1.Chinese wushu examination was proposed and implemented in which Dynasty ?( )。
A:Han Dynasty B:Tang Dynasty C:Xia Dynasty D:Song Dynasty
答案:Tang Dynasty
2.Confucius regarded “filial piety and fraternal duty” as the essence of Ren. ( )
A:正确 B:错误
3.Confucius was one of the greatest Eastern philosophers of all time, whose teachings deeply influenced East Asian life and thought. ( )
A:错误 B:正确
4.Taolu routines have reserved for the individual competitors( )
A:对 B:错
5.Which statements about Seal script is NOT True? ( )
A:The seal character is long and narrow with a tight upper part and a stretched lower part. B:Seal script paved the way for the square-shaped Chinese Characters. C:Emperor Han Wudi simplified the ancient seal script and ordered to introduce the seal script as the official language. D:Seal script is divided into large seal script and small seal script.
答案:AI参考:关于甲骨文的下列说法,不正确的是:\n\nA. 甲骨文是长而窄,上部紧下部舒展\nB. 甲骨文为汉字由繁到简铺平道路\nC. 汉武帝简化古甲骨文并命令推行甲骨文为官方文字\nD. 甲骨文分为大篆和小篆\n\n\n答案:C. 汉武帝简化古甲骨文并命令推行甲骨文为官方文字。\n\n解析:\n选项A、B、D均是关于甲骨文的正确描述。然而,C选项所述内容与历史事实不符。实际上,简化古甲骨文并使之成为官方文字的是秦始皇,而非汉武帝。故本题答案为C。'
6.“昼晷已云极,宵漏自此长。”What solar term does this poem reflect?( ).
A:Grain in Ear B:Start of Spring C:Rain Water D:Summer Solstice
答案:AI参考:正确答案是B:“Start of Spring”。这句诗出自《初春》一诗,表达的是春季开始的节气。其中“昼晷已云极”是指白天的时间已经很长了,“宵漏自此长”是指夜晚的时间也开始变长,这是春季来临的典型特征。因此,这句诗反映的是春季开始的节气。'
7.Wushu which existed more than 4000 years ago can be traced to the ( )。
A:Jin Dynasty B:Shang Dynasty C:Qin Dynasty D:Xia Dynasty
答案:AI参考:正确答案是D: Xia Dynasty。\n武术存在超过4000年,可以追溯到夏朝。因此,选项D是正确答案。选项A、B、C都与武术的历史不符。'
8.Martial arts originally referred to the combat systems of( )。
A:Europe B:America C:Asia D:Africa
9.Which of the following are traditional Chinese festivals?( )
A:Labor Day B:Lantern Festival C:Tomb Sweeping Day D:Mid-Autumn Festival
答案:Lantern Festival; Tomb Sweeping Day; Mid-Autumn Festival
10.Four main TCM diagnostic methods as commonly called ____ (observation望), ____ (listening and smelling闻), ____ (inquirying or questioning问), and ____ (pulse examination切).

答案:"AI参考:填空题答案为: Four main TCM diagnostic methods as commonly called __望、闻、问、切__(observation望),__闻诊、问诊、切诊__(listening and smelling闻),__问切__(inquirying or questioning问),和__切脉__(pulse examination切)。"
11.____ is a form of heat therapy, where a bundle of ____ (moxa) is burned near the surface of the skin..

答案:"AI参考:选项A:Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy, where a bundle of moxa is burned near the surface of the skin. (灸法是一种热疗法,一束艾灸在皮肤表面附近烧灼。) 所以答案应该是 Moxibustion. (灸法) 这是因为在题目中明确提到“____ is a form of heat therapy, where a bundle of ____ (moxa) is burned near the surface of the skin.”(是一种热疗法,在皮肤表面附近烧灼一束_____),根据这个提示,可以推断出答案是“灸法”或者“moxibustion”。所以选项A就是正确的答案。"
12.What does the “Four Treasures of the study” refer to?

答案:"AI参考:正确选项是:文房四宝,是中国传统文化的书写工具。 “四宝”是指笔、墨、纸、砚四种传统文房用具。它们是中国传统文化的书写工具,具有悠久的历史和文化内涵。其中,笔是指毛笔,墨是指墨锭,纸是指纸张,砚是指研墨用的石砚台。这些工具在古代文人墨客中广泛使用,是他们创作书法和绘画的重要工具。因此,“四宝”是传统中国文化的重要组成部分,也是许多中国文学和艺术作品中的重要元素。"
孔子(Confucius)是我国古代著名的思想家、教育家,儒家学派(Confucian School)的创始人。相传孔子有弟子三千,贤弟子72人,孔子曾带领部分弟子周游列国14年。在中国五千年的历史上,对华夏民族的性格、气质 (temperament)产生最大影响的人就算是孔子了。他正直、乐观向上、积极进取。他一生都在追求真、善、美,一生都在追求理想的社会。他品格中的优点,几千年来影响着中国人,特别是影响着中国的知识分子。

答案:"AI参考:Confucius is the famous thinker and educator of ancient China, the founder of the Confucian School. It is said that he had 3,000 disciples and 72 outstanding ones. He led some disciples to travel around the countries for 14 years. Among Chinas five thousand years of history, the person who has had the greatest impact on the character and temperament of the Chinese nation is Confucius. He was upright, optimistic, and actively upward-oriented. He pursued truth, goodness, and beauty in his life, and pursued an ideal society all his life. The优点 of his character have influenced Chinese people, especially Chinese intellectuals, for thousands of years."
14.儒家思想(Confucianism)是中国影响最大的思想流派,也是中国古代的主流意识。自汉代以来,儒家思想就是封建统治阶级(feudal ruling class)的指导思想之一。儒家思想的核心其实是一种人道主义(humanism )。它提倡自我修养,认为人是可教化的、可完善的。儒家思想的一个宏大的目标就是实现“大同社会”,在这样的一个社会中,每个人都能扮演好自己的角色,并与他人维持良好的关系。

答案:"AI参考:问答题:儒家思想的核心是什么? 正确选项为:儒家思想的核心其实是一种人道主义(humanism)。"

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