
Banked Cloze

A exhibit B sparked  C breakthroughs  D willingness E sparked

F conducting G interaction H spectrum I attending J embrace

K commemorate L opportunities M beyond N collaborate O humanity

What if you nurtured your own curiosity by pushing yourself 1) ______ the familiar and the comfortable? What would that look like?

It might mean 2) ______ attending a talk on a topic you don’t know much about or by someone who doesn’t share your beliefs. Or 3) ______ research in a Yale laboratory or collaborating on an 4) ______ at one of our amazing museums. Or perhaps your curiosity will be 5) ______ having coffee with a classmate who comes from a different part of the world or a different place on the political 6) ______.

And when you do these things, when you take advantage of the 7) ______ Yale makes possible, what questions will you ask?

There is so much we do not know. Let us 8) ______, together, our humility—our 9) ______ to admit what we have yet to discover. After all, if you knew all the answers, you would not need Yale. And if 10) ______ knew all the answers, the world would not need Yale.

So, what questions will you ask today? Tomorrow? The next day?


“A Culture of Curiosity” refers to asking questions about one another and about the world around us.

A:错 B:对

Parents often care less about their children’s classes and their roommates and the food in school.

A:错 B:对

At Yale you need to cultivate your own curiosity by stepping out of the comfort zone.

A:对 B:错

Text B tells freshmen to cope with the first year of college life in a way of a full engagement in every part of school life. 

A:错 B:对

The writer of Text B thinks if we stay in our bubble, we miss out on so many opportunities of growth and adventure.

A:对 B:错

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