1. Monopolies typically reap the benefit of economies of scale, allowing them to produce mass quantities at lower costs per unit. ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. Variable costs remain the same regardless of changes in production volume. ( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. Opportunity cost refers to the opportunity for a company to abandon another business in order to engage in one business, or the abandonment of another income when using certain resources to obtain a certain income.( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. The law of diminishing marginal returns is more unlikely to apply when all factors of production can be increased without limitations.( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. Karl Marx was an opponent of the labor theory. ( )

  10. 答案:错
  11. Motivation is just a concept in sociology.( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. Equality means that society can derive the maximum benefits from its scarce resources.( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. Economists define money as any good that is widely accepted as final payment for goods and services, and throughout history, it has taken various forms, including cowry shells, stone wheels, and wampum beads. ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. The Phillips curve is a curve used to show the alternating relationship between unemployment and deflation.( )

  18. 答案:错
  19. In the ownership structure of China's market economy, Common ownership is the main body, and all kinds of ownership economies develop together.( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. One approach to addressing harmful external costs is for the government to intervene by imposing taxes, enacting laws, offering subsidies, or employing other methods to incentivize or compel producers to incorporate most or all of the costs into the market prices of goods and services, making those prices reflect the full cost of consumption. ( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. Pareto improvements are changes in resource allocation that benefit at least one person and harm no one. ( )
  24. Price discrimination charges customers different prices for the same products based on their willingness to pay. ( )
  25. In the "Smart Pig Game", the big pig chooses to wait at the feeding mouth, while the little pig will step on the pedal.( )
  26. When a country wants to improve its living standards, it must consider how the policies it adopts affect its ability to produce goods and services, which is what we call productivity.( )
  27. According to Aristotle, the pursuit of wealth for its own sake is considered necessary and honorable.( )
  28. In 1991, the successful market economy model proposed by the OECD in its research report on "transitioning to a market economy" included( )
  29. Pareto efficiency implies equality and fairness in resource allocation. ( )
  30. Behavioral economics believes that the "curse of winners" is rooted in overconfidence and cognitive bias. The reasons for overconfidence are( )
  31. inflation is the increase in prices of ( ).
  32. Which of the following are considered manufacturing overhead costs? ( )
  33. Studies have shown that prolonged unemployment harms workers'( ).
  34. Monetary policy employs tools used by central bankers to keep a nation's economy stable while limiting ( ).
  35. According to the concept of marginal utility, the more you obtain of a particular good, the more valuable each additional unit becomes.( )
  36. There are two broad reasons for government intervention in the economy and changing the allocation of resources that people choose, namely( )
  37. What are the characteristics of uncertainty? ( )
  38. What is the purpose of calculating average cost in production? ( )
  39. The entire system of Bretton Woods eventually collapsed by ( ).
  40. Exchange value of a good is equal to the amount of ( ).
  41. A huge amount of market share away from traditional businesses has been taken by ( ).
  42. One of the most cited examples of the tragedy of the commons is the example of ( ).
  43. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic or effect commonly associated with oligopolies? ( )
  44. In monopolistic competition, which of the following characteristics is true? ( )
  45. Economics generally believes that with the increase in the number of goods or services, Marginal utility will( )
  46. What is the primary factor that leads to the operation of the law of diminishing marginal returns in production processes?( )
  47. What concept introduced by economist Adam Smith highlights the role of profit motive and individuals acting in their self-interest in contributing to social benefits and the public good in a free market? ( )
  48. Which of the following statements about a pure monopoly is correct based on the information provided? ( )
  49. Competitive advantage is what makes you more attractive to consumers than your ( ).
  50. The law of supply indicates that an increase in price will lead to ( ).
  51. What is the paradox of value, often referred to as the "diamond–water paradox"?( )
  52. The Marginal utility of a diamond is comparable to the Marginal utility of a glass of water( )
  53. What does the division of labor describe in an economic context?( )
  54. Which of the following is NOT a potential source of economies of scale? ( )
  55. What characterizes monopolistic competition in imperfect markets?( )
  56. According to Say's Law of Markets, what does "supply create its own demand" mean?( )
  57. What is one implication of irrational behavior in economics, as mentioned in the text? ( )
  58. Everyone has access to use public goods, and their use does not deplete their availability for future use. ( )
  59. A common resource is any scarce resource that provides users with tangible benefits but which nobody in particular owns or has exclusive claim to. ( )
  60. In the context of pricing admissions for a small cinema, what factor should you primarily consider when deciding whether to raise or lower ticket prices? ( )
  61. The aggregate demand for public goods is not the same as the aggregate demand for private goods ( )
  62. What is the primary objective of Social Marketing Theory as described in the text? ( )
  63. What is the broad definition of civil society? ( )
  64. What does the term "irrational exuberance" primarily refer to in the context of financial markets? ( )
  65. Which of the following costs arise from any transactions that take place for the purpose of reducing one's tax burden? ( )
  66. According to Joseph Schumpeter, what does the term "creative destruction" primarily refer to in the context of markets and economies? ( )
  67. Overuse of common resources is the major cause of economic crisis, leading to the destruction of the resource in the long term. ( )
  68. A natural rate of unemployment essentially means that inflation has no long-term relation to ( ).
  69. Demographics refer to the socio-economic characteristics of a population that businesses use to identify the product preferences and purchasing behaviors of customers. ( )
  70. Prolonged unemployment may lead to an( ).
  71. The ideal source of productivity boosts is ( )
  72. trade protectionism hurts the nation's competitiveness because it isn't ( ).
  73. An economic depression is primarily caused by worsening consumer confidence that leads to a decrease in demand. ( )
  74. The Keynesian Theory states that an increase in production leads to an increase in the level of ( ).
  75. In the US, the Great Depression lasted for a centuary. ( )
  76. High-end dining establishments cater to customers with lower incomes, while those with lower incomes most likely go for affordable restaurants. ( )
  77. An economic depression is an occurrence wherein an economy is in a state of financial turmoil. ( )
  78. Are economists' assumptions of utility or profit maximization good approximations of real people's behavior?( )
  79. What is the key characteristic of representative money as described? ( )
  80. What does the circular flow model primarily focus on?( )
  81. Behavioral economics suggests that humans are inherently rational decision-makers.( )
  82. Which of the following is NOT protected by patents and copyrights, as mentioned in the text? ( )
  83. The basic circular flow model accounts for fluctuations in supply and demand in the economy.( )
  84. Which of the following factors can the government use to influence the price of a particular good or service in the market? ( )
  85. Some variations of the circular flow model include additional sectors like government and foreign sectors to create more comprehensive economic models.( )
  86. According to monetarism and the quantity theory of money, what is the primary mechanism through which governments can influence economic stability? ( )
  87. Behavioral economics is often applied to explain why investors consistently make rational decisions in capital markets.( )
  88. An Economic Bubble is an economic cycle characterized by rapid expansion followed by a contraction. ( )
  89. What strategy do firms sometimes use to avoid the appearance of price-fixing and maintain stability in a collaborative group? ( )
  90. In the context of the long-run equilibrium in a competitive industry, what does it mean when the demand curve (AR) is tangential to the firm's long-run average cost curve? ( )
  91. Which of the following accurately describes the production possibility frontier (PPF)? ( )
  92. The law of demand represents the relationship between ( ).
  93. External economies of scale are unique to a firm and affect the entire industry or sector. ( )
  94. What term is used to describe the costs associated with the production, distribution, and consumption of economic goods and services that are not included in the market price and are sometimes referred to as social costs? ( )
  95. Which of the following are examples of explicit costs in the context of opportunity cost? ( )
  96. Which of the following best describes how a company can become a monopoly? ( )
  97. In Monetarism economics, the reason is that when the amount of money issued in the market exceeds the circulation demand, paper money will depreciate, leading to a decline in purchasing power, which is inflation.( )。
  98. Opportunity costs include( )。
  99. There is a fundamental difference between empirical expression and normative expression, as they are usually conceptually unrelated.( )
  100. Economics is a complex discipline that is not closely related to people's daily lives.( )
  101. The proposer of 'invisible hand' is( )。
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