1.Our scientists have every reason to ___________ pride___ being able to produce all these new seeds ___________.____________

答案:"AI参考:填空题答案为: Our scientists have every reason to __take pride in___ being able to produce all these new seeds __themselves____. 解释:这句话的意思是“我们的科学家有充分的理由为自己能够生产出这些新种子而感到自豪。”其中,take pride in 表示“对……感到自豪”,而 being able to produce all these new seeds __themselves____. 表达的是被动语态,强调主动创造的结果,而不是创造者的身份。所以这里需要填入的是oneself,表示这些种子是他们自己创造的。"
2.How much do you know about Isis? ( )

答案:"AI参考:对于“Isis”这个单词,我会根据常规的英语知识给出以下选项: 1. **Isis is a goddess**:Isis是古埃及神话中的一位女神,是许多神灵的母亲和妻子。 2. **Isis is a famous terrorist organization**:Isis(伊希斯)也指的是一个著名的恐怖组织,与埃及神话中的女神Isis没有任何关系。 3. **I dont know much about Isis**:我只知道Isis是古埃及神话中的一个重要神灵,对于其与恐怖组织的关联并不了解。 因此,对于“How much do you know about Isis?”这个问题,我的答案是:我对Isis的了解主要在于她是古埃及神话中的一位女神。如果问题中明确提到Isis是恐怖组织,那么我的回答就会有所不同。对于第二个选项,它涉及到的是另一个完全不同的主题,与我的答案没有关联。而最后一个选项,是我对于当前问题的回答。总的来说,我会尽可能给出准确的答案,但由于可能存在的混淆信息或错误理解,我的答案并不能保证完全正确。"
3.He is_________________ ( ) willing to help.
A:more than B:glad C:good D:better
答案:AI参考:正确选项是D:better。\n\n句子中使用了比较级结构“more than”,表示“比……更”,因此需要用形容词的比较级形式。而选项D中的“better”是形容词比较级,符合句意。其他选项不符合语境,不符合句意。因此,正确答案是D。句子意思是“他比任何人都更愿意帮助别人”。'
4.You can always come to me if you _____ need help. ( )
A:should B:could C:would D:shall
答案:AI参考:正确选项是B:could。\n\n在这个句子中,“if you ___ need help”是一个条件状语从句,表示如果需要帮助的话,你可以随时来找我。在这个语境下,“could”表示一种委婉的建议或请求,符合句意。而“should”表示应该,不符合语境;“would”表示过去经常性的动作或状态,与句意不符;“shall”在这里不常用,通常用于将来时态。因此,正确答案是B。'
5.What does the title Mean?( )
A:It refers to the Zoo in Central Park. B:It symbolizes the fear Central Park inspires.
答案:AI参考:正确答案是B:It symbolizes the fear Central Park inspires.\n\n题目要求解释标题的含义,而根据题目给出的选项和句子结构分析,正确答案是B,即“它象征着中央公园引起的恐惧”。这个标题暗示了作者对于中央公园的不安和恐惧感。选项A关于中央公园动物园的内容与题目无关。因此,答案为B。'
6.Only when he apologizes for his rudeness________________ ( ) to him again.
A:I speak[9.2.4] B:will I speak C:do I speak D:I will speak
答案:AI参考:答案为 C:do I speak\n这句话说的是:只有当他道歉他的粗鲁之后,我才再次跟他说话,Only+状语放在句首的时候,主句用部分倒装,也就是把助动词提到主语前面,这句话说的是中的助动词是do,主语是I,所以应该用do I speak,故选C。'
7.The history of life on earth has been a history of _______. ( )
A:mystery B:interaction between living things and their surroundings C:human being’s activities D:witchcraft
答案:AI参考:正确答案是B:interaction between living things and their surroundings。\n\n地球上生命的历史就是生命与其周围环境相互作用的历史。A选项“神秘”和D选项“巫术”与题意不符,C选项“人类的活动”也与题意不符,因此只有B选项“生命与其周围环境相互作用”符合题意。'
8.Where did you come ___ this book? ( )
A:cross B:up C:to D:across
答案:AI参考:正确选项是C:to。\n\n这个问题是在询问某人是在哪里拿到这本书的,而come to是一个常见的固定搭配,表示“到达,来到”,因此选项C“to”是正确答案。其他选项A、B、D的意思与问题不符。A选项的“cross”意为“穿过”,B选项的“up”意为“向上”,D选项的“across”意为“在…对面”,这些词都不符合问题的语境。'
9.The publication of Great Expectations, which ____________( ) both widely reviewed and highly praised, strengthened Dickens’ status as a leading novelist.
A:is B:was C:are D:were
答案:AI参考:正确选项是B:was。\n\n句子中使用了which引导的定语从句,修饰先行词The publication of Great Expectations,从句中使用了被动语态,表示该出版物被广泛评论和高度赞扬,因此需要使用一般过去时的被动语态。因此,选项B was符合语境。选项A is一般用于表示事物当前的状态或情况,不符合语境;选项C和D为复数形式,但是句子中只有一个先行词,因此也不符合语境。'
10.Don’t put ____ the meeting till tomorrow. ( )
A:aside B:away C:off D:out
答案:AI参考:正确答案是C:off。\nput off意为“推迟”,所以选C。A选项aside意为“在旁边”,B选项away意为“离开”,D选项out意为“出去”,均不符合题意。'
11.He gave himself a new name to hide his ____________( ) when he went to carry out the secret task.
A:identity B:talent C:treasure D:emotion

12.These endless power struggles took a heavy ___ and made the Roman Empire fall eventually. ( )
A:toll B:show C:blow D:strike 13.I normally write home once every month. ______( ), I should write my mother today.
A:come out about it B:come to it C:come to think of it D:come up to it 14.—What did you do last weekend?
—Oh,nothing ______________( ).
A:yet B:ever C:much D:else 15.The monster finally turned out to be ____________. ( )
A:the two figures from outer space B:Tommy C:the people living along Maple Street themselves who were all eager to find scapegoats D:Charlie 16.His thoughts lingered over the last meeting between them. And his memory ________ as he listened to the familiar song. ( )
A:unfolded B:unveiled C:unpacked D:revealed 17.Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent _______________( ) properly in this hospital.
A:can be the patients treated B:treated can be the patients C:can the patients be treated D:the patients can be treated 18.The second suspect fell on Steve for all the following reasons except___________. ( )
19.It is natural that we will come ___ many difficulties when we deal with the relationship between human beings and animals. ( )
A:up B:in C:across D:into 20.To adjust to these chemicals, it would require _____ ( )
A:generations of life B:a month C:a year D:one man’s life 21.What I have to say_____________ ( ) to all of you.
A:receipt B:refers C:receive D:record 22.What is the theme of the essay? ( )
A:We should be aware of the harmful effects of these chemicals. B:We should protect our environment. C:We should be concerned for the integrity of the natural world. D:We should not use chemical insecticide at all. 23.The policeman who appeared on the beat at the beginning of the story was Jim Wells who had come to meet his best friend in his youth, as he had promised to do twenty years ago. ( )
A:对 B:错 24.US is situated all in central North America.( )
A:对 B:错 25.When Bob finished reading Jim's notes, his hand trembled a little, because he knew he was finished and he was extremely angry with Jim who had betrayed him. ( )
A:对 B:错 26.The fifty contiguous states of US and Washington, D.C., the capital district, lie between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 27.Every generation has its own youth culture, which doesn’t contribute to the generation gap.( )
A:正确 B:错误 28.The Strawberry Fields is named after the song in honor of John Lennon, member of the Beatles. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 29.This particular tragedy is remembered by people partly because somebody actually did go into the water.( )
A:错 B:对 30.Fear and distrust soon turn the residents on Maple Street into a mob whose irrationality finally destroys themselves. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 31.Jim was deeply touched by Bob who had come all the way from the West to keep his promise. He therefore did not have the heart to arrest Bob. He had to ask somebody else to do the dirty job. ( )
A:错 B:对 32.Vera fell in love with the man once again and decided to resume their relation. ( )
A:对 B:错 33.The man in the water fought against nature, the nature which was possible to change its attitude towards humans.( )
A:错误 B:正确 34.In 1973, Pearl died at Green Hills Farm, at the age of 80.( )
A:错误 B:正确 35.Maheegun saved the boy together with his grandfather and the searching party. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 36.Except their physical and mental deterioration, old people suffer from loneliness, boredom and lack of love.( )
A:错误 B:正确 37.The book’s greatest achievement is Baker’s portrayal of his mother, a driven woman haunted by poverty and dreams of her son’s success.( )
A:错误 B:正确 38.What happened to the town in the U.S. at the beginning of the essay? ( )
A:A war took place. B:A drought happened. C:People silenced and withered the town by themselves. D:Some evil spell settled on the community. 39.The people of Maple Street first believed that Goodman was the hidden monster for all the following reasons except______________. ( )
A:Mr. Goodman's car was the only one in the neighborhood that went on and off all by itself B:he had been the first to rush out to see why all the lights went out C:he had been seen going out in the evenings to watch the stars D:unlike the others he had moved here only 6 years before 40.Facing up to your problems__________________ ( ) running away from them is the best approach to working things out.
A:rather than B:more than C:along with D:or rather

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