1. Let X1 stand for a measure of market structure and Y for a measure of economic profits, we can express the hypothesis about the relationship between market structure and profits using a simple linear equation as: , is an error term.
A:错 B:对
2.In figure 1(a), hypothetical scatter diagram of data on Y(economic profits) and X1(market structure), the vertical distance between each data point and a straight line fitted through the observations is called the ( )
A:deviation B:residual C:variance D:error term 3.The Lerner Index is difficult to estimate because data are lacking on firms’ marginal costs.
A:错 B:对 4. Excess return on sales is the ratio of economic profits to sales cost.
A:对 B:错 5.Economic profits are difficult to calculate.
A:对 B:错 6.Tobin’s q has several advantages over rate of return measures ( ).
A:q is much less sensitive to errors in measuring its components than are profits. B:The numerator of q, market value, reflects expected future profits, whereas accounting data reflect only past profits. C:The market value of a firm depends partly on risk, so q incorporates an adjustment for risk. D:q reflects the operations of the entire firm, creating complications for diversified firms. 7.In the measuring of capital requirements, typically measured by the estimated amount of capital required by a midpoint plant.
A:对 B:错 8.Many economists have used proxies for entry barriers as independent variables in their regression equations. Commonly used measures of barriers to entry include the following ( ):
A:Economies of scale B:Capital requirements C:Research intensity D:Product differentiation 9.Advertising and other forms of product differentiation are expected to have less effect on concentration and profitability in producer goods industries than in consumer goods industries, ( )
A:because buyers in producer goods industries tend to be large and not well informed. B:because buyers in producer goods industries tend to be small and well informed. C:because buyers in producer goods industries tend to be large and well informed. D:because buyers in producer goods industries tend to be medium and well informed. 10.In the measuring of economies of scale, often approximated by the ratio of midpoint plant sales (the sales of the plant in the middle of the size distribution of plants) to total industry sales.
A:错 B:对

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