1. What is architecture?

  2. 答案:Architecture is a handmaid of devotion, a sermon in stone,message or story.###Architecture is frozen music, static harmony of sound.###Architecture is mental health, power, pleasure inspiration and innovation.###Architecture is the flowering of geometry, elaboration, mastery of shape and form.
  3. _________refers to Paintings of many famous Greek military exploits

  4. 答案:Stoa Poikile###Painted Stoa
  5. The most fundamental reasons for builidngs decay are _____________.

  6. 答案:fungal stain and harmful growth###defective plastered rendering###erosion of mortar###cracking of walls and leaning walls
  7. The term brutalism is originated from:The English word “brutal”--crude and harsh and the French word “Beton Brut”--______ and ______ .

  8. 答案:raw###concrete
  9. The Gothic architecture is designed with______________.

  10. 答案:pointed arches###stained glass windows###vertical elements
  11. Industrial Revolution has an influence on the design of Victorian buildings and allowing for prefabricated (预制构件)items such as____________.

  12. 答案:window glasses###granites###tiles
  13. An arch is a curved structure made of stone, brick, concrete, steel. Translate the term "arch" into Chinese.

  14. 答案:拱券###拱
  15. The direct cost of construction for bid estimates is usually derived from a combination of the following approaches:

  16. 答案:All the above
  17. Which basic approach to cost estimation is straightforward in principle but quite laborious in application?

  18. 答案:Unit cost of bill of quantities.
  19. Anther common substructure is called pile. To prevent the heavy tower from falling , The piles for concrete and steel supports were buried over 50 meters deep. Translate the term "pile" into Chinese.

  20. 答案:桩
  21. Stoa is a Greek architectural term that describes a covered walkway or colonnade that was usually designed for public use. Translate the term "Stoa" into Chinese.

  22. 答案:柱廊
  23. If your aim is to put your clients in the spaces you are designing in convincing style, which software is going to be your best option?
  24. The great Roman architect and the writer of the book Ten Books on Architecture named ____________, will tell you what is archietecture.
  25. The old villa's new function is the________ of Shandong Jianzhu University.
  26. Brickwork moreover lends itself externally to decorative patterns and banding, and internally it works with ______, mosaic, and fresco, making the dazzling and colorful decorative style of Byzantine architecture.
  27. Which building material is ideal for structural framework of tall buildings and large industrial facilities?
  28. ________ founded the Bauhaus School in Germany in 1920.
  29. In April 15th, 2019, Notre Dame was largely burned by a big fire ;timber roof and the ______ have gone in the fire.
  30. The ________ is the plain or flat rectangular tiles ,popular in Romanesque Revival style .
  31. The building Menara Mesiniaga: is from Architect ________'sten-year research into bio-climatic principles--the design of bioclimatic skyscrapers.
  32. Industrial heritage refers to the physical remains of the history of technology and industry , such as manufacturing and mining sites, as well as power and _________.
  33. Brutalism is a term applied to the architectural style of exposed rough concrete and large modernist block forms in the 1950s and the next 20 years.
  34. The burial chamber inside the Mastaba ,where the body was located, was 20 meters down.
  35. Architectural conservation is the process through which the historic and design integrity of humanities building heritage are prolonged through carefully planned interventions.
  36. After the restoration project of US capitol,25 layers of paint and rust was removed and 1000 cracks were repaired or restored properly.
  37. Slate ,historically, underwent several distinct operations in their manufacture including splitting by machine, and smoothing the surface with a draw knife.
  38. Harmony is found when the members of a work are of a height suited to their breadth, of a breadth suited to their length, and in a word, when they all correspond symmetrically.
  39. The contractor may put in the least amount of possible effort for making a cost estimate if it believes that its chance of success is not high.
  40. The Old Swan House was built by Shaw in 1876 and located in London.
  41. Parthenon illustrates the application of Golden Ratio in design, conforming to the established ratio of 9:4.
  42. The"bottle—shaped"pagoda becomes popular in The Period of variety.
  43. The design is the driving force throughout the project and beyond.
  44. The first private college to teach civil engineering in the United States was Norwich University.
  45. St. Denis Suger is the architect rebuilt the First Gothic Cathedral named the Churn of St. Denis in 1137.
  46. The height of the Khafre pyramid is tenfold of the distance between the sun and the earth.
  47. The goal of sustainable design is to reduce the impact buildings have on the environment and natural resources.
  48. In 1992, a fire broke out in Windsor Castle, an official residence of Queen Elizabeth II and the largest inhabited castle in the world. The fire damaged more than 200 rooms in the gothic building.
  49. The UIA Gold Medal is awarded every three years and its winner honored during an official ceremony at the UIA world congress of architecture.
  50. Greek Cross Plan is the church plan, in the form of a Greek cross, with a square central mass ,in which the _____,_____,______ arms are of equal length forming a Greek cross.
  51. In 1903, “Fangzi railway station" was established where the ____________ and other facilities were well equipped.
  52. Nowadays, Industrial heritage: can be seen in the form of ______, water towers,_______ mills, , lighthouses, other buildings of that age as well as ________.
  53. The___________need periodic cleaning and maintenance. Since a variety of debris fill them, causing water to back up and seep under roofing units.
  54. Which are the fundamental principles of Architecture?
  55. The basic building materials are______.
  56. Within a Doric temple, a certain triangular part-Triglyph should be selected as a standard module. Translate the word Triglyph into Chinese.
  57. A Greek column consists of________.
  58. The most famous temples of ancient Greece include________.
  59. The dormitory apartment on Weiyi roadconsists of four two-story buildings and one ________. They are one of the earliest apartments of ancient Jinan.
  60. Which software is the old dominant player in the architecture software industry?
  61. The costs of a constructed facility to the owner include______.
  62. _________ is defined as the act or process of applying measures necessary to sustain the existing form, integrity and materials of an historical architecture.
  63. The tallest building –one world trade center is on the west of Ground Zero reaching ______feet tall, symbolizing the year that the united states declared its independence.
  64. Which building material is the oldest?
  65. The basic form of the temple of ancient Greece emerges as early as the 10th century B.C.E. as a simple________ room with projecting walls that created a shallow porch.
  66. Which is a high-quality image producing software, perfect for final renderings and touch-ups?
  67. After the Pyramid of Medium ,Then came the ___________, the tallest structure ever made by human hands until the Eiffel tower was erected in 1889.
  68. Which building material is strong in tension and compression, but can be weak in bending?
  69. After Sino-British Tianjin Treaty was signed in 1858, ________ opened to the outside world in 1861.
  70. The early villa buildings in jinan are mainly built with _________ and constructed in concrete roughing technique
  71. Leonardo Da Vinci’s representative work __________ is actually an illustration of the architectural concept of human proportion.
  72. The Parthenon temple is surrounded by eight columns at the façade and seventeen columns at the ________.
  73. For monitoring the project during construction, a control estimate is derived from available information to establish:
  74. Passive Solar Building Design is an approach that uses the sun’s energy to provide natural heating and cooling. Transalate the term "passive solar builidng design" into Chinese.
  75. Which software's biggest advantages is that every change you make to the model is updated in all views, including plans and elevations?
  76. Which building material is very strong in compression but cannot carry tension?
  77. Walls of Queen Anne Buildings: decorated with materials such as patterned brick,stone, wood shingles and clapboard, slate, occasionally stucco, and sometimes, terracotta panels. Translate the term "terracotta panel" into Chinese.
  78. The first degree in Civil Engineering in the United States to be awarded to a woman was granted by which university?
  79. With considerate surveying and mapping, more than 3 thousand stones on the façade of phoenix mansion were coded with their own unique numbers—just like the “Morse code”.
  80. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture is awarded every two years to an architectural project that meets the needs and preferences of Islamic societies.
  81. The word Rococo comes from the French word “rocaille” meaning decorative rock or concrete work.
  82. Building is made out of small parts called modules and the selection of these modules will lay out the building‘s proper order.
  83. Human scale building refers to the building's facade is broken into three smaller levels, and in a sense making it human scale.
  84. The pediment is a triangular space that forms the gable of a low-pitched roof and that is usually filled with relief sculptures in classical architecture.
  85. Hard slates are more subject to erosion and attacked by airborne and rainwater chemicals.
  86. The General Order Warehouse in Yantai Eastern Custom is a large double-storey building with a double-slope roof, 33 meters in length, 14 meters wide and 10 meters in ridge height.
  87. The bricks used in Astley castle restoration is not as high as a standard sort of British brick; it is narrower than the normal bricks which means it can follow the lines of the irregular masonry more tightly.
  88. Zhaozhou Bridge is the world's oldest open-spandrel segmental  arch bridge of stone construction and the oldest standing bridge in China.
  89. 投标人必须接受业主关于任命争端裁决委员会的建议。
  90. Like the principal buildings of the executive and judicial branches, the United States Capitol is built in a distinctive neoclassical style and has a white exterior.
  91. The word occasionality has two layers of meanings. First, it means occasion. It is from the space dimension. Second, it means origin or genesis. It is from the time dimension.
  92. Bioclimatology is the interdisciplinary field of science that studies the interactions between the biosphere and the Earth's temperature on time scales of the order of seasons or longer time.
  93. Historic Civil Engineering Landmarks are designated by the American Society of Civil Engineers since it began the program in 1964.
  94. The construction cost is the single largest component of the capital cost, and other cost components are insignificant.
  95. The earliest practice of civil engineering may have commenced between 4000 and 2000 BC in ancient Egypt, the Indus Valley Civilization, and Mesopotamia (ancient Iraq).
  96. 在国际工程项目中,业主选定承包商通常采用国际公开招标方式。
  97. Dougong is an unique structural element of interlocking wooden brackets.
  98. With beam and base methods of underpinning,double-stuctured reinforced concrete beam was constructed below the building in replacement of the existing footing.
  99. Design proposals are generally expected to be both imaginative and pragmatic.
  100. The quadrangle courtyard with the combined Chinese and Western elements is a typical example of jinan's modern folk house building.
  101. The Greek order is defined by the particular type of column, entablature and fluting , the three combined as a basic unit.
  102. The human proportion refers to the height of the human body generally equal to the length of outstretched legs, so the proportions of the human body also corresponding to a square.
  103. Foresight is a prerequisite as designing buildings is a very complex and demanding undertaking.
  104. For the owner, a budget estimate must be adopted early enough for planning long term financing of the facility.
  105. Dome is a self-supporting arched form, usually made of stone or brick, serving to cover a space with a ceiling or roof.
  106. Compared with Baroque, Rococo buildings tend to be softer and more graceful.
  107. 一般情况下,图纸由业主提供给承包商,但根据实际情况,有时承包商也负责工程某部分的设计,但其设计图纸需经业主/工程师批准。
  108. Modern concrete blends are reinforced with steel fibers for strength and water reducing polymers to prevent cracking.
  109. At the beginning of every school year, students would hold the ceremony in _________—the main building of Fuxue temple complex and show their respect to master Confucius.
  110. Horizontal landscape (planting) should be introduced into the Bioclimatic building facade. The planting could start by ground level to as far up as possible at one side of the whole building.
  111. As for architecture , firstly, “occasionality” is manifested as the buildings “original spacial purpose ” -- any old building that comes from the “past” has its original _________.
  112. Green building is also known as_________________.
  113. From its name, you can easily find out the original purpose of Jinan Fuxue Confusious Temple-- running schools and showing respect to master Confucius.
  114. Besides the pools, you can see the _____ shaped building that contains the 911 memorial museum.
  115. According to _________'s architectural (time and space) art theory , architecture has its occasionalty.
  116. Bioclimatic building refers to the design of buildings and spaces based on local climate, aimed at providing thermal and visual comfort, making use of _______ energy and other environmental sources.
  117. There is another special building around the pools. It is a public place for rest and shopping named ________, famous for its sun radiation angles.
  118. In some sense, the survival tree really embodies a living being suffering the past experience .It was damaged, but it also shows a tremendous amount of new growth.
  119. The train restaurant in Shandong Jianzhu University is not only a restaurant, but the cultural recycling to our industrial heritage tourism.
  120. The term industrial heritage covers places used for social activities related to industry such as housing, museums, folk dwellings among other structures with values from a variety of fields in order to highlight the interdisciplinary character of industrial heritage.
  121. The cellar of originaly Changyu wine company building was built 7 meters underground, 1 meter below sea level, with constant ________ for wine storage.
  122. In _________, Jinan officially opened its commercial port.
  123. In 1904 and 1905, the Anna well, 385 meters deep and 5 meters in diameter , and the Sonna well, 177 meters deep and 4.3 meters in diameter, were built near the Fangzi railway station.
  124. At 11:00 PM on March 1, 2009, ________composed by loading equipment and a tractor unit , with its own power plant and 128 wheels, was used to move the 320 tons old villa to its new home the campus of Shandong Jianzhu University.
  125. The most typical Linong of Jinan were located in Gaodusi street and xianglin street.
  126. Railway cultural elements, such as platform, railway track, railway station and a railway theme museum are built around the green train restaurant of Shandong Jianzhu Universiyt, making people up close to the railway culture.
  127. By the end of the Qing dynasty, the urban population of Jinan had grown to 250,000. By 1948, the conical shape of the provincial capital had been basically formed.
  128. There are three entrances in the southwest of the old villa located in Shandong Jianzhu University. The foundation below the waist line is made by regular ________, and the wall is made by red brick. While The window sill is made by carved blue slate.
  129. In ancient buildings, wood shingles, much wider than about 6 cm, would be split when walked on, or they may curl or crack from varying temperature and moisture.
  130. A physical investigation of the roofing and its structure may reveal information about the roof's construction history.
  131. The Golden rules for architectural heritage conservation refer to the following:1.The minimum effective action is always the best.2.The conservation should be reversible and does not prohibit possible future interventions.
  132. _________, terne plate and galvanized iron, are the commonly used metal roofing materials .
  133. In varying degrees, each of these sheet metals are likely to deteriorate from chemical actions, such as _______________.
  134. During the stabilization process, many remains of the old Astley castle are found in the ruins including the old stone steps from staircase and some pieces of __________ from the demolished old church and curious little stone mason marks.
  135. Special roofing materials, such as __________, can be produced by manufacturers of related products that are commonly used elsewhere on the exterior or interior of a structure.
  136. Wood shingles were not popular in all periods of western building history. The size and shape of the shingles as well as the detailing of the shingle roof differ according to regional craft practices.
  137. St. Paul’s Cathedral, considered the mother church of London, was severely damaged in the Great Fire of London in 1666. The reconstruction took ________ years, partly due to the challenge in getting supplies of Portland stone.
  138. Reconstruction of historic architectura refers to the act or process of depicting, by means of new construction, the form, features, and detailing of _____________ or object for the purpose of replicating its appearance at a specific period of time and in its historic location.
  139. The Taipei 101 ,for instance, has suspended a ________above the 87th floor. When wind moves the building, this orb sways into action, absorbing the building’s swaying energy.
  140. Metal Framing become one of essential characteristics of _______, a famous school in the history of modern architecture.
  141. Shiny glass towers, one of the most common modern architectural styles, pop up across cities skylines throughout most of the ______.Modern architecture began to shape the lives of everyday people.
  142. American architect Louis Sullivan published his famous modern concept “Function Follows Form" which would go on to influence generations of architects and designers.
  143. Modern concrete blends are reinforced with steel fibers and __________ for strength and to prevent cracking.
  144. To prevent the wind on the top rocking tower, many skyscrapers employ the Tuned Mass Damper. Translate the term “Tuned Mass Damper” into Chinese.
  145. Brutalism was a term applied to the architectural style of exposed rough concrete and large modernist block forms, which started in the 1950s and flourished in the next 20 years.
  146. _________ is a typical substructure. It consists of column, iron plate, steel beams and concrete pad.
  147. Much stronger and more light-weighted than iron, metal framing not only meant buildings could be much taller, but windows openings could also be much larger.
  148. A defining principle of brutalism is an obvious focus on architectural style itself and attention on the sculptural form.
  149. Squinches and Pendentives: are Architectural supports that bridge the difference between a square room and the curved dome that rises above it. Translate the term "squinch" into Chinese.
  150. the Durham church is relatively dark as most Romanesque churches have rather small clerestory. And interestingly those windows are slightly inset.
  151. Groin vault could redirect the weight of the vault to a few points instead of having it spread the entire wall.Translate the term"groin vault" into Chinese.
  152. Unlike Byzantine architecture, Romanesque movement took off independently in a variety of places from Italy to England, each with its own unique form.
  153. Victorian architecture isn't limited to one specific style.Instead, it's a broad term that describes the many different styles that emerged during Victoria's 65 years as queen.
  154. The use of three dimensional wood trim called ________ was an American innovation made possible by the technological advances in the mass production of wood trims and the ease of improved railroad transport. Translate the term "spindle work" into Chinese.
  155. A vault is essentially an extended _______ made of masonry used to roof a building.
  156. This redirection of force from a horizontal to a more vertical plane is one of the characteristics of Byzintine architecture.
  157. In early vaulted buildings, the base arch was the standard semicircular arch.Then there came barrel vault. It was very heavy, and its stress lines tended to push out the walls of the building. Translate the term"barrel vault" into Chinese.
  158. Squinches and Pendentives: are Architectural supports that bridge the difference between a square room and the curved dome that rises above it. Translate the term "pendentive" into Chinese.
  159. Joseph of Egypt a priest, healer, and an architect was the designer of the first ever Egyptian pyramid standing at 1776 feet in height.
  160. Amphiprostyle temple has columns at both the front and the rear.
  161. The top center stone of the arch is called the keystone, is the last block to be inserted. Translate the term "keystone" into Chinese.
  162. Dipteral temples is a double row of columns surround the building.
  163. If one divides the perimeter of Pyramid by its height, one obtains a close approximation to __________.
  164. In Doric Order, the column shaft is simple and tapered, meaning it is wider at the base than the top.Each column has 20 parallel, vertical grooves called _______.
  165. A horizontal part in classical architecture that rests on the columns and consists of architrave,frieze and cornice. Translate the term "cornice" into Chinese.
  166. The inner building of Parthenon is a long rectangle, comprising 3 rooms that share a solid wall , including a larger room and 2 smaller room.
  167. The entrance of the Egyptain temple was highlighted by _______ which towered up to be about 40 meters high.
  168. The 92-feet high Pyramid of Khafre was developed but ended up because of its construction flaws. which partly collapsed while it was being built.
  169. the An-chi Ch ‘ iao was bulit in Tang dynasty.
  170. The oldest arched bridge in China today is the An-chi Ch ‘ iao
  171. Bridge design became standardized in the Ming dynasty.
  172. the Little Stone Bridge was built by Lichun.
  173. The earliest bridges in China were pontoon bridges used for crossing wide rivers.
  174. It was not until the 3rd century A. D., that the first arched bridge was recorded in literature.
  175. The earliest bridges in China is made of stone.
  176. 拱桥的英文翻译:spandrel bridge
  177. The principal arch of An-chi bridg is composed of twenty -nine separate strings of arches
  178. the Lu-kou Ch’ iao was bulit in Song dynasty.
  179. It takes long time for masonry pagoda to take place of wooden pagoda
  180. multi 一storied tower surmounted by a pile of metal discs_is the feature of the Chinese pagoda.
  181. _应县木塔 is the tallest and oldest existing wooden tower in China.
  182. “九顶塔” is that nine small square multi-eaved pagodas are clustered on top of an octagonal one -storied pagoda
  183. Compared to their northern counterparts,southern style are characterized by a marked slenderness in general proportion
  184. The octagonal plan became the norm, the square plan the exception in The Period of Elaboration.
  185. 壁柱的英文翻译:pilaster
  186. One 一storied Pagodas is small.
  187. What are the periods of Chinese pagoda?
  188. _The square plan and the one -cell hollow construction is the most prominent characteristics of The Period of Simplicity.
  189. 瓷砖的英文翻译:tile
  190. 柱顶过梁的英文翻译:architrave
  191. _diminution__ is the change of Tougong in the elegance period.
  192. 屋檐的英文翻译:eave
  193. What can be found in Foguang temple?
  194. The Period of Vigor is in Tang dynasty.
  195. _rigorous and robust proportions____ is the feature of Foguang temple.
  196. 补间铺作的英文翻译:intermediate set
  197. What are the periods of the wooden architecture in China?
  198. The oldest wooden structure is 佛光寺________
  199. The basic characteristics of Chinese ancient architecture system?
  200. The tou-kung plays the leading role in Chinese building.
  201. 立柱的英文翻译:Facade Columns
  202. The immediate function of raising the roof edges is to permit light to penetrate to the interior of the building.
  203. 砖石建筑的英文翻译:stone masonry
  204. Why can Chinese ancient architecture system be kept for thousands years?
  205. Two grammar books of Chinese ancient architecture are 《营造法式》_《工程做法则例》
  206. 雕饰的英文翻译:ornamental carving
  207. what is the most complete book of architectural technology in ancient China
  208. bid与tender的用法相近,在大部分情况下可以相互替换。tender常见于英国、国际咨询工程师联合会(FIDIC)编制的工程合同文件中,bid常见于世界银行、美国等国家编制的工程合同文件中,但在实践中,这两个词常常混用。
  209. 即使发现某一投标书有问题,业主/工程师也不可以邀请投标者澄清或确认。
  210. 在国际工程中,应用最广泛的就是国际咨询工程师联合会(FIDIC)编制的各类合同条件。
  211. 在承包商投标前,为澄清投标者在编标时的疑问,通常业主会召集投标者开一个标前会议,常常伴随着现场考察。
  212. 如果业主决定采用国际公开招标,就必须发布招标广告。
  213. 中标通知书,也称为中标函,是在评标结束后业主/工程师通知投标者的一封信函。
  214. 在公开招标方式下, 业主通常在国际有关知名报刊上发布招标广告,并且要进行资格预审。
  215. 国际工程中的保函有______。
  216. Project manager在我国和国外均指承包商的项目负责人。
  217. 起草国际工程信函文件的人员应具备以下条件:
  218. In construction, which may be expressed by the relationship between the volume of construction and a factor of production such as labor or capital?
  219. At the very early stage, ______ is usually made before the facility is designed, and must therefore rely on the cost data of similar facilities built in the past.
  220. A production function relates the amount or volume of output to the various inputs of labor, material and equipment.
  221. The relationship between the size of a building project (expressed in square feet) to the input labor (expressed in labor hours per square foot) is an example of______ for construction.
  222. The basic idea in allocation of joint costs is that each expenditure item can be assigned to particular characteristic of the operation.
  223. A cost estimate establishes the baseline of the project cost at different stages of development of the project.
  224. ______ is made when the scope of work is clearly defined and the detailed design is in progress so that the essential features of the facility are identifiable
  225. In microeconomics, the relationship between the output of a process and the necessary resources is referred to as the production function.
  226. Cost estimation for a project aims to provide the answers to a range of questions, including the following:
  227. Ideally, the allocation of joint costs should be causally related to the category of basic costs in an allocation process. In many instances, however, a causal relationship between the allocation factor and the cost item cannot be identified or may not exist.
  228. The elastic modules, is a measure of the resistance of a material to deformation under load.
  229. Structural steel is available in standard shapes such are______.
  230. Civil engineering is the application of physical and scientific principles, and its history is intricately linked to advances in understanding of physics and mathematics throughout history.
  231. The properties of timber are non-linear and very variable, depending on the quality, treatment of wood, and type of wood supplied.
  232. Concrete can be made stronger under tension by adding metal rods, wires, mesh or cables to the composite.
  233. If the loading is increased above a certain defined range, brittle and plastic can occur.
  234. People know on what principle Li Chun made Zhaozhou Bridge.
  235. Not all materials used in architectural structures behave elastically within a certain defined range of loading.
  236. Which place is the most-visited paid monument in the world?
  237. Masonry walls become unstable at relatively small heights.
  238. RIBA is the highest annual honor awarded by the American Institute of Architects.
  239. Which software is simply the best for realistic visualization?
  240. Architects are not just involved in the design of a building. As a professional, they are also responsible for public safety and overseeing of projects.
  241. The spec writer's job is to make sure that the many components of a building fit and work together.
  242. Selection of appropriate materials and technology must be considered, tested and reviewed at an early stage in the design to ensure there are no setbacks which may occur later.
  243. Which seeks to identify and encourage architectural concepts in the fields of community development, area conservation, contemporary design, preservation of the environment and landscape design?
  244. Which software is a high-quality image producing software, perfect for final renderings and touch-ups?
  245. Which prize is said to be awarded" irrespective of nationality, race, creed or ideology"?
  246. Which honors an architect (or group of architects) having distinguished themselves through their work and professional practice by the quality of services rendered to man and society?
  247. Which software is one of the easiest programs to understand but its simplicity also means that it has limited rendering capabilities?
  248. Ralph Waldo Emerson was a well known American writer and philosopher.he said of Greek architecture as the flowering of geometry. Translated, Emerson was referring to elaboration of the Greek architecture and its mastery of order.
  249. Vitruvius was the one who, invented the idea that all buildings should have three attributes of architecture: _______________.
  250. _______ or perspective is the method of sketching a front with the sides, withdrawing into the back ground and the lines would all meet in the center of a circle
  251. With these fundamental _________ of architecture, we can make a designed cup, spoon or tea kettle, we can design a flow of information on a website, we can figure out a plan for organizing space, we can have a man -made building for structure or we can accomplish a design for city, town , park or landscape.
  252. Ichnography is made by the proper successive proportions, through which we get outlines for the plan surfaces of buildings.
  253. John Ruskin , a British author, poet and artist said of architecture: that the mere sight of it , may contribute to his mental health, power and pleasure. In other words, architecture is an inspiration and __________ .
  254. The Ancient Greeks adopted  the modular concept in their architecture systems , according to the proportions of the Classical Order. Translate the term"the proportions of the Classical Order" into Chinese.
  255. Economy principle of architecture :(1)The proper management of materials and of site; a balance of cost and common sense.(2)Different kinds of dwellings should be suitable for different householders.
  256. Orthography is a picture of the front of a building, set upright and properly drawn in the proportions of the future work. Translate the term "orthography" into Chinese.
  257. The book named Ten Books on Architecture is a direct, and detailed introduction of architecture from ________, to architectural style, columns and orders as well as engineering and machinery.
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