

  1. HK is not for HOUSEKEEPING.

  2. A:True B:False
  3. Sichuan cuisine is ( ) and contains chili.

  4. A:salty B:sour C:sweet D:hot
  5. Latte has more milk than cappuccino.

  6. A:True B:False
  7. If the guest wants to send a postcard, what would you say?

  8. A:Let me introduce some Chinese food for you. B:There is a post office near here. C:fired eggs, sunny side up D:Just a moment, please……luggage cart
  9. People in Guilin see the sunrise earlier than those in shanghai.

  10. A:False B:True
  11. The word“deposit” in our book refers to( )

  12. A:押金 B:取钱 C:维修 D:存钱
  13. Chips is a kind of western food.

  14. A:False B:True
  15. Pizza is a kind of Chinese food.

  16. A:True B:False
  17. How much is a single room?

  18. A:Let me introduce some Chinese food for you. B:Just a moment, please……luggage cart C:There is a post office near here. D:270 yuan per night.
    答案:单人房AI参考:正确答案是D:270 yuan per night.。根据上下文,选项D“270元/晚”与前文“How much is a single room?”(单人间多少钱)相符合,是正确答案。选项A和C与上下文无关,选项B则与对话内容不符。'
  19. Cappuccino is made of 1/3 espresso, 1/3 milk and 1/3 frothed milk.

  20. A:True B:False
    AI参考:正确答案是C,即“Cappuccino是由1/3浓缩咖啡,1/3牛奶和1/3泡沫牛奶组成的。”原文中明确提到Cappuccino是由1/3的espresso,1/3的milk和1/3的frothed milk组成,所以答案是C。A和B选项都与原文不符,因此是错误的。'
  21. Coffee is a kind of Chinese food.

  22. A:True B:False
  23. Sake is a kind of wine.

  24. A:True B:False
  25. Welcome to our hotel,                   ?

  26. A:who are you B:may I help you C:this way D:What’s your name
    AI参考:正确选项为B:may I help you。在提供的句子中,欢迎语使用了“欢迎来到我们的酒店”作为开场白,之后是连续使用了多个标签表示多种样式的文本修饰,其中包括颜色为黑色,下划线等。整体表达的意思是要寻求对方的目的,即对方来到酒店想做什么,所以应该使用“may I help you”。而选项A中的“who are you”是在询问对方身份,选项C的“this way”是引导对方前往某个方向,选项D的“What’s your name”是在询问对方的名字,这些选项与整个语境的表达意图不符。因此,正确答案是B:may I help you。'
  27. As a receptionist in a restaurant you should be efficient and professional ( )

  28. A:True B:False
  29. As a barman, you should be able to drive. ( )

  30. A:True B:False
  31. The hotel staff should report problems to the superior no matter what it is.

  32. A:True B:False
  33. The word“single room” in our book refers to( )

  34. A:套间 B:豪华间 C:单人间 D:双人间
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:单人间】。原文中提到“single room”这个词汇,根据常识和语境可以推断出它指的是一个只有一张床铺的房间,因此选项C“单人间”是正确答案。选项A“套间”通常指的是多个房间组成的套房,选项B“豪华间”通常指的是价格较高、装修豪华的房间,选项D“双人间”则是指两个床铺的房间。因此,根据上下文和常识判断,选项C是最佳答案。'
  35. Latte is often mixed with cream.

  36. A:True B:False
  37. The word“passport ” in our book refers to( )

  38. A:护照 B:门卡 C:空调 D:表格
    答案:home culture in which we grow upAI参考:正确选项是【A:护照】。 原文中提到“The word“passport” in our book refers to”,意思是“我们书中的‘护照’指的是”,因此可以确定答案为A选项,即护照。B选项门卡、C选项空调、D选项表格都与原文中的描述不符。"
  39. Cocoa powder is often added in milk.

  40. A:False B:True
  41. K:I’ll carry them for you.____________(请稍等)I’ll bring a _________(行李车)

  42. A:two suitcases B:fired eggs, sunny side up C:Just a moment, please……luggage cart D:Welcome to Shijiazhuang Hotel.
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Just a moment, please……luggage cart】。根据对话内容,男士在等待女士,所以应该是在找行李车。选项C中的“请稍等……行李车”最符合语境。选项A和B明显与语境不符,选项D是欢迎入住酒店的短语,也与题目无关。'
  43. Cream is usually added in Turkish coffee.

  44. A:False B:True
  45. A cashier should remind his client to keep the exchange slip in good condition.

  46. A:True B:False
  47. All the words below are used in Laundery Services except ( )

  48. A:mend B:shrink C:beverage D:stain
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:shrink】。根据题目中的描述“All the words below are used in Laundery Services except...”,可以得知下面列出的单词都在洗衣服务中使用,除了一个。选项A、C、D中的单词都与洗衣服务有关,例如mend(修补)和stain(污渍)是洗衣服务中常见的词汇,beverage(饮料)也与洗衣服务有一定的关联,因为洗衣服务中可能会涉及到清洗和清洁饮料瓶等物品。而选项B中的shrink(缩水)是与洗衣服务完全不相关的词汇,因此B是唯一一个除外选项。'
  49. You are looking for the bar, how do you ask for directions?

  50. A:Just a moment, please……luggage cart B:Let me introduce some Chinese food for you. C:Excuse me, which way to the bar? D:There is a post office near here.
    AI参考:正确选项是 C:Excuse me, which way to the bar?。原文中询问方向,因此选项C“请问,去酒吧怎么走?”是最符合语境的答案。选项A和D与原文无关,选项B则与询问方向无关,因此不正确。'
  51. K:How many pieces of ______(行李)do you have in all?
    M:Three pieces.

  52. A:fired eggs, sunny side up B:luggage C:make my coffee very strong D:Welcome to Shijiazhuang Hotel.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:luggage。根据题干中的对话内容“How many pieces of ______(行李)do you have in all?”,可以确定答案为B选项“luggage”,表示“行李”。其他选项与题干中的内容不符。因此,正确答案是B。'
  53. Three Fresh Delicacies soup is a kind of beverage.

  54. A:False B:True
  55. Good morning,welcome to our hotel.         (有什么可以为您服务的吗 )

  56. A:How may I assist you? B:Here we are C:hello D:thank   you.
    答案:convention hallAI参考:正确选项是C:hello。原文中使用了“Good morning, welcome to our hotel.”,接着问是否有需要服务时,使用的是“hello”,所以选项C“hello”是正确的回答。其他选项A、B、D与原文语境不符。A选项中的“How may I assist you?”是在询问客人需要什么帮助,与原句的问句表达方式不一致;B选项中的“Here we are”是一个口头回答表示我们已经到了,不适合用在询问服务时的回答;D选项中的“thank you”是一种表达感谢的方式,不符合句子的语境。'
  57. Honesty is the best policy.

  58. A:False B:True
  59. The word“ souvenir shop” in our book refers to( )

  60. A:理发店 B:餐厅 C:单人间 D:纪念品店
    答案:纪念品店AI参考:正确选项是【D:纪念品店】。 在文本中提到“The word souvenir shop in our book refers to...”,意思是“书中提到的‘纪念品店’指的是...”。因此,根据上下文可以确定答案为D,即纪念品店。其他选项与文本内容不符。"
  61. The word“check ” in our book refers to( )

  62. A:核查 B:单人间 C:纪念品店 D:果汁
  63. The word“juice ” in our book refers to( )

  64. A:水 B:饮料 C:咖啡 D:果汁
  65. A: Anything else I can do for you, sir?
    B: _______________

  66. A:No, thanks B:Yes, you do C:Yes, you can D:No, you don not
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Yes, you can】。原文中A问B是否还有其他需要帮忙的地方,B回答的语气显得有点不确定,表示也许需要一些帮助。所以正确选项应该是Yes,表示可以帮忙的意思。选项A、B、D的意思都不符合上下文情境,所以不正确。因此,正确答案是C:Yes,you can。'
  67. AM is for not ASSISTANTMANAGER

  68. A:True B:False
  69. Excuse me, sir. You need to ________ the form.

  70. A:fill in B:fill on C:fill for D:fill of
    AI参考:正确选项是A:fill in。句子中需要填入一个动词短语,表示“填写表格”的意思。选项A中的“fill in”符合语境,表示填写表格的内容。选项B中的“fill on”没有这个用法,选项C中的“fill for”也不常见,选项D中的“fill of”不符合语法和语境。因此,A是正确答案。'
  71. Some hotels accept guests’ personal checks

  72. A:False B:True
  73. The word“The Temple of Heaven” refers to( )

  74. A:白宫 B:天坛 C:天安门
    AI参考:单选题答案:B:天坛。解释:The Temple of Heaven指的是中国北京的天坛,这是一个历史悠久的古代皇家祭祀场所。而白宫是美国总统的官邸,天安门是中国的标志性建筑之一,但不是祭祀场所。因此,选项B是正确答案。'
  75. A : Would you show me your passport , please ?
    B : ________________.

  76. A:Here are you B:Here are we C:Here we are D:Here you are
    AI参考:正确选项是C:Here we are。根据语境和语法规则,句子中的“A: Would you show me your passport, please?”是一个请求对方做某事的疑问句。而选项C“Here we are”是一个常用的答语,表示“我们在这里”或“我在这里”的意思,符合语境和语法规则。其他选项都不符合语境和语法规则。因此,正确答案是C。'
  77. Do you have a              (预订 )?  Yes.I have booked.

  78. A:here B:Just a moment, please……luggage cart C:fired eggs, sunny side up D:reservation
    AI参考:正确选项:D.reservation。根据题干中的描述,有一个关于预订的问题,而答案为“Yes.I have booked.”表示已经预订了。因此,D选项“reservation”符合题意,表示预订的意思。其他选项在此情境下均不合适。'
  79. The words below have the same meaning except( )

  80. A:the off season B:the high season C:the busy season D:the peak season
  81. In general,latte id prepared using 1/3      and 2/3         .

  82. A:steamed milk B:almond C:kiwi D:espresso
  83. Saunas can be divided into        saunas and          saunas.

  84. A:conventional B:wet C:infrared D:dry
  85. all customers want to feel        and         when they are in the bar.

  86. A:relaxed B:cool C:comfortable D:warm
    答案:treat their opinions seriouslyAI参考:正确选项是【C:comfortable】。原文中提到“all customers want to feel”,而选项C中的“comfortable”恰好符合顾客在酒吧想要的感觉,即舒适放松。其他选项与原文意思不符。因此,C是正确答案。'
  87. Most important of all,they can ()some valuable () for the trip.

  88. A:offer B:tell C:advice D:ways
  89. I recommend some Chinese food,such as:

  90. A:soba noodles B:pizza C:Italian paste D:rice noodles
    答案:Apart fromAI参考:正确选项是【D:rice noodles】。根据问题中的描述,推荐一些中国食物,而选项中只有D是中国的面条,其他选项分别是意大利面、披萨和意大利酱,与问题描述不符。因此,D是正确答案。'

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