  1. Interests can be: ( )

  2. A:based in the intangibles of the negotiation B:substantive, directly related to the focal issues under negotiation C:process based, related to the manner in which we settle this dispute D:relationship based, tied to the current or desired future relationship between the parties
    答案:based in the intangibles of the negotiation###process based, related to the manner in which we settle this dispute###substantive, directly related to the focal issues under negotiation###relationship based, tied to the current or desired future relationship between the parties
  3. Which of the following are included in most IB negotiation research?

  4. A:Comparative culture studies B:Interfirm relations C:International business-government relations D:Intercultural research
    答案:A, B, C, D
  5. Three levels of objective include:

  6. A:Resistant Point B:Aspiration Point C:Alternatives D:Bargaining range
    答案:Alternatives###Resistant Point###Aspiration Point
  7. Which perspective can be used to understand different aspects of negotiation? ( )

  8. A:anthropology B:economics C:law D:psychology
  9. The negotiating team is composed of

  10. A:Professionals and Experts on production, sales, technology, finance, etc. B:Notekeeper C:Chief negotiator D:Interpreter
    答案:Interpreter###Professionals and Experts on production, sales, technology, finance, etc.###Chief negotiator###Notekeeper
  11. It is possible for a Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) to be worse than not reaching an agreement with the other party. ( )

  12. A:对 B:错
  13. The best negotiators do not take time to analyze each negotiation after it has concluded. ( )

  14. A:对 B:错
  15. A creative negotiation that meets the objectives of all sides may not require compromise. ( )

  16. A:错 B:对
  17. In a distributive negotiation, the other party may be less likely to disclose information about their limits and alternatives. ( )

  18. A:对 B:错
  19. Differences in time preferences have the potential to create value in a negotiation.( )

  20. A:错 B:对
  21. An effective mean of countering the intimidation tactic is to ignore it.

  22. A:错 B:对
  23. Negotiators who begin with a tough stance and make few early concessions, and later make larger concessions, elicit more concessions from the other party than negotiators who begin with generous concessions and then become tough and unyielding. ( )

  24. A:错 B:对
  25. Skilled negotiators know that by listening to the other person and allowing an expression of feelings, the catharsis will vent emotion and clear the air and may permit negotiations to return to a calmer pace. ( )

  26. A:对 B:错
  27. Large bargaining mixes allow many possible components and arrangements for settlement. ( )

  28. A:对 B:错
  29. A negative bargaining range occurs when the buyer's resistance point is above the seller's.

  30. A:对 B:错
  31. Interests can be intrinsic or instrumental. ( )

  32. A:错 B:对
  33. The value of a person's BATNA is always relative to the possible settlements available in the current negotiation, and the possibilities within a given negotiation are heavily influenced by the nature of the interdependence between the parties. ( )

  34. A:对 B:错
  35. If both substance and relationship outcomes are important, the negotiator should pursue a competitive strategy. ( )

  36. A:错 B:对
  37. Successfully closing a deal or settling a dispute requires you to convince the other party why or how your proposal satisfies your interests.

  38. A:错 B:对
  39. If both parties understand the motivating factors for the other, they may recognize possible compatibilities in interests that permit them to invent positions which both will endorse as an acceptable settlement.

  40. A:对 B:错
  41. People from individualistic cultures are more likely to remember situations in which they _______, whereas people from a collectivistic cultures are more likely to remember situations in which they _______. ( )

  42. A:felt related to the other party ; felt effective B:lost ; won C:sacrificed personal interests ; found affiliation with another party D:influenced others; adjusted to others
  43. People who communicate directly, with explicit meaning derived more from the word than from context, are likely to belong to a(n):

  44. A:Collectivistic culture B:Low context culture C:High context culture D:Individualistic culture
  45. The spread between the resistant points is called the ________

  46. A:Bargaining Mix B:Bargaining Zone C:Concession D:the opening stance
  47. In order to reach a successful negotiation outcome, the negotiators must understand that their BATNA is:

  48. A:the outcome that the negotiator wishes to achieve B:able to be modified by persuasive offers C:determined by objective reality D:not time sensitive
  49. Culture is defined as the personality of a group. A group who is concerned about how the results of their behaviors affect the other in-group members, share resources with in-group members, and feel interdependent with in-group members hold what type of cultural value? ( )

  50. A:Egalitarianism B:Collectivism C:Individualism D:Dispositionalism
  51. Asking for more than you expect, using silence, and using time to your advantage are examples of _________________ used in distributive bargaining. ( )

  52. A:Tactics. B:Strategies. C:Stages. D:Positions.
  53. Which one of the responses to the following phrase is false? A Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA):

  54. A:Decreases your bargaining power B:Can be quantified C:Helps negotiators determine their resistance points D:Increases your bargaining power
  55. Win-win negotiations are also known as: ( )

  56. A:equal-concession negotiations B:distributive negotiations C:integrative negotiations D:fair division negotiations
  57. Often, it is not possible for negotiators to find a compromise solution; expanding the pie does not work, and neither party can get what he or she wants in a tradeoff. A _____ solution creates new alternatives that can meet both parties’ underlying interests. ( )

  58. A:bridging B:even-split C:cost cutting D:offer pattern
  59. In group-oriented cultures: ( )

  60. A:decisions are primarily made by senior executives. B:the individual comes before the group's needs. C:decision making is an efficient, streamlined process. D:negotiators may be faced with a series of discussions over the same issues and materials with many different people.
  61. When negotiating with another country, you should clarify the other government’s influence and interests during the: ( )

  62. A:Final stage, before you sign off on the agreement, but after you are fairly certain that you have a deal. B:Preparation stage, before you meet with the other party. C:Final stage, after you sign off on the agreement. D:Middle stage, after you have felt out the other party’s positions and interests.
  63. Parties feel better about a settlement when negotiations involve a(n) ( )

  64. A:single round of concessions. B:progression of concessions. C:All of the above. D:immediate settlement.
  65. Which of the following is a strategically wise method of anchoring? ( )

  66. A:Determining the exact midpoint between the last two offers on the table B:Immediately rejecting the counterparty’s first offer C:Setting an assertive aspiration point early in the negotiation D:Refusing to make any concessions
  67. BATNA stands for ( )

  68. A:best alternative to a negative assignment. B:best assignment to a negotiated agreement. C:best alternative to a negotiated agreement. D:BATNA stands for none of the above. E:best alternative to a negative agreement.
  69. Asking open-ended, probing questions, asking for clarification regarding what the other party said, and not blaming the other party when a problem arises are all examples of: ( )

  70. A:Tools to help gain a shared understanding between the negotiating parties. B:Ways to change the other party’s perceptions. C:Distributive negotiation tactics. D:Managing negative emotions.
  71. In preparing for negotiation, a negotiator needs to determine what would constitute an ideal outcome, or favorable set of terms, also known as a _______. ( )

  72. A:winner’s result B:target point C:BATNA D:reservation point
  73. If the counterparty opens with an “outrageous” offer, the negotiator should: ( )

  74. A:reveal his/her reservation price B:lower his/her aspirations C:immediately re-anchor D:appeal to norms of fairness
  75. When it comes to resolving conflict, managers from hierarchical cultures prefer: ( )

  76. A:to attribute a disagreeable person’s behavior to an underlying disposition and desire formal dispute resolution procedures B:to regulate behavior via public shaming C:an interests model that relies on resolving underlying conflicts D:to defer to a higher-status person
  77. In nonspecific compensation ( )

  78. A:All of the above are related to nonspecific compensation. B:one person is allowed to obtain his/her objectives and "pay off" the other person for accommodating his interests. C:one party achieves his/her objectives and the other's costs are minimized if he/she agrees to go along. D:resources are added in such a way that both sides can achieve their objectives. E:the parties are able to invent new options that meet each sides' needs.
  79. When, you are asked about your desired salary in a job interview, what is the best response to use with the prospective employer?

  80. A:Give a salary range that would meet your needs in order to seem less fixated on a particular number B:Identify a variety of different combinations of highly attractive offer packages and present those packages to the employer C:Make a take-it-or-leave-it offer D:Make an extreme offer and  negotiate your way back down to your acceptable BATNA range
  81. What are the four important tactical tasks for a negotiator in a distributive bargaining situation?

  82. What are the five major strategies for conflict management (as identified in the Dual Concerns framework)?

  83. What two approaches can be used to generate alternative solutions?

  84. List several information sources one can use to indirectly assess the other party's resistance point.

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