第五章 4P模型:本单元介绍市场营销中的营销组合 – 4P理论。4P模型是营销组合理论中最广为人知,应用最为广泛的模型,它包含4个要素:产品(product),价格(price),分销(place),促销(promotion)。本单元共包括6节微课,第1节针对中国亚马逊的运营提出问题,作为引入,对营销组合理论及4P模型做整体介绍;第2节介绍产品,第3节介绍价格,第4节介绍分销,第5节介绍促销,每一节中对每个元素的介绍均配以案例进行解释。最后一节介绍4P理论的运用,并以4P为框架简要分析中国亚马逊的问题。该单元结合不同的案例进行分析,能够让学习者更好掌握4P理论的内容、要点、特点及运用等知识。5.14P模型介绍:4P模型介绍
[单选题]8. Which of the following is NOT included in a promotional mix?选项:[Communication, Personal selling, Advertising, Sponsorship]
[单选题]7. In the pricing process, in order to understand environmental factors, a company needs to _______.选项:[calculate fixed and variable costs of its products, predict the possible actions its competitors will take and their effects, estimate the demand from consumers, adopt a fixed methodology]
[单选题]6. During the process of developing a marketing mix, marketers need to test the overall offer after drafting it by _______.选项:[raising questions concerning the 4Ps, answering questions concerning the 4Ps, changing some elements constantly, asking customer focused questions]
[单选题]3. To build up sales and market share, a company may use _______.选项:[psychological pricing strategy, values-based pricing strategy, skimming pricing strategy, penetration pricing strategy]
[单选题]2. To differentiate a product in the market, a company needs to _______.选项:[improve its quality, emphasize its brand, work on its actual and augmented benefits, promote its unique selling proposition]
[单选题]1. The 4Ps model is a flexible concept, so when planning marketing activities, marketers can _______.选项:[pay attention to customer needs, monitor the four elements from time to time, consider how the four elements work together, focus more or less on one element]
[单选题]10. Which of the following is correct about distributors?选项:[They carry products from a single brand or company., They stock goods bought from other intermediaries and then sell them to the ultimate end user., They represent the producer to the user and make money from commissions., They purchase goods from different producers in bulk and store them in warehouses.]
[单选题]9. A company provides its product to customers with and without intermediaries. This kind of distribution channel is called _______.选项:[dual distribution, intensive distribution, direct distribution, indirect distribution]
[单选题]5. A unique selling proposition is a feature of a product that ______.选项:[satisfies customer needs, is highlighted in advertisements, makes it different from other similar products, attracts consumers in the market]
[单选题]4. Promotional activities that aim to differentiate product would focus on _______.选项:[introducing unique features and benefits, strengthening the brand, informing consumers of the existence of the product, building brand awareness]

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