to help children whose lives and futures were at risk – no matter what country they were from. ( )
  66. Stereotype means a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is wrong. ( )
  67. English sentence structures focus on hypotaxis (形合), while Chinese on parataxis(意合). ( )
  68. Conjunctions play a very important role in making communication coherent and clear. ( )
  69. Free translation is one of the main methods to keep both meaning and form of the source language. ( )
  70. 四大名著 can be translated into four big famous books of Chinese literature. ( )
  71. Buzzwords are not only a language phenomenon but also a social, cultural and psychological one. ( )
  72. Many Chinese parents tend to push their children for success and excellence for the sake of their own “face”. ( )
  73. Lexical gap refers to such lexicons, the message of which cannot find equivalents in the target language. ( )
  74. Whatever your definition of success is, the unchangeable truth is that the road to success is often overflowed with sunshine, flowers, rainbow… as well as strong wind, rainstorms and other hardships. ( )
  75. Both sides were very careful when drafting the ceasefire agreements; they wanted to prevent any actions that could be considered ( ) by either side.
  76. Britain has the highest ( ) of road traffic in the world-over 60 cars for every mile of road.
  77. Miss World’s organizers claim on their official website that ( ) are judged on qualities other than just their physical appearance.
  78. The ego ideal of young children is based on those closest to them, usually the parents, and later on other educators who have some ( ) to their parents.
  79. The heavy rain started suddenly, so we stopped planting our trees.This is a ( ) sentence.
  80. Beth was ( ) about visiting his ex-boy friend; she worried that he might refuse to talk to her.
  81. It’s legally possible for an elderly person to ( ) someone to act for them, should they become incapable of looing after themselves.
  82. Young students should develop a broad ( ) of interests, which their parents should encourage and support as best as possible.
  83. If police officers were engaged in severe misconduct, serious ( ) charges can be brought against them.
  84. Happiness ( ) from Mary as she proudly told her parents about her remarkable success in achieving her career goals.
  85. “Area bell” and“地下室门铃”, “rose leaves” and “玫瑰花瓣”are words of ( ).
  86. The text﹘Never, ever give up! is developed by means of ( ).
  87. The ( ) essay is a kind of essay that asks us to describe something﹘a person, a place, or even something abstract like a feeling or a thought.
  88. Which translation skill is used in the translation of “天问”(Tianwen) ? ( )
  89. Ask your doctor whether a low-fat diet and a daily walk will ( ) to reduce your high blood pressure.
  90. I would never have ( ) a court of law if I hadn’t been so desperate.
  91. Du Fu was a great poet. This sentence violates the principle of ( ).
  92. It is understandable that the health and welfare of their family is a(n) ( ) concern for this young couple.
  93. The village was divided between those who wanted him cleared of crime and those who wanted the ( ) against him proven.
  94. I asked the waitress to refill my coffee cup and she happily ( ) repeatedly until I had consumed enough coffee to stay up all night and study for my exam.
  95. 售票处(Ticket Office)is a ( ) public sign.
  96. I don’t think she’d get angry if you were a little more ( ) when you disagreed with her on matters of child rearing.
  97. Unless we can find a way to ( ) nature and then invest in protecting it, our basic life-support systems are going to collapse.
  98. 传说中国古代哲学家墨子用了三年时间在潍坊制作了世界上首个风筝。It is ( ) that the ancient Chinese philosopher Motze took three years to make the first kite right in Weifang.
  99. It’s 4:15 in the morning, and my alarm clock has just stolen away a lovely dream. Which rhetorical device is used in this sentence? ( )
  100. I would love to have kids. I would ( ) an Oscar to see my boy at a baseball game or my girl at a song recital.
  101. At first, the ( ) of color pictures over a long distance seemed impossible, but, with painstaking efforts and at great expense, it became a reality.
  102. Health experts are now ( ) that even a little exercise, such as doing housework or light gardening, is far better than none at all.
  103. The princess who was brought up in wealth understood that many things that are common and everyday to her are unimaginable luxuries to people on ( ) wages.
  104. When my car crashed into the big tree, I could feel the blood draining from my face and I wondered whether I was about to ( ).
  105. Investigators work with local law ( ) agencies and the court system of a country when it becomes necessary to punish those found guilty of stealing software.
  106. With the development of modern industries, a lot of traditional values that developed from a farm-based economy have been enormously ( ).
  107. The company was reportedly going bankrupt and this would result in the ( ) of thousands of employees.
  108. Taking all these into account, we can easily notice that it is reasonable to do small things before big ones. So before doing important things, let's empty our dustbin first!This conclusion ends with ( ).
  109. Please grade the following essay according to the grading criteria for CET writing. ( )Many callenges living in the big city. People is want to go here. It's a problem for their. The callege is one of the big thing.In my opions, many peoples went here believed their chance, examples, good job, more money and so on. Maybe it's a change more happy in the big city. The chance is more than others. In the big city, there more chance know the world. It will make they grow up a people. But in the big city, the stress will more than others. Many youngters leaving the big city. No money is one of question. They payed many, many money in the big city to go. I think challenges living in a big city good for their. They will be know more, have many develope, It’s good for their.The challenges should live in it. It's good for their. That’s all.
  110. The author, by employing __________, presents a view that the Chinese parenting method is more beneficial to children in preparing them for the future.
  111. According to the lecture, two translation rules should be kept in mind when translating. They are _________.
  112. When we write an argumentative essay, our main purpose is to convince the readers that our particular view or opinion on a controversial issue is correct. There’s no need for us to persuade the readers to take some sort of action.
  113. The correct translation of “黄河”is _______.
  114. Please grade the following essay according to what you have learned in the above lecture.(2)In recent years, more and more peoples choice live in the big city, so that they should face to many challenges. Such as environmental phenomena, translation, lack of water… I list some of problems and give to some suggestions.Firstly, based on the people increasing, the environmental phenomena are becoming more and more phroment, bottles were pushed on everywhere. It is necessary for we must take care of our environment. We must education people. Secondly, with the building are being built, we have to use area instead of plant trees or bother green plants. We found the water are decrease, we start to lack of water, we need to save water in order to our life. I think plant green is very important. Finally, more and more taxi, bus on the street, the air pollution are becoming more and more serious. We need to do something to solve it.I hope live in big city will better and better in futhure.
  115. Please grade the following essay according to what you have learned in the above lecture.(1)For those living in a small town, they may think living in a big city is quite comfortable and exciting. However, there are still many challenges.The biggest one among these problems, I think, is about the pollution. Every day, you have to stand the noise, air pollution, water pollution, and so on. You eat food that is polluted. All these can cause harm for your health. Besides, it's common for people to be always in a hurry. They have so much work to do and barely have free time. As a result, there is less and less communication between people. The third problem is about traffic. People prefer drive cars to go to work. In peak work hours, there are so many traffic jams on the road that you can find it quite hard to travel to work place.After all, there are many challenges of living in a big city. If you love living in such a big city, you have to pay for it.
  116. Cautionary public signs can be translated with ________, etc. according to the degree of severity.
  117. Only respect children, can parents really understand them and be accepted by them.
  118. Directive public signs usually give readers related information about what it is and its service provided.
  119. Acording to the lecture, how to love kids as parents?
  120. Which of the following is not a cause of the fluctuations in inflation and interest rates?
  121. If we want to tell readers the impact a person had on our life, our essay would focus on causes.
  122. The translation materials are usually expository essays about Chinese culture. Some expressions and sentence structures may repeat and are frequently used to introduce various traditional customs in China.
  123. When caught in economic crisis or recession, people may experience the following things except________?
  124. Buzzwords are not only a language phenomenon but also a social, cultural and psychological one.
  125. The root cause for Sue’s bad luck stemmed from the fact that she was no longer allowed to claim unemployment insurance benefits.
  126. An unfinished good essay is better than a finished OK essay.
  127. In order to convince effectively in an argumentative essay, you must base your argument on _________.
  128. Pay attention to the inflection of verbs while doing Chinese-English translation because verbs may be inflected with the change of the following except _________.
  129. Which is the proper translation of “欠发达地区”?
  130. According to the lecture, the effects of war usually include destruction of land and property, displacement of citizens, even post-traumatic stress disorder of the people involved, especially children.
  131. The substitution method is used in the translation of _________.
  132. From my perspective, under no circumstances should we undervalue the power of doing small things. Instead, we should regard small things as the source of experience, skills and the prerequisite of success. This conclusion ends with ____________.
  133. According to the lecture, the place “雄安” should be translated as_______.
  134. Text A in Unit 6 includes many vivid descriptions. For example, the author gives a detailed description of how people evacuated the city in Paragraph 3.  They are ________.
  135. When you list the advantages or disadvantages of something, do not say “I think it has many advantages or disadvantages.”
  136. According to the lecture, peace is very important in our lives and it is essential to our overall well-being.
  137. Which is the proper translation of “药草”?
  138. What does “六亲” refer to in Chinese?
  139. Text A in Unit 6 presents the depiction of the brutal suffering of a family in the war through the eyes of a seven-year-old child.
  140. Selecting a new career path should be a carefully thought-out process. What are the suggestions mentioned in the lecture?
  141. The body part of Text A is from Paragraph 4 to Paragraph 8. The author presents the differences between workers and laborers from different perspectives. In this part the author uses the ______ when contrasting workers and laborers.
  142. When there is a verb in a Chinese attributive, the Chinese attributive can be translated into English participles, infinitives, and clauses.
  143. As to the place of attributives in a sentence, English attributives are usually placed _______ the head word.
  144. 他爱看戏,她爱待在家,他俩总是吵。They led a cat and dog life, _________ she was a stay-at-home, while he’s  a theater-goer.
  145. A topic sentence is _______________.
  146. Text A in Unit 5 argues, by differentiating among work, labor, and play, that interest and enjoyment in work are important for the benefit of both individual and society.
  147. The World Health Organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at least two million people each year. Which method is employed in this sentence to illustrate how harmful smoking is?
  148. 任何一个人,如果不努力学习新东西,都会被时代所淘汰。Any person ________ refuses to learn new things will be left behind the times.
  149. According to the lecture, one common piece of advice you might hear when looking for jobs is to “follow your passion.”
  150. According to the lecture, the wonders of reading include: ______.
  151. Kelly told her instructor that she had made a mistake.What’s wrong with the sentence?
  152. According to the lecture,  travelling can help us to dispel “stereotype” toward an exotic culture for the following reasons except___________.
  153. Stereotyping is the process of creating a picture of a whole culture, overgeneralizing all people belonging to the same culture as having similar characteristics and categorizing  people accordingly.
  154. It is important to distinguish when and how to add subject while doing Chinese-English translation.
  155. It is cohesive among sentences and paragraphs in a text, such as _________.
  156. At a basic level, cause-and-effect essays are mainly cause-focused,  effect-focused or causes and effects-focused.
  157. He visited all the famous historical monuments of this ancient city, and he also found out that the people of the city had to pay heavy taxes.  This is a unified sentence.
  158. An effective sentence should ______________.
  159. Text A in Unit 4 tries to illustrate the reason why we travel – because we need mental refreshment for creativity.
  160. Chinese sentences are usually in the topic-comment pattern for its ________ prominent feature.
  161. The United States' highest civilian award refers to the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
  162. The river was more than a mile wide, he could not swim across.What’s wrong with the sentence? It’s a ____________.
  163. Audrey Hepburn impressed us deeply not only for her starring roles in the film domain, but also the roles she preferred most as an exemplary mother and a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.
  164. Every sentence must have a subject and a verb but may not necessarily express a complete thought.
  165. Hypotaxis means the dependent or subordinate construction or relationship of clauses ______ connectives.
  166. Hepburn was a successful actress because of her powerful family background.
  167. Chinese thinking pattern is greatly influenced by Confucianism, emphasizing the holistic.
  168. Which of the following facts can Not indicate that Audrey Hepburn remained true to herself despite her fame and wealth?
  169. I have many hobbies. Including tennis, chess, and golf.What’s wrong with the sentence? It’s a ____________.
  170. Plotting a story well is key to building a cohesive narrative.
  171. Which of the following way is not mentioned to confront your worries?
  172. Why should we practice our speech before we give it?
  173. When we prepare a speech, we need to recite it word-for-word.
  174. Don’t call me unless it’s a real emergency. This is a __________ sentence.
  175. The author tried to save the boy, but the rip current seemed to triumph. This is the time of the greatest tension and is thus the climax of the plot.
  176. As periodic and balanced sentences are very impressive, we should use more of them in writing.
  177. The author was determined to save the boy from the beginning without any hesitation.
  178. There are lexical gaps because of the influence of many factors, such as__________.
  179. Some culture-loaded words in Chinese without equivalents in English are usually translated through _________.
  180. From the video clip, we learn that to achieve success, we need to have the following qualities except________.
  181. A wise selection of sufficient examples and an expert arrangement of these examples are two key factors in writing a successful example essay.
  182. How to make your general language specific?
  183. It’s hard for foreigners to imagine the original representations of Chinese characters, without adequate knowledge of Chinese culture.
  184. Yan Fu set his famous translation criteria: the trinity principle of xin, da, ya during his translation of ____________.
  185. Which of the following statement is not proper in defining your core values in life?
  186. What are the four periods of Chinese translation history according to the lecture?
  187. With China’ increased role in the world, more and more foreigners are deeply attracted by the Chinese language and culture and gradually acquire the language.
  188. Einstein and Edison are examples cited to illustrate the point that nothing can inhibit a strong spirit committed to success.
  189. ________________ means that the words you use are precise and they express your ideas clearly.
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