
Human parasitology人体寄生虫学

  1. Kala-azar can caused by:( )

  2. A:Leishmania Donovani B:Entamoeba histolytica C:Giardia Lamblia D:Plasmodium vivax
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Leishmania Donovani。Kala-azar即黑热病,是由利什曼原虫中的杜氏利什曼原虫(Leishmania Donovani)引起的疾病。其他选项中,Entamoeba histolytica是溶组织内阿米巴,Giardia Lamblia是小肠阿米巴病,Plasmodium vivax是疟疾。因此,答案是A。'
  3. The trophozoite of Giardia Lamblia has a concave sucking disc, which helps in its attachment to the( )

  4. A:Liver B:intestinal mucosa C:Lung D:Heart
    答案:mature cystAI参考:The trophozoite of Giardia Lamblia has a concave sucking disc, which helps in its attachment to the intestinal mucosa.答案:B。解释:Giardia是一种寄生虫,其滋养体(trophozoite)具有一个凹陷的吸盘(sucking disc),这个吸盘有助于它附着在肠粘膜(intestinal mucosa)上。因此,选项B是正确的。其他选项A(肝脏)、C(肺)和D(心脏)都不是滋养体与人体组织的正确对应关系。'
  5. Schistosoma japonicum requires ( ) intermediate host.

  6. A:2 B:3 C:4 D:1
    答案:Superior mesenteric vein
  7. The infection stage of Schistosoma japonicum:( )

  8. A:Eggs B:Cercariae C:Cysticercus D:Miracidium
  9. Which of the following drug can be given to pregnant females infected with Giardia Lamblia.( )

  10. A:Paromomycin B:Tinidazole C:Metronidazole D:Furazolidone
  11. Pinworm’s eggs are deposited in large numbers on the perianal and perineal skin at ( ).

  12. A:day B:morning C:night D:afternoon
  13. In Toxoplasma gondii, the rapidly proliferating trophozoites in acute infection are called( )

  14. A:Pseudocyst B:Oocyst C:Tachyzoites D:Bradyzoites
    答案:all of the above
  15. Which of the following protozoa is named traveller's diarrhea.( )

  16. A:Plasmodium vivax B:Toxoplasma gondii C:Giardia Lamblia D:Entamoeba histolytica
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Toxoplasma gondii。Toxoplasma gondii是一种常见的寄生虫,可以引起旅行者腹泻,因此选项B是正确答案。其他选项中,Plasmodium vivax是疟原虫,Giardia Lamblia是小肠阿米巴病,Entamoeba histolytica是溶组织阿米巴病,这些疾病通常不会引起旅行者腹泻。'
  17. Which host does the larval stage of the parasite lives, and asexual multiplication takes place in there? ( )

  18. A:Definitive host B:Transport host C:Intermediate host D:Reservoir host
    答案:Coronary angiography(DSA)AI参考:正确答案是C:Intermediate host。寄生虫的幼虫阶段生活并进行无性繁殖的宿主是中间宿主(C对)。确定宿主(A错)、运输宿主(B错)和储存宿主(D错)都是寄生虫的终宿主。在寄生虫的感染过程中,幼虫在中间宿主体内发育成熟后,会离开中间宿主并感染终宿主,这一过程通常需要中间宿主作为寄生物和其寄生阶段的过渡体。因此,正确答案为C,即中间宿主。'
  19. Which is the gold standard for diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis?( )

  20. A:Culture B:Demonstration of amastigotes in smears of tissue aspirates C:ELISA D:animal inoculation methods
    答案:In type 2 diabetes, there is frequently a lymphocytic infiltration of the islets followed by a progressive loss of PP cells.AI参考:正确答案是B:Demonstration of amastigotes in smears of tissue aspirates。诊断内脏利什曼病的确诊标准是涂片检出组织内的裂殖体(Demonstration of amastigotes in smears of tissue aspirates)。其他选项A(culture)需要进行细菌培养,一般不用于利什曼病的诊断;C(ELISA)是一种酶联免疫吸附试验,可用于病原体的检测,但一般不用于直接确诊;D(animal inoculation methods)是动物接种方法,虽然可以用于实验性的疾病诊断,但并不直接用于人类疾病的诊断。因此,正确答案是B。'
  21. Which of the following protozoa can cause liver abscess( )

  22. A:Giardia Lamblia B:Entamoeba histolytica C:Plasmodium vivax D:Toxoplasma gondii
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Entamoeba histolytica。Entamoeba histolytica是一种单细胞生物,能够引起肝脏脓肿,是引起人类阿米巴肝脓肿的病原体。其他选项中,Giardia Lamblia(A)是一种能够引起腹泻的寄生虫,Plasmodium vivax(C)是疟原虫的一种,而Toxoplasma gondii(D)是弓形虫,主要通过猫传染给人类。因此,B选项是正确答案。'
  23. Which of the following Protozoa can parasites in liver cells?( )

  24. A:Giardia Lamblia B:Plasmodium vivax C:Trichomonas vaginalis D:Entamoeba histolytica
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Entamoeba histolytica。原生物中的溶组织内阿米巴属是肝脏细胞中的寄生虫,也就是选项D Entamoeba histolytica。其他的选项如 Giardia Lamblia 和 Plasmodium vivax 都是原生物中引起其他症状的寄生虫,Trichomonas vaginalis 是一种引起性病的原生物。因此,答案是D。'
  25. Which of the following description about life cycle of roundworm is wrong( )

  26. A:The eggs develop in water B:The adult worms parasite in small intestine C:The eggs develop in soil D:The larvae develop in human’s body
  27. How does Trichomonas Vaginalis change the pH of the vaginal fluid?( )

  28. A:Raise B:lower C:unchanged D:Unidentified
    AI参考:选项B:lower,是正确答案。Trichomonas Vaginalis是一种常见的阴道寄生虫,它会改变阴道液体的pH值。具体来说,它会降低阴道液体的pH值,使其变得更加酸性。因此,答案为B:lower。'
  29. Malaria can caused by a protozoan of the genus Plasmodium in ( ).

  30. A:the mucosal cells of intestine B:red blood cells C:macrophage D:Lung cells
  31. ( ) is the main and probably the only natural host of Entamoeba histolytica.

  32. A:Dog B:Cat C:Cow D:Man
  33. A sporozoite of the parasite Plasmodium falciparum enters the( )and begins to feed and grow.

  34. A:lung cell B:liver cell C:Spleen cell D:Red cell
  35. The roundworm involves ( ) host(s).

  36. A:1 B:3 C:2 D:Unidentified
  37. Diagnosis is confirmed by detection of malaria in the ( ).

  38. A:urine B:blood C:Sputum D:Stool
  39. Giardia Lamblia passes its life cycle in ( ) host.

  40. A:2 B:3 C:4 D:1
  41. The roundworm eggs pass in the feces. This is called the ( ).

  42. A:Undiagnostic stage B:Uninfective stage C:Diagnostic stage D:Infective stage
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Infective stage。题目中描述的是“蛔虫卵通过粪便排出”,这是感染阶段,因此选项D“Infective stage”是正确答案。选项A“Undiagnostic stage”意为“未诊断阶段”,与题目描述不符;选项B“Uninfective stage”意为“无感染阶段”,也与题目描述不符;选项C“Diagnostic stage”意为“诊断阶段”,虽然与题目描述有一定关联,但题目中并未提及诊断过程,因此也不符合题目要求。'
  43. The infective stage of Entamoeba histolytica is ( )

  44. A:Trophozoite B:Oocyst C:Cyst D:Both trophozoite and cyst
  45. The standard treatment of visceral leishmaniasis consists( )

  46. A:Paromomycin B:Tinidazole C:Metronidazole D:a pentavalent antimonial compound.
  47. Plasmodium is transmitted to human by the bite of ( )

  48. A:an infected male anopheles mosquito B:an infected male sandfly C:an infected female anopheles mosquito D:an infected female sandfly
  49. As malaria progresses, the patient may exhibit an enlarged spleen and/or liver and anemia. ( )

  50. A:对 B:错
  51. Schistosomes are dioecious.( )

  52. A:错 B:对
  53. Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) are the best anti-malarial drugs available now. ( )

  54. A:对 B:错
  55. The trophozoite of Giardia Lamblia is the infective form of the parasite.( )

  56. A:错 B:对
    答案:mature cystAI参考:B.对。Giardia Lamblia是一种常见的寄生虫,其滋养体(trophozoite)是感染性的形式,能够感染人和动物。因此,该判断题是正确的。'
  57. In all the parasites, there is only one intermediate host to complete different larval stages. ( )

  58. A:错 B:对
    答案:Hookworm,Enterobius vermicularis,Fasciolopsis buski,Taenia saginataAI参考:答案:B:对。根据题目描述,在所有的寄生虫中,只有一个中间宿主来完成不同的幼虫阶段。因此,这个说法是正确的,答案为B。'
  59. Amastigote form of Leishmania Donovani lives in the sandfly and in artificial culture.( )

  60. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B.对。Amastigote form of Leishmania Donovani是利什曼原虫在沙蝇体内的发育阶段,同时也存在于人工培养基中。因此,这个说法是正确的。'
  61. The Cysticercus of beef tapeworm can infect man.( )

  62. A:对 B:错
  63. The infective form of Trichomonas Vaginalis is the Cysts.( )

  64. A:对 B:错
    答案:SporozoiteAI参考:答案是B:错。Trichomonas Vaginalis的感染形式是Cysts(孢子),但实际上它的感染形式还包括其他形式,如Trophozoites(滋养体)和Oocysts(卵囊)。因此,该题判断错误。'
  65. Sexual transmission is the usual mode of infection in Trichomonas Vaginalis. ( )

  66. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B:错。Trichomonas vaginalis是一种性传播疾病,但是它也可以通过间接接触传播,如使用共用浴巾、浴盆等。因此,单纯的性传播并不是其主要的感染途径。所以,这个判断题是错误的。'
  67. Man acquires infection of Giardia Lamblia by ingestion of cysts in contaminated water and food.( )

  68. A:错 B:对
    答案:MetronidazoleAI参考:正确答案是B:对。Giardia Lamblia是一种寄生虫,可以通过摄入被污染的水和食物而感染人类。因此,选项B“Man acquires infection of Giardia Lamblia by ingestion of cysts in contaminated water and food”是正确的。选项A“错”与此描述不符。'
  69. How to prevent amoebiasis?( )

  70. A:Food and drinks must be protected from flies and cockroach. B:Drinking water must be boiled . C:Fresh human feces should not be used as fertilizer. D:Pay attention to personal hygiene
  71. WHO-recommended measures for malaria prevention include:( )

  72. A:the timely use of malaria testing and treatment B:the routine use of insecticide-treated bed nets C:Do not drink contaminated water D:indoor spraying with insecticides
    AI参考:正确选项为:B:the routine use of insecticide-treated bed nets。世界卫生组织推荐的预防疟疾的措施包括:定期使用驱虫蚊帐(B对),这是最有效的预防措施之一;不喝污染的水(C对),但这不是专门针对疟疾的预防措施;及时治疗和检测疟疾(A对),但这并不是预防措施,而是治疗措施;室内喷洒杀虫剂(D错)通常用于控制疟疾的传播,但并不是专门针对疟疾的预防措施。所以答案是B、C、D都可以入选,但是根据选项完整度,只应该选择B选项。'
  73. Which hosts dose L. donovani need to complete its life cycle( )

  74. A:female sandfly B:Mosquito C:man, or some other mammal D:Fish
    AI参考:正确选项为A:female sandfly莱氏耶氏线虫(L. donovani)的生命周期需要雌性沙蝇作为其宿主。选项B中的蚊子并不是必需的,选项C中的哺乳动物或其他动物也不是必需的,选项D中的鱼类也并不是其生命周期中必需的宿主。因此,只有选项A是正确的。'
  75. Which of the following forms that Leishmania Donovani exists:( )

  76. A:Cyst B:amastigote form C:promastigote form D:Trophozoite
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:amastigote form】。莱氏滴虫存在的一种形式是amastigote形式,这是一种在寄生虫体内进行生命活动的形式。而选项A的cyst(囊肿)通常指的是某些生物体在特定环境下的封闭结构,与莱氏滴虫无关;选项C的promastigote(鞭毛虫形式)是疟原虫的一种存在形式,与Leishmania Donovani无关;选项D的trophozoite(滋养体)是某些寄生虫在寄主体内进行生命活动的一种形式,但并非Leishmania Donovani的特定存在形式。因此,B选项amastigote form是正确答案。'
  77. How to prevent the infection of Trichomonas Vaginalis? ( )

  78. AI参考:选项C,使用抗滴虫药物是防止感染阴道滴虫的有效方法。其他选项可能也有效果,但在这个问题中没有详细说明。所以,正确答案是C,使用抗滴虫药物。预防感染阴道滴虫的方法包括保持清洁卫生、避免不洁性行为、使用避孕套等,但最有效的方法是使用抗滴虫药物。这类药物通常由医生开具,并根据感染程度和个体情况来决定使用剂量和频率。在使用抗滴虫药物时,需要遵循医生的建议,并按照药物说明书进行操作。同时,在治疗期间避免性行为,以减少感染的风险。'
  79. Possible clinical symptoms of clonorchiasis include ( )

  80. A:epigastric pain B:Fever C:tender hepatomegaly D:Diarrhea
    答案:all of the above.AI参考:正确答案是 A, C。华支睾吸虫病(又称肝吸虫病)的主要临床表现有上腹隐痛、消化不良、腹泻、恶心、呕吐、食欲减退等消化系统症状,也可有低热、荨麻疹等过敏反应。其中上腹疼痛、肝区疼痛属于肝病的一般表现,可视为临床可能的症状。而腹痛也是其它几种寄生虫病的表现之一。发热为临床常见的病症,一般指发热的症状。另外B、D两项的临床症状都不是华支睾吸虫病的特异性症状,不能根据临床数据作出确诊,而应当综合临床症状以及血清抗体、病原学检测等相关检测数据进行确诊。因此可能的临床症状是AC选项。'
  81. Which of the following measures can be used to prevent Giardiasis?( )

  82. A:Proper disposal of waste water and feces B:Community chlorination of water is not effective for Giadia when in the cyst stage, and boiling of water and filtration by membrane filters are required. C:Practice of personal hygiene like hand-washing before eating and proper disposal of diapers D:Prevention of food and water contamination
    AI参考:正确选项是:A:Proper disposal of waste water and feces C:Practice of personal hygiene like hand-washing before eating and proper disposal of diapers。预防贾第虫病的方法包括:正确处理污水和粪便;个人卫生,如饭前洗手,并妥善处理尿布;对于囊包虫阶段的水,社区氯化效果不显著,需要煮沸或膜过滤来净化水。因此,选项A和C是正确的。选项B提到的是净化水的方法,但是针对的是囊包虫阶段的水,不适用于预防贾第虫病;选项D提到的是防止食物和水污染,但并非专门针对预防贾第虫病的方法。'
  83. The host(s) of the parasite Plasmodium falciparum include(s):( )

  84. A:Cow B:Mosquito C:Human D:sandfly
    AI参考:正确选项为:C:Human。疟原虫(Plasmodium)是一种寄生虫,其中恶性疟原虫(Plasmodium falciparum)是一种对人危害较大的疟原虫。它主要寄生在人体的红细胞内,因此人类是恶性疟原虫的宿主。其他选项中,cow(牛)、mosquito(蚊子)和sandfly(沙蝇)都不是疟原虫的宿主。因此,答案为C选项,即人类。'

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