1.There are many differences of news headlines between Chinese and English. From the aspect of Grammer, which of the following choices does not belong to it?
A:Punctuation B:The length of words C:Omission D:Voices
2.Which one does not belong to the basic four aspects of the differences of news headlines between Chinese and English?
A:Expression B:Rhetorical device C:Grammar D:Selection of words
3.Which of the following translated versions are the most appropriate for "Britain's response to the threat posed by illicit financial flows has so far been more thundering rhetoric than meaningful action"?
A:迄今为止,英国对非法资金流动构成的威胁所做出的回应,与其说是有意义的行动,不如说是夸大其词。 B:目前为止,英国对非法资金流动带来的威胁做出的回应,更多的是夸大其词而不是踏实做事。 C:到目前为止,对非法资金流动带来的威胁,英国政府多是雷声大雨点小。 D:英国政府的回应对于非法资金流动带来的威胁,迄今为止,可以说是异乎寻常的言辞而不是有意义的行动。
4.Which of the following translated versions are the most appropriate for "这是最后一件令股东们心烦意乱的事情"?
A:It is the last thing that make shareholders distracted. B:It is the last thing to upset shareholds. C:It is the last of these that turns shareholder's stomachs. D:Shareholders are distracted by the last thing.
5.Which of the following translated versions are the most appropriate for "走后门"?
A:Pull the string B:Walk the back door C:Through the back door D:Walk the postern
6.Which of the following translated versions are the most appropriate for "啃老族"?
A:Eat the old generation B:Ken Lao Zu C:Ken old generation D:Rely on parents
7.Which of the following translated versions are the most appropriate for "Professor Wang was quoted as saying that his proposal had died a bureaucratic death."
A:有人援引王教授的话说,他的提议因官僚主义而胎死腹中。 B:王教授说他的提案是官僚主义的产物。 C:据王教授说,他的这一建议死于官僚主义。 D:据王教授说,由于官僚主义盛行,结果这份建议提上去后就石沉大海了。
8."His harsh rules in the area had turned most of the people against him.他在占领区实行的残酷统治已使民心离散。",which feature does this four-character phrase show?
A:vividness B:conciseness C:rhythm D:smoothness
9.Which of the following translated versions are the most appropriate for "As angry citizen stage protests, Iran opened fire"?
A:当人们因为汽油涨价而提出抗议,伊朗的炮火瞄准了他们 B:当愤怒的城民提出抗议,伊朗政府将矛头指向他们 C:当愤怒的民众举行抗议时,伊朗开火了。 D:汽油涨价引发抗议,伊朗政府发动血腥镇压
10.Which of the following translated versions are the most appropriate for ”… and largely obscured by an internet blackout in the country that was lifted recently“?
A:其消息很大程度上也因该国的断网操作被封锁起来,日前该国网络才刚刚恢复 B:该消息模糊不清,很大程度上是最近才恢复的互联网管制所造成的 C:该国互联网的闭锁很大程度上导致了信息的模糊,最近才取消了 D:而且在很大程度上被最近解除的互联网管制所掩盖

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