

  1. At Easter time in the UK there are two bank holidays _______ and Easter Monday.

  2. A:Good Sunday B:Good Friday C:Good Saturday D:Good Monday
    答案:springAI参考:正确选项是【B:Good Friday】。根据题目中的描述,在英国的复活节期间有两个银行假期,一个是“Good Friday”,另一个是复活节星期一。因此,选项B“Good Friday”是正确答案。选项A“Good Sunday”和选项D“Good Monday”都不是复活节期间的假期名称。选项C“Good Saturday”在复活节前是周六,不是假期。'
  3. __________ in London is one of the world’s largest and most important museums of human history and culture.

  4. A:Museum of London B:The Metropolitan Museum of Art C:The British Museum D:Victoria and Albert Museum
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:The British Museum】。根据题目中的描述,“伦敦的一个世界上最大且最重要的博物馆”,选项C“大英博物馆”最符合题意。选项A“伦敦博物馆”范围较窄,并非所有伦敦的博物馆都被列为世界上最大和最重要的博物馆;选项B“大都会艺术博物馆”虽然也很大,但不是博物馆分类的代表性人物;选项D“维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆”主要是展出英国皇家和贵族的生活,与题目描述不符。因此,正确答案是C。'
  5. The Senate has _________voting members, two from each state.

  6. A:100 B:90 C:110 D:80
  7. The Walt Disney’s studio is a famous U.S. company, specializing in ___________.

  8. A:action movies B:romance movies C:comedies D:cartoons and animations
    答案:cartoons and animations
  9. Which social media is the most popular media in the U.S.?

  10. A:Facebook B:Linkedin C:Twitter D:Wechat
    答案:anxious because of difficulties in your life.AI参考:正确答案是C:Twitter。Twitter是美国最受欢迎的社交媒体平台之一,它允许用户发布简短的文本消息,并与他人互动。相比之下,Facebook、LinkedIn和Wechat也有一定的用户基础,但Twitter在社交媒体领域的知名度和受欢迎程度更高。因此,C选项是正确答案。'
  11. The reign of Elizabeth I is called the ________ Age.

  12. A:Peak B:Golden C:Gloria D:Pentagon
    答案:the Golden Age##%_YZPRLFH_%##The Golden Age
  13. Which of the followings is considered bad luck in Britain?

  14. A:meet a black cat. B:find a clover plant with four leaves C:walk underneath a ladder D:touch wood.

  15. The term for the Prime Minster in the U.K. is _______ years.

  16. A:5 B:6 C:4 D:3

  17. The symbol of the Democratic Party is a _______________.

  18. A:Donkey B:Eagle C:Lion D:Elephant

  19. Generally speaking, the British Parliament operates on a __________ system.

  20. A:two-party B:single-party C:multi-party D:three-party

  21. The _________ attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410.

  22. A:Norman B:Celtic C:Danish D:Germanic
  23. The first the Industrial Revolution origins in _____.

  24. A:France B:U.K. C:U.S D:Germany
  25. The monarchy of the United Kingdom is a ____________ monarchy .

  26. A:constitutional B:republic C:commonwealth D:independent

  27. Christianity is based on the life and teachings of______ as presented in the New Testament and sacred tradition.

  28. A:Jehovah B:St. Mary C:Jesus Christ D:St.Peter

  29. The winning formula in campaign speeches are ethos,logos and ________.

  30. A:Legos B:Lagos C:Pathos D:Pethes

  31. The Elizabeth Tower, which is often referred to by the name of its main bell as ________, is an iconic landmark of London and the United Kingdom.

  32. A:Big Fan B:Big Ben C:Big Man D:Big Gan

  33. A common symbol of New Year's Day in America is ____________.

  34. A:New Year’s Dinner B:Flower New Year

  35. _______________ are the most prestigious awards given in the British television industry.

  36. A:Golden Globe Awards B:The British Academy Television Awards C:Grammy Awards D:Emmy Awards
    AI参考:正确选项是D:Emmy Awards。Emmy Awards是英国电视界最负盛名的奖项,也是美国电视界最高荣誉之一。其他选项中,Golden Globe Awards是美国的电视剧和电影奖项,The British Academy Television Awards是英国电视艺术学院奖,Grammy Awards是格莱美奖,这三个选项都不是英国电视界最负盛名的奖项。因此,D选项是正确答案。'
  37. The typical English food includes the followings except __________.

  38. A:fish and chips B:Yorkshire pudding C:Cottage pie D:macaroni and cheese

  39. To tip a barman or barmaid, it is customary to tell him to __________.

  40. A:“Thank you.” B:“Would you like a drink yourself?” C:“Would you like some tips?” D:“Keep this to yourself.”

  41. The largest religious groups by world population is ___________.

  42. A:Christianity B:Judaism C:Buddhism D:Islam

  43. Which city is the largest financial centre in the U.K. after London?

  44. A:Manchester B:Edinburgh C:Birmingham D:Cardiff

  45. The world's most famous tennis tournament is held in ______, U.K..

  46. A:Wimbledon B:Wimbleton C:Vimbleton D:Vimbledon

  47. Today any citizen who is at least ______ years old can vote.

  48. A:16 B:18 C:17 D:20

  49. The United Kingdom has the ______ largest national economy.

  50. A:4th B:6th C:5th D:3rd
  51. Which of the followings is NOT a Prime Minster of the Conservative Party?

  52. A:Tony Blair B:Margaret Thatcher C:John Major D:Winston Churchill

  53. Which minority is regarded as the “model minority” in America?

  54. A:White American B:Latino C:African American D:Aian American

  55. Theoretically, the Prime Minster of the U.K. is chosen by the ___________.

  56. A:the people B:the major party C:the parliament D:the monarch

  57. Which of the followings were NOT brought the Romans?

  58. A:Christianity B:well-planned Towns C:Old English D:well-built roads

  59. In the U.K., it is customary to tip your waiter/waitress at the end of the meal, which is approx ________, though sometimes this is included in the bill.

  60. A:15% B:10% C:5% D:20%

  61. Britain was the first industrialized country in the world.

  62. A:错 B:对

  63. Silicon Valley is a region in Los Angeles.

  64. A:错 B:对

  65. The state of California is located in the northeast of the country.

  66. A:对 B:错

  67. In reality, the British King or Queen is the source of all government powers.

  68. A:对 B:错

  69. The Daily Telegraph, a centre-right broadsheet paper, is the highest-selling of the "quality" newspapers.

  70. A:对 B:错

  71. The United States has the world’s largest music market.

  72. A:对 B:错

  73. Students need to buy insurance by themselves once enrolled in British universities and it is a compulsory requirement for every student.

  74. A:错 B:对

  75. Chinese is the fourth most-spoken language in the USA.

  76. A:对 B:错

  77. After the Civil War, slavery, which had divided the country from its beginning, was abolished.

  78. A:错 B:对

  79. The Tower of London, officially Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress of the Tower of London, was used as a prison in the past.

  80. A:错 B:对

  81. The New York Stock Exchange is the largest stock exchange in the world by value of its listed companies’ securities

  82. A:错 B:对

  83. The U.S. is the World’s Greatest Power is the World’s Greatest Debtor.

  84. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:B:错。原文中提到“The U.S. is the World’s Greatest Power”表示美国是世界上最大的强国,但同时又说“the World’s Greatest Debtor”,表示美国是世界上最大的债务国,两者矛盾,因此答案为B:错。'
  85. Newspapers are referred to as the press.

  86. A:对 B:错

  87. The Times is the oldest weekly newspaper in the country.

  88. A:错 B:对

  89. In the UK, the term pub is more commonly used, and bars is more commonly used in the US.

  90. A:错 B:对

  91. Los Angeles is the second largest city in America after New York.

  92. A:错 B:对

  93. The owner of a bar is called a landlord instead of a manager in the U.S..

  94. A:错 B:对

  95. In the United States, Spanish is the most common language in the country after English.

  96. A:对 B:错

  97. Rugby used to be only played by the rich upper classes, but now it is popular all over the country in the U.K..

  98. A:对 B:错

  99. British television differs from the American television in that programs do not generally have a long ‘season’ run of around 20 weeks.

  100. A:错 B:对

  101. Which of the followings are American English expressions?

  102. A:Maths (数学) B:Apartment (公寓) C:Fall(秋天) D:Dustbin(垃圾桶)

  103. Which of the followings about the English people are True?

  104. A:Some people would refer that last meal as tea. B:A typical English breakfast mainly includes eggs, bacon, sausage and fried bread. C:They call flats “apartments”. D:Most people in England live in urban areas.

  105. Which of the following statements about the The British Academy Television Awards are TRUE?

  106. Which of the following brand names are American?

  107. A:Ford B:Walmart C:Estee Lauder D:Amazon
    AI参考:正确选项为D:Amazon。Amazon是一家美国的电子商务公司,其品牌名称在选项中。其他选项中,Ford是福特汽车公司的品牌名称,Walmart是沃尔玛超市的品牌名称,Estee Lauder是雅诗兰黛化妆品公司的品牌名称,它们都不是美国的品牌名称。'
  108. __________ are typical Sit-coms in America.

  109. A:How I Met Your Mother  B:The Big Bang Theory C:One Day at a Time  D:Modern Family 
    AI参考:正确选项为D:Modern Family。Modern Family是一部典型的美国情景喜剧,与其他选项相比,它在剧情、角色设定、幽默元素等方面都有相似之处。同时,该剧在国内外都受到了广泛的关注和好评,因此D选项是符合题意的正确答案。'
  110. The American universities usually select applicants for their graduate programmes mainly based on the following criteria ______:

  111. A:Recommendations from university professors B:University school records, TOEFL and GRE scores for international students C:Their contribution to the community D:Statement of purpose

  112. Which of the following sports belong to the extreme sport?

  113. A:hang gliding B:skydiving C:bungee jumping D:C.rock climbing
    AI参考:正确选项是【B.skydiving】和【C.bungee jumping】。这两个选项都属于极限运动,而hang gliding(A选项)和rock climbing(D选项)虽然也是比较刺激的运动,但并不属于极限运动。因此,正确答案是B和C。'
  114. Which of the followings about the Agriculture of the US are TRUE?

  115. One may be called by typical affectionate names by the English people, such as________.

  116. A:mate B:dear C:flower D:love

  117. Silicon Valley is home to the following companies ____________.

  118. A:Intel B:Hewlett Packard C:Google D:Apple

  119. Which subjects must the British pupils study ?

  120. A:Science B:Geography C:Mathematics D:English

  121. Which of the following statements about Hollywood are True?

  122. A:It is famous for being the home of the U.S. film industry . B:The Walk of Fame there is a famous tourist attraction. C:Hollywood is a neighborhood in the central region of Los Angeles. D:It is the Los Angeles entertainment landmark for tourists and locals alike.

  123. The bicameral Congress of the US is made up of the ____________ and the ____________.

  124. A:House of Lords B:Senate C:House of Representatives D:House of Commons

  125. Which of the following are the major factors that contributed to Britain’s becoming the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution?

  126. A:It had great deposits of coal and iron ore. B:It was a politically stable society, as well as the world’s leading colonial power. C:The monarch of Britain paid a lot of efforts in developing the technology. D:The British merchants needed more cost-effective methods of production.
    AI参考:正确选项为:A:It had great deposits of coal and iron ore.。工业革命发源于英国,其主要原因是该国拥有丰富的煤炭和铁矿资源,这是工业革命得以开展的重要基础。其他选项中,B选项涉及政治稳定和社会地位,虽然对于一个国家的发展也有一定影响,但不是工业革命发源地的决定性因素;C选项涉及君主对技术的投入,虽然也是推动科技进步的一种方式,但并非工业革命的发源地的主要因素;D选项涉及商人对于生产成本的需求,虽然商人对于经济发展有一定的影响,但不是工业革命发源地的决定性因素。因此,只有A选项是正确答案。'
  127. Which of the followings are typical American food?

  128. A:Fish and chips B:Fried Chicken C:Macaroni and cheese D:Meat Loaf
    AI参考:正确选项为B:Fried Chicken 和 D:Meat Loaf。这些都是典型的美国食物,其中B选项Fried Chicken是美国的快餐文化代表之一,而D选项Meat Loaf是一种美式家庭烹饪食品,通常在周末制作并在整个星期内食用。而A选项Fish and chips虽然是英国的传统食品,但在美国也很受欢迎,但并不是典型的美国食物。C选项Macaroni and cheese虽然在美国也很常见,但并不是典型的美式食物。'
  129. Decide which of the following statements are TRUE:_____

  130. A:London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom. B:Old Trafford is the largest club football ground in London. C:London is the most populous city in the U.K. D:London is located in the northeast of England.
    AI参考:正确选项是 A:London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom.A选项表示伦敦是英格兰和联合王国的首都城市,其他选项中B表示伦敦是伦敦最大的足球俱乐部场地,C表示伦敦是英国人口最多的城市,D表示伦敦位于英格兰东北部,这些陈述在题干中没有得到支持或证实。因此,正确选项为A。'
  131. Which three countries are the top three countries in terms of population?

  132. A:America B:China C:India D:Russia
    AI参考:正确选项是 B: China、C: India 和 D: Russia。根据问题中的信息,需要选择人口最多的三个国家。选项A中的America(美国)不是人口最多的国家之一,选项B中的China(中国)是世界上人口最多的国家之一,选项C中的India(印度)也是人口众多的国家之一,选项D中的Russia(俄罗斯)虽然不是人口最多的国家,但也是人口众多的国家之一。因此,正确答案是B、C和D这三个选项。'
  133. The are two parallel school systems in Britain, they are_______ and ________.

  134. A:the state system B:the secondary system C:the elementary system D:the independent system
    AI参考:正确选项为 D:the independent system。原文中提到英国有两个平行的教育系统,根据上下文可以推断出这两个系统应该是独立的,因此选项D“独立的教育系统”最符合语境。选项A“国家教育系统”、B“中学教育系统”和C“小学教育系统”都与原文中的两个平行系统不符。'
  135. Which of the followings are British newspaper?

  136. A:The Guardian B:Daily Mirror C:The Sun D:The Wall Street Journal
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Daily Mirror】和【C:The Sun】。英国报纸包括The Guardian(卫报)、Daily Mirror(每日镜报)和The Sun(太阳报)等。Wall Street Journal(华尔街日报)是美国报纸。因此,选项B和C是英国报纸,而其他选项不是。'
  137. Which of the following about Christopher Columbus are NOT true?

  138. A:He discovered the e sailing route to the America. B:He had completed voyages across the Atlantic Ocean under the auspices of Spain. C:He was an Italian explorer and navigator. D:He was a Christian

  139. Which of the following companies are American film companies?

  140. A:20th Century Fox B:New Line C:Universal D:Warner Bros

  141. Which of the following statements about the British Empire are True?

  142. A:It was often described as "the empire on which the sun never sets". B:Its political,legal,linguistic and cultural legacy is widespread.

  143. Which of the following statements about the American Civil War are TRUE?

  144. A:It was a war between the Britain and its colonies. B:It broke out in April 1761. C:It was as the result of the long-standing controversy over the enslavement of black people. D:It was a war between the North and the South.
    AI参考:正确选项为D:It was a war between the North and the South。美国内战是一场发生在北美洲的战争,主要原因是南方的奴隶制度问题,导致南方与北方之间的矛盾和冲突,最终引发了战争。因此,选项D是正确的,而选项A和B都是错误的,因为美国内战并不是一场英国与殖民地的战争,也不是在1761年爆发的,选项C虽然提到了奴隶制度的问题,但并不是战争爆发的直接原因。'
  145. Which city does not belong to the South of America?

  146. A:Michigan B:Florida C:Kansas D:Alabama
  147. Why were all Roman troops forced to leave Britain in 410 AD?

  148. A:The Roman Troops were withdrawn to rescue Cesar’s reign. B:The resistance of the British people was strong. C:The Roman troops were withdrawn to defend their own nation from Germanic attack. D:The Vikings kept attacking Britain which the Romans found it hard to handle.
    AI参考:正确选项为 C:The Roman troops were withdrawn to defend their own nation from Germanic attack.。在公元410年,罗马军队被迫离开不列颠的原因是因为罗马军队被撤回以保护自己的国家免受日耳曼人的攻击。选项A提到了凯撒的统治,与问题中的时间背景不符;选项B提到英国人民的抵抗力量强大,但并未解释为何罗马军队要撤离;选项D提到了维京人不断袭击英国,但这并非直接原因。因此,选项C是正确的解释。'

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