第六章 Field-Effect Transistors:介绍场效应管的构成、放大原理和特性,场效应管放大器直流偏置电路分析。6.1场效应管的概念及结构:本节介绍场效应管,Field Effect Transistor,简称FET,顾名思义,它是利用输入电压产生的电场效应,来控制输出电流的,所以又称之为电压控制型器件。
[多选题]In the family of FETs, you can expect to find (     ).  

选项:[an n-channel type, unipolar structure, a p-channel type]
[单选题]Shockley's equation defines the (    ) of the FET and are unaffected by the network in which the device is employed.

选项:[drain characteristics, image.png/ characteristics, input/output characteristics, transfer characteristics]
[多选题]FETs usually (    ).

选项:[are less sensitive to temperature change than BJTs, are smaller in construction than BJTs

, have a higher input impudence than BJTs]
[单选题]The region of the JFET drain curve that lies between pinch-off and breakdown is called (    ).  

选项:[the ohmic region, the constant-voltage region, the saturation region]
[单选题]For an n-channel depletion MOSFET, image.png/= 8 mA and image.png/ = -6 V. If image.png/= 0.8 V, what is the value of the drain current, image.png/?  (    )

选项:[10.25 μA, 10.28 mA, 8 mA, 6 mA]

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