1. The overall objective of the G20 and the FSB was set to reconstruct financial regulation along macro-prudential lines.( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. Any foreign citizen normally needs work permit to work in China. ( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. China is the largest trading partner of the united states. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. A rural resident can build residence on agricultural lands if he is newly married. ( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. The inefficient in land use is reflected by the low density in China’s largest cities.( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. China mainly export soy beans. ( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. Transnational Financial Associations (TFAs) not only participate in local power struggles, but also participate in the larger global financial power generation compared to other aspects of the contemporary world.( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. Select all proposals for WTO governance reform.( )

  16. 答案:the suspension of the application of the WTO’s anti-dumping provisions to developing countries would be reasonable and beneficial to their development###an adjustment relevant to tariff bindings, which would allow developing countries to increase their tariff rates without limited by scheduled commitments unilaterally when necessary###agreements on development facilitation###the use of government subsidies for industrial promotion
  17. Select all areas to which previous reforms of global financial governance did NOT pay attention.( )

  18. 答案:resolution of cross-border financial groups###the cross-border supervision of very big financial institutions###the management of emerging risks due to unpredictable combination/correlation of forces unleashed or shaped by financial innovation with other market and real economy forces
  19. The market mechanism can play an effective role in the allocation of social resources, but it is not omnipotent. ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. Villagers of urban villages are allowed to rent their residence to urban people. ( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. Which of the following best describe Chinese Exchange rate policies?( )
  24. The first commercial bank in China is( )
  25. Which of the following affects money supply?( )
  26. When the ratio of surplus value is 100%, it is ( )
  27. Which of the following are probably caused by Hukou system ?( )
  28. The new value created by labor commodity in the production process is( )
  29. Which of the following is the monetary policy tools?( )
  30. Which of the following is NOT the cost of urbanization?( )
  31. Which of the following is NOT the traditional monetary policy tools?( )
  32. Which of the following is the solution to asymmetry of macroeconomic vulnerability between developing and developed countries to external shocks?( )
  33. The MOUTAI liquor is produced in ?( )
  34. Which of the following person was not a leader of “The Westernization Movement”?( )
  35. Which of the following is not an example of Internet+ ?( )
  36. Capital is divided into capital and variable capital ( )
  37. Which of the following is the benefit of agglomeration effect?( )
  38. The PBC implements domestic monetary policy using a single tool to control domestic money and credit growth. ( )
  39. Over time, industrial upgrading propels a shift into more skilled-labor and capital-intensive products and processes.( )
  40. Hong Kong is a free trade port. ( )
  41. In the last 40 years, the poverty rate in China’s most mountainous areas has not fallen significantly. ( )
  42. One objectives of UNCTAD is to assist in the reconstruction and development of member countries by facilitating capital investment for productive purposes, including the restoration of economies destroyed or disrupted by war.( )
  43. In 2011, Chinese government raised sharply the poverty line, from 1274 yuan per year to 2300 yuan per year. ( )
  44. The capitalist economic crisis is ( )
  45. HUAWEI is an enterprise mostly specialized in ( )
  46. The ultimate goal of Marxism is( )
  47. Select all words that could describe the problems emerged as the system evolved into a fixed exchange rate gold dollar standard.( )
  48. Which one of the following enterprise does not participate in the “white home electric appliance industry”( )
  49. Which of the following is NOT the main policy direction of the Bretton Woods Treaty’s structure?( )
  50. Which of the following is not reflected in government budget? ( )
  51. A challenge for the WTO is how to ensure all the members could participate in the decision-making process equally, especially for the developed countries.( )
  52. “contracting output to household” and “contracting work to household” both belong to the household contract responsibility system. ( )
  53. After implementation of the household contract responsibility system, the crops yield in China have increased sharply. ( )
  54. Financial Stability Forum (FSF) is the successor of the Financial Stability Board (FSB), whose main mission is the co-ordination of the standard-setting process and oversight of the standard-setting TRNs.( )
  55. The G20 is an international economic cooperation forum that promotes open and constructive discussions and research on substantive issues between industrialized and emerging market countries.( )
  56. China’s megacities have comparable low densities in old districts to cities in Japan and the United States.( )
  57. Reserve Requirement is one of the most frequently used monetary policy tools。( )
  58. The Paris Club is an international informal organization founded in 1956 by sovereign creditors to prevent a default of their lending to Argentina.( )
  59. The evolution of International financial governance can be broadly divided into three phase: the Bretton Woods phase, intermediate phase, emerging architecture.( )
  60. Subcommittees established to address specific development issues should pay attention to some long-term issues of trade and development, such as technological transfer among developed and developing countries.( )
  61. In China, Urban blocks are often oversized and do not optimize land use.( )
  62. In the development of China's market economy, the planned and natural economy occupied a smaller proportion than market economy. ( )
  63. Which of the following are the possible benefits of urbanization( )
  64. Which of the following cities are China’s special economic zones ( )
  65. To improve the functioning of the consensus principle by reducing its weakness and building on its strengths, WTO members need to put the Sutherland Report’s recommendation into practice as for the first measure to reinforce the consensus principle.( )
  66. The definition of principle of the single undertaking is that nothing is agreed until everything is agreed in order to maximize cross-linkages and trade-off possibilities within a “grand bargain”package deal.( )
  67. China uses a fixed exchange rate regime. ( )
  68. Select all functions of financial system.( )
  69. Foreign investors are able to purchase stocks in Chinese stock exchanges. ( )
  70. Select all cornerstone principles of WTO decision-making.( )
  71. In a commodity economy, the relationship among value, price, supply and demand is ( )
  72. In which year did China join the United Nations? ( )
  73. Which one of the following enterprise does not participate in the footwear industry?( )
  74. [15]、How many stock exchanges are in mainland China ?( )
  75. Production relations include ( ).
  76. Which of the following belongs to the challenges of urban planning?( )
  77. Which of the following will affect the government budget?( )
  78. Rice is typically grown in which parts of China? ( )
  79. Which of the following is NOT the function of the proposed Council for Trade and Development?( )
  80. Which of the following is results of bad urban planing? ( )
  81. In which year did Macau return to China?
  82. Which of the following is NOT the benefit of household from urbanization? ( )
  83. In which year did China become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council ?( )
  84. The socialist market economic system is ( )
  85. The direct source of Marxian philosophy is ( )
  86. Which of the following is not a member of “BAT”?( )
  87. Which of the following cities is not one of the special economic zones? ( )
  88. Which of the following industry is labor-intensive?( )
  89. Which of the following reflects money supply?( )
  90. Which country has the largest area of man-made forest ?( )
  91. China’s first telegram started operation in ( )
  92. The founders of Marxian political economy are?( )
  93. The value of a commodity is determined by the necessary labor time to produce, which was ( )
  94. Which of the following policies have never been implemented?( )
  95. Marx further develop which part of British classical economic theory ?( )
  96. In May 1990, the first hope primary school was built in ?( )
  97. Which of the following is the first railway designed and constructed by China? ( )
  98. Which of the following UN organizations could NOT play the role of norm-setting in world trade governance?( )
  99. Which of the following is the macro cause of the Global Financial Crisis?( )
  100. Which of the following is NOT the new challenges in Chinese urbanization( )
  101. The consensus principle means that a resolution cannot be passed only when all member states oppose the adoption of the resolution, that is, the resolution can be passed as long as one party agrees. ( )
  102. Trade and development policies made by UNCTAD are considered as national, regional and global policies and measures. ( )
  103. Lacking efficient process is one of the flaws of the principle of consensus . ( )
  104. For economic governance, UN-centered ideas and civil society processes are double-edged sword. ( )
  105. One of the roles of UN organizations in trade governance is to research and analyze as think tanks . ( )
  106. Which of the following is NOT the focus areas about multilateralism and regionalism in global economic governance?( )
  107. Why would global inequalities happen? ( )
  108. Which of the following phenomenon is NOT considered as financial revolution?( )
  109. Which of the following principles or international social objectives are considered as‘social dimensions of globalization’? ( )
  110. Which of the following is the micro cause of the Global Financial Crisis?( )
  111. Which exchange rate regime is used by China? ( )
  112. China started its opening up policies in 1984.( )
  113. China is a net exporter of iron ore. ( ).
  114. In which year did Hong Kong return to China? ( ).
  115. China has not participated in which of the following international organization? ( )
  116. Any foreign direct investment in China requires permission from the ministry of commerce. ( ).
  117. Which of the foreign categories contributes to the largest amount of China’s export? ( )
  118. A free-trade port exercises zero-tariff policy. ( ).
  119. Foreign direct investors most often enjoy tax reductions. ( ).
  120. China has one-vote veto power in Security Council of united nations.( ).
  121. Which country is China’s largest trade partner? ( )
  122. Which objectives have been established by the Chinese government in pursing supply-side reforms? ( )
  123. Which measures have been rolled out by the Chinese government to address the challenges? ( )
  124. The Chinese government is pursuing supply-side reforms to address the challenges. ( )
  125. The Asia-Pacific region, especially the local developing economies, is facing challenges. ( )
  126. Which challenges have significant implications for China’s economic growth? ( )
  127. Further measures should be taken to promote well-rounded human development and share the gains from development with the whole population. ( )
  128. China can rely on external demand as it did in past decades. ( )
  129. China’s growth path is expected to continue restructuring towards a consumption- and service-led economy. ( )
  130. ‘Innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development’ have been set as the key characteristics for China’s future development. ( )
  131. China’s economic growth was driven by import-oriented industrialization. ( )
  132. The index of “the ease of doing business” focus on the convenience of corporate affairs and make it objective. ( )
  133. College is one of the main subjects that make most influence on the youth entrepreneurship.( )
  134. Innovation is led by young people and it is the young people who change the world. ( )
  135. In terms of starting a business, China has shortened the processing time to less than 9 days, which is much lower than 26 days of average time in the East Asia Pacific region. ( )
  136. Ireland’s demand-driven approach have helped IT, communications technology , healthcare and biotech industries attain rapid growth. ( )
  137. The university entrepreneurship education and training environment is significantly related to entrepreneurship intention( )
  138. All regions and departments may separately formulate the negative lists of market access characteristics according to their needs.( )
  139. Which following factors will affect the doing-business environment during the entire business cycle?( )?
  140. The government and its relevant departments shall, in accordance with the actual situation, implement the systems of on-the-spot, one-time, and time-limited handling of government service matters to achieve ( ).
  141. Traditionally, innovation is defined as the ability commercialize technology based on three aspects, and it includes ( ).
  142. Optimizing the business environment should adhere to the following principles?( )
  143. Which indicator runs the first in Guangzhou among the agglomerations in the Pearl River Delta in 2019?( )
  144. what are the hot industries in China?( )
  145. Based on the report of the World Bank, optimizing doing-business environment will stimulate the growthof( )
  146. Measures of optimizing doing-business environment in China includes( )?
  147. Which indicator does not included in the”soft environment”index?( )
  148. Which of the following are related to the money market in China? ( )
  149. Who set the long term economic objectives in a coordinated manner?( )
  150. State own banks dominate the banking system. The situations impede the efficiency of credit allocation and production. ( )
  151. Which of the following is the features of Chinese business cycle? ( )
  152. Which of the following statement is right about monetary policy framework in China? ( )
  153. In business cycle frequency, China has experienced economic over-heating and the slow-down. ( )
  154. Which of the following is true according to Mundell’s trilemma? ( )
  155. Which of the following statement is right about fiscal policy implementation?( )
  156. Trade balance to output ratio is usually counter cyclical in developed economies. ( )
  157. Emerging market economies have lower business cycle volatility than developed economies. ( )
  158. China’s arable land minimum is ( ).
  159. The Household Contract Responsibility System greatly solves the incentive problem of farmers.( ).
  160. Which statement is not correct for China’s agriculture protection system? ( )
  161. With which of the following qualifications, the household can apply for new residence land? ( )
  162. Which item is not included in China’s educational special plan system? ( )
  163. In the last 20 years, China has kept its poverty line relatively stable.( ).
  164. Rural residence land can be purchased by urban citizen for residence use. ( ).
  165. Which right is not protected by “the household contract responsibility system”? ( )
  166. The number of poverty-stricken counties in China decreases year by year.( ).
  167. China’s large cities have a relatively large share of air pollution from the non-industry sector instead of industry. ( )
  168. Which of the following are the current features of Mega-cities in China? ( )
  169. Which of the following are the benefits of urbanization in China?( )
  170. Urbanization and the sectoral reallocation are two sides of the same coin. ( )
  171. China’s large cities are over-concentration in services. ( )
  172. Which of the following does NOT belong to Chinese“National New Urbanization Plan 2014-2020”?( )
  173. What are NOT the characteristics of New Urbanization? ( )
  174. Urbanization level today in China is more than 50%. ( )
  175. What problems remain untouched in Chinese“National New Urbanization Plan 2014-2020?. ( )
  176. What are NOT the current features of urbanization? ( )
  177. A socialist economy cannot allow private ownership of residences( ).
  178. A socialist economy cannot allow private firms. ( ).
  179. China’s first bank with mixed ownership is? ( ).
  180. Mixed ownership is a form of ownership with state capital, private capital and foreign capital. ( ).
  181. Which of the following is not state-own enterprise? ( ).
  182. With shares of state-owned enterprises owned by employees, the employees are better motivated and engaged in working. ( ).
  183. The first Chinese stock exchange was established in Beijing. ( ).
  184. How many stock exchanges are there in China? ( ).
  185. From which year did China start the reform of state-own enterprises? ( ).
  186. From which year did China allow private purchase of residence? ( ).
  187. Which of the following does not belong to China’s major exports? ( )
  188. Almost 80% of all air conditioner units are created by Chinese manufacturers. ( )
  189. China’s reform into market economy started in ( )
  190. Which of the following was not established during the Qing dynasty? ( )
  191. Which of the following industry was not in “the westernization movement”? ( )
  192. Between 1957 and 1978, the state sector consistently delivered over 90 per cent of GVIO. ( )
  193. Industrial activity was regionally concentrated. Nearly 2/3 of 1933 industrial production was located in the southeast coastal provinces. ( )
  194. China’s planned economy era is ( )
  195. The Treaty of Nanking did not exempt foreigners from Chinese law. ( )
  196. Which is not China’s main export in the Qing dynasty? ( )
  197. The production of material data refers to the process in which laborers use labor data to process labor objects according to their intended purpose. ( )
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