第三章 A Dill Pickle:本单元针对课文的写作背景、结构、人物塑造以及长难句进行分析讲解。3.1Introduction to Katherine Mansfield:本节课重点讲解本文作者的生平和创作特色,辅助学生理解本文写作特色、创作背景和主题。
3.2Analysis of Text Structure:本节课主要对课文的结构进行分析和讲解。
3.3Character Analysis:本节课主要对课文中的人物塑造方法进行解释,通过穿插练习并结合课内课外内容,帮助学生掌握在文学作品中人物分析的方法。
3.4Explanation of Key and Difficult Expressions:本节课重点分析课文中的语言重点和难点,辅助学生更深层次地理解课文深层含义。
3.5Writing Techniques:本节课主要对课文中涉及的倒叙、意识流和象征的小说写作技巧进行简单介绍,帮助学生掌握文学作品的阅读技巧。
[单选题]Which of the following sentences is NOT an example of depicting a character through his or her looks?

选项:[You look so well. I’ve never seen you look so well before., He had lost all that dreamy vagueness and indecision., But as she watched him draw her glove through his fingers, gently, gently..., The man is “far better looking now than he had been then.”]
[单选题]He had lost all that dreamy vagueness and indecision. Now he had the air of a man who has found his place in life.

选项:[made his living, found a successful career, found a position in life]
[单选题]The writing techniques we discussed in “A Dill Pickle” include all the following items except _______.

选项:[flashback, foreshadowing, stream of consciousness, symbolism]
[单选题]What is the genre of the text?

选项:[poetry, short story, novel, novella]
[判断题]Mansfield’s influence on the development of drama writing as a form of literature was notable.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]At the end of the story, Vera left the man. This belongs to which element of short story?

选项:[resolution, complication, climax, exposition]
[单选题]Which of the following is true to fiction?

选项:[Some fictions don’t have literary merit., All fictions have exposition., Most fictions are based on reality., All fictions are narrative.]

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