1. 这场战争名义上的目的是什么?

  2. 答案:夺回海伦
  3. 阿尔戈斯军队中能战胜赫克托尔的英雄是谁?

  4. 答案:阿喀琉斯
  5. 文中提到的阿伽门农是哪一个国的王?

  6. 答案:迈锡尼
  7. 阿尔戈斯人来自哪里?

  8. 答案:伯罗奔尼撒半岛
  9. 文中的赫克托尔是哪一国的战士?

  10. 答案:特洛伊
  11. 根据你所学的知识,以下关于阿勒珊德罗斯的表述哪一个是错误的?

  12. 答案:他是特洛伊王的长子
  13. 根据你所学的知识,下面关于宙斯的哪一表述是错误的?

  14. 答案:变为闪电与达那厄幽会
  15. 文中“宙斯生的闺女”是谁?

  16. 答案:雅典娜
  17. 阿勒珊德罗斯是谁?

  18. 答案:帕里斯
  19. 这是谁的独白?

  20. 答案:海伦
  21. 底比斯王后尼俄柏的所有儿女,被太阳神阿波罗用哪种武器杀死了?

  22. 答案:羽箭
  23. 奥瑞斯忒斯杀母案的审判长是谁?
  24. 根据赫西俄德《神谱》,以下( )不属于创世神。
  25. 阿佛洛狄忒的祭品是鸽子,天鹅,燕子和(  )。
  26. 青春女神是谁的女儿?
  27. The gods were supporting Odysseus except( ).
  28. The final labor for Heracles was to capture and bring back alive (  ).
  29. 青春女神的丈夫是谁?
  30. ( ) was ordered by Zeus to choose between her lovers. She chose the mortal Idas over Apollo because she feared the immortal Apollo would leave her when she grew old.
  31. ( ) did not come to the Trojan War.
  32. 以下哪部作品不是乔伊斯的作品?
  33. It is believed that the Harmonia necklace was fashioned by ( ) .
  34. ( ) was the twin sister of Ares.
  35. Prometheus '( ) was miraculously restored after the bloodthirsty eagle ate it everyday.
  36. The name of single-eyed giant that Odysseus met was (  ).
  37. Athena is the Goddess of (  ).
  38. Hermes was born at dawn and by noon he was able to invent (   )with tortoise shell.
  39. Which hero had Theseus never seen when he was alive?
  40. Heracles’ first marriage was to (  ).
  41. (  )is not child of Zeus.
  42. Jason’s heroism and achievement depended too much upon Medea, who offered him help, gave up her fame, kinship and homeland and won for him the Golden Fleece.
  43. Before leaving Larissa, Perseus took part in a competition in throwing discus, with which he accidentally killed Acrisius, his grandfather.
  44. Achilles spent long time fighting and killing Hector.
  45. In the early ages, hearth was seen as the most important and most sacred portion of the dwelling because it originated from the Olympia.
  46. Finally, Perseus gave Medusa’s head to Aries.
  47. The revolving seasons were related to the story of Demeter and Persephone.
  48. Hesiode believes that Zeus is the sky and weather God
  49. Io was changed in to a white cow by Zeus and was given to Hera as a present. Her descendant Heracles set Prometheus free.
  50. Hestia was the presiding deity of the domestic hearth and the guardian spirit of man.
  51. 伊阿宋在帮助赫拉过河的时候丢了一件衣服。
  52. Hapaestus has strong shoulders and a beautiful healthy body.
  53. 罗马神话完全是对希腊神话的复刻。
  54. 古希腊文明主要经历了爱琴海文明、希腊化时代、以及希腊城邦时代这三个时期
  55. Dionysus was constantly accompanied by a group of nymphs and women called the Maenads who were country worshipers of the young god, usually portrayed as crowned with vine leaves, clothed in fawn skins and carrying a thyrsus .
  56. Theseus began his adventure at the age of eighteen.
  57. 埃涅阿斯在冥界“哀伤之地”的桃金娘树下遇到了狄多女王的灵魂。
  58. “恋父情结”是从心理学的角度来研究神话。
  59. Zeus dominated his kingdom with his two brothers, making himself king of the heavens and the earth, Poseidon king of the Underworld, and Hades king of the Sea.
  60. Hera was the youngest sister and the last wife of Zeus.
  61. Heracles (Hercules) was the son of Zeus and Alcmene, who was granddaughter of Perseus and wife of Amphitryon.
  62. 阿尔戈船是一艘有五十只浆的坚固的大船。
  63. Demeter was the goddess of love and beauty.
  64. 人类的五个时代不包括黄金时代。
  65. Athena named herself Pallas Athena to show love and respect to Triton.
  66. Poseidon offered a war-horse while Athena provide a magical aegis to rival for the protector of Athens.
  67. 本图传达了什么意思?
  68. 图中右侧背景里的群像是谁?
  69. 图中长着翅膀的飞马是什么象征?
  70. 图中文字Hermathena是什么的象征?
  71. 图中央两位神祇是谁?
  72. 甲的儿子是谁?
  73. 甲的国家是哪个?
  74. 甲与乙最后结局如何?
  75. 文中说话的乙是谁?
  76. 文中对话的甲是谁?
  77. In Grecian cities, emigrants in the city would take a portion of the fire, which served as a connecting link between the Greek colony and ( ).
  78. Pandora was created by ( ).
  79. The last gift was given to Pandora by Hera, and this was ( ).
  80. The most cherished gift was given to Hera by ( ).
  81. (  )在海洋女神忒提斯的婚礼上放了一颗“属于最美者”的金苹果。
  82. Which adventure that Theseus did not take?
  83. 一个可怕的预言:“你将杀害你的亲生父亲,并娶你的生母为妻,还留下可恶的孩子在世上。”这个预言中的“你”指的是( )。
  84. Achilles was killed by the arrow of ( ).
  85. In the revolt against Zeus, the deities bound the sleeping Zeus to a couch with ropes made of leather except ( ).
  86. Dionysus, the god of ( ) and ecstasy, was born of the mortal princess Semele.
  87. Heracles strangled to death the ( ) in his cot that had been sent to him by the jealous Hera.
  88. Which of the following is not the typical image characteristics of Hermes?
  89. After a long war, the exhausted enemy held out _______.
  90. ( ), the last and the first-born, was king of gods and men.
  91. 在金苹果的故事中,( ) 被宙斯选中作为选出最美女神的仲裁者。
  92. Hermes was born in a cave in Mount Cyllene in Arcadia at dawn by (  )
  93. Hades presented Persephone some seeds of (  ) so that she was bound to stay with Hades forever.
  94. Apollo has fallen in love with the nymph, (  ), who has finally changed into a laurel tree.
  95. Perseus had six sons with Andromeda and a daughter. Through his son Electryon, Perseus became the ancestor of the greatest Greek hero, (  ).
  96. Helen, the most beautiful mortal woman to have ever existed, was born of mortal Leda, after Zeus seduced her in the form of a (  ).
  97. Phaethon was the mortal son of Helios and Clymene, who attempted to drive his father's sun chariot for one day with disastrous results.
  98. In Semele’s dream, two continents, in the forms of two women, were arguing over her. One of the women, maintained that since she had been born in Asia she belonged to it. But she had the continent of Europe named after her.
  99. Odysseus never heard the song of Sirens.
  100. Persephone was seized by Hades to become his colleague in his dark realms.
  101. Favored by gods, Perseus got help from Athena and Hermes and was given some magic equipment.
  102. 阿佛洛狄忒是小爱神丘比特的母亲。
  103. 《尤利西斯》主要讲述斯蒂芬·迪达勒斯在都柏林的游荡。
  104. Zeus persuaded Hera to agree that, after performing the twelve labors, his son Heracles should become a god.
  105. Zeus placed a fifth race of men on earth during the Iron Age who were mostly demigods
  106. Hades was the ruler of the sea.
  107. To annoy Heracles after he took the cattle of Geryon, Hera sent a bear to bite the cattle.
  108. The idea of father god Zeus is a perfect personification of order through power.
  109. 俄狄浦斯死后,克瑞翁继承了忒拜王位。
  110. 青春女神掌管青春,她是诸神的斟酒官。
  111. Aphrodite was a loyal wife of Hephaestus.
  112. Hestia was the goddess of Corn, Grain and the Harvest.
  113. 根据你所学的知识,以下关于美狄亚的描述哪一项是错的?
  114. 根据你所学的知识,以下关于伊阿宋的描述哪一项是错的?
  115. 根据你所学的知识,以下关于阿尔戈英雄探险的描述哪一项是错的?
  116. 文中提到“祖国”指的是哪个国家?
  117. “阿尔戈号”冒险是以下哪位英雄组织的?
  118. 属于宙斯的子女的是( )。
  119. ( )was not a mate of Odysseus.
  120. The funeral rites given to the dead people that would be asked by the old boatman Charon was a ( ).
  121. ( )was killed by Odysseus among the suiters.
  122. In ancient times, Delphi was the site of the Delphic Oracle, dedicated to Apollo and was revered throughout the Greek world as the ( ), the center of the universe.
  123. 《俄狄浦斯王》这部悲剧是谁的作品?
  124. Perseus gives Medusa's head to ( ).
  125. Zeus took ( ) as his wife and queen, but he was by far the most unfaithful of all the gods.
  126. Some people say that the god, ( ) married Ariadne.
  127. 希腊神话故事中大洪水的起因是( )。
  128. 众神选出的三位最美女神候选人分别是:赫拉,阿佛洛狄忒和(  ).
  129. Venus was the Goddess of the hunt and the wild animals.
  130. His eleven labors were proofs of his divine potentials and heroic achievements.
  131. On the first day of his birth, Hermes stole 50 cows and killed one of them to eat.
  132. Hera’s role in the revolt was to drug Zeus.
  133. The Minotaur devoured the young people because he was hungry.
  134. Zeus boasted that he had fathered a son who would be called Heracles, which means “the glory of Hera,” or “hated by Hera,”
  135. Hestia slipped in and swiftly untied the many knots to release Zeus from the couch with his hundred hands.
  136. Arachne's embroidery was about scandles of god and goddess, which irriated Athena a lot.
  137. Jason was not made immortal nor was he made into the object of cult after death.
  138. Poseidon took the sea and waters after overthrowing Cronos.
  139. Hera took the apple tree that produced fruit of pure gold to the end of the world to the Garden of Hesperides to protect it.
  140. Dionysus sprang forth from Zeus’ thigh, hence came his name “the twice-born.”
  141. Zeus ordered Hepheastus, god of fire, to have Prometheus chained to Mount Caucasus.
  142. 蛇在古希腊神话中都代表着邪恶,阴暗,丑陋和恐怖。
  143. 去往冥界的路上,埃涅阿斯得到了库迈的女预言家的帮助。
  144. Athena is the daughter of Zeus and Hera
  145. Hephaestus was a divine artificer.
  146. “在城门前为自己立下了纪念碑”指的是哪座城?
  147. “不幸的家族彻底遭毁灭”指的是哪一家族?
  148. “亲兄弟死于亲兄弟手下”中兄弟二人的名字是?
  149. 文中所说“她把自己的儿子作丈夫”中“丈夫”指的是谁?
  150. 文中所说“父亲的狠心的诅咒”指的是谁的诅咒?
  151. Zeus is not only a (  )god overseeing the growth of all life, but also upheld as the preserver of order and justice.
  152. King Polydectes wanted to get rid of Perseus, because the son was an obstacle in his approaching (  ).
  153. Zeus managed to get a compromise between Demeter and Hades by permitting Persephone to stay( ) with each of them.
  154. 罗马神话中,爱神叫做( )。
  155. 帮助忒修斯走出拉比林特斯迷宫的是____。
  156. Among the neighbors that were not willing to submit to Roman’s control, ______ was one such city that was founded by Aeneas’ son Ascanius.
  157. Prometheus stole the heavenly fire from the sun-chariot of (  ).
  158. Delphi, located in a plateau on the side of Mt. Parnassus, is an archaeological site and a modern town in (  ).
  159. 伊阿宋在(  )的帮助下拿到了金羊毛。
  160. After consuming the potion presented by Zeus, Cronus became violently sick, and began to vomit.
  161. Theseus’ greatest feat of heroism was the killing of the Minotaur.
  162. 丢卡利翁和皮拉一路走一路投掷泥土,新的人类就被创造了出来。
  163. Zeus is the son of Cronos and Gaia.
  164. Five children were born to Rhea by Cronus. But Cronus swallowed them all as soon as they were born.
  165. 阿佛洛狄忒的丈夫是战神艾瑞斯。
  166. 埃涅阿斯在冥界的极乐世界找到了父亲的亡魂。
  167. Theseus was the hero of Athens because he was born there
  168. After being kidnapped by a group of pirates, Dionysus changed himself into a lion or a leopard and chased the crewmen. To escape they leaped overboard, but as they did so, they were changed to (  ).
  169. ( )was born by Zeus himself.
  170. After the dethronement of Cronus, Zeus with his brothers ( ) and Hades divided his dominions.
  171. Which one of the following was not female?
  172. 在希腊神话中,蛇代表了西方最早的医学和( )。
  173. Hephaestus once tried to woo ( ), but failed.
  174. Zeus put out the revolt by Olympian gods and goddesses led by (  ).
  175. Hermes became the god of music with Lyre.
  176. Of the seven only Adrastus survived.
  177. All the people who were dead were going to the Elysium.
  178. Lethe was a gentle and silent stream whose waters could eliminate care and help the shades forget all the past events.
  179. Athena herself had cut a beam from her father Zeus’ oak(a tree that could speak) at Dodona , gave it a power of speech and prophecy and fitted it into the Argo’s prow.
  180. 埃涅阿斯把金枝作为礼物送给冥后,顺利进入了冥界。
  181. Hermes was the only Olympian capable of crossing the boundary between the living and the dead and carrying the souls of the dead in Hades.
  182. Polyphemus was the son of Poseidon.
  183. ( ) was one mistress of Zeus, and she was the mother of Apollo and Artemis.
  184. “Bacchus has drowned more people than Neptune” means ______.
  185. 国王埃厄忒斯要求伊阿宋驾驶( ), 打败地里长出的武士,就能获赠金羊毛。
  186. (  )was fashioned by Haphaestus.
  187. Polynices and Eteocles are twin brothers .
  188. Ares 是宙斯的兄弟。
  189. Zeus sent Hermes to inform Calypso that she must let Odysseus leave.
  190. 伊阿宋寻找金羊毛是为了让国王珀利阿斯把王位传给他。
  191. 松树是青春女神的圣树。
  192. Ares was the god of wars.
  193. 以下那件事情与这位神明无关?
  194. 这位神明的名字有什么意义?
  195. “神界的宝物”指的是什么?
  196. 他“遭众神迫害”不是因为以下那个原因?
  197. 这是哪位神明的独白?
  198. Zeus punished Poseidon and Apollo by sending them as bondservants to King of ( ).
  199. 祭祀仪式中,马通常是献给( )。
  200. 大洪水的故事发生在人类的哪个时代( )。
  201. 云彩女神涅斐勒从( ) 那儿得到一只长满金羊毛的公羊,从而救了她的儿子和女儿。
  202. As Zeus’ children, Apollo and Artemis, the twin deities were born of (  ), a Titaness.
  203. Hera cast a curse on Leda so that she could only speak, or rather, repeat the words of others.
  204. Chased by storms, the Argonauts reached the island of Lemnos where only women lived. The Argonauts stayed on the island for one or two years. Behind them were left numerous descendants.
  205. Hephaestus was the only god of fire in Greek Mythology.
  206. When facing sacrificed bull, Zeus knew Prometheus'trick, but ( ) picked the pile with the bones wrapped in jucicy fat.
  207. As punishment for bragging about her weaving skills, Minerva turned Arachne into ______.
  208. Prometheus tricked Zeus by making the piles of the sacrificed bull, one with the bones wrapped in rough hide and the other with good meat hidden in juicy fat
  209. Haphaestus, god of fire, fasten Prometheus to a steep cliff by a never-failing chain, and sent a bloodthirsty eagle to peck at his liver everyday.
  210. “集体无意识”是心理学家荣格提出来的。
  211. After returning to Seriphos, Perseus saved his mother and Polydectes.
  212. 阿佛洛狄忒不是金苹果的故事中的女神之一。
  213. 阿佛洛狄忒和安喀塞斯的儿子埃涅阿斯被罗马人视为始祖。
  214. 以下哪个说法是对的?
  215. 以下哪个说法是对的?
  216. 关于图4中的故事哪个说法是对的?
  217. 图2中的故事是以下哪个英雄的故事?
  218. 图1中的故事是以下哪个英雄的故事?
  219. Patroclus was killed by (  ).
  220. To give a gift to Athens, Athena struck the ground with her golden spear and made ( ).
  221. Prometheus mixed the earth with water, and made a man after the image of the god.
  222. Circe bore a son of Odysseus.
  223. Heracles' final labor was to capture and bring back alive ( ).
  224. After his death, Heracles was transformed into an immortal and welcomed to Olympus, where he became formally adopted by Hera and married ( ).
  225. Erichthonius was born from the sperm Hephaestus laid on the earth.
  226. The people of the Golden Age were created by ( ).
  227. Phineus instructed Jason how to take the ship between the Symplegades rocks, also known as the “Clashing Rocks,” that guarded the entrance to the Bosphorus.
  228. Demeter was the mother of Persephone.
  229. Theseus’s first important love was ( ), who helped him kill the Minotaur.
  230. Hestia was the goddess of(  ).
  231. Demeter changed Stellio into a ( ) when he laughed at the goddess for her eagerness to eat a bowl of porridge.
  232. The hunter Actaeon was changed into a ( ) and devoured by his own dogs because he happened to see Artemis and her maidens bathing.
  233. 希腊神话的显著特点是( )。
  234. (  )is the Roman name of Zeus.
  235. In the musical contest between Apollo and ( ), Midas’ ears was changed into the ears of an ass.
  236. Irritated by the old man who promised to keep secret, Hermes turned him into a ( ).
  237. Theseus had cleansed the road to Athens of its dangers.
  238. Amphiaraus fled on his winged horse and was saved by Zeus.
  239. Paris, the handsome prince, gave Aphrodite the golden apple at Troy.
  240. Antigone wanted to defy Creon’s edict and perform the proper funeral rites over her sister’s body.
  241. the Gate of () was safe during the furious battle?
  242. Sinon was well coached by() and convinced the Trojans of the Horse.
  243. Nereids Thetis was fated to bore a son who would be greater than his father.
  244. Achilles was educated by centaur Chiron.
  245. ( ) ws the central figure and principal warrior in Iliad. .
  246. ______ took Heracles and bared her breast, but he drew with such force that she flung him down in pain, and a spurt of mild flew across the sky and became the Milky Way.
  247. A ship with black sails carried ( ) to Crete.
  248. Heracles has been considered the most archetypal Greek hero.
  249. Perseus was forced by honor to go and try to get the head of Medea.
  250. Aethra's father let it be understood thatTheseus’ father was Poseidon.
  251. Odysseus arrived Ithaca with many ships and friends.
  252. ______ was the only Greek hero who maintained supportive relationship with women throughout his career.
  253. 伊阿宋是特洛伊国王的儿子。
  254. Which of the following was not one of Odysseus'adventures returning from Troy?
  255. 伊阿宋因为在回家的途中帮助了_______ 而得到她的帮助和庇佑。
  256. 阿佛洛狄忒的罗马名字是_________.
  257. She was often accompanied in battle by the winged goddess of______, Nike, who enabled her to win every battle.
  258. In the revolt against Zeus, the deities bound the sleeping Zeus to a couch with ropes made of leather except (  )
  259. 阿佛洛狄忒是希腊神话中爱情与美丽的女神。
  260. When Persephone was seized by Hades, nobody else noticed apart from ________ and Hecate.
  261. Artemis is known in Roman mythology as Diana.
  262. Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and War, was the embodiment of strategy, tactics and reason.
  263. Hestia is also known as Vesta in Roman mythology.
  264. Demeter is believed to bring mankind harvest and ________.
  265. The Dionysia was a large religious festival in ancient Athens held in honor of the god Dionysus, the central event of which was the performance of tragedies and comedies.
  266. Zeus is the God of cloud and weather.
  267. In order to seduce Daphne, Apollo promised her the gift of prophecy, but she rejected him as soon as she got the gift.
  268. Hermes made peace with Apollo by giving him the _____ for the cows.
  269. Dionysus was Zeus’ son by ______, a mortal woman, daughter of Cadmus, founder of Thebes.
  270. Apollo was famous for his oracles at ______ where he purified those guilty of sins and prophesied the liberation.
  271. 阿瑞斯是希腊神话中唯一的战神,且战无不胜。
  272. The three rivers that must be crossed by the spirits of dead people in the realms of Hades were ________, Cocytus and Styx.
  273. Poseidon was the son of Cronus and Rhea.
  274. Hephaestus caught Aphrodite and ________ with an invisible hunting net.
  275. As one drop of Uranus’ blood, or, as many say, Uranus’ genitals, mixed with the sea foam, the goddess ______ was born and came into existence.
  276. The only Titan that was brave enough to stand up against their father, Uranus, was ______, the youngest.
  277. 宙斯的姐姐和妻子是赫拉。
  278. As Uranus’ blood fell onto the earth and mixed with the soil, it brought forth the Giants and the Graces.
  279. For Cronus, Gaia made a sickle out of her hardest flint, sharp enough to cut through anything. Together the two of them made a plan to overthrow Uranus, and to free Gaia’s children.
  280. 宙斯为希腊神话第三代谱系中最高的神,主宰一切天象,尤其是闪电。
  281. Zeus returned to the deepest part of the world, and freed the Hecatoncheires and the ______.
  282. After dispatching Uranus, Cronus was now the ruler of the earth, and Rhea was his queen. This time was called the Silver Age.
  283. 下列不属于奥林匹斯十二位最受崇拜的神是( )
  284. Apollo taught Pandora how to play various musical instruments.
  285. Prometheus was son of Uranus and ( ).
  286. 青铜种族可怕而且强悍,他们喜爱战神阿瑞斯,喜爱制造哀伤和暴力。
  287. 黄金种族的人类像神灵一样活着,没有内心的悲伤,没有劳累和忧愁。他们死亡就像熟睡一样安详。
  288. At the bottom of Pandora's jar was one good thing — hope.
  289. Prometheus is said to be the creator of mankind and man's protector and benefactor.
  290. 宙斯答应保护人类,但没有给人类最重要的一样东西是( )
  291. 天神乌拉诺斯只是地母盖亚的丈夫。
  292. The meaning of the word “myth” is derived from the Greek word “______”, which means “tale” or “story”.
  293. Myths in which Goddess ______ lived for three months with her husband Hades in the Underworld and returned to live with her mother Demeter, Goddess of Corn, for the rest of the year reflect the return of spring after winter.
  294. 奥运会起源于古希腊,这里出现了欧洲最早的海洋文明。
  295. A myth is a tale that gives a religious explanation for the world as it is.
  296. 俄耳浦斯教的创世神是( )
  297. No one definition can satisfactorily embrace all the various kinds of stories that can legitimately be classed as mythology on the basis of one criterion or another.
  298. 皮拉斯基人的创世神是女神欧律诺墨(Eurynome)。
  299. Zeus took the shape of ( )when he raped Europa.
  300. 阿德拉斯托斯最后的结局如何?
  301. 文中提到的都城共有几座城门?
  302. 卡德摩斯的都城是那一座?
  303. 本文出自哪一悲剧?
  304. 文中所说的“埃特奥克勒斯”是谁的儿子?
  305. “这蛮女著名的战利品”指的是什么?
  306. “阿特拉斯的家”位于哪里?
  307. “迈锡尼的僭主”指的是谁?
  308. “那闯进黑暗下界的人”是宙斯与谁的孩子?
  309. 文中说到“那闯进黑暗下界的人”是(  )
  310. Dionysus was also one of the very few who were able to bring a dead person out of the (  ).
  311. The only beings that would enjoy happiness after they died were the ( ).
  312. Hera turned( ) into a bear.
  313. After Perseus was murdered by his cousin Megapenthes, he and his wife were transformed into constellations by ( ).
  314. Attributes of Poseidon are trident, horse and ( ), which are closely related to some love stories of Poseidon.
  315. 美狄亚将沾满毒液的金袍送给( ), 作为她和伊阿宋的新婚礼物。
  316. In Roman mythology, Hestia was known as Vesta. The great festival in honor of Vesta falls on (  ).
  317. It is said that though Dionysus had never seen his mother, he was concerned for her. Eventually he journeyed into the Underworld to bring her back to Mount Olympus by bribing (  ) with myrtle.
  318. 下列不属于导致人神疏远的事件是( )。
  319. (  )was killed by Zeus' thuderbolt in the battle?
  320. After turning the monster into stone by using the head of ______, Perseus saved Andromeda and married her.
  321. Leto finally gave birth to Artemis and Apollo on the island of ( ).
  322. The Argonauts gathered at Pagasae, where they sacrificed to( ). The omens were good.
  323. Heracles demonstrated his extraordinary strength right from birth. He strangled to death the ______ in his cot that had been sent to him by the jealous Hera.
  324. Apollo is often pitted against ( ) in encompassing the basic duality of human nature: the rational and/vs. the irrational, or culture and/vs. nature.
  325. ( )was not fashioned by Haphaestus.
  326. Hestia was the ( ) of Zeus and Hera.
  327. In trojan war, Athena defeated ( ), god of war.
  328. Zeus used ( ) to protect his daughter
  329. Another wife of Theseus was ( ), daughter of King Minos and sister of Ariadne.
  330. Which of the following honor does not belong to Hermes?
  331. Athena was very angry with Arachne's embroiderly, thus turned her into a (  )
  332. (  )is not a mate of Zeus.
  333. As a young man Heracles was invited by two young women to choose between the easy path of Pleasure and the rocky uphill path of Virtue. He chose  (  ).
  334. After killing his lover Coronis, Apollo saved their baby from her womb and gave him to the wise Centaur (  ) to raise. The child grew up to become Asclepius, a famous practitioner of medicine, worshiped as both a hero and a god.
  335. It is said that Apollo spoke through his Priestess, who was commonly known as Sibyl. This title has changed into (  ) after Apollo slew the monster.
  336. 宙斯和赫拉的儿子是( )
  337. The golden fleece was hung in a grove sacred to (  ) and guarded by a dragon or serpent.
  338. Medea prepared a goblet of poisoned wine ready to kill (   ).
  339. 战神的名字是( )。
  340. Pan lost in another musical contest with Apollo and was flayed alive in a cave.
  341. Demeter was always gentle and amiable.
  342. 伊阿宋拿到金羊毛以后成功获得了王位。
  343. 大英雄阿伽门农的妻子是世间最美的女子海伦。
  344. Jason sought the help of Argus who, on the advice of Athena, built a fifty-oared ship, the Argo,
  345. 阿特柔斯被自己的亲生儿子和亲弟弟联手杀死。
  346. Athena breathed life into Pandora, making it a living, breathing woman.
  347. 克罗诺斯是第一代天神。
  348. Medusa was once a beautiful maiden whose hair was her chief glory, but was turned into a beast with hissing serpents as her hair.
  349. 希腊罗马神话中,冥府的看门狗是Cerberus。
  350. 国王俄诺玛诺斯想让女儿终身不嫁的原因是因为一则神谕:女儿出嫁时就是她的父亲的王国覆灭日。
  351. Caduceus, the golden staff intertwined with two serpents and bearing a pair of wings at the top, was given by Apollo as a gift to forgive his trick.
  352. Zeus created men of bronze from Clay.
  353. The emblem of Thebes was a boar, while the emblem of Calydon a lion.
  354. Achilles was doomed to die in the Trojan War.
  355. Athena sprung from Zeus's head, fully grown and clad in battle armor.
  356. 珀尔修斯是在神使赫尔墨斯,雅典娜和北方仙女的帮助下杀死美杜莎的。
  357. Haphaestus was the son of Zeus and Hera in every Greek myth.
  358. 创造第一批人类的神是普罗米修斯和雅典娜。
  359. The Dionysia was comprised of two related festivals, the Rural Dionysia and the City Dionysia, which took place in different parts of the year.
  360. Hermes, the son of Zeus and young Titaness Maia, was the messenger of the Olympian gods.
  361. The name Hercules means glory of Hera.
  362. 丘比特是爱神阿佛洛狄忒和火神赫淮斯托斯的儿子。
  363. Dionysus was often seen as the god of everything uncivilized, of the innate wildness of humanity that the Athenians had tried to control.
  364. From Medusa’s bleeding neck, a winged horse, Pegasus, and the Giant Chrysaor sprang out.
  365. The rebirth from Zeus alone conferred immortality upon Dionysus.
  366. After death, he was transformed into a constellation.
  367. 忒瑞西阿斯不知道杀死先王拉伊俄斯的凶手。
  368. 米诺陶是克里特岛王米诺斯的孩子。
  369. Apollo loved Daphne so much because Cupid wounded in his heart with a little leaden-pointed arrow.
  370. 潘神最喜欢的乐器是( ).
  371. 在希腊神话中,女神阿弗洛狄特和( )同时爱上阿多尼斯从而解释了四季的交替更迭。
  372. “半羊半鱼”潘是神话中掌管牧羊的牧神。( )
  373. 侧金盏花讲述的是英俊青年阿多尼斯和爱与美之神阿弗洛狄忒的故事。( )
  374. 风信子的故事是海亚辛斯和( )的故事。
  375. 在闪米特文化中,阿多尼斯指的是一位名叫塔穆兹·阿多尼斯的植物神。( )
  376. 酒神狄俄倪索斯象征着令人沉醉其中的酒及其社会的积极影响,他总是能带给人快乐。( )
  377. 古希腊人举办的酒神节包括乡村酒神节,例纳节,安特斯特里节和( ).
  378. 《酒神的伴侣》是古希腊剧作家埃斯库罗斯的作品。( )
  379. 米诺斯因为没有实现对( )的承诺而受到惩罚,才使得王后生出了“半牛半人怪”米诺陶。
  380. I completed this monumental work with herculean effort.( )
  381. All the following idioms come from Trojan War except( ).
  382. All the following men are usually used to refer to handsome man except( ).
  383. With many beautiful poems like Ode to the West Wind so popular, Percy Shelly is regarded as Apollo of UK.( )
  384. Hercules accomplished twelve Labors including killing Medusa.( )
  385. The property that the millionaire left finally became Greek gift among his three sons.( )
  386. All the following expressions are derived from a beautiful lady’s story except( ).
  387. Apple plays a negative role in( )’s eyes.
  388. All the following idioms are from a hero’s legend except ( ).
  389. Currently,many girls think that to be an Aphrodite means to be independent.( )
  390. 埃涅阿斯的母亲,爱神( )护卫他来到了迦太基。
  391. 埃涅阿斯一行受到了迦太基女王( )的热情款待。
  392. 埃涅阿斯迎娶了拉丁姆城的公主拉维尼娅为妻。( )
  393. 《埃涅阿斯纪》前半部分模仿了荷马的史诗《伊利亚特》,后半部分模仿了荷马的另一部史诗《奥德赛》。( )
  394. 《埃涅阿斯纪》是一部( )卷的叙述性诗歌。
  395. 《埃涅阿斯纪》的作者是( )。
  396. 《埃涅阿斯纪》被称为是欧洲文学史上第一部文人史诗。( )
  397. 受到( )的指使,风神给埃涅阿斯的船队送去了风暴袭击。
  398. 意大利之战中,埃涅阿斯的敌方统领是图努斯。( )
  399. 《埃涅阿斯纪》的作者临终时,作品还没有完成。( )
  400. Romulus and Remus were raised by a( ).
  401. The gods who ruled the heavens, the ocean and the Underworld, respectively, were( ).
  402. ( )was portrayed as a bearded male entity who personified the light, thunder, and sky.
  403. Minerva advises Cadmus to sow magic beans in the ground in order to create the race of men that would found the city Thebes.( )
  404. Ceres is the goddess of agriculture.( )
  405. Pygmalion falls in love with a nightingale.( )
  406. According to roman mythology, Remus killed Romulus.( )
  407. Many transformation stories can be found in _____, a collection of poems written by ____. ( )
  408. The Roman name of Aphrodite is( ).
  409. In Roman mythology, Mercury is the messenger of the gods. ( )
  410. Antigone wanted to defy Creon’s edict and perform the proper funeral rites over her sister’s body.( )
  411. ( )was reluctant to be the seventh hero to attack Thebes?
  412. Sinon was well coached by( ) and convinced the Trojans of the Horse.
  413. Achilles was educated by centaur Chiron. ( )
  414. ( )was not in the group of seven against Thebes?
  415. Nereids Thetis was fated to bore a son who would be greater than his father. ( )
  416. Amphiaraus fled on his winged horse and was saved by Zeus.( )
  417. ( ) was the central figure and principal warrior in Iliad.
  418. the Gate of ( ) was safe during the furious battle?
  419. Paris, the handsome prince, gave Aphrodite the golden apple at Troy.( )
  420. 少女( )在桑迪芒特海滩上乘凉,并与布鲁姆眉目传情?
  421. 布鲁姆出场时正在家里给未起床的妻子( )做早饭。
  422. 伊阿宋是特洛伊国王的儿子。( )
  423. 《尤利西斯》作者是英国作家、诗人詹姆斯•乔伊斯的作品。( )
  424. 伊阿宋因为在回家的途中帮助了( )而得到她的帮助和庇佑。
  425. Odysseus arrived Ithaca with many ships and friends.( )
  426. 布鲁姆日是6月16日,爱尔兰国庆日。( )
  427. Which of the following was not one of Odysseus'adventures returning from Troy?( )
  428. 詹姆斯•乔伊斯作为后现代文学的奠基者之一,他作品主要特点是“意识流”。( )
  429. 下列哪个关于《尤利西斯》的表述是错的?( )
  430. 是谁与举世文明的奥林匹克运动会有关?( )
  431. 赛车时国王俄诺玛诺斯最终败给珀罗普斯是因为被雷击打。( )
  432. 虽然七儿七女都被天神杀死了,但底比斯王后尼俄柏依然目中无人。( )
  433. 被父亲撕碎的珀罗普斯被命运女神救活了,全身完好无损。( )
  434. 珀罗普斯赢了国王俄诺玛诺斯后,成为哪个国家的国王?( )
  435. 因为和国王俄诺玛诺斯赛车的人都死于非命,所以公主最后终身未嫁。( )
  436. 珀罗普斯与父亲坦塔罗斯一样狂妄自大,最终被众神剁成碎肉。( )
  437. 坦塔罗斯最终被捆锁在一池深水中,始终有几重折磨跟随着他?( )
  438. 下面哪项不是坦塔罗斯做的荒唐事?( )
  439. 珀罗普斯爱上了哪位公主?( )
  440. Theseus made the trip to Athens by land.( )
  441. Before departure, Theseus told his father that if he was successful, he would change the sail of the ship from black to ( ).
  442. Ariadne gave Theseus a ball of thread and told him to fasten it close to the entrance of the labyrinth and follow it all the way back.( )
  443. Aethra's father let it be understood thatTheseus’ father was Poseidon. ( )
  444. ( )persuaded Aegeus to send Theseus to capture the Cretan bull, in the hope that he would die so that her own sons could succeed to the throne.
  445. On his way, Theseus encountered and defeated many murderous adversaries by adopting the same method each of them had used to kill his victims.( )
  446. Theseus was made into an object of cult after death.( )
  447. Theseus' first important love was Ariadne who helped him kill the Minotaur. ( )
  448. The Aegean Sea was named after ( ).
  449. Theseus volunteered to go to Crete to kill the ( ).
  450. Cadmus was Europa's Brother.( )
  451. Camus married ( ) with the bless of Gods.
  452. What did Cadmus sow with guidance of Athene?( )
  453. 俄狄浦斯被什么样的神谕诅咒断送了美好的前程,痛苦的离开了人间?( )
  454. Which hero did not consult the Delphi oracle?( )
  455. 斯芬克斯是个人头狮身的怪物。( )
  456. 俄狄浦斯在三叉路口将与之发生冲突的一行人全部杀死。( )
  457. Who is not Cadmus'child?( )
  458. Cadmus found his sister and built a city for her.( )
  459. Aphrodite helped Cadmus in fighting against the dragon.( )
  460. Perseus was forced by honor to go and try to get the head of Medea. ( )
  461. Perseuswas transformed into a ( ).
  462. A ship with black sails carried ( ) to Crete.
  463. Perseus' wife is Andromeda.( )
  464. ( ) took Heracles and bared her breast, but he drew with such force that she flung him down in pain, and a spurt of mild flew across the sky and became the Milky Way.
  465. Zeus persuaded Hera to agree that, after performing the twelve labors, his son Heracles should become a god.( )
  466. Through his son Electryon, Perseus became the ancester of the greatest Greek hero,( ).
  467. After his death, Heracles was transformed into an immortal and married Hebe.( )
  468. Heracles has been considered the most archetypal Greek hero.( )
  469. ( ) was the only Greek hero who maintained supportive relationship with women throughout his career.
  470. 命运女神是宙斯和女神( )的三位女儿。
  471. 在希腊神话中,命运女神只能掌控人的命运。( )
  472. 缪斯是希腊神话中掌管戏剧的女神。( )
  473. 宁芙仙女大自然的精灵,总体可分为水泽仙女,山林仙女和( )。
  474. 复仇女神分别是阿勒克图,( )和提希丰。
  475. 命运三女神中,负责丈量生命之线的长短的是( )。
  476. 缪斯女神因为能赋予人们( )而受到人们的崇敬。
  477. 复仇女神的任务是追捕并惩罚所有犯罪的人和神,包括杀人,偷盗,不赡养父母等罪行。( )
  478. 宁芙是希腊神话中掌管湖泽山林的女神。( )
  479. 海洋仙女又被称为涅瑞伊德斯姐妹,是海神涅柔斯的女儿们。( )
  480. Demeter is believed to bring mankind harvest and( ).
  481. 哪位画家没有画过维纳斯为主题的画作?( )
  482. 维纳斯女神的雕塑都是裸体的。( )
  483. 阿佛洛狄忒是希腊神话中爱情与美丽的女神。( )
  484. When Persephone was seized by Hades, nobody else noticed apart from( )and Hecate.
  485. 阿佛洛狄忒的罗马名字是( )。
  486. She was often accompanied in battle by the winged goddess of( ), Nike, who enabled her to win every battle.
  487. Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and War, was the embodiment of strategy, tactics and reason.( )
  488. "Artemis is known in Roman mythology as Diana. "( )
  489. Hestia is also known as Vesta in Roman mythology.( )
  490. Dionysus was Zeus’son by( ), a mortal woman, daughter of Cadmus, founder of Thebes.
  491. Hephaestus caught Aphrodite and( )with an invisible hunting net.
  492. "Apollo was famous for his oracles at ( )where he purified those guilty of sins and prophesied the liberation. "
  493. In order to seduce Daphne, Apollo promised her the gift of prophecy, but she rejected him as soon as she got the gift.( )
  494. Poseidon was the son of Cronus and Rhea.( )
  495. The three rivers that must be crossed by the spirits of dead people in the realms of Hades were( ), Cocytus and Styx.
  496. 阿瑞斯是希腊神话中唯一的战神,且战无不胜。( )
  497. The Dionysia was a large religious festival in ancient Athens held in honor of the god Dionysus, the central event of which was the performance of tragedies and comedies.( )
  498. Zeus is the God of cloud and weather.( )
  499. Hermes made peace with Apollo by giving him the( )for the cows.
  500. For Cronus, Gaia made a sickle out of her hardest flint, sharp enough to cut through anything. Together the two of them made a plan to overthrow Uranus, and to free Gaia’s children.( )
  501. 希腊神话中的三代神族的权力更迭说明的主题是( )
  502. Zeus returned to the deepest part of the world, and freed the Hecatoncheires and the ( ).
  503. As one drop of Uranus’ blood, or, as many say, Uranus’ genitals, mixed with the sea foam, the goddess ( ) was born and came into existence.
  504. As Uranus’ blood fell onto the earth and mixed with the soil, it brought forth the Giants and the Graces.( )
  505. 宙斯的姐姐和妻子是赫拉。( )
  506. "After dispatching Uranus, Cronus was now the ruler of the earth, and Rhea was his queen. This time was called the Silver Age. "( )
  507. 宙斯为希腊神话第三代谱系中最高的神,主宰一切天象,尤其是闪电。( )
  508. The only Titan that was brave enough to stand up against their father, Uranus, was( ), the youngest.
  509. 下列不属于奥林匹斯十二位最受崇拜的神是( )。
  510. Prometheus is said to be the creator of mankind and man's protector and benefactor.( )
  511. 黄金种族的人类像神灵一样活着,没有内心的悲伤,没有劳累和忧愁。他们死亡就像熟睡一样安详。( )
  512. Apollo taught Pandora how to play various musical instruments.( )
  513. The name Pandora means ( ).
  514. 丢卡利翁是( )的儿子。
  515. 青铜种族可怕而且强悍,他们喜爱战神阿瑞斯,喜爱制造哀伤和暴力。( )
  516. At the bottom of Pandora's jar was one good thing — hope.( )
  517. Prometheus was son of Uranus and ( ).
  518. 宙斯答应保护人类,但没有给人类最重要的一样东西是( )。
  519. Pandora’s beauty was too great and ( ) married her.
  520. The meaning of the word “myth” is derived from the Greek word “( )”, which means “tale” or “story”.
  521. A myth is a tale that gives a religious explanation for the world as it is.( )
  522. Myths in which Goddess( )lived for three months with her husband Hades in the Underworld and returned to live with her mother Demeter, Goddess of Corn, for the rest of the year reflect the return of spring after winter.
  523. 下列对希腊神话特点描述不正确的一项是( )
  524. 希腊神话的形成主要在( )时期。
  525. No one definition can satisfactorily embrace all the various kinds of stories that can legitimately be classed as mythology on the basis of one criterion or another. ( )
  526. 皮拉斯基人的创世神是女神欧律诺墨(Eurynome)。( )
  527. 奥运会起源于古希腊,这里出现了欧洲最早的海洋文明。( )
  528. 俄耳浦斯教的创世神是( )。
  529. 天神乌拉诺斯只是地母盖亚的丈夫。( )
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