

  1. The boy broke the window, for _______ he was criticized by the teacher.

  2. A:which B:whom C:that D:how
  3. You need a password to _____ the computer system.

  4. A:access too B:get access too C:get access D:get access to
    AI参考:正确选项是D:get access to。句子中需要一个动词短语来填空,表示“进入、访问电脑系统”,而get access to是一个常用的固定搭配,表示“进入、访问某地或某物”。因此,选项D是正确的。其他选项中,access too和get access too语法上是不正确的,而get access没有表示“进入、访问”的含义。'
  5. They will not ______ the pub even if he gives it away.

  6. A:agree to take B:receive C:allow D:agree to
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:agree to】。句子意思是“即使他把酒吧送出去,他们也不会同意去那里”,根据句子意思可知,选项D“同意去某处”符合语境。其他选项的意思不符合句意。例如,选项A“同意采取”,选项B“收到”,选项C“允许”都与句子意思不符。'
  7. He has made it very clear ________ we should observe the new rules.

  8. A:which B:those C:what D:that
    答案:itAI参考:正确选项是【D:that】。句子中使用了强调句型,强调的是“He has made it very clear”这个部分,因此需要使用“that”引导强调句型。这句话的意思是“他已经明确地说明了我们应该遵守新规则”。所以选项D是正确的。其他选项不符合语境。'
  9. Wilson ____ reading that he kept reading without his dinner.

  10. A:was so absorbed on B:so absorbed in C:was so absorbed in D:was so absorbed
    答案:was so absorbed in
  11. John _________ his work as soon as he was out of hospital.

  12. A:relieved B:resumed C:dealt D:gripped
  13. Daniel held her head up so she could breathe and _______pressure to her wounds.

  14. A:applied B:pressed C:held D:provided
  15. We cannot be sure if those drugs are effective or not since they have not been tested _______.

  16. A:overwhelmingly B:clinically C:tremendously D:productively
    AI参考:答案为 B:clinically这句话的意思是:我们不能确定这些药物是否有效,因为它们还没有经过临床试验,overwhelmingly 压倒性地,tremendously 巨大地,productively 生产性地,根据这句话的意思是可知,应该选B。'
  17. The immune system withers under the viral attack, leaving the body extremely ____ other painful and life-threatening diseases.

  18. A:be vulnerable to B:be vulnerable C:vulnerable D:vulnerable to

  19. Changes have been made to the construction requirements in this city in order to make the buildings and highways more ______ to earthquake.

  20. A:resistant B:insistent C:consistent D:persistent
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:resistant 】根据句意和选项,这里需要一个形容词来形容建筑物和公路对于地震的抵抗力。而resistant(抵抗的,有抵抗力的)恰好符合这个意思,其他选项的意思与句意不符。因此,答案为A。'
  21. The thief had _____ the wallet in newspaper.

  22. A:wound B:wrapped C:bound D:rolled

  23. The scientists hope to find if their newly-invented device can _______ the harsh environment in space.

  24. A:keep up with B:stand up to C:come up with D:live up to

  25. I saw Laura sitting by the window in a café across the street, obviously reflecting _______ something.

  26. A:at B:in C:of D:on

  27. We all________to your coming to help us.

  28. A:admit B:affect C:appreciate D:appropriate
  29. The lights were ______ in the morning.

  30. A:alight B:on fire C:on D:open

  31. Yet his strong will was the            that pushed him forward

  32. A:spur B:statesman C:optimism D:endeavor
  33. Economists are interested in all the factors that can help to __________the extent to which a price change will affect supply and demand in the market.

  34. A:expect B:predict C:infer D:indicate

  35. It was essential that the application forms ______ back before the deadline.

  36. A:be sent B:must be sent C:were sent D:would be sent

  37. ________ is the implied meaning of a word, or a cultural or emotional association that a word may carry

  38. A:Personification B:Connotation C:Denotation D:Metaphor
    AI参考:正确答案是B: Connotation。根据题目中的描述,一个词的隐含意义或文化或情感上的关联,所以选项B“connotation”最符合题意。Personification、Denotation、Metaphor都是不同的语言学概念,与题目描述不符。因此,答案为B。'
  39. Many children are addicted to computers, so they often          their parents and play the computer games for hours every day.

  40. A:defy B:derive C:decline D:deny

  41. Some reform advocates ignore the impact of class size on student achievement, and they are _____ what they call as a priority: teacher effectiveness.

  42. A:in the form of B:in terms of C:in favor of D:in the company of

  43. When I caught him ________, I stopped buying things there and started dealing with another shop.

  44. A:cheating B:cheat C:to be cheating D:to cheat
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:to cheat 】。句子中使用了固定句型“catch sb doing sth”来描述某人正在做某事被发现,所以应该使用不定式形式作catch的宾语,表示计划或未来的动作,故选D。这句话的意思是当我发现他正在骗人时,我就停止在那里买东西,开始到另一家商店做生意。'
  45. Because of his long illness, Lee's English level had dropped, but he was determined to ________ the other students by working harder.

  46. A:get along with B:fill up with C:catch up with D:put up with

  47. Gemini (双子座) is an airy, intellectual sign, and your ever-active mind tends to ________ from one thought to another with dizzying speed.

  48. A:damn B:dare C:deal D:dart

  49. From your business card I can see that you ____ woolen goods.

  50. A:specializing in B:specialize in C:specialized in D:specialize
    AI参考:正确选项是B:specialize in。在英文中,“specialize in”是一个常用的短语,表示专注于某个领域或行业。在这个句子中,“from your business card I can see that you ____ woolen goods”意思是“从你的名片上我可以看出你专注于羊毛制品”。因此,正确选项是B:specialize in。其他选项“specializing in”、“specialized in”和“specialize”在英文中没有与“in”搭配使用的用法。'
  51. We just go on in our habitual ways until we are stopped short by one of the many illnesses that ________ our civilization today.

  52. A:occur B:exist C:afflict D:effect
    AI参考:正确选项是C:afflict。句子中使用了固定搭配“be stopped short by”,意为“突然停止/中断”,表示一种突如其来的情况。而后面的“our civilization today”表明这个疾病是针对当今文明的一种影响。因此,选项C“afflict”符合语境,表示“使痛苦,使患病”,与前面的“stop”搭配使用,表达出疾病给文明带来的痛苦和困扰。其他选项的意思与句子不符。'
  53. Under no________will I go there again.

  54. A:happen B:situation C:giant D:circumstances
  55. The supermarket developed rapidly under his________.

  56. A:administration B:suggestion C:approach D:appearance

  57. It does not alter the fact that he was the man________for the death of the little girl.

  58. A:responsible B:guilty C:accounting D:obliged

  59. Audrey felt it was wicked that billions of children were             simple joys and drowned  in overwhelming misery.

  60. A:deprived of B:turned down C:led example D:lived on

  61. Just thinking about all the ________ I received about my dramatic weight loss, and the proud way my husband looked when we went out in public, made me feel that what I had done was worthwhile.

  62. A:achievements B:skepticism C:criticisms D:compliments
  63. His proposal sounds attractive, but unfortunately it is not ______ to the management problems of a small company.

  64. A:practical B:acceptable C:applicable D:done

  65. People from abroad can take part in the intensified language program because schools have to         students whose English is not their first language.

  66. A:make allowances for B:allow for C:allow D:make allow for

  67. ____ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.

  68. A:While comparing B:When compared C:Comparing D:Compare

  69. The land is affected by a ________ and the cattle are dying fast for lack of drinking water.

  70. A:drought B:premiere C:flood D:misery

  71. The cultural connotation of "The black sheep in the family" is similar to ________ in Chinese.

  72. A:羊入虎群 B:顶梁柱 C:害群之马;败家子 D:丧家之犬

  73. They unfairly beat the bulk of the criticism for these knowledge ______ because there is a
    sense that they should know better.

  74. A:deficiency B:deficits C:lack D:excursion

  75. He’s so innocent that anyone can _____ him.

  76. A:take advantage off B:take advantage of C:take advantage with D:take advantage on
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:take advantage of 。这句话的意思是:他非常单纯,任何人都可以利用他。take advantage of意为“利用,占……的便宜”,所以选B。其他选项的意思分别为:A.从……中得到好处;C.和……在一起;D.对……有利。因此,正确答案是B。'
  77. Then you do believe in God, but you guess that I do not, and you fear that the admission of your true belief would ________ your chance of employment.

  78. A:transform B:mount C:contrive D:jeopardize

  79. It is the development strategy of the company to _________ its overseas expansion in order to take a slice of the world market.

  80. A:abandon B:assume C:accumulate D:accelerate

  81. Indeed, if teachers want to __________ how far students might get in life, a better measurement than grades might be how hard the students try.

  82. A:speculated B:speculating C:speculate D:speculate about
    AI参考:答案为 B:speculating这句话的意思是:事实上,如果老师想要知道学生将来在生活上能走多远,那么除了分数之外,更好的衡量标准就是学生付出的努力,这里使用现在分词短语作状语,表示原因,所以应该用现在分词的主动形式,故选B。'
  83.             , I still can’t understand what we could have done to justify all the suffering war inevitably inflicts.

  84. A:As I might try B:Try as I might C:Might as I try D:Might try as I
    AI参考:答案:B:Try as I might这句话的意思是“尽管我尽力了,我还是不能理解为什么我们做了什么才能为战争不可避免地带来的痛苦开脱”。在这个句子中,“Try as I might”是一个常用的固定搭配,表示“尽管我尽力了”。因此,选项B是正确答案。其他选项的意思与句子不符。'
  85. The rhetorical device used in the sentence "Good fences make good neighbors" is called a ________.

  86. A:simile B:metaphor C:personification D:pun

  87. Children who are over-protected by there parentsmay become________.

  88. A:harmed B:hurt C:damaged D:spoiled

  89. Luggage in ______ of 100kg will be charged extra.

  90. A:excess B:exceed C:excel D:enroll
  91. Girls with appealing names performed better on _______ graded IQ tests.

  92. A:thoughtfully B:specially C:objectively D:prominently
  93. I would like to find a job in a _____ company after I graduate.

  94. A:promising B:fair C:amusing D:different
  95. Please        this form before you turn in your materials.

  96. A:fill for B:fill out C:fill to D:fill in
    AI参考:正确选项是D:fill in。原文中使用了“fill in”这个短语,表示填表或填表的意思。其他选项的意思不符合语境,不符合题意。因此,答案为D。'
  97. Kate’s first meeting with Tom went smoothly, _____ made her feel less uneasy.

  98. A:that B:which C:as D:it

  99. She was very ________ to become a manager in our customers' office, but finally accepted our offer.

  100. A:eager B:reluctant C:intelligent D:ridiculous
    AI参考:正确选项是【A】eager。句子中描述了“她非常渴望成为客户办公室的经理”,但是最终接受了我们的提议。因此,需要一个与渴望、急切相关的词来填空。选项B reluctant表示“不情愿的”,不符合语境;选项C intelligent表示“聪明的”,与句意不符;选项D ridiculous表示“荒谬的”,也与句意不符。只有选项A eager符合语境,表示渴望成为经理的愿望。因此,正确答案是A。'

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