第十章 Questionnaire:本章介绍了调查问卷的定义、类型、格式等基本概念以及如何设计调查问卷中的问题和选项部分。通过展开调查问卷的概念内涵,重点介绍了调查问卷设计过程中的用词用语特点及其撰写技巧。10.1introduction:本节介绍了调查问卷的基本概念。
10.2language focus:本节介绍了的调查问卷设计过程中的语言风格特点。
10.3writing skill foucs:本节介绍了调查问卷的设计技巧。
[多选题]An inability for respondents to answer a question may probably arise from _____________.

选项:[forgetting the answer 
, refusing to offer the answer
, being unable to articulate the answer
, having never been exposed to the answer
[多选题]A well-designed questionnaire should ____________________ .

选项:[meet the research objectives
, make it easy for respondents to give the necessary information
, obtain the most complete and accurate information
, make it easy for the interviewer to record the answer
[多选题]When presenting answers in a questionnaire, one should avoid ______________ .

选项:[specific choices
, central options
, stereotypical responses
, all the possible alternatives 
[单选题]Both the exploratory questionnaires and formal standardized questionnaires need a formal questionnaire format.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]Some simple, interesting questions should be used as opening questions to gain co-operation and confidence of respondents.

选项:[错, 对]
[多选题]Formal standardized questionnaires are generally characterized by _____________________ .  

选项:[prescribed response format
, prescribed order of questions
, prescribed wording 
, prescribed explanations for each question
[单选题]Questions in a questionnaire should flow in some kind of ________________.

选项:[psychological order
, chronological order
, physical order 
, spatial order
[多选题]Qualitative information are collected for the purpose of  ____________________ .

选项:[employing hypotheses
, generating hypotheses
, understanding hypotheses 
, testing hypotheses
[单选题] Question like “Did you follow all the rules because they are beneficial to you?” is ___________.

选项:[a biased question 
, a loaded question 
, a vague question
, a double-barreled question
[多选题]Questionnaires can be carried out ________________ .

选项:[by computer
, by post
, by telephone 
, face to face 

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