第九章 The Needs That Drive Us All:本单元主要探讨相关背景知识——马斯洛需求层次理论、课文结构和衔接、重点词句、课文内容及主旨,使学生对驱动人类活动的基本需求及其表现得以深刻了解和掌握。9.1Background Information:本节课主要介绍关于课文主题——人类需求的背景知识,即对马斯洛层次需求理论的五个层次及其拓展内容进行简要介绍,以便学生深刻全面地理解课文主题。
9.2Analysis of Text Structure:本节课主要分析课文的结构,重点分析课文各部分之间的衔接。
9.3Explanation of Key and Difficult Expressions:本节课主要对课文中比较重要和难以理解的词、词组、句子进行解释和分析。
9.4Analysis of Content:本节课主要分析课文内容。
[单选题]Self-actualization needs refer to realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. They indicate a desire to become everything one is capable of becoming. So which of the following is a good example to manifest the realization of this kind of needs? _______.

选项:[Being friendly, A harmonious family, Sufficient food, A respectful team leader]
[单选题]“When someone uses his power to help downtrodden people satisfy any of their needs, especially to get some power, this use of power is humane. ” In this sentence, the underlined word “humane” means______.

选项:[malicious, humanitarian, cruel, human]
[判断题]There is an obvious conclusion in this article which clearly tells us the importance of psychological needs.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]What might not be believed by the author?

选项:[Power is a moral issue., Power is a basic need., The need for power is written in people’s genes., Learning is a natural pleasure and good teaching should satisfy the students’ need for fun.]
[单选题]Most of us cannot get through a day without complaint; to be satisfied with how others have treated us for a week would seem like an eternity.

The underlined part in the sentence functions as_______ .

选项:[adverbial of result, part of the predicate, adverbial of purpose, subject]

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