1. 答案:错

  2. 答案:错

  3. 答案:对
  4. Assembly drawing is usually drawn after all the parts to which it belongs have been drawn.

  5. 答案:错
  6. When dimensioning of metric thread, the extension line should be drawn from major diameter

  7. 答案:对

  8. 答案:错

  9. 答案:对

  10. 答案:对

  11. 答案:对

  12. 答案:对
  13. The horizontal projection of point A in space is represented by a

  14. 答案:对
  15. The square is used to make horizontal line
  16. The intersection line of the three-dimensional plane of the plane is a plane polygon
  17. If a circle with a diameter of 40 is drawn at a 1:5 scale, the drawing diameter is  ()
  18. Which two views should follow the projection rule of width equality?
  19. The symbol that represents thickness in dimensioning is (    )
  20. A stud has two ends, they are nut end and metal end
  21. The factors that affect the shape of the intersecting line are as follows: the shape, size and mutual position of the two-dimensional
  22. Horizontal projection reflects a straight line of true length, which must be a horizontal line.
  23. The V projection of two points can reflect the relationship between the upper and lower sides of the space and the left and right sides of the point.
  24. All the special points on the intercepting line must be made, including the point of curve property, the point of determining the range, and the dividing point.
  25. The coordinates of point A are (35, 20, 15), then the distance between the point and the W plane is 35
  26. The intersecting line of the two cylinders is a plane curve.
  27. The overall size of the part needs to be marked under any circumstances
  28. If a circle of 20 is drawn at a 1:2 scale, the drawing diameter is 40
  29. The intersecting line is the common cable between the intersecting plane and the three-dimensional surface.
  30. The parallelogram is parallel to the projection plane, and its projection on the projection plane accumulates into a line.
  31. The projection law between the three views is as follows:
  32. The coordinates of point A are (15, 25, 55), then the distance between the point and the H plane is (  )
  33. The size of the A3 drawing format specified in the national standard is
  34. The code name for the pipe thread is   (      )
  35. Which of the following linear expressions is used for thread termination lines?
  36. If a circle of 80 is drawn at a 1:2 scale, the drawing diameter is (   )
  37. The elevation view reflects the length and height of the object, and the back view reflects the length and width of the object.
  38. Closeness refers to the fact that the shape of the intersecting line of the plane is a closed polygons.
  39. The title block usually lies in the right corner of drawing sheet
  40. If the two straight lines in space are parallel to each other, their projections on the same plane must be parallel to each other
  41. Tolerances indicate the range within which dimensions are allowed to change and must be positive number.
  42. If the thread number n=1, then pitch and lead are equal.
  43. The coordinates of the point determine the distance from the point to the projection plane, where the X coordinate represents the distance from the point to the W plane.
  44. The center line shall be 3-5 mm above the contour line.
  45. Space 2: a (10, 12, 20), B (10, 30, 20), indicating that point A is right behind point B.
  46. The horizontal plane projection of the horizontal line reflects the true length.
  47. The three-axis angle of the orthographic projection is 60 °.
  48. The size and digital direction specified in the national standard is (   )
  49. In circular view, the notch of screw head should be drawn with an inclind angle of (  )
  50. The projection of a straight line on a parallel projection plane is
  51. What kind of projection is the most commonly used in mechanical engineering
  52. The angles that cannot be drawn with a T-ruler and triangulation are (   )
  53. Intersection lines may have (  ) pairs of  projections intersecting
  54. The spatial position of the point can be determined by how many projections of the point?
  55. The tolerance of 132 ±0.0125 is
  56. 5:1  is   (   ) scale
  57. If a circle with a diameter of 10 is drawn at 2 :1 scale, the drawing diameter is()
  58. The contents of assembly drawings
  59. Overall dimensions show the (   ) of the composite solid
  60. Necessary dimensions include:
  61. When two part's surface contacting, there had better be only one pair of contact surfaces in the same direction
  62. Technical requirements on a detail drawing include surface texture, dimension tolerance, geometrical tolerance, heat treatment and surface treatment, machining and inspection, and other special requirements
  63. Inside the block,you should sign your name and object name
  64. A group of views:
  65. What is the unit in Ra6.3?
  66. we can find the material from title block
  67. What is the most commonly used evaluation parameter of surface roughness
  68. What principle does one should follow in set position of a part?
  69. What is the fit of H7/f6?
  70. When represent a shaft, the non-circular view should be chosen as main view
  71. The dimension chain should be closed
  72. How much is the upper deviation of h6
  73. In hole based system of fit, what is the basic devitaion symmbol of the hole
  74. The upper deviation is : maximum size-basic size and the lower deviation is : minimum size-basic size
  75. When draw internal thread, major diameter is drawn as thin line , minor one is drawn as thick line in non circular view.
  76. Keyway inside a wheel is normally through
  77. what does M, Tr, R mean respectively in thread marks?
  78. In screw joint, the end line should be drawn at the position of
  79. what does the 6 mean in symbol of washer GB/T 97.1-2002 6
  80. The addendum circle is larger than pitch circle, and the dedendum circle is the smallest one
  81. In stud joint, the length ,Bm of metal end depends on material connected.
  82. Whe two adjacent part are cut, the hatching direction shall be reverese.
  83. What is the diameter relationship between hole and bolt?
  84. What does LH mean in thread marks?
  85. In the symbol of key 16X100 GB/T 1096-2003, what does 100 mean?
  86. When a cutting plane pass through symmetric position of a rib, there should be no hatching on the area of the rib.
  87. When a cutting plane pass through the symmetric position, the labeling location symbols can be omitted.
  88. An object be represented as local section in the condition that both the outside and inside are complex, and its structure is not symmetry
  89. The arrow head can be omitted when the cut structure is symmetry,
  90. Superposition cut is represented as thick line and is put inside the original view
  91. The position of labeling the name letters for a sectional view should be above its view
  92. when several parallel cutting planes are used to cut, there will be a bold line at the corner of turning point.
  93. How much is the inclined angle of hatching for the commonly used metallic material
  94. The cut is represented only on the croosection, but the section is represented for all the visible outlines
  95. When a inclined cutting plane is used, the inclined sectional view can be rotated at an angle of less than 45°.
  96. is the dashed line necessary in isometric projection?
  97. The three types of dimension include shape dimension, location dimension and overall dimension
  98. The overall length is necessary for a round end plate.
  99. What are the regulations of three views? main view and left view :        ;  main view and top view:          ;  top and left view:          .
  100. How much is the axes angle of isometric projection
  101. longer dimension should be outside of short ones.
  102. What type of intersection line can you get, when a sphere cut by a plane?
  103. How many types of parallel line are there relative to projection plane?
  104. How can you represent V projection of a point?
  105. Two lines are parallel in space provided that their respective projections on two projection planes are parallel.
  106. Which projection is the true length for a frontal line?
  107. Which projection accumulates as a point for a H perpendicular line?
  108. How many relationships between two lines?
  109. The true length projection of a line appears in a projection plane that is parallel to the line
  110. If two projections of two lines are parallel, then the two lines are parallel in space
  111. Which coordinates are related to H projection of a point?
  112. If a line is parallel to any line in a plane, the line is parallel to the plane.
  113. Thick dashed line shown can be made surface-treatment
  114. The  "R"   and  "∅ " means radius and diameter.
  115. A compass is used to draw circles and arcs
  116. The possible direction of a dimension text should towards?
  117. What does a thick line represent in drawing?
  118. Continuous thin irregular line to indicate part sectional boundary lines or to terminate a part view, and for short break line.
  119. Thin dashed dotted line to indicate axis line ,symmetrical center lines.
  120. The elements of the dimension
  121. The main contents of title block are:
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