第三章 Speech Drafting:本章主要讲授学生在写演讲稿或打腹稿时需要考虑并实施的环节要点安排与衔接、开场白与结束语设计、具体语言的运用。3.1Key Points and Connectives:演讲需要有合理的结构,结构靠要点和衔接来构建,共同为演讲目的服务。本节讲解安排要点以及衔接演讲内容的一般方法。
3.2Introduction and Conclusion:开场白决定第一印象,结束语施加最后影响,二者都是演讲设计中非常重要的环节。本节讲解为演讲设计开头和结尾的主要方法。
3.3Language Using:演讲目的不仅仅要靠形而上的思想和内涵,还需要形而下的具体语言来实现。演讲的语言要求准确、清晰、生动、得体。本节讲解实现这些要求的一般方法。
3.1Key Points and Connectives:演讲需要有合理的结构,结构靠要点和衔接来构建,共同为演讲目的服务。本节讲解安排要点以及衔接演讲内容的一般方法。
3.2Introduction and Conclusion:开场白决定第一印象,结束语施加最后影响,二者都是演讲设计中非常重要的环节。本节讲解为演讲设计开头和结尾的主要方法。
3.3Language Using:演讲目的不仅仅要靠形而上的思想和内涵,还需要形而下的具体语言来实现。演讲的语言要求准确、清晰、生动、得体。本节讲解实现这些要求的一般方法。
[单选题]The following passage from a speech introduction is an example of a __________ .
In my speech today, I will show you the serious health dangers posed by the flu, and I will urge each of you to get a flu shot every year without fail.

选项:[transition statement, summary statement, preview statement, credibility statement]
[单选题]Which of the following is recommended as a way to reinforce the central idea in a speech conclusion?

选项:[Refer back to the introduction., Repeat the introduction verbatim., Speed up your rate of delivery., Ask for questions from the audience.]
[单选题]It is easier to create an effective introduction after you know exactly what you will say in the body. 

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” is an example of antithesis.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]Most speeches contain __________ main points.

选项:[from two to five, from two to eight, from three to five, from one to three]
[单选题]Here are the main points for an informative speech about China’s National Stadium, the Bird’s Nest.
I. A red concrete seating bowl is one of the two main structures of the stadium. II. An outer steel frame around the bowl is the other main structure of the stadium.   III. Spacious concourses are accessible at different levels of the stadium.IV. A large mixed-use retail development is beneath the stadium. 
 These main points are arranged in __________ order.

选项:[causal, spatial, chronological, topical]
[单选题]Words or phrases that indicate when a speaker has completed one thought and is moving on to another are called __________.

选项:[signposts, transitions, transfers, internal summaries]
[单选题]Which objective of a good speech introduction is fulfilled by the following statement?
Today we will explore the three most important forms of intellectual property protection—copyrights, trademarks, and patents.

选项:[Preview the body., Establish the speaker’s goodwill., Relate to the audience., State the importance of the topic.]
[单选题]__________ words refer to ideas or concepts rather than to tangible objects.

选项:[Vivid, Denotative, Abstract, Concrete]
[单选题]“We will be candid, consistent, and confident” is an example of __________.

选项:[repetition, antithesis, metaphor, alliteration]
[单选题]It is easier to create an effective introduction after you know exactly what you will say in the body. 

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” is an example of antithesis.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]Most speeches contain __________ main points.

选项:[from two to five, from two to eight, from three to five, from one to three]
[单选题]Here are the main points for an informative speech about China’s National Stadium, the Bird’s Nest.
I. A red concrete seating bowl is one of the two main structures of the stadium. II. An outer steel frame around the bowl is the other main structure of the stadium.   III. Spacious concourses are accessible at different levels of the stadium.IV. A large mixed-use retail development is beneath the stadium. 
 These main points are arranged in __________ order.

选项:[spatial, topical, causal, chronological]
[单选题]Words or phrases that indicate when a speaker has completed one thought and is moving on to another are called __________.

选项:[signposts, internal summaries, transitions, transfers]
[单选题]Which objective of a good speech introduction is fulfilled by the following statement?
Today we will explore the three most important forms of intellectual property protection—copyrights, trademarks, and patents.

选项:[Preview the body., Relate to the audience., Establish the speaker’s goodwill., State the importance of the topic.]
[单选题]Which of the following is recommended as a way to reinforce the central idea in a speech conclusion?

选项:[Ask for questions from the audience., Refer back to the introduction., Speed up your rate of delivery., Repeat the introduction verbatim.]
[单选题]The following passage from a speech introduction is an example of a __________ .
In my speech today, I will show you the serious health dangers posed by the flu, and I will urge each of you to get a flu shot every year without fail.

选项:[preview statement, summary statement, credibility statement, transition statement]
[单选题]__________ words refer to ideas or concepts rather than to tangible objects.

选项:[Concrete, Abstract, Vivid, Denotative]
[单选题]“We will be candid, consistent, and confident” is an example of __________.

选项:[metaphor, alliteration, repetition, antithesis]

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