1. Which of the following can be caused, when the host is ill, particularly when the temperature is above 39℃?( )

  2. 答案:liver abscesses and lung abscesses###obstructive appendicitis###acute biliary obstruction###respiratory obstruction
  3. How to prevent amoebiasis?( )

  4. 答案:Pay attention to personal hygiene###Food and drinks must be protected from flies and cockroach.###Drinking water must be boiled .###Fresh human feces should not be used as fertilizer.
  5. Possible clinical symptoms of clonorchiasis include ( )

  6. 答案:Fever###epigastric pain###tender hepatomegaly###Diarrhea
  7. How to preventvisceral leishmaniasis? ( )

  8. 答案:Early detection and treatment of all cases###Personal prophylaxis by using anti-sandfly measures like, using thick clothes, bed nets, window mesh, or insect repellants and keeping the environment clean.###Integrated insecticidal spraying to reduce sandfly population.###Destruction of animal reservoir host in cases of zoonotic Kala-azar.
  9. A person who is infected by malaria may present the following symptoms( )

  10. 答案:malaise###chills###Headache###Fever
  11. The clinical features of Kala-Azar include( )

  12. 答案:fever###Skin becomes dry, rough, and darkly pigmented###anemic, emaciation and loss of weight###Splenomegaly
  13. Ascariasis can be controlled by( )

  14. 答案:By preventing fecal contamination of soil. The use of human feces to fertilize crops will lead to spread of the infection, unless destruction of eggs is ensured by proper composting.###By improving of personal hygiene.###By washing hands before meals and not eating raw vegetables or drinking untreated contaminated water.###By treating infected persons, especially children.
  15. Clonorchiasis can be prevented by ( )

  16. 答案:proper disposal of feces###proper cooking of fish and shrimp###Control of snails
  17. The nutritional effects are the most important manifestations of ascariasis. ( )

  18. 答案:错
  19. In all the parasites, there is only one intermediate host to complete different larval stages. ( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. The trophozoite of Giardia Lamblia is the infective form of the parasite.( )

  22. 答案:错
  23. Sexual transmission is the usual mode of infection in Trichomonas Vaginalis. ( )
  24. Giardiasis can be diagnosed by identification of cysts of Giardia lamblia in the formed stools and the trophozoites and cysts of the parasite in diarrheal stools.( )
  25. A family is a common place where the infection of pinworm can happen.( )
  26. Man acquires infection of lung flukes by eating undercooked crab or crayfish containing Cercariae. ( )
  27. The infective form of Trichomonas Vaginalis is the Cysts.( )
  28. Amastigote form of Leishmania Donovani lives in the sandfly and in artificial culture.( )
  29. The Cysticercus of beef tapeworm can infect man.( )
  30. The trophozoite of Giardia Lamblia has a concave sucking disc, which helps in its attachment to the( )
  31. Oocyst of Toxoplasma Gondii develop in( ) hosts.
  32. The infective stage of Entamoeba histolytica is ( )
  33. ( )may cause gastrointestinal hemorrhage, which is the major cause of death in advanced cases.
  34. Malaria can caused by a protozoan of the genus Plasmodium in ( ).
  35. The severity of fetal damage is the highest, when infection of Toxoplasma Gondii is transmitted in ( ).
  36. Diagnosis is confirmed by detection of malaria in the ( ).
  37. The intermediate host of Toxoplasma Gondii is ( )
  38. Which of the following description about life cycle of roundworm is wrong( )
  39. Amastigote of L. donovani exists in the ( )
  40. Which of the following Protozoa can parasites in liver cells?( )
  41. The infection stage of Schistosoma japonicum:( )
  42. In Toxoplasma gondii, the rapidly proliferating trophozoites in acute infection are called( )
  43. A sporozoite of the parasite Plasmodium falciparum enters the( )and begins to feed and grow.
  44. A beef tapeworm passes its life cycle in ( ) hosts.
  45. ( ) is the main and probably the only natural host of Entamoeba histolytica.
  46. 1 What is the adult parasite lives in and undergoes sexual reproduction called?( )
  47. Pinworm’s eggs are deposited in large numbers on the perianal and perineal skin at ( ).
  48. Which is the gold standard for diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis?( )
  49. Kala-azar can caused by:( )
  50. Which of the following drug can be given to pregnant females infected with Giardia Lamblia.( )
  51. Schistosoma japonicum requires ( ) intermediate host.
  52. The roundworm involves ( ) host(s).
  53. The life cycle of Fasciolopsis Buski needs( )
  54. Medical arthropods are very important as vectors of disease, causing direct harms to human. ( )
  55. All of the following are correct regarding fertilized egg of Ascaris except ( )
  56. Which of the following evidences can be used to judge the vector of the disease?( )
  57. The first intermediate host of Paragonimus westermani is ( )
  58. Which of the following measures are considered to be used for arthropods control:( )
  59. Which of the following is/are not belong to class archnida?( )
  60. Schistosomes is considered by the WHO as the (  ) most socioeconomically devastating parasitic disease, with hundreds of millions of people infected in the world.
  61. Generally, disease transmission of medical arthropods can be accomplished in () ways.( )
  62. Adult worms of pinworm are found in the intestine. ( )
  63. The liver fluke requires ( ) intermediate host(s)
  64. In the parasite opinion, which types do the hosts have?( )
  65. The protozoa that usually does not parasitize inside the cells is ( )
  66. Metronidazole is the drug which can cure ( )
  67. Which of the following parasites can be infected by blood transfusion( )
  68. Definitive host is one ( )
  69. Which parasite cannot exist without a host?( )
  70. Generally, how many groups is the parasitology broadly divided into: ( )
  71. True about Giardia is ( )
  72. How many groups can Endoparasites can further be classified?( )
  73. Crescent-shaped or banana-shaped gametocytes are seen in infection with ( )
  74. Clonorchiasis can be prevented by ( )
  75. Clinical manifestations of extra-intestinal amoebiasis depends on the organ involved. It includes( )
  76. The protozoa causing diarrhea are( )
  77. Which of the following measures can be used to prevent Giardiasis?( )
  78. Which of the following can be caused, when the host is ill, particularly when the temperature is above 39℃?( )
  79. The second intermediate hosts of Paragonimus Westermani include:( )
  80. Humans acquire infection of Toxoplasma Gondii by:( )
  81. Which of the following forms that Leishmania Donovani exists:( )
  82. Giardiasis can be diagnosed by identification of cysts of Giardia lamblia in the formed stools and the trophozoites and cysts of the parasite in diarrheal stools.( )
  83. Amastigote form of Leishmania Donovani lives in the sandfly and in artificial culture.( )
  84. Man acquires infection of Giardia Lamblia by ingestion of cysts in contaminated water and food.( )
  85. The infective form of Trichomonas Vaginalis is the Cysts.( )
  86. Malaria is characterized by repeated bouts of fever, each which correlates with the synchronized released merozoites from a population of red blood cells. ( )
  87. As malaria progresses, the patient may exhibit an enlarged spleen and/or liver and anemia. ( )
  88. Acquired Toxoplasmosis results when T.gondii is transmitted through the placenta from mother to fetus.( )
  89. The roundworm larvae should pass liver or lungs to develop into adults. ( )
  90. Schistosomes are dioecious.( )
  91. People get Taeniasis by eating the eggs in contaminated vegetable, food, and water. ( )
  92. The life cycle of Entamoeba histolytica is simple and completed in( ) host.
  93. Diagnosis is confirmed by detection of malaria in the ( ).
  94. Which of the following Protozoa can parasites in liver cells?( )
  95. The infection stage of Schistosoma japonicum:( )
  96. The vector of L. donovani is ( )
  97. Amastigote of L. donovani exists in the ( )
  98. Toxoplasma Gondii exists in ( ) forms.
  99. In Toxoplasma gondii, the rapidly proliferating trophozoites in acute infection are called( )
  100. The roundworm eggs pass in the feces. This is called the ( ).
  101. ( ) is the main and probably the only natural host of Entamoeba histolytica.
  102. Pinworm’s eggs are deposited in large numbers on the perianal and perineal skin at ( ).
  103. A beef tapeworm passes its life cycle in ( ) hosts.
  104. The trophozoite of Giardia Lamblia has a concave sucking disc, which helps in its attachment to the( )
  105. Giardia Lamblia exists in ( ) forms.
  106. ( ) is the most common place for the chronic stage of Toxoplasma Gondii infection.
  107. A sporozoite of the parasite Plasmodium falciparum enters the( )and begins to feed and grow.
  108. Kala-azar can caused by:( )
  109. Schistosoma japonicum requires ( ) intermediate host.
  110. Malaria can caused by a protozoan of the genus Plasmodium in ( ).
  111. The severity of fetal damage is the highest, when infection of Toxoplasma Gondii is transmitted in ( ).
  112. ( ) is the most affected organ by L. donovani ?
  113. The standard treatment of visceral leishmaniasis consists( )
  114. Which of the following protozoa is named traveller's diarrhea.( )
  115. Oocyst of Toxoplasma Gondii develop in( ) hosts.
  116. Generally, disease transmission of medical arthropods can be accomplished in () ways.( )
  117. Medical arthropods are very important as vectors of disease, causing direct harms to human. ( )
  118. Adult worms of pinworm are found in the intestine. ( )
  119. Which of the following measures are considered to be used for arthropods control:( )
  120. Which of the following evidences can be used to judge the vector of the disease?( )
  121. The first intermediate host of Paragonimus westermani is ( )
  122. The liver fluke requires ( ) intermediate host(s)
  123. All of the following are correct regarding fertilized egg of Ascaris except ( )
  124. Schistosomes is considered by the WHO as the (  ) most socioeconomically devastating parasitic disease, with hundreds of millions of people infected in the world.
  125. Which of the following is/are not belong to class archnida?( )
  126. How many groups can Endoparasites can further be classified?( )
  127. Definitive host is one ( )
  128. The protozoa that usually does not parasitize inside the cells is ( )
  129. True about Giardia is ( )
  130. Which parasite cannot exist without a host?( )
  131. Generally, how many groups is the parasitology broadly divided into: ( )
  132. Which of the following parasites can be infected by blood transfusion( )
  133. In the parasite opinion, which types do the hosts have?( )
  134. Crescent-shaped or banana-shaped gametocytes are seen in infection with ( )
  135. Metronidazole is the drug which can cure ( )
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