第五章 Cargo Transportaiton Insurance:在国际货物运输过程中,可能遇到各种类型的风险,货主为了转嫁风险,通常都要办理货物运输保险。有关货物运输保险事宜,交易双方会在洽商交易时谈妥,并在买卖合同中订明。本章将会就国际货物运输保险方面的几个重要的基本知识进行解释,包括保险合同的当事人、海洋运输风险、共同海损、我国“海洋保险条款”(China Insurance Clauses, CIC)所规定的险别。希望同学们在本章学习之后,能够熟练掌握CIC中各险别之间的关系,为案例分析及实践操作提供理论依据。After learning this chapter, you will be able to:1clarify the parties to the insurance contract;2be aware of the risks in ocean transportation;3figure out the conditions of general average;4outline the scope of the Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of CIC.5.1Ocean Transportation Insurance:保险合同所涉及的当事人主要有两个:保险人和被保险人,此外,在保险索赔时还会出现索赔人的概念,这些当事人在英文中该如何正确表达,相信同学们在本节学习之后会熟练掌握。此外,货物海洋运输保险保障的范围包括保障的风险、保障的损失和保障的费用三个方面,本节将对基本的海洋运输风险以及共同海损这一全新的专业术语进行讲解,对后续“海洋保险条款”的学习提供基础。
5.2China Insurance Clauses:在海洋运输货物保险业务中,保险人承保的责任范围都是通过不同的保险条款规定的。本节将向大家介绍“中国保险条款”中的基本险,同学们学习完之后将会全面了解平安险、水渍险和一切险的保险范围,为实务中根据运输风险的不同合理的投保提供基础。
5.1Ocean Transportation Insurance:保险合同所涉及的当事人主要有两个:保险人和被保险人,此外,在保险索赔时还会出现索赔人的概念,这些当事人在英文中该如何正确表达,相信同学们在本节学习之后会熟练掌握。此外,货物海洋运输保险保障的范围包括保障的风险、保障的损失和保障的费用三个方面,本节将对基本的海洋运输风险以及共同海损这一全新的专业术语进行讲解,对后续“海洋保险条款”的学习提供基础。
5.2China Insurance Clauses:在海洋运输货物保险业务中,保险人承保的责任范围都是通过不同的保险条款规定的。本节将向大家介绍“中国保险条款”中的基本险,同学们学习完之后将会全面了解平安险、水渍险和一切险的保险范围,为实务中根据运输风险的不同合理的投保提供基础。
[单选题]The person who enters into an insurance contract with the insurer is called ( ).

选项:[the underwiter, the agent, the broker, the insured]
[单选题]Under FOB contract, ( ) is to arrange insruance.

选项:[the seller, the buyer, the insurer, the carrier]
[单选题]( ) is the broadest kind of coverage but does not include all risks.

选项:[Free of Particular Average, TPND, With particular Average, All Risks]
[单选题]Aside from the risks covered under F.P.A. conditions, W.P.A. insurance also covers ( ) of the insured goods caused by nature such as tornado, hurricane, earthquake.

选项:[particular average, general average, constructive total loss, actual total losses]
[多选题]Basic marine insurance coverage of CIC include ( ).

选项:[All Risks, TPND, F.P.A., W.P.A.]
[多选题]( ) is not covered by an FPA policy.

选项:[Total loss caused by heavy weather, Loss caused by the carrying vessel's strand, Loss caused by War, Loss due to theft]
[单选题]In marine cargo insurance, general average is to be borne by the carrier, who may,upon presentation of evidence of the loss, recover the loss from the insurance underwriter.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]The one who lodges a claim is known as an insurer.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]If the entire voyage is lost, it would be considered as General Average.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]Special Additional Insurance Coverages such as War Risks must be taken out together with one of the basic coverages such as FPA, WPA or All Risks.

选项:[对, 错]

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