第三章 The Art of Architecture (建筑艺术):本章介绍建筑艺术,对中国传统建筑、西方建筑与现代标志性建筑进行介绍与鉴赏,生动具体地展示建筑的功能、建筑的多样性及其不同特点特色。3.1The Diversity of Architectual Functions (建筑之功能):本节是对本章的宏观层面进行介绍,包括建筑各种各样的风格和功能:中国代表性民居功能、宗教信仰功能、政府大楼办公功能、公共建筑功能、纪念碑(堂、馆)功能、建筑工程项目功能、商业功能、书院功能和地标功能。在本章以后的小节中会有更详细具体阐述。
3.2Appreciation of Traditional Chinese Architecture (I) (中国传统建筑鉴赏一):本节鉴赏的中国古典建筑,中国古代传统建筑反映出中国的历史和文化。通过精彩的视频与丰富的图片我们一起感受体会皇宫、苏州园林、北京四合院、陕西窑洞和徽州民居等的建筑之美。
3.3Appreciation of Traditional Chinese Architecture (II) (中国传统建筑鉴赏二):本节鉴赏的是中国古典建筑中的公共建筑。中国建筑历史悠久,有着各种各样的建筑风格与形式,中国人民创造出许多建筑史上的伟大奇迹与经典之作,如中国四大石窟、中国四大楼阁、中国古代四大书院以及古代防御工事长城,其中许多都列入世界文化遗产。我们应该保护它们并将这些珍贵的文化传给我们的子孙后代。
3.4Appreication of Diversie Western Architecture (西方建筑鉴赏):本节我们鉴赏了多样化的西方建筑以及它们的主要特点。包括古希腊建筑、古罗马建筑、拜占庭建筑、罗马式建筑、哥特建筑、文艺复兴建筑、巴洛克建筑和洛可可式建筑。这些建筑在建筑史上对欧洲、北美澳大利亚和中国都产生了重要影响。
3.5Creativity of Modern Architecture (现代建筑之创造性):本节我们讨论了以下几个主题:现代建筑的发展、现代建筑的特点、美国摩天大楼鉴赏和中国现代建筑鉴赏。与古代建筑和传统建筑不一样的是现代建筑在形式、材料及技术上更具创造性。不过因受到全球化的影响,中国与西方国家在现代建筑方面并无明显差异,未来的建筑发展将趋向同化。
[判断题]Both the Temple of Zeus and the Parthenon are located in Rome.

[单选题]On July 6 2019, which Archaelogical Site of China was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO?
Ancient Liangzhu(良渚)
Wuzhen[判断题]Roman Aqueduct is a project for irrigation

[判断题]The world famous Forbidden City is also known as the Palace Museum.

[判断题]The Summer Palace was known as the “Garden of All Gardens”.

[判断题] Tengwang Pavillion is located in Jiangxi Province

[判断题]Yungang Grottoes are situated at a strategic point along the Silk Routeat the crossroads of trade as well as religious, cultural and intellectual influences.

[判断题]The Byzantine style has exotic domes and mosaics.

[判断题]Cologne Cathedral in Germany and Milan Cathedral in Italy are representatives of Gothic architecture. 

[判断题]Petronas Twin Towers was the world’s tallest building from1998 to 2004.  

[判断题]China Zun Tower or CITIC Tower is the tallest building in Beijing now. 

[多选题]Which of the following styles belong to the eight famous architecturial styles in China?   
Hui-style architecture in Anhui Provinc
Jiangnan Folk Houses in South of ChinaJiangnan Folk Houses in South of ChinaJiangnan Folk Houses in South of China
Courtyard buildings in North of China  [多选题]The four famous ancient academies in Chinese history include 
Yingtian Academy in Henan Province(应天书院)
Songyang Academy in Henan Province(嵩阳书院)
 Yuelu Academy in Hunan Province(岳麓书院)
 Bailudong Academy in Jiangxi Province(白鹿洞书院)[多选题]Which are the typical private gardens in Suzhou?
Humble Administrator’s Garden(拙政园)
Lion Grove Garden(狮子林)
Liuyuan Garden(留园)
Yuyuan Garden (豫园)[多选题]What are the Three Wonders in Huizhou?
Ancient ancestral temples and 古祠堂
Ancient civil residents 古民居
Ancient memorial archways 古牌坊
Horse head wall 马头墙[多选题]The Four Great Ancient Chinese Grottoes includes 
 Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang Guansu Province (甘肃敦煌莫高窟)
Maijishan Grottoes in Tianshui Gansu Province(甘肃天水麦积山石窟)
 Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang Henan Province(河南洛阳龙门石窟)
Yungang Grottoes in Datong Shanxi Province(山西大同云冈石窟)[多选题]The Four Great Ancient Academies in Chinese history include 
Yingtian Academy in Henan Province 河南应天书院
Bailudong Academy in Jiangxi Province江西白鹿洞书院
Yuelu Academy in Hunan Province 湖南岳麓书院
Songyang Academy in Henan Province 河南嵩阳书院[多选题]The Greek orders of columns are used including
Corinthian[多选题]Renaissance architecture emphasizes on 

pointed arch
geometry [多选题]What are the features of modern architecture ? 
The creative designs depend on the appearance of new materials
The creative designs depend on the appearance of new materials
The building is getting higher and higher
 The creative designs depend on the support of new technology
Creative ideas and new concepts are embodied in modern architecture

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