1.Which of the following rhetorical devices is applied in "Children Under Parents' Wings"?
A:hyperbole B:metaphor C:alliteration D:personification
2.Which of the following translation is more appropriate for "The Chinese market is a bottomless pit"?
A:中国市场深不可测 B:中国市场不可而知 C:中国市场潜力巨大 D:中国市场是个无底洞 3.“Like American people on the other side of the Pacific, we are elated, too, at the landslide win of Democrat Barack Obama. 同美国人民一样,我们也为民主党奥巴马的大胜感到兴高采烈。”Which translation method does the above translation apply?
A:Literal translation B:Domesticating translation C:Omission D:Free translation 4.Which of the following translated versions is the most appropriate for “Nixon's proposals have been hailed as sound if not original. But this appraisal of his own stewardship sometimes seems more generous than candid.”?
A:尼克松的建议虽说不上有创见,但有说服力;他对自己领导功绩的评估似乎是自夸的成分多于坦率的成分 B:尼克松的建议虽说不上是原创,但是安全;他对自己领导功绩的评估似乎是自夸的成分多于坦率的成分 C:尼克松的建议虽说不上是原创,但是安全;他对自己领导功绩的评估似乎是大方的成分多于坦率的成分 D:尼克松的建议虽说不上有创见,但有说服力;他对自己领导功绩的评估似乎是大方的成分多于坦率的成分 5.The sentence "by their colours you should know them" translated into "欧洲色彩时尚" uses literal translation.
A:对 B:错 6.The sentence "Baby Geniuses Save the World" translated into "神童拯救世界" uses free translation.
A:对 B:错 7.In News Translation, we should always keep the facts.
A:对 B:错 8.When we translate a sentence, we should translate it according to the context
A:错 B:对 9.Which of the following translated versions is the most appropriate for "Finally I arrived on a hot summer morning too depressed to feel nervous"?
A:我总算是到了,那是个夏日的上午,天气燥热,我身心疲惫,也感不到紧张了 B:终于我到了,在一个炎热的夏天上午,我疲惫但感到不紧张 C:终于我在一个炎热的夏天上午到达了,因为太疲惫而感到不紧张 D:终于我在一个炎热的夏天上午到达了,太疲惫以至于感到不紧张 10.The sentence "Do you have a family" can be translated into "你成家了吗"
A:对 B:错

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