  1. China is a beautiful country with a long history. It's a great place for foreigners to visit. Knowing some customs in China before your visits is very important and helpful.Greeting MannersGreetings are formal in China. Chinese people always respect the old. They always greet the oldest person first. When Chinese people meet someone for the first time, they don't kiss or bow to him or her. Instead, they often shake hands with him or her. That is the common way for them to greet people.Dining MannersIf a Chinese friend invites you to his house, it is a great honor for you. If you have to turn down such an invitation, it is polite to explain the reason why you can’t come. If you accept the invitation, please do arrive on time. Remember to take off your shoes before entering the house. It's better to bring a small present to the host. Don’t forget to say about the food you eat, and show your thanks to the hostess.Table MannersLearn to use chopsticks. Wait until the host tells you where to sit. The most important guest take a seat facing the door. He or she begins eating first. The others follow him or her, Never eat the last piece on the plate.

  2. 答案:
  3. In China, people usually get together with their family members during the Spring Festival. The Chinese culture values family bonds very much. Family members not only gather during holidays, but also live under one roof all year around.However, different cultures have different family values. Families in the East and West are very different from each other. In most east Asian cultures, extended families are common. These families have three or even four generations living together. According to the Atlantic, 90 percent of children in Shanghai and 70 percent of children in Beijing are being cared for by grandparents. In many Western countries, most families are nuclear families. These families are made up of just children and their parents. The duties parents have to their children can also be different.In China, many parents look after their children all the way into adulthood. It's normal for parents to pay for their children’s college, help them find a job, or even buy them an apartment. Chinese children often follow their parents' opinions when making important decisions.In most Western countries, however, kids usually move out of the house after they turn 18. Many of them get loans and work part-time jobs in order to pay for college and rent. If they choose to keep living with their parents after becoming an adult, it can be seen as a failure.While the East cares more about close family bonds, and the West values privacy and independence, families will always be a source of love, warmth and care for people around the world.

  4. 答案:
  5. The Temple of Confucius is similar to an imperial palace in style.( )

  6. A:对 B:错
  7. Chinese classical gardens also show the character and culture essence of the Chinese nation, such as dignity, simplicity, quiet, elegance and so on.( )

  8. A:错 B:对
  9. Oracle bone inscriptions are regarded as the earliest Chinese Characters. ( )

  10. A:对 B:错
  11. 奴隶制时代的“庑”有防御性功能。 ( )

  12. A:错 B:对
  13. Dubbed as China's first " intelligent high-speed railway line", the Beijing-Zhangjiakou line features not only self-driving, but also the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System. ( )

  14. A:错 B:对
    答案:B: 对
  15. Chinese people’s cultural confidence led to the revival of China Chic.( )

  16. A:错 B:对
    答案:B: 对
  17. The delivery services in China are quite unique. Affordability, speed and product diversity are the three major features. ( )

  18. A:错 B:对
  19. 情人节又叫圣瓦伦丁节,是基督教徒为了纪念瓦伦丁主教Bishop Valentine为正义和纯洁的爱而牺牲自己。 ( )

  20. A:错 B:对
  21. “Watchtower”means a tower with a clock on it.( )

  22. A:错 B:对
  23. The Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge is the first highway-railway dual-use bridge built after the founding of the People's Republic of China. ( )

  24. A:对 B:错
  25. They built the levee of Dujiangyan by creating long sausage-like baskets of bamboo filled with stones, which were held in place with wooden tripods.( )

  26. A:对 B:错
  27. Authentic hotpot has no requirements for its ingredients, and any parts of a lamb can be cut into pieces for cooking. ( )

  28. A:对 B:错
  29. The Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge is the first highway-railway dual-use bridge built after the founding of the People's Republic of China, opens to traffic on Oct 15, 1956. ( )

  30. A:对 B:错
  31. The shooting place of Dai Yu's first buring flowers is located at the Couple's Garden Retreat.( )

  32. A:错 B:对
  33. The Terracotta Army is regarded as the eighth miracle of the world.( )

  34. A:错 B:对
  35. 龙首渠修建于汉朝。 ( )

  36. A:对 B:错
  37. 礼数可以翻译成propriety。 ( )

  38. A:错 B:对
  39. China jumped straight from cash to mobile payment, supported by advanced technologies in a high rate of mobile phone ownership. ( )

  40. A:错 B:对
  41. Mobile payment is deeply rooted in Chinese people’s lives that spending a day without cash or bank cards is perfectly unremarkable. ( )

  42. A:错 B:对
  43. In terms of the layout of the gate in a quadrangle courtyard, the orientation of the gate based on Chinese fengshui and the realistic lifestyle application should be considered.

  44. A:对 B:错
  45. The Beipanjiang Bridge in southwest China is 565 meters high and stands equivalent to a 200-storey skyscraper! ( )

  46. A:对 B:错
  47. In 1960s, Nanjing Yangtze river bridge was listed in the Ginness Book of World Records for“the longest bridge with dual functions of highway and railway.”( )

  48. A:对 B:错
  49. The right expression for “单身经济” is single economy. ( )

  50. A:对 B:错
  51. The development of takeout services is fueling a steady recovery of economy in China, and most importantly, created a lot of jobs. ( )

  52. A:对 B:错
  53. 曾子庙的照壁位于大门和牌坊之间。 ( )。

  54. A:对 B:错
  55. “无违”可以翻译成“not being disobedient”。 ( )

  56. A:对 B:错
  57. Dougong is a structural network that joins pillars and columns to the frame of the roof. ( )。

  58. A:对 B:错
  59. Dougong was first widely used during the Tang Dynasty. ( )。

  60. A:错 B:对
  61. 曾子庙也叫宗圣庙。 ( )

  62. A:错 B:对
  63. This distance-recording chariot is a kind of odometer, which was invented by Zhang Heng.( )。

  64. A:对 B:错
  65. There are three greatest ancient building complexes in China which are( ).

  66. A:Temple of Confucius in Qufu
    B:Dunhuang Mogao Caves
    C:Forbidden City in Beijing
    D:Imperial Summer Resort in Chengde
  67. The carriers which can be used for paper-cutting are ( )

  68. A:paper
  69. Shaolin Kung Fu has been well-known for its functions of( ).

  70. A:body-building
    C:rules and taboos
  71. While drinking tea, which of the following you must attach importance to ( )?

  72. A:infusing techniques
    C:interpersonal relationships
  73. According to the Classic of Mountains and Seas and the Records of the Grand Historian, the three mountains (Sanshan) are three legendary places where the immortals lived. They are( )

  74. A:Penglai蓬莱 B:Chizhou池州 C:Fangzhang方丈 D:Yingzhou瀛洲
  75. What are China’s four great folktales? ( )

  76. A:the Story of Meng Jiangnv B:Legend of the White Snake C:the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl D:The Butterfly Lovers
  77. 与中秋有关的民间传说包括:( )

  78. A:吴刚伐桂 B:后羿射日 C:梁祝化蝶 D:嫦娥奔月
  79. The Ancient Tea Horse Road is a huge transportation network dominated by three routes, they are( ).

  80. A:Yunnan Tibet
    B:Sichuan Tibet
    C:Qinghai Tibet
    D:Fujian Tibet
  81. What are the usual Spring Festival traditions? ( )

  82. A:worshipping the kitchen god
    B:putting up Spring Festival couplets
    C:sending red packets
    D:having the Reunion Dinner
  83. 古人将菊花酒视为“吉祥酒”是因为_________ ( )

  84. A:菊花品行高洁 B:菊花象征长寿 C:菊花能清热解毒 D:菊花是陶渊明的最爱
  85. Which one could be used to describe the changing shapes of the moon?  ( )

  86. A:wax and wane
    B:ebb and flow
    C:up and down
    D:back and forth
  87. Mao Zedong creatively opened up the road of Jinggangshan. It refers to the revolutionary road of ( ).

  88. A:encircling the cities from the rural areas and seizing political power with armed force
    B:building socialism with Chinese characteristics
    C:establishing the Party's absolute leadership over the armed forces
    D:carrying out the large-scale Agrarian Reform(土地改革)
  89. which of the following World Heritage Sites is a mausoleum? ( )。

  90. A:The Imperial Palace
    B:The Great Wall.
    C:Mogao Caves
    D:Ming tombs
  91. If a watchman spotted an enemy invasion, what would he do?( )

  92. A:He would send messages by letter.
    B:He would blow a horn to send messages.
    C:He would ride a horse to send messages.
    D:He would light up the watchtower.
  93. ________ later became the foundation of martial arts at Shaolin. ( )

  94. A:Shaolin Buddhism B:Esoteric Buddhism C:Tibetan Buddhism D:Chan Buddhism
  95. The royal ritual system of worshiping the moon in autumn dates back to the ( ).

  96. A:Han Dynasty
    B:Qin Dynasty
    C:Zhou Dynasty
    D:Spring and Autumn Period
  97. With the evolution of Chinese characters, Chinese calligraphy has undergone changes in certain aspects, the correct order is ( )

  98. A:Seal script--Cursive script--Clerical script-- Regular script--Running script
    B:Clerical script-- Seal script-- Running script-- Regular script-- Cursive script
    C:Clerical script-- Cursive script-- Regular script-- Seal script-- Running script
    D:Seal script--Clerical script--Cursive script-- Running script--Regular script
  99. Comrade Mao Zedong made a speech called "serve the people" in memory of ( ).

  100. A:Wen Yiduo B:Lei Feng C:Xu Teli D:Zhang Side
  101. Why hasn’t the actual tomb of Qin Shihuang been excavated?( ).

  102. A:Because the actual tomb of Qin Shihuang is too large to unearth. B:Because it is extremely difficult to unearth it. C:To make the Terracotta Warriors the most popular historic place. D:To find better ways to unearth without damaging.
  103. In Han dynasty, the emperor selected and recruited governors based on a person’s _____( )。

  104. A:reputation
    B:grade in imperial examination system
    D:family background
  105. 1919年爆发的( )是一场新的伟大的反帝反封建斗争的开始,标志着新民主主义革命的开端。

  106. A:五四运动 B:新文化运动 C:五卅运动 D:维新运动
  107. Mogao Caves is also called _________.( )

  108. A:Mogao Spelunks B:Mogao Chambers C:Mogao Grottoes D:Mogao Holes
  109. 和以往年轻人回家过年相反,老人提前到子女工作地过年的新趋势叫做 ( )

  110. A:travel rush B:reverse Spring Festival travel rush C:Spring Festival travel rush D:rush hour
  111. The three grand halls in the Forbidden City adopted three-tier terrace, the highest level in ancient times, with a height of ______ meters.( )

  112. A:nine
  113. The Paper-cutting of “The tree of life” can be used to describe: ( )

  114. A:the Spring festival B:the birthday of newborn C:wedding D:funeral
  115. 李冰下令制作并掩埋于岷江底的石犀牛有何作用? ( )

  116. A:测量淤泥厚度 B:测量岷江水位 C:抵御洪水 D:镇水神兽
  117. “蚕头燕尾”是哪种字体的主要特点:( )

  118. A:隶书 B:楷书 C:行书 D:小篆
  119. “New China came from here”refers to ( ).

  120. A:Yan'an
  121. Dujiangyan was built by( ).

  122. A:Qin Shihuang
    B:Li Shimin
    C:Li Bing
    D:Li Bai
  123. The chrysanthemum has been regarded as the symbol of the ( ) thanks to the famous lines “While picking asters 'neath the Eastern fence,my gaze upon the Southern mountain rests” by Tao Yuanming.

  124. A:longevity

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