1. Nothing can ___a strong spirit committed to success.

  2. 答案:inhibit
  3. You will miss your old routines and your parents’ reminders to work hard and _________ your best.

  4. 答案:attain
  5. I saw Laura sitting by the window in a café across the street, obviously reflecting _______ something.

  6. 答案:on
  7. He’s so innocent that anyone can _____ him.

  8. 答案:take advantage of
  9. He has been ______ by a horrible disease, from which one of his friends died two weeks ago.

  10. 答案:afflicted
  11. It was essential that the application forms ______ back before the deadline.

  12. 答案:be sent
  13. His proposal is________to all of us and you do not need to tell us more about it.

  14. 答案:apparent
  15. If anyone has any sensible suggestions _____ how to deal with this, please let me know.

  16. 答案:as to
  17. I think it was your Dad ________ phoned.

  18. 答案:who
  19. Some taxis do not have a meter, then it is easy for some dishonest drivers to ____ their passengers.

  20. 答案:rip off
  21. It was when I read his letter ________ I realized he had given me huge help.

  22. 答案:that
  23. He had been confined to the box, so he ______.
  24. Although he kept trying and failing, I always _______ the belief that he would succeed one day.
  25. She looked in the mirror and saw her _______.
  26. The woman who died in a car crash last Saturday in the suburbs has been ________ as Kate Johnson, a 25-year-old office clerk.
  27. It is feared that people living near the power station may have been________to radiation.
  28. Does brain ________poweras we get older? Scientists now have some surprising answers.
  29. He was an amateur writer for many years before he turned _______ .
  30. The rain was heavy and _____ the land was flooded.
  31. The writer got on the bus, but he didn't know whether to ________.
  32. As water is to fish, _______ air to humans.
  33. The woman in red looks so familiar to me; I must have met her ____ some occasion.
  34. The mountain range has many high________and fertile valleys.
  35. Out of________revenge, he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation.
  36. People there are told it is their _____ duty to support economy by buying their own products.
  37. They are busy _____ solutions to their current problems.
  38. You have your choice of three________of ice cream.
  39. We are sorry to know that they did not succeed ________ the project for lack of necessary funds.
  40. Most of the things he loves were inlcuded _____ the list.
  41. My nephew failed in the College Entrance Examination, and we were all very sorry that he did not ________ to the university.
  42. Rock music usually________the young people in most countries.
  43. You need a password to _____ the computer system.
  44. In a hospital for the mentally ill, much of the nurse’s time is devoted to maintaining a safe environment for the patients and also helping them to understand and ________ essential safety measures.
  45. Her ________ was rarely wrong where such things were concerned, but there was always the off chance.
  46. This is the military________.Nobody is allowed to get in without permission.
  47. She commanded that the troops ________ the water.
  48. I don't have any bandage(绷带), so I have to ________ pressure to the wound to keep the bleeding down.
  49. My brother and I managed to ________ with each other and we soon made peace after a week's quarrel.
  50. It was when she lived with him that she found out the darker side to his ________.
  51. Studies ______ that children who often take part in cooperative programs benefit a lot more than other children.
  52. The crisis had a(an) _______ effect on the economy.
  53. The discovery seems to ______ that people lived here over 10,000 years ago.
  54. It is a matter of _______ that male business people usually wears suits on formal occasions.
  55. This sick man was________in a blanket.
  56. She ______ her broken marriage to her husband’s short temper.
  57. It is reported that the mountain that the mountaineers climbed yesterday is two times ____ high ____ Taibai Moutain.
  58. The supermarket developed rapidly under his________.
  59. If you want to set up a company, you must ________the regulations laid down by the authorities.
  60. The cultural connotation of "The crocodile tears" is similar to ________ in Chinese.
  61. Each day, more than 6000 people around the world _____ HIV.
  62. They unfairly beat the bulk of the criticism for these knowledge ______ because there is a sense that they should know better.
  63. These workers ____ a high-risk group.
  64. The odyssey years can ____ young people ___ enormous pressure to move forward quickly.
  65. ____ numerous searches and enquiries, we still do not know where she is.
  66. Josh Smith says perhaps the most important thing they should learn is to ________ themselves.
  67. Everyone________the right to his own opinion.
  68. Before he went to bed, Mr. Smith _______ the lights.
  69. Most parents, in fact, aren’t very helpful with the problems that their sons and daughters have in _____ to their college life.
  70. He has made it very clear ________ we should observe the new rules.
  71. The book was first published in 1994 and was ________ translated into fifteen languages.
  72. Gas prices rose 4% in April, a ________ rise but the smallest since Ianuary.
  73. I asked her ______ she was enjoying her diner.
  74. The California state government has already _____ the households to make greater efforts to conserve water for the future.
  75. I’m _____ working under his guidance.
  76. Grandpa gets very _______ whenever he talks about the war in which he fought many years ago.
  77. Just thinking about all the ________ I received about my dramatic weight loss, and the proud way my husband looked when we went out in public, made me feel that what I had done was worthwhile.
  78. The tall man _______ his head so that he could enter the room.
  79. I asked a passenger sitting beside me if our train was the Westlake Express train, and he said he ________ of it.
  80. In order to improve people’s living standard, we should ______ first importance to the development of the economy.
  81. Milk, butter and cheese are________here from the farms.
  82. Have you got a funny________or unusual experience that you would like to share?
  83. In 1988 the old system was ________ in the country and a new system was introduced to take effect in 1990.
  84. Audrey felt it was wicked that billions of children were             simple joys and drowned  in overwhelming misery.
  85. The cultural connotation of "A fine kettle of fish" is similar to ________ in Chinese.
  86. The immune system withers under the viral attack, leaving the body extremely ____ other painful and life-threatening diseases.
  87. Crystal is a kind of _______.
  88. Rinny had ________ himself as a skilled craftsman at his father's gunmaking shop.
  89. Mrs. Cummins, very ________ in her duties, watched the whole process with a sensitive eye.
  90. The cultural connotation of "The black sheep in the family" is similar to ________ in Chinese.
  91. People have bought this house under the ______ that their value would just keep on rising.
  92. Helen lacks _________. I’ve never known anyone so unsure of herself.
  93. Darwin’s theory of evolution remains _______ partly because it challenges the religious belief that God created man.
  94. Girls with appealing names performed better on _______ graded IQ tests.
  95. The star said to the journalists that she _______ the opportunity to show that she could play a serious film role.
  96. Participating schools will receive full credit for researching and reporting on their chosen endangered ________.
  97. The man was lying on top of a ______ of woollen goods.
  98. For wildlife enthusiasts the journey is ________ because the region is known for its sea birds.
  99. All I wanted was a ________ log cabin in Maine, somewhere deep in the woods, to enjoy the night under the stars.
  100. With more overseas companies trying to obtain the big project recently open to the public, the competition in this market is bound to __________.
  101. John _________ his work as soon as he was out of hospital.
  102. She hoped he would understand that her life was not empty, because her love would_______.
  103. Testing students by exams has long been regarded as a reliable way to _________ students’ ability.
  104. ____ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.
  105. ________ is the implied meaning of a word, or a cultural or emotional association that a word may carry
  106. My camera can be _____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.
  107. This allows the engineers to ________ every possible situation in order to test the system.
  108. Students especially like the design of the textbook that provides a _________ on each pageto let them conveniently take notes.
  109. They will not ______ the pub even if he gives it away.
  110. The government is launching a new program which is aimed at opening ____ new employment opportunities.
  111. Indeed, if teachers want to __________ how far students might get in life, a better measurement than grades might be how hard the students try.
  112. Here tourists could hear the ________ stream splashing as water tumbles over the dam, powering the overshot waterwheel.
  113. Please        this form before you turn in your materials.
  114. People from abroad can take part in the intensified language program because schools have to         students whose English is not their first language.
  115. The cultural connotation of "Like a drowned rat" is similar to ________ in Chinese.
  116. There is little doubt that attending college has the potential of ______ young people to new ideas and relationships and helps promote their critical thinking skills.
  117. Take the example of two of the most ____ scientists of our age, Albert Einstein and Thomas Edision.
  118. His broken arm healed well, but he died of the pneumonia with followed as a________.
  119. The land is affected by a ________ and the cattle are dying fast for lack of drinking water.
  120. Sunshine and rain _____ crops in the field.
  121. The ________ she felt over the death of her husband was almost too much to bear.
  122. The cultural connotation of "To sell a pig in a poke" is similar to ________ in Chinese.
  123. We cannot be sure if those drugs are effective or not since they have not been tested _______.
  124. The scientists hope to find if their newly-invented device can _______ the harsh environment in space.
  125. Don’t _____ this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.
  126. Though the plan didn’t work well, he _______ in following it.
  127. 描述性写作应该尽可能地使用各种感觉(视觉、声音、触觉、味觉、嗅觉等)来进行描述,以产生吸引力。
  128. 描述性写作的要点包括:
  129. 描述空间的位置通常由上至下,从里到外,从左至右,从远到近。
  130. How many steps does it take to translate Chinese into English?
  131. 描述性写作中作者应注重“tell”而不是“show”。
  132. To make examples specific and impressive, you need to use__________.
  133. Choose the appropriate time signals to fill in the blanks. (choose only one correct answer) _____________, he received a film camera as his birthday present. ___________, he became increasingly interested in cinematography. After 13 years of relentless pursuit of his beloved cause, he won himself a seven-year contract with Universal Studios where he strove hard and produced numerous notable movies. __________, he revealed that his lifelong conviction was to “Make sure you are right and go on!”, which has immensely inspired the young with the dream of film.
  134. Suppose you are writing a narrative on a celebrity you admire. Which of the following details about him or her is/are effective in supporting the theme? (choose more than one correct answer)
  135. How to select examples? The examples you use to develop the thesis statement should be________________.
  136. Is it necessary to close your essay with the summary of advantages/disadvantages?
  137. What are the common transitions? (choose more than one correct answer)
  138. Showing why the counter-argument is not a real problem is one way to rebut the differing view in argumentative writing.
  139. Which of the following works is not supposed to be organized in chronological order? (choose only one correct answer)
  140. Which of the following are the formats of the outline when you write an advantage or disadvantage essay?
  141. What is the most common way to organize details in biography writing?(choose only one correct answer)
  142. To compare means to show the similarities;to contrast means to show the differences
  143. When we  compare two things, we show how they are different.
  144. With the  point-by-point method, the thesis statement would be more general.
  145. The  intruduction will give essential information that the reader needs to  understand the main point of the essay.
  146. In the sample essay, the example of hardly is used to show that adding a comma would show a big difference.
  147. A  subject to subject essay is a form of block essay.
  148. In a comparison or contrast essay, which of the following structure words are helpful for contrast?
  149. A thesis statement is a complete sentence that presents your opinion, attitude or position about the essay topic.
  150. The most  important thing with comparison is to avoid the obvious.
  151. Different from a typical argumentation, what are the 3 parts in this structure?
  152. An occurrence can have only one cause and effect.  (true or false?)
  153. Which expressions can be used in the Cause and effect writing?
  154. A cause-and-effect paragraph provides an explanation of why certain things happen and its possible effects or consequences. (true or false?)
  155. A lot of writing raters dislike the models used by students in their CET writing.
  156. 以下几种方法可以帮助写好段落主题句:
  157. 段落的主题句对主题的限定主要是通过句中的关键词来表现的。
  158. 主题句(topic sentence)是表达段落主题的句子。它用以概括段落大意,要求全段其他文字都围绕它展开。
  159. 记叙文阅读中,能有效帮助快速掌握主题句的要素有:
  160. 英语写作中每个段落必须要有一个主题句。
  161. The meaning of the expression “The Songs of Chu Coming from All Sides” ,the popular Chinese saying.
  162. How many years did the wars between Xiang Yu and Liu bang last?
  163. What are the strategies to make good use of models?
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