

  1. mental work

  2. A:moon B:a milky way C:Leifeng Tower D:Yellow River
    答案:a milky way
  3. When a college instructor pauses during a lecture and looks at students who are talking in order to express that they should be quiet, what function is being fulfilled by the nonverbal message?

  4. A:Contradicting B:Substituting C:Complementing D:Accenting
  5. According to legend, what event took place on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival?

  6. A:Moon failed to shine for five straight days B:Ancient dragons came down from heaven to fight for the Chinese against the Mongols C:Poet Qu Yuan committed suicide when he learned of the defeat of his country D:A huge earthquake was caused by the fall of a great dragon
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Poet Qu Yuan committed suicide when he learned of the defeat of his country。根据传说,端午节当天发生的事件是诗人屈原得知国家战败后自杀。因此,选项C是正确答案。其他选项中,A、B、D都没有在端午节这一天发生,与题目描述不符。'
  7. Modern-day Qingming Festival outings have carried the spirit forward to combine fun of travel,_________ and healthy living.

  8. A:hard work B:mental work C:physical exercises D:entertainment
    答案:正确AI参考:正确答案是C:physical exercises。句子中提到现代清明节出游把精神传承下来,结合旅游、体育和健康生活,可以推断出是体育活动,所以选择C选项physical exercises(体育锻炼)。其他选项hard work(艰苦的工作)、mental work(脑力劳动)和entertainment(娱乐)都不符合语境。'
  9. The usage of chopsticks matches with the non-violent teachings of a famous philosopher---__________.

  10. A:Aristotle B:Confucius C:Plato D:Sun-Tzu
  11. For the people who died for their country or people, they use _____to show their respect.

  12. A:圆寂 B:夭逝 C:驾崩 D:殉国
  13. Symptoms exhibited during the crisis period include________, sadness, homesickness, and anger.

  14. A:sleeplessness B:satisfaction C:anxiety D:appreciation
  15. In our daily life, we usually prefer to some number and date and believe they will bring luck to us while we avoid mentioning certain number and date in that they will give us misfortune. Which number is taboo in English?

  16. A:8 B:14 C:4 D:13
  17. What was the name of the monster that the village scared off at the first Chinese New Year?

  18. A:Hydra B:Sphinx C:Dragon D:Nian
    AI参考:正确选项是 D:Nian。在中国的春节期间,有一种传说中的怪兽叫做“年”,它会带来坏天气和疾病,导致村民们恐惧并搬离村庄。而这个“年”通常被描绘成一种怪兽的形象,选项D“Nian”就是这个形象的描述。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
  19. In the English proverb: A man’s home is his castle means: a person’s home is sacrosanct. Without permission, one may not enter. It is the taboo _____.

  20. A:family B:on names C:on ominous matters D:on personal matters
    AI参考:答案D.on personal matters这句话的意思是:“英语谚语‘一个人的家就是他的城堡’意味着一个人的家是神圣不可侵犯的,未经允许,别人不能进入。这是关于个人事务的禁忌。”所以正确选项是D,即“关于个人事务的禁忌”。其他选项与句子意思不符。'
  21. Your body doesn’t know how to lie.’ indicates ______.

  22. A:something wrong with your body B:body contact is dangerous C:body language is important D:We can’t separate mind from body

  23. One of the most visible effects is the improved _______of products due to global competition.

  24. A:quantity B:quality C:name D:price

  25. Globalization means that people,ideas,technology,money,services and many other things are moving between _________and changing the way people think and act.

  26. A:people B:countries C:schools D:companies

  27. The ________ are one of the only cultures left in the world who still switch their forks and knives whenever they are eating.

  28. A:Americans B:Britons C:Italians D:Frenchmen
    AI参考:正确答案是【B:Britons】。原文中提到“The ________ are one of the only cultures left in the world who still switch their forks and knives whenever they are eating.”(英国人是在世界上唯一仍然在吃饭时经常更换刀叉的文化之一),所以答案为B,即英国人。其他选项与原文不符。'
  29. The thought of li can coordinate the relationship between individuals and society to construct the ____________ of society.

  30. A:structrue B:hierarchy C:rules D:harmony
  31. What is the traditional food that people eat onThanksgiving Day?

  32. A:whole fish B:dumplings C:turkey D:New Year cake
    AI参考:正确选项是 C:turkey。在感恩节这一天,传统食物是火鸡(turkey),因此选项C是正确答案。选项A的全鱼并不是感恩节传统食物,选项B的饺子并不是美国感恩节传统食物,选项D的新年蛋糕也与感恩节无关。'
  33. People from cultures that follow the mono-chronic time system tend to _______.

  34. A:borrow and lend things often B:be committed to people C:help each other D:do one time at a time
    AI参考:正确答案是D:do one time at a time。根据题干中的关键词“mono-chronic time system”可以判断出这是在讨论一种时间观念,即单时制时间系统。在这种时间系统中,人们倾向于一次只做一件事,因此选项D“一次只做一件事”最符合题意。选项A、B、C在单时制文化中不太可能出现。因此,正确答案是D。'
  35. What is the acceptable addressing of ‘Tom Smith’ in American culture?

  36. A:Teacher Smith B:Lawyer Smith C:Mr. Tom D:Professor Smith
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Mr. Tom】。在美式文化中,“Tom Smith”的常用称呼方式是Mr. Tom,选项C符合这个惯例。其他选项中,Teacher Smith(老师史密斯)通常用于职业称呼,Lawyer Smith(律师史密斯)则更常用于特定的职业领域,而Professor Smith(教授史密斯)则更多地用于学术领域的称呼。因此,选项C Mr. Tom是最为常见的称呼方式。'
  37. You are making a series of proposals and your Japanese counterpart keeps nodding his head. What does he mean?

  38. AI参考:正确选项是“同意”。根据上下文,你正在提出一系列建议,而你的日本同事一直在点头表示同意。因此,正确选项是“同意”。虽然题干中没有要求进行推理分析,但是可以猜测这个场景可能是商务或会议中的对话,所以可以用这种直观的理解来选择答案。'
  39. The element party held the view that the origin of the world was ________, such as fire, earth, gas, water, seed and atom and changeable.

  40. A:one B:four C:multiple D:six
  41. Over the millennia, purple has been associated with royalty in western civilizations, because it is_____to produce purple dye.

  42. A:rare B:expensive C:cheap D:convenient
    AI参考:正确答案是 A: rare 。该题的关键是句中的but转折,后面的部分是因为紫罗兰很贵重(是珍稀植物)才能生产出紫色染料,所以紫色与皇室有关联。因此,答案为A。B、C、D三项均与句意不符。'
  43. Non-action is another core thought of Laozi’s philosophy, which is the _____________ to realize the naturalness.

  44. A:philosophy B:culture C:way D:methodology
  45. Culture is the collective answer to questions as ________.

  46. A:How should I live my life? B:All the above C:Who am I? D:Where do I fit in the world?
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Where do I fit in the world?。根据题干中的“文化是对问题的集体回答”可以推断出,文化是对个人在世界上如何定位的问题的回答。因此,正确答案是D,即“我在这个世界上应该如何定位”。其他选项与题干内容不符。'
  47. But in Chinese, the figurative meaning of the word “owl” is described as ____.

  48. A:the devil B:calmness C:gravity D:wisdom
  49. Which of the following countries uses high-context language?

  50. A:Canada B:Germany C:United States D:Japan
  51. What is the main tradition celebrated during the Moon Festival?

  52. A:Eating moon cakes B:Praying for a good husband C:Staying up all night D:Eating cold food
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Eating moon cakes。在中秋节期间庆祝的主要传统是吃月饼,即选项A。中秋节是中国传统的节日之一,通常在农历八月十五庆祝,人们会吃月饼、赏月、赏花灯等。选项B、C、D都与中秋节的主题无关。因此,A是正确答案。'
  53. Sadness and loss, however temporary, are only natural when living in a new place far from home. The mind needs______ to familiarize itself with new surroundings and new ways of life.

  54. A:time B:patience C:money D:excuse
    AI参考:答案为 A:timemind 需要时间让自己适应新环境和生活方式。句中前文提到了离开家远到新的地方感到伤心和失落,故mind需要时间去适应新的环境,这句话是说在离家远的新地方,尽管失落悲伤可能是暂时的,但是需要时间去熟悉新环境和新生活方式是人之常情。因此正确答案是A。B. patience耐性;C. money 钱;D. excuse借口。所以正确答案是A。'
  55. Thanksgiving Day is mainly celebrated in _____________.

  56. A:America B:Denmark C:Australia D:Britain
  57. The naming taboo of the _____ discouraged the use of the emperor’s given name and those of his ancestors.

  58. A:holiness B:state C:clan D:father
  59. Which culture tends to enjoy short distance when communicating?

  60. A:American culture B:Chinese culture C:Arabian culture D:British culture

  61. The first stage of culture shock is full of observations and new discoveries. It usually happens during the first few weeks.()

  62. A:错 B:对

  63. In some families in western countries, some children address their parents or grandparents directly by their first names.()

  64. A:对 B:错
  65. Some sorts of daily rules are learned by osmosis.(       )

  66. A:错 B:对

  67. We can address Jason Brown, who is a teacher, as Teacher Brown.()

  68. A:错 B:对

  69. In the  century, dinner forks were passed on from the wealthy in Byzantiumto Italians, peopleaccepted it very quickly.()

  70. A:错 B:对
  71. Nothing can prohibit a culture to be transmitted from generation to generation.()

  72. A:对 B:错
  73. The thumb-up sign is good in most European countries and America. And it is also used as a signal for hitch-hiking in America.()

  74. A:对 B:错
  75. The doctrine of mean is regarded as the supreme principle of morality, which refers to the mastery of appropriateness to keep balance and to make the words and behaviors of human beings fit for the established moral standards.()

  76. A:错 B:对

  77. Like an iceberg, nine-tenths of culture is below surface.(       )

  78. A:错 B:对

  79. Feedback is an element of communication.()

  80. A:对 B:错

  81. Chinese cooking is roughly divided into northern and southern styles.()

  82. A:对 B:错

  83. The passive cultures are more competitive.()

  84. A:错 B:对

  85. The origin of the Spring Festival is associated with a monster called “Nian”.()

  86. A:对 B:错

  87. In the mastery period, an individual realizes that the new culture has good and bad things to offer.()

  88. A:对 B:错

  89. Chinese people give more compliments in daily life than Americans.()

  90. A:对 B:错

  91. On Valentine’s Day, only lovers send cards and chocolates to each other.()

  92. A:对 B:错
  93. The Taoist philosophy is the backbone of Chinese philosophy and culture, which influences various aspects of Chinese culture, such as consciousness and customs.()

  94. A:错 B:对

  95. Following the way of nature can not solve the conflicts between human and nature to keep harmonious.()

  96. A:错 B:对

  97. Both Chinese and westerners use a lot of seasonings during the cooking process.()

  98. A:对 B:错

  99. Although we may not realize it when we talk with others, we make ourselves understood not only by words. Body language is used especially to express feelings. ()

  100. A:对 B:错
  101. Compared with Chinese, more talk is conductedat western table.()

  102. A:错 B:对

  103. Generally, Americans believe time is a line. It's future-oriented. For Chinese people, time is circular and past-oriented.()

  104. A:对 B:错

  105. The thumb-up sign means stop Malaysia.()

  106. A:对 B:错
  107. For economic globalization, what we mankind can do is to understand, adapt to, and apply the law of history, sometimes try to prevent it from happening.()

  108. A:对 B:错

  109. Tightness is more likely to occur where there is a high population density.()

  110. A:错 B:对

  111. The cowherd and the weaving maid could meet each other once in a year on the day of the 7th July.()

  112. A:对 B:错

  113. Cultures are dynamic and are subject to change.()

  114. A:错 B:对

  115. Ranks in the armed forces like Captain can be used as titles.()

  116. A:对 B:错

  117. In particularism culture, relationship come ahead of abstracts social codes.()

  118. A:错 B:对

  119. Japan has atime-conscious culture. Japanese people are concerned about being punctual. Sometimes it is hard for them to accept the ‘loose’ attitude to time held by most of the people who are from other countries.()

  120. A:对 B:错

  121. Greeting

    When greeting someone, an American’s first response is to hold out his or her hand, look directly at the person and smile. In some situations, this behavior may bring misunderstandings. Usually a handshake is not the universally accepted greeting. Also, looking others right in the eye might not mean the same thing in other parts of the world.

    When greeting Asians for the first time, do not shake hands. Physical contact may be embarrassing. Many Asians, particularly Japanese, have learned to accept handshakes whendealing with Westerners. For Japanese, a slight bow of the head is usually suitable for responding to a handshake.

    People in the Middle East, particularly Muslims, avoid body contact with the opposite sex, but persons of the same sex commonly hug when greeting each other. When shaking hands, men should be careful not to pull their hand away too quickly. Also, people from France, Spain, Italy and Portugal greet friends by kissing each other on both cheeks.

    Smiling is the universal gesture of friendliness. In America, smiling is a happy or friendly thing to do. In some Latin cultures, for example, smile may be used to mean "Excuse me"or "Please".

    In many cultures, avoiding eye contact is a sign of respect, but such behavior can also lead to misunderstandings. For example, some Asian students have been regarded as lacking respect for their American teachers because they do not look at the teacher while he or she is speaking.

  122. AI参考:Based on the passage, it can be inferred that Americans usually ____________ when greeting each other. A. use their hands to shake hands B. do not smile C. keep silent D. maintain eye contact 正确答案是:A. use their hands to shake hands。 根据第三段句子When greeting Asians for the first time,do not shake hands. Physical contact may be embarrassing.可知,当第一次问候亚洲人时,不要握手,身体接触可能会尴尬。因此可以推断出美国人通常会用他们的手来握手。故选A。"
  123. Confucian thought on filial piety

      Filial piety is a basic concept of Confucianism and it is also an ethic of human value advocated by Confucius. It is essential and indispensable for social stability, historical continuity, people's happiness and family harmony in ancient China. For thousands of years, the Chinese, rich and poor, have been deeply influenced by the culture of filial piety.

    Filial piety is the most basic principle for each of us. It is the original emotion based on the natural blood relationship. Filial piety as the basis for social ethics, the family is its most fundamental stage. Home should be a place full of affection, there is no affection of the family can not be regarded as the true sense of home. And filial piety is the basis for preservation of the family affection. The parents’ age should be always kept in mind by the children. On the one hand, children are happy with their longevity; on the other hand, they fear that their parents will die soon. This conflicted feeling just shows that filial piety is the natural expression of human emotion.

      Confucius explained the filial piety from four aspects.

    First, support the parents when they are old to repay them. This is the basic request for Confucian filial piety. Children should always respect their parents and make it a rule of conduct to inherit and carry forward the will of the ancestors.

    Second, respect and honor the parents in spirit. This is the high requirement of filial piety. Only supporting parents is not enough. Everyone should keep filial respect in mind all the time. Confucius thought that he who is a son of parents should not impose a mental burden on his parents. Parents are always worried about the health of children. Those who are children should be aware of the heart of their parents and take care of the body.  

     Love the parents and also respect the elder brother is a basic ethic to maintain family harmony.  Brothers should love and help each other. The fraternal duty will make parents happy and joy.

    Third, if parents have made a mistake, the children should not blindly follow. Persuade the parents gently and softly. Do not hurt their feeling if they don’t accept the advice. Make a chance to persuade them again after a while. That would be manifestation of filial piety.

    Forth, filial piety also refers to inherit father’s will. When the father is alive, the son is not in charge of family matters. His ambition is important here. When the father passed away, the action and behavior of the son would get close attention by others.

    Fifth, Confucianism regards burial ceremony as one of the main symbols of filial piety. The funeral is for the dead, but it is the inner expression of the filial piety of the living. As a consolation to death, the funeral ceremony is also a realization of filial piety.

     Confucius' filial piety is the compilation of the thought in the Book Documents. He developed and improved the filial piety of Zhou dynasty. Filial piety is the natural feeling from the depth of one’s heart. It has been handed down from father to son for countless generations and remains very much alive today.

  124. AI参考:The passage mainly talks about _______. A. Confucianism B. filial piety C. the importance of filial piety D. Confucius thoughts on filial piety 正确答案是:D. Confucius thoughts on filial piety。 根据文章内容可知,文章主要讲述了孔子的孝道思想,故选D。A项“儒家思想”在文章中没有提及;B项“孝顺”在文章中是围绕“孝道”展开的;C项“孝道的重要性”只是文章中的一部分内容。故选D。"

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