第四章 Cargo Transportation:国际货物运输是国际贸易中不可缺少的一个重要环节。国际货物运输方式很多,包括海洋运输、陆上运输、江河运输、邮包运输等方式,其中海洋运输是最主要的运输方式,运量占国际货物运输总量的80%以上。本章将重点讲解海洋货物运输,大家通过学习将会对海洋货物运输的类型,海运提单等有深入的理解,不仅能够帮助大家正确的订立装运条款、正确缮制和运用有关运输单据,而且为顺利履行合同奠定一定的基础。After learning this chapter, you will be able to:1compare the characteristics of liner shipping and charter shipping;2clarify the characteristics of and different types of container;3be aware of the importance of ocean bill of exchangeidentify the content of bill of exchange;4understand the difference and relations of master B/L and house B/L.4.1Types of Transportation:海洋运输的船舶运输方式主要有两种:班轮运输和租船运输。本节将会向大家介绍班轮运输和租船运输的特点以及区别,同时,大家还会对适用于多种运输方式的集装箱有一定的了解。
4.2Ocean Transportation Documents:运输单据是承运人收到承运货物后签发给托运人的证明文件,国际货物运输中,因运输方式不同,运输单据的种类也多种多样。本节针对海洋货物运输中最重要的单据-海运提单进行讲解,同学们学习之后会了解海运提单的功能、海运提单的内容,以及明确在实务中普遍应用的船东单和货代单的概念。
4.1Types of Transportation:海洋运输的船舶运输方式主要有两种:班轮运输和租船运输。本节将会向大家介绍班轮运输和租船运输的特点以及区别,同时,大家还会对适用于多种运输方式的集装箱有一定的了解。
4.2Ocean Transportation Documents:运输单据是承运人收到承运货物后签发给托运人的证明文件,国际货物运输中,因运输方式不同,运输单据的种类也多种多样。本节针对海洋货物运输中最重要的单据-海运提单进行讲解,同学们学习之后会了解海运提单的功能、海运提单的内容,以及明确在实务中普遍应用的船东单和货代单的概念。
[单选题]The contract between the ship-owner and the charterer for the hire of the ship is called ( ).

选项:[charter evidence, charter receipt, charter B/L, charter party]
[单选题]The name and address of the party who is receiving the cargo should be written in the column of ( ) in the B/L.

选项:[consigner, consignee, shipper, carrier]
[单选题]Under ( ), the B/L will state FREIGHT COLLECT.

[单选题]A master B/L could function between ( ).

选项:[the agent of the freight forwarder and the buyer, the seller and the carrier, the agent of the freight forwarder and the freight forwarder in the destination, the seller and the buyer]
[多选题]Generally, liner freight could be calculated based on ( ).

选项:[charter party, charter freight, the baisc rate, the surchage or additional fees]
[多选题]The fixed factors which could be used to depict the liner transportation are ( ).

选项:[fixed base ports, comparatively fixed freight rates, fixed sailing schedules, fixed sailing routes]
[多选题]A bill of lading could be issued by ( ).

选项:[a buyer, a carrier, a ship company, a seller]
[单选题]The loading and unloading charges are included in the freight of the liners.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]A container yard is for the delivery of the loose cargo.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]It is the exporter who will issue a house B/L to the forwarding agents.

选项:[对, 错]

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