第七章 Business Negotiation:交易磋商,又称贸易谈判,是一项十分重要的工作。从事外贸业务的人员面对来自全世界不同国家、不同文化背景的商业伙伴,如何快速有效达成双赢的交易结果显得尤为重要。交易磋商不仅是一项政策性、策略性和专业性很强的工作,而且涉及到交易磋商过程中人与人之间的道德关系与行为规范的规定,交易双方应在平等互利的基础上实现交易合同的缔结,达到利益均衡。本章将会带大家学习交易双方在磋商过程中的四个环节,并认识交易磋商中道德伦理的重要性以及相应的行为原则,希望同学们能够在今后的工作中树立正确的道德观和价值观,这样才能有利于长远发展。After learning this chapter, you will be able to: 1state the basic forms of business negotiation;2define the four stages of price communication;3understand the importance of ethics in business negotiation;4explain the basic ethics which should be followed in business negotiation.7.1Overview:交易磋商是指买卖双方就某项商品成交条件进行反复协商,以求达成交易的过程。本节将向同学们介绍交易磋商的内容、方式和媒介等,并简要说明交易磋商到签订合同过程中的主要环节。
7.2Steps of Business Negotiation:交易磋商的程序可以概括为四个环节:询盘、发盘、还盘和接受。通过本节学习,同学们将会对四个环节的含义、构成条件等有所了解,并且能够学会四个环节中所要运用到的典型英文表达。
7.3Ethics in Business Negotiation:交易磋商是社会中一种人与人之间的经济交往行为,交易双方除了要遵守国际法律和国际惯例外,还需要主动遵守职业和社会道德。本节课会帮助同学们认识交易磋商中道德伦理所起到的重要作用,并进一步探讨相应的行为准则。
7.2Steps of Business Negotiation:交易磋商的程序可以概括为四个环节:询盘、发盘、还盘和接受。通过本节学习,同学们将会对四个环节的含义、构成条件等有所了解,并且能够学会四个环节中所要运用到的典型英文表达。
7.3Ethics in Business Negotiation:交易磋商是社会中一种人与人之间的经济交往行为,交易双方除了要遵守国际法律和国际惯例外,还需要主动遵守职业和社会道德。本节课会帮助同学们认识交易磋商中道德伦理所起到的重要作用,并进一步探讨相应的行为准则。
[单选题]A message stating the content as We will be appreciated if you let us have your offers with some representative samples… is called ( ).

选项:[an offer, an acceptance, a counter-offer, an inquiry]
[单选题]When the offeree makes modification to ( ), his reply may not be seen as a counter offer.

选项:[the packing, the quality and quantity, the payment term, the price]
[单选题]A foreign buyer cabled that offer dated 10 Aug accepted, if payment term can be changed to A/P 30 days after sight. This is ( ).

选项:[an inquiry, a counter-offer, an offer, an acceptance]
[单选题]The price list and catalogue sent to some companies should be considered as ( ).

选项:[a counter-offer, an acceptance, an offer, an inquiry]
[多选题]An offer will be terminated when ( ).

选项:[it is counter-offered, it is regected, it is accepted, all of the above]
[多选题]According to CISG, an offer is considered firm as long as it has ( ) at least.

选项:[the quantity of the goods, the price of the goods, the name of the goods, the time of shipment]
[单选题]Offer and acceptance are two indispensable steps for reaching an agreement.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]According to CISG, a contract can be established when an offer reaches the offeree.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]In international trade, the business negotiation must start with an inquiry.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]In business negotiation, you should always consider how to maximize your interest.

选项:[错, 对]

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