  1. 选择最佳译文  The United Nations is no stronger than the collective will of the nations that support it. 

  2. A:联合国的强大程度取决于各成员国的集体意志对它支持的程度。 B:联合国没有支持它的各成员国的集体意志强大。 C:联合国的作用没有各支持国的集体力量强大。 D:联合国的作用依靠其成员国集体意志的支持,否则它不会有什么力量。
  3. 选择最佳译文:In some poverty-stricken areas now, not a few people are found failing to achieve food security. 

  4. A:现在在一些贫困地区许多人的食物还没有保障。 B:现在在一些贫困地区相当数量的人仍还没有解决温饱问题。 C:现在在一些贫困地区,还有相当多的人被发现未达到食物安全。 D:现在在一些贫困地区不是很多人在温饱问题上没有实现。
  5. 选择最佳译文: Watching television, of course, is an evening ritual for people throughout the world.

  6. A:晚上看电视当然已成了人们的习惯,全世界都如此。 B:晚上看电视当然已成了全世界人民的习惯。 C:晚上看电视当然是全世界人的晚上仪式。 D:晚上看电视当然已成了全世界人民的仪式。
  7. 选择最佳译文:这个研究所有400名工作人员,其中研究员和副研究员20名,有7个研究室,1个图书室,1个附属工厂,有工人120名。

  8. A:The research institute staffed with personnel of 400, of whom 20 are senior research fellows, has 7 laboratories, 1 small library and 1 related factory with 120 workers. B:The research institute has a staff of 400, of whom 20 are senior researchers. It has 7 laboratories,1 small library and 1 related factory that has 120 workers. C:There is  400 staff in this research institute, of whom 20 are senior research scientists. There are 7 laboratories,  1 small library and related factory where there are 120 workers. D:There is  a staff of 400 in this research institute, of whom 20 are senior research scientists. There are 7 laboratories,  1 small library and related factory where there are 120 workers.
  9. 选择最佳译文:科学是讲求实际的。科学是老老实实的学问,来不得半点虚假,需要付出艰巨的劳动。

  10. A:Science stresses practice. Science is honest knowledge. Free from falsehood, and it needs Herculean efforts and grueling toil. B:Science deals with things in a practical way. Science means honest,solid knowledge, allowing not an iota of falsehood. and it involves Herculean efforts and grueling toil. C:Science stresses reality. Science is honest learning, allows not an iota of falsehood and needs hard work. D:Science stresses reality. Science is honest knowledge. Free from falsehood, and it needs Herculean efforts and grueling toil.
  11. 判断译文是否正确,其中第一句为原文,第二句为译文:

    One believe things because one has been conditioned to believe them.


  12. A:对 B:错
  13. 判断译文是否正确,其中第一句为原文,第二句为译文:

    His mind swept easily over the whole world including many lands and epochs.


  14. A:错 B:对
  15. 判断译文是否正确,其中第一句为原文,第二句为译文:


    He is every inch Charlie Chaplin reborn.

  16. A:错 B:对
  17. 判断译文是否正确,其中第一句为原文,第二句为译文:


    They walked with umbrellas up a winding mountain path on a drizzling and windy autumn afternoon for a visit to a friend living in seclusion.

  18. A:对 B:错
  19. 判断译文是否正确,其中第一句为原文,第二句为译文:

    I stood at his left, my finger on the button, waiting for the order.


  20. A:错 B:对

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