1. If you need anything for your travel, you can easily find it here, such as ( ) .

  2. 答案:phone cards
  3. Passenger: Excuse me, how long does this High Speed EMU G1021 from Wuhan take us to Guangzhou?Conductor: . ( )

  4. 答案:Nearly 4 hours.
  5. As you exit the station, please head straight to the ( ).

  6. 答案:taxi area
  7. ( ) of the fare will be reimbursed after a passenger cancels a ticket.

  8. 答案:95%
  9. The weight limitations for checked baggage are ( ) kilograms per piece.

  10. 答案:50
  11. ( ) can be used within China; ( ) are acceptable when the train has left China.

  12. 答案:Chinese Yuan; US Dollars
  13. Passenger: Does high-speed train stop at Wuxi?Clerk: . ( )

  14. 答案:Some trains stop.
  15. If you’re a passenger, how to find your waiting lounge? ( )

  16. 答案:Watching electronic message board.
  17. K 23 is from Beijing via Erlian to ( ) .

  18. 答案:Ulan-Bator
  19. Jingjiu Line is from Beijing to ( ).

  20. 答案:Kowloon
  21. During the meal periods, an attendant will pass( )the train about every 15 minutes with a cart that has pre-packaged meals from the dining car.

  22. 答案:through
  23. Sandie Spring drops through( ) craggy tiers with a fall of 155 meters.
  24. In many Chinese novels, ( )is renowned as a place which nurtured beauties and romance.
  25. Passenger: Excuse me, I wanna know where the taxi stand is.Passenger Clerk: . ( )
  26. Upon leaving the platform you may have to pass through a gate where ( )will want to see your ticket.
  27. The authentic ticket should be ( ) to the touch. To be opposite, some fake tickets maybe to the feel.
  28. Passenger: What do you have today?Dining Car Attendant: . ( )
  29. If an international train ticket is returned 72 hours ahead of the scheduled departure time, 20% of the fare will be refund. ( )
  30. There is only English translator on China international trains. ( )
  31. Even if there is no passenger in a sleeper an hour after the train has started, the train conductor hasn’t the right to sell the berth to other passengers. ( )
  32. Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Rail is the first of this kind in China which became available after Aug. 1st, 2008, eight days before the opening ceremony of 2008 Beijing Olympic.译文:京津城际铁路是中国首条城际铁路,于2008年8月1日,也就是2008年北京奥运会开幕式前8天开通。( )
  33. In the city center, Nanjing Museum is a must for travelers with a collection of more than 420 thousand pieces, including about 2,000 that are rare and valued.译文:在市中心,南京博物馆是游客的必去之地,馆藏藏品超过42万件,其中约2000件为稀有珍品。( )
  34. The consignment charge is CNY 7.5 / kg for the Beijing-Ulan Bator train. Each bicycle costs CNY 150. The charge on Beijing-Moscow train is CNY 16.8 / kg and a bicycle costs CNY 200. The price is adjusted to the changes of international exchange rate.译文:北京至乌兰巴托的列车托运费7.5元/公斤,每辆自行车托运费为人民币150元。北京至莫斯科的托运费为16.8元/公斤,自行车运费为人民币200元,价格依据国际汇率的变化而调整。( )
  35. The route uses CRH1 trains in eight-car train sets, which can carry 661 passengers. Each day, 15 pairs of trains are scheduled daily between Chengdu and Dujiangyan’s Mountain Qingcheng Station.译文:该线路使用CRH1型列车,共8节车厢,可搭载661名乘客,每天有15趟列车在成都和都江堰的青城山之间运行. ( )
  36. Large stations also may have the “cattle gates” where you snake back and forth before arriving at the station entrance.译文:大型车站也可能有“快速通道”,在到达车站进站口之前,您需要在那里蜿蜒前行。( )
  37. In all cities of China, the ticket windows at railway stations are opened 24 hours round the clock. ( )
  38. K3 departs from Beijing at 07:45 and arrives in Moscow at 14:28 for 6 days, and it leaves every ( ).
  39. Jinan is positioned at the intersection of two major railways:( )and Jiaoji Railway .
  40. Which of the following is welcome speech? ( )
  41. ( )Railway was the first railway to reach Lanzhou (1953).
  42. Passenger: Excuse me, but can I have my luggage, please?Baggageman: . ( )
  43. For lunch and dinner, local dishes are served, mostly( )with some vegetables and meat.
  44. From Beijing, international train service is available to Mongolia, Russia, ( )and North Korea.
  45. Alcohol is ( ) outside of meals.
  46. Gu Ling is located in the ( )of Lushan.
  47. The hard sleeper compartments are ( ) and comprise six fixed bunks, arranged as an upper, middle and lower on either side.
  48. Passenger: Can I claim my bags any time?Clerk: . ( )
  49. Some Z-trains are equipped with only ( )and( ).
  50. A separate waiting lounge is unavailable in the railway stations for passengers taking the soft sleeper. ( )
  51. The Chengdu-Kunming Railway from Sichuan, Guiyang-Kunming Railway from Guizhou, and Nanning-Kunming Railway from Guangxi converge in Kunming from the north, northeast and east.译文:来自四川方向的成昆铁路,从贵州方向来的贵昆铁路,还有从广西开始的南宁-昆明铁路,从北边、东北边和东边三个方向在昆明交汇。( )
  52. For those who hold a sleeper ticket, the ticket should be handed in when getting on the train.译文:持有卧铺票的旅客,应在上车后把车票交给列车员。( )
  53. Passengers can choose to transport checked baggage in the same train they are traveling on or it may be transported in advance.译文:旅客可以选择在不同列车上办理托运行李,也可以选择提前运输。 ( )
  54. The Center Park in Gu Ling was built in 1954. ( )
  55. The Zijinshan Observatory (Purple Mountain Observatory) to the west of the city center was the first modern observatory built in China. ( )
  56. Large stations also may have the “cattle gates” where you snake back and forth before leaving the station. ( )
  57. There are only ( ) comfortable bunks in a luxury soft sleeper compartment, which is equipped with an independent toilet, sofa, tea table, TV and some other facilities equal to a soft sleeper.
  58. In the newer stations for the fast trains, you put your ticket in the ( ).
  59. ( )mobilized 200,000 craftsmen to take part in the construction of the Ancient City Wall in Nanjing.
  60. After you board the train, what should you do first? ( )
  61. Passenger: Excuse me, I will take Train Z20 to Beijing. Can I come into this soft seat waiting room?Passenger clerk: . ( )
  62. Usually your waiting room is packed with passengers and you have to line up for the ticket checking and follow the throng on to the ( ) .
  63. Y-trains are for the convenience of ( ) and their destinations are the popular sights.
  64. In the park there is a large half moon shaped parterre in which stands a great stone bull that is the symbol of Gu Ling.译文:公园里有一个巨大的圆形花坛,花坛上矗立着一头象征牯岭的巨石公牛。( )
  65. If it is transported in the same train, it can be collected as soon as you reach your destination.译文:即使是在同一列火车上运输,到达目的地后依然不可以取走。 ( )
  66. First class seats are roomy and comfortable, five of which are set in a row. ( )
  67. Ticket Scalper refers to those who buy tickets repeatedly and resell them at higher prices. ( )
  68. Food in the dining car is plentiful in China, mainly Western dishes. ( )
  69. Please put your luggage through the X-ray machine and fetch them on the other side.译文:请把您的行李通过X光机,然后到另一边去取行李。( )
  70. You can use the special waiting hall for a small fee like ( ) RMB.
  71. After pre-booking, passengers should pay for their tickets in full at least ( ) days ahead of the trains' departure date.
  72. The Lanxin Railway's eastern terminus is Lanzhou's East railway station. ( )
  73. At the exit you will find a security screening area. ( )
  74. Meandering pathways, fragrant flowers, flourishing trees and a pavilion all add to lively atmosphere of this delightful place.译文:蜿蜒的小径、芬芳的花朵、繁茂的树木和一座亭子都为这个令人愉快的地方增添了活泼的气氛。( )
  75. Train number with none English letter means fast trains. ( )
  76. At the lower right of every ticket, there is an anti-fake two-dimensional pattern which could record train number and date.译文:在每张车票的左下方都有一个防伪二维图案,可以记录车次和日期。 ( )
  77. The famous Confucius Temple (Fuzimiao) is not only a memorial place for the Great Sage in China but has a surrounding area bustling with shops, restaurants and a snack street housed in traditional Chinese architectural buildings.译文:著名的夫子庙不仅包括供奉祭祀圣人之地,还包括周边位于中国传统建筑中的喧闹的商铺、餐馆和小吃街。( )
  78. As of the early 2010, the new Wuhan Railway Station is primarily used by the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed trains, while most regular trains to other destinations continue to use the Hankou and Wuchang stations.译文:截至2010年初,新建的武汉火车站主要用于武广高铁,而大多数去往其他目的地的普通列车继续使用汉口和武昌站。( )
  79. Passenger trains are numbered by a capital English letter followed by numerals. ( )
  80. The original name of Gu Ling was Guniu Ling, as it looks like a ( ).
  81. Passenger: Is there any vegetable and soup?Dining Car Attendant: . ( )
  82. ( )officially opened to the public on February 28, 2003 as a “Museum of Modern Chinese History (1840-1949).”
  83. This is the top level sleeper and the most expensive ticket on a train but only equipped by a few of trains, such as the Beijing-Lhasa trains and Shanghai-Hong Kong trains.译文:这是最高级的卧铺,其票价最为昂贵,大多数列车配备了这种类型,比如北京至拉萨和上海至香港的列车。( )
  84. The topography of Chengde is mainly divided into plateau and mountainous regions, including Yanshan, Yinshan and Qilaotushan mountains, as well as the Luanhe, Liaohe, Chaobaihe and Jiyunhe rivers flowing through the city.译文:承德的地形主要分为平原和山地,包括燕山、阴山和七老图山,以及流经该市的滦河、辽河、潮白河和冀云河。( )
  85. The major spots include Wulao Feng, Sandie Spring, Lulin Lake, Flower Path, Ruqin Lake, Jinxiu Valley, Xianren Dong and Donglin Temple, etc.译文:主要景点包括五老峰、三叠泉、芦林湖、花道、乳琴湖、锦绣谷、仙人洞、东林寺等。( )
  86. A diplomat is allowed to take 30 kg carry-on baggage for free. ( )
  87. The presidential Palace, the former headquarters of the Kuomintang regime (1912-1949) and encompassing 120,000 square metres, officially opened to the public on February 28, 2003 as a “Museum of Modern Chinese History (1840-1949).”译文:总统府是国民党(1912-1949)的前司令部,占地12万平方米,作为“中国现代史博物馆(1840-1949)”于2003年1月28日正式对外开放。( )
  88. Because all the city names are all in Chinese, a foreigner can’t find his waiting room. ( )
  89. If an international train ticket is returned or changed less than 3 hours after the train leaving, 80% of a seat-ticket fare will be refund but no fare will be refund for a sleeper-ticket. No service charge is refund.译文:如果在发车前3小时内办理国际列车车票的退票或改签,退票额为座位票的80%,卧铺票不退票,服务费概不退还。 ( )
  90. There are 10 main scenic areas, together with 36 attractions, over 900 cliff inscriptions, and over 300 steles. ( )
  91. After you are out of the exit, it is advised to leave the railway station by city-bus or by taxi. Don't chat with those people who try to recommend hotels and buses to you.译文:从出站口走出后,建议乘坐城市巴士或出租车离开火车站,也可以听其他人向您推荐酒店和车辆。( )
  92. The elegant “Chengde Mountain Summer Resort”, the magnificent “Eight Temples Beyond the Great Wall” and the strange hills and ( ) combine to make Chengde a city of scenic and historical interest.
  93. “There are no bunks for sleeping, just a nice, comfortable cushioned seat. The carriages are clean and roomy.” What type of train ticket does this sentence refer to? ( )
  94. In Guangzhou there is a main Guangzhou station that serves the east and north. ( )
  95. Before you start, please make sure from which station you are going to board the train.译文:出发后,请确定从哪个车站上车。( )
  96. The Chengdu-Dujiangyan High Speed Railway is a single track, electrified, passenger-dedicated and high-speed rail line. ( )
  97. Please note the return of tickets may not be allowed if you book the tickets through an agency. You'd better confirm the regulations of the specific agency before booking..译文:请注意,如果您是通过代理订票,可能不允许退票,所以您最好在预订前确认一下具体旅行社的规定。 ( )
  98. It is close to Beijing, Tianjin, Tangshan and Qinhuangdao. ( )
  99. In your front above your head, you see a huge electronic train schedule board providing timely information on the trains in and out.译文:在您的头顶后方,您可以看到一个巨大的电子列车时刻表,提供及时的列车进出站信息。( )
  100. There may be a very large electronic reader board above the entrance or off to the side which lists all the upcoming trains so those waiting will be informed.译文:出站口上方或侧面可能会有一个非常大的电子显示屏,上面列出了所有即将到站的列车,候车的旅客会看到通知。( )
  101. Wine and beer are included with lunch and dinner, along with( ), tea and coffee.
  102. Passenger: I heard that some classical gardens in Suzhou were listed in UNESCO’s “World Heritages”.Conductor: . ( )
  103. When you get to your train station, the first thing you are requested to do is to line up to have your personal stuff go through the X-ray machine just like in an airport and carry them on to the other side.译文:当您离开火车站时,您需要做的第一件事就是排队让您的个人物品通过X光机,就像在机场一样,然后把它们带到另一边。 ( )
  104. Second class seats are also available on a CRH series EMU trains. ( )
  105. The upper part is like snow falling down to the pond; the middle reach wanders and twists with splashing sprays dancing in the air; while the lower level resembles a jade dragon running in the pond.译文:下半部分就像雪花落在池塘里;中部蜿蜒曲折,空中飞舞着飞溅的浪花;而上边则像一条在池塘里奔跑的玉龙。( )
  106. Luxury soft sleeper is the top level sleeper and the most expensive ticket on a train and equipped by a lot of trains. ( )
  107. Every train station has multiple vendors who can sell you tubs of dehydrated noodle dinners, sandwiches, and all manner of packaged goods and beverages.译文:每个火车站都有多个小贩,他们可以卖给您桶装方便面、三明治,以及各种包装的商品和饮料。( )
  108. Lanzhou is a major railway hub of western China, where the Lanzhou–Qinghai, Baotou–Lanzhou, and Longhai Railways converge.译文:兰州是中国东部主要的铁路枢纽,兰州至青海的铁路、包头到兰州的铁路还有陇海铁路都在这里交汇。( )
  109. Today, it is a place for people to recall the old splendor of this historical city. Like all sights in Nanjing, it tells the story of past, present and future of the city.译文:如今,它是人们回忆这座文化名城昔日辉煌的地方。和南京的所有景点一样,它讲述了这座城市的过去、现在和未来。( )
  110. Items which may harm other passengers in the train, such as knives (fruit knife included) are prohibited on board the train.译文:禁止携带刀具(不含水果刀)等可能伤害车内其他旅客的物品上车。( )
  111. Since the 1990s, Xi'an has re-emerged as an important cultural, industrial and educational centre of the central-northwest region.译文:自20世纪90年代以来,西安重新崛起为中西南地区重要的文化、工业和教育中心。 ( )
  112. G Trains is the fastest EMU train running for short distance in China. ( )
  113. Chengde, originally called Rehe, was once the summer resort capital of the Ming Dynasty. ( )
  114. Usually, dining cars are located at the end of the train. ( )
  115. Xi'an is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China, having held the position under several of the most important dynasties in Chinese history, including Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui, and Tang.译文:西安是中国四大古都之一,在中国历史上最重要的几个朝代中,包括周、秦、汉、隋和唐,都占据重要地位。( )
  116. Meals are available in the dinning car; passengers can also alight to buy food at a stopover station.译文:餐车提供餐食,旅客也可以在中途站下车购买食物。( )
  117. Passenger: Could you tell me something about Su Causeway and Bai Causeway?Conductor: . ( )
  118. ( ) is located, is also known as the "Country of Heaven", a phrase also often translated as "The Land of Abundance".
  119. Passenger: What kind of documents need I take when consigning my luggage?Clerk: . ( )
  120. Passenger: Excuse me. Can I ask something about high-speed train?Clerk: . ( )
  121. China Railway High-speed now runs express services from Xi'an to ( )and Xi'an to Zhengzhou.
  122. When taking an international train, an adult is allowed to take at most ( ) kg of carry-on baggage for free.
  123. This series of L-trains is in operation only during the peak travel time, such as ( ) and ( ).
  124. Chengde is Encircled by mountains and with ( ) and streams running through the city.
  125. Remember to collect your checked baggage as soon as possible after being informed, as the station will only keep it for free for ( ) .
  126. Chengdu North Marshalling Station is ( )marshalling station in China.
  127. Some stations have a ( ) , and you may leave your luggage here for some 5 to 10 RMB varying with the deposit time.
  128. In the Xuanwu Lake there are ( ) islets, which are linked by causeways and bridges.
  129. Passenger: Excuse me, my ticket is G7001. Could you tell me where I can find the right waiting hall?Passenger Clerk: . ( )
  130. Checked baggage refers to the bedding, ( ) and books which are for personal use and other necessities for traveling.
  131. What else is listed as the world cultural heritage sites besides the Mountain Summer Resort? ( )
  132. Passenger: May I buy a berth ticket on the train? I bought a hard seat ticket. Is there any berth available on the train?Conductor: . ( )
  133. Passenger trains in China are numbered according to their direction in relation to ( ) .
  134. Passenger: Could you please tell me something about the Imperial Palace?Conductor: . ( )
  135. Guangzhou is the ( )largest city in China and southern China's largest city.
  136. The hard sleeper is generally ( ) than the soft sleeper.
  137. Which of the following is boarding announcement? ( )
  138. Why you can easily find your carriage? ( )
  139. Every ticket has a set of code at the ( ) (e.g. 198A001524). You could find a corresponding set of code at the (e.g. A0-0152-4).
  140. How long before the train departs when the announcement of check-in will be broadcasted if you are not in the starting station? ( )
  141. Less than 20 newborn ( ) can be brought onto train.
  142. 17 . If you find yourself in a difficult situation, you may be able to ask station ( ) or a police officer for help.
  143. Passenger: Can you tell me where Car No.8 is?Conductor: . ( )
  144. ( ) and twist the ticket, an authentic ticket could resume its original shape.
  145. Passenger: What time does the EMU train for Wuhan leave?Ticket agent: . ( )
  146. Passenger: Excuse me. Is this the students’ ticket window?Ticket agent: . ( )
  147. When you arrive at the station, you first need to buy your ticket. ( )
  148. Generally, Z-trains have none-stop on the way, but some of them have several stops.译文:一般来说,直达列车在途中不停车,但也有一些列车会停几站。( )
  149. As the name implies it can be something of an ordeal, especially for a long or an overnight journey.译文:顾名思义,这可能是一种享受,尤其是对于在列车上长时间或过夜的旅行而言。( )
  150. Mountain Summer Resort was built from 1703 to 1760. ( )
  151. The above limitation is not applicable to wheelchair, which can be brought onto the train for free.译文: 以上限制不适用于轮椅,轮椅可以免费带上火车。 ( )
  152. You can find your waiting lounge by asking the staff for help. ( )
  153. Kunming has two railway stations:Kunming Railway Station and Kunming South Railway Station. ( )
  154. The baggage consignment should be handled in the morning before the departure date in the Beijing Railway Station International Train Baggage Consignment Counter (west wing of the station building). The custom office is closed on weekends, so passengers leaving on Monday should check their baggage in advance on Friday.译文:旅客行李托运应于出发前下午到北京火车站国际列车行李托运处(车站大楼西侧)办理。海关周末不办公,所以周一出发的旅客要在周五提前托运行李。 ( )
  155. About 40 minutes before the train starts, the announcements of check-in will be broadcast. ( )
  156. If you can’t read the menu, then there are only two possibilities for you.译文:如果您看不懂菜单,那么对您来说只有两种可能。( )
  157. ( )is considered to be the best of the Lushan waterfalls.
  158. What also can “Eight Outer Temples” be called? ( )
  159. “Chengde Mountain Summer Resort” is also known in the West as the Mountain ( )to Fleet the Heat.
  160. ( ) in Nanjing was inscribed on the World Heritage List in July 2003 as an extension of Royal Mausoleums of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
  161. Being one of the seven ancient capitals of China, Nanjing has a history of more than 2,300 years. ( )
  162. Wulao Feng’s five ( )peaks once formed a single apex and standing on the top you will be rewarded with a magnificent view of the distant mountains, trees, lakes, and a seemingly endless sky.
  163. Dr. Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum is located at the southern foot of the Purple Mountain and constructed between 1925 and 1929. ( )
  164. Lushan lies in the north of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. ( )
  165. Lushan lies to the west of China's largest freshwater lake, the Poyang Lake. ( )
  166. Chengde, lying in the northwest of Hebei Province, is one of China’s ten leading scenic spots . ( )
  167. C Trains is also the fastest EMU train in China, but runs for ( ) travel distance betweentwo cities.
  168. Instead of ( ) you go to the steward who will either be at one of the tables or will be behind a counter at one end of the car.
  169. Each city has only one railway station. ( )
  170. Wuhan is known as "the ( )provinces' leading thoroughfare".
  171. What goods are forbidden on the train? ( )
  172. Chinese trains are divided according to their model into various classes, identified with different letters and numbers. ( )
  173. The designed top speed of D Trains is ( )km/h.
  174. Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed train is billed as the fastest train in the world, it can reach a speed of 384 km/h. ( )
  175. Located in southern China on the Pearl River, about 120 km north-northwest of Hong Kong, Guangzhou is a key national transportation hub and trading port. ( )
  176. Most Chinese who travel by train bring their own food onboard and eat in the compartment. ( )
  177. Animals, knives, flammable, toxic and explosive goods are forbidden on the train. ( )
  178. Guangzhou in the south and Beijing in the north both have ( )widely separated stations.
  179. The staff on duty will guide passengers to( )and go to the platform.
  180. There are( )ways to identify the authenticity of a train ticket.
  181. A child is allowed to take 10 kg carry-on baggage for free. ( )
  182. ( ) is the basic way to take a train trip, and has the lowest price.
  183. Several couples of China international trains runs between China and Russia, Mongolia, North Korea, Kazakhstan and Thailand. ( )
  184. Certain certificate needn’t be presented when you want to transport ( ) .
  185. Beijing has two high-speed rail lines: the Beijing-Zhengzhou High-Speed Railway, which opened in 2011, and the Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway, which opened in 2008. ( )
  186. Many large cities (and even some small ones) have more than one station. ( )
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