第七章 Opera and Drama (戏曲与戏剧):本章介绍精彩纷呈的戏曲与戏剧,开始戏曲与戏剧鉴赏之旅。戏曲与戏剧是综合的艺术形式都有着悠久的历史。7.1Diversity of Operas & Dramas(五彩纷呈的戏曲与戏剧):本节是对古今中外戏曲与戏剧进行宏观上的介绍。主要大致了解中国经典戏曲、西方经典歌剧、中国现代戏剧和西方经典戏剧。在随后的学习中我们将更细致深入地探索和鉴赏经典戏曲与戏剧,欣赏它们的美和魅力。
7.2Classic Chinese Operas (中国经典戏曲):本节我们学习中国戏曲的起源、中国戏曲最早的成熟形式、中国戏曲的首个繁盛时期和中国戏曲的第二个繁盛时期。我们也鉴赏了中国古代戏曲--它们既是属于中国的也是属于世界的文化遗产。以及我们会了解到中国戏曲悠久的历史、中国戏曲的多样性、昆曲及中国戏曲的五种主要形式、其他著名的中国戏曲,中国重要的戏曲节目和戏曲奖。中国戏曲中讲述的故事涉及范围从历史史诗到现实的日常生活。对于中国人来说欣赏中国经典戏曲真的是种享受。
7.3Appreciation of Classic Western Operas (西方经典戏曲欣赏):本节首先介绍了西方歌剧的起源;之后,从艺术形式、情节与主题、演唱风格三个方面介绍了歌剧的特点;接着,以歌剧发展进程为序对不同时期杰出作曲家及其代表作品进行了重点介绍,其中包括莫扎特、 意大利歌剧三杰、 普契尼及其代表作品;最后,简要回顾了中国现代歌剧发展史上的一些代表性作品。
7.4Appreciation of Modern Chinese Dramas (中国现代戏剧欣赏):本节我们学习了中国话剧的起源,介绍了一些话剧大师以及他们的代表,包括中国话剧的起源、中国话剧的发展。还会深入了解中国话剧代表性的作品及剧作家,如曹禺和《雷雨》,老舍和《茶馆》等等仍然脍炙人口的经典话剧。
7.5Appreciation of Western Dramas (西方经典戏剧欣赏):本节首先对西方戏剧的起源及发展历程作以简要回顾,在此基础上,介绍了西方戏剧的两个重要发展阶段——古希腊戏剧与文艺复兴戏剧。在介绍古希腊戏剧时,重点介绍了古希腊戏剧的分类、特点及古希腊著名悲剧家和喜剧家的代表作品,对古希腊最有影响力的悲剧《俄狄浦斯王》予以赏析;在介绍文艺复兴戏剧时,重点介绍了莎士比亚及其戏剧创作,对《哈姆莱特》予以赏析。以及关注的重点是西方戏剧的第三发展阶段——现代西方戏剧。首先,介绍了现代西方戏剧产生的背景,及现代西方戏剧流派纷呈的特点。然后,赏析了挪威剧作家亨利克·易卜生和他的代表作《玩偶之家》,以及美国戏剧大师尤金·奥尼尔和他的代表作《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》,在赏析的基础上对易卜生和奥尼尔的戏剧创作特点及意义进行了分析。
[判断题] Southern Opera is the earliest form of Chinese opera.

[判断题]Guan Hanqing’s masterpiece is Romance of the Western Chamber.

[判断题]Western opera originated in Italy during Renaissance.

[判断题]The first dramatic society in China is the Spring Willow Society.

[判断题]A Doll's House is written by the French playwright Henrik Ibsen.

[判断题] Turandot adopts a Chinese folk song, Jasmine Flower.

[判断题] Renaissance originated in Florence, Italy.

[判断题]Huangmei opera was also called the Tea-picking Opera.

[判断题]Sunrise was written by Guo Moruo.

[判断题]Modern western drama tends to be diversified with different thoughts and different writing techniques.

[多选题]The Cantonese opera is popular in _____.
Hainan Province
Guangxi Province
Guangdong Province
Hong Kong and MacauGuangxi Province[多选题]Which of the following works were written by Cao Yu?
Camel Xiangzi
Teahouse[多选题]The most famous playwrights of the Greek tragedy were__________.

Sophocles[多选题]The four masterpieces of Shakespeare's comedy are_______ in addition to The Twelfth Night .
The Merchant of Venice
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
As You Like it [多选题] In the following descriptions, which are true about Henrik Ibsen? 
 He is often referred to as "the father of  realism" .
He is one of the founders of  Modernism in theatre.
He is the most frequently performed dramatist in the world after Shakespeare.
His drama A Doll's House exposed the conflict between the patriarchal society and women's liberation.[多选题] Which of the following are true about Eugene O'Neill? 
His main concern is the distortion of human nature and the process of  personality splitting under external pressure. His main concern is the distortion of human nature and the process of  personality splitting under external pressure. 
 His plays followed the artistic styles of expressionism and psychological realism
His works are imprinted with the Freudian psychoanalysis.
His works are deeply permeated with the tragic consciousness of ancient Greece.[多选题]Who are famous Chinese modern dramatists?
Lao She(老舍)
Guo Moruo(郭沫若)
Cao Yu (曹禺)
Ma Zhiyuan (马致远)[多选题]Which plays were written by Bai Pu? 
Over the Wall
Romance of the East Wall
The Orphan of Zhao
Rain on the Paulownia [多选题]In the history of western opera, who were regarded as the Italian triumvirate?
Rossini[多选题]Which of the following operas belong to Mozart's German singspiel?
Thus Do All Women Behave
Don Giovanni
The Abduction from the Seraglio
The Magic Flute

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