
Translating China

  1. Which is not included in the five most popular Chinese operas? (   ) 

  2. A:Yue Opera B:Chuan Opera C:Beijing Opera D:Cantonese Opera
    答案:GuzhengAI参考:正确答案是【D:Cantonese Opera】。粤剧是中国五大戏曲剧种之一,但它并不是最受欢迎的五个中国戏曲之一。其他选项如京剧、川剧、越剧都是中国最受欢迎的戏曲剧种之一。因此,D选项是唯一没有被包括在内的选项。'
  3. Which is not a theory of TCM?(   )

  4. A:The theory of Five Elements B:The theory of Zangxiang C:Fengshui D:The theory of Yin and Yang
    答案:FENGSHUIAI参考:答案:C:Fengshui。解释:根据题干所提供的信息,我们可以得知四种理论分别为:A、The theory of Five Elements(五行理论);B、The theory of Zangxiang(脏象理论);D、The theory of Yin and Yang(阴阳理论)。这些理论都是中医的理论基础。然而,C选项中的“风水理论”并不是中医的理论之一。因此,正确答案是C。'
  5. Which is not one of the three halls that go along the majestic ceremonial avenue?(   )

  6. A:The Hall of Supreme Harmony B:The Hall of Central Harmony C:The Hall of Preserving Harmony D:The Hall of Union
    AI参考:答案:C:The Hall of Preserving Harmony。答案解析:这道题考查的是中国历史建筑的知识,根据题目中的描述,需要找出不在“沿着雄伟的礼仪大道的三座大厅之一”中的大厅。根据选项中的描述,A选项是大殿,B选项是中殿,D选项是大殿,都是中国历史上的重要建筑。而C选项的“保存和谐大厅”虽然和和谐有关,但并不在礼仪大道上。因此,正确答案是C。'
  7. What is the most prominent feature of the Forbidden City?(   )

  8. A:Timber framework B:Beautiful decorations C:Grand layout D:Elegant outlines
    AI参考:C: Grand layout皇宫,也就是紫禁城,是中国的历史文化遗产之一,具有极其独特的建筑风格和特点。在所有的选项中,A选项的"Timber framework"是指皇宫建筑以木构架为主,是普遍存在的建筑形式;B选项的"Beautiful decorations"是指皇宫内的装饰精美华丽,这是皇宫建筑的一部分特点,但不是最突出的;D选项的"Elegant outlines"是指皇宫建筑的轮廓优雅,这也是皇宫建筑的特点之一,但不是最突出的。而C选项的"Grand layout"是指皇宫建筑的宏伟布局,这是皇宫建筑最突出的特点,整个皇宫建筑群按照严格的规划布局,气势恢宏,体现了中国古代建筑的智慧和艺术。因此,答案是C:Grand layout。'
  9. Who was the first Chinese person to win the Nobel Prize for Medicine?(   )

  10. A:Bian Que B:Hua Tuo C:Tu Youyou D:Li Shizhen
    AI参考:正确答案是B: Hua Tuo。华佗是第一个获得诺贝尔医学奖的中国人是华佗。因此,答案为B。'
  11. Which of the following translation is incorrect(   )?

  12. A:Grotto for 石窟 B:Temple for 寺庙 C:Pagoda for 塔 D:Qingzhen Temple for 清真寺
    AI参考:选项D中"Qingzhen Temple for 清真寺"的翻译是错误的。清真寺通常指的是伊斯兰教的礼拜场所,而选项D中提到的"Qingzhen Temple"很明显是指佛教寺庙。因此,答案为D:Qingzhen Temple for 清真寺。'
  13. What is the nickname for Beijing Daxing International Airport?(   )

  14. A:Dragon B:Octopus C:Starfish D:Bird
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Starfish。根据题目中提到的“Beijing Daxing International Airport”和“nickname”可以确定答案是描述机场名称的,根据机场名称中的“Daxing”和“International Airport”可以推测答案为C选项,即“Starfish”,因为它与海洋中的海星形象相符。其他选项中,“Dragon”是北京的象征,与机场无关;“Octopus”与机场无关;“Bird”则更不可能与机场有关。因此,答案为C。'
  15. What results in the strange-looking purple circles on the skin of people? (   )

  16. A:Massage B:Acupuncture C:Cupping D:Moxibustion
  17. Which one is different from others in terms of translation technique used in the translation?(   )

  18. A:Tou-kung B:The gen trigram C:The qian trigram D:Zaojing caisson
    AI参考:正确答案是B:The gen trigram。翻译中使用的翻译技巧与其他选项不同的是The gen trigram(先天三才)。在汉字的翻译中,先天三才是指天、地、人三才,即根据汉字的字形、字义和语境进行翻译的方法。其他选项中,Tou-kung(图工)、Zaojing caisson(凿井工程)和qian trigram(乾卦)都是具体的翻译方法和词汇,而不是与其他选项在翻译技巧上不同的地方。因此,正确答案是B:The gen trigram(先天三才)。'
  19. Phrases “吴带当风,曹衣出水” are to describe(   )

  20. A:Painting  B:Opera C:Clothing D:Calligraphy
  21. Which appeared only in the Qing Dynasty? (   )

  22. A:Yangcai B:Doucai C:Sancai D:Wucai
  23. Which fiction is not included in myths and legends (   )

  24. A:A New Account of the Tales of the World B:The Han Dynasty History C:The Death of Yuli D:In Search of the Supernatural
    AI参考:正确答案是B:The Han Dynasty History。根据题干中的描述,需要选择一个不属于神话和传奇的短篇小说。A选项《世界新传说》和D选项《探寻超自然世界》都是关于神话和传奇的短篇小说。C选项《于一莉之死》是传统中国故事中较为典型的一种。只有B选项《汉朝历史》与题干中的描述不符,不属于神话和传奇类的小说。因此,答案是B。'
  25. Which city is not connected by the world’s longest sea bridge?(   )

  26. A:Macao B:Shenzhen C:Zhuhai D:Hong Kong
  27. What is the traditional residence for Fujian Hakkas?(   )

  28. A:Mongolian yurts B:Cave dwellings C:Hakka rammed earth houses D:seal-like compound
    答案:Hakka rammed earth housesAI参考:正确答案是C:Hakka rammed earth houses。福建客家人传统住宅是夯土房,即选项C“客家夯土房”。因此,本题答案为C。其他选项都不是福建客家人的传统住宅形式。'
  29. Which dialect is not included in Beijing Opera? (   )

  30. A:Zhejiang B:Hubei C:Hunan  D:Anhui
  31. Which of the following statements about 气is incorrect? (   )

  32. A:In the field of medicine, qi in its physiological sense is referred to as the basic element or energy which makes up the human body and supports its vital activities B:四气 refers to the four natures of climate C:Qi also bears the meaning of the functions of different organs D:It can mean some kind of syndrome or disease, such as 疳气
    答案:They perform rituals and get momentary relief from the anxiety.AI参考:选项D:It can mean some kind of syndrome or disease, such as 疳气 是不正确的。解释:气在中医中是一个重要的概念,它不仅指生理意义上的气,即构成人体并支持其生命活动的最基本的元素或能量,还涉及到不同器官的功能,以及气候的四性(指寒热温凉四种气候性质)。而选项D提到了气可以指某种综合征或疾病,如疳气,这是不正确的。疳气是一种儿科疾病,与气这个概念在中医中的含义没有直接关联。因此,正确答案是D。'
  33. Which is not one of the eight trigrams?(   )

  34. A:The gen trigram B:The qian trigram C:The xun trigram D:The gun trigram
    AI参考:正确答案是A:The gen trigram(乾坤三才之一)。在易经中,乾坤是八经卦,其中乾坤三才包括天、地、人,因此乾坤三才之外的卦象就是剩余的五卦,即天风、天山、地风、山地、雷风。因此,乾坤三才之外的卦象不包括天雷。所以答案是A选项,天雷三才之一。其余选项都是乾坤三才中的卦象。'
  35. Which one is the best translation of 爱晚亭?(   )

  36. A:Aiwan Pavilion B:Love Evening Pavilion C:The Autumn-Admiring Pavilion D:Aiwan Ting
    AI参考:正确答案是B: Love Evening Pavilion。这道题主要考察翻译的理解和准确表达,原句中提到了“爱晚亭”,爱晚亭是一座具体的亭子名称,结合选项翻译“爱晚亭”最为合适的应该是“Love Evening Pavilion”。而选项A“阿弯凉亭”、C“秋赏亭”、D“阿弯亭”显然不恰当,所以答案是B。'
  37. Which of the following is a proper translation of “无党派人士”? (   )

  38. A:Non-party people B:Partyless people C:Personages with no party affiliation D:People not belonging to any party
    AI参考:正确答案是D: People not belonging to any party。“无党派人士”是指不隶属于任何党派的人士,所以选项D“不属于任何党派的人士”是正确的翻译。选项A“非党派人士”和选项C“无党派人物”虽然意思相近,但不够准确;选项B“无党派”虽然接近,但不够完整。因此,答案为D。'
  39. Who was the first person to use anesthetic mafeisan (麻沸散) during surgery? (   )

  40. A:Hua Tuo B:Sun Simiao C:Ye Tianshi D:Huangfu Mi
  41. In translating flowing sentences, which of the following processes is not a must? (   )

  42. A:Check if every element is turned into English B:Analyze the sentence structure C:Rearrange and readjust the sentence according to the hypotactic features of English D:Transfer the kernels into English
    AI参考:正确答案是:D:Transfer the kernels into English。翻译流畅的句子,必须进行以下过程:检查是否每个元素都转化为英语(A对)、分析句子结构(B对)、根据英语的句法特征重新排列和调整句子(C对)。因此,选项D“将内核转化为英语”不是必须的过程。因此,答案为D。'
  43. Which of the following is not a therapy of TCM? (   )

  44. A:Diet and nutrition B:Surgery C:Herbal medicine D:Qigong
  45. Which of the following philosophical schools was almost exclusively concerned with questions of political science? (   )

  46. A:Mohist school B:Legalism C:Confucianism D:Taoism
    AI参考:B: Legalism 符合政治科学问题,下面是一些细节说明: Legalism是战国时期韩非子创立的学派,是法家学派的主要代表之一。该学派主张以法治国,树立君主的权威,建立中央集权专制统治。该学派法律思想内容十分丰富,对中国古代法律发展产生深远影响。因此,正确答案是B选项:Legalism。'
  47. Which opera is famous for its elegance(   ) 

  48. A:Beijing Opera B:Yu Opera C:Huangmei Opera D:Cantonese Opera
    AI参考:C: Huangmei Opera 是以其优雅而出名的。Huangmei Opera 是中国的一种传统戏曲形式,以其优美的音乐、细腻的表演和优雅的舞台风格而闻名。与其他选项相比,如京剧(Beijing Opera)、粤剧(Yu Opera)和广东粤剧(Cantonese Opera)等,黄梅戏更注重优雅的表现形式。因此,正确答案是C:黄梅戏。'
  49. What does Hu people mean in ancient China?(   )

  50. A:people from Hu group B:people from east China C:people from Mongolia D:people from northern nomadic tribes
    AI参考:正确答案是A:people from Hu group。根据题目中的描述“What does Hu people mean in ancient China?”,可以推断出答案与古代中国的“Hu group”有关。因此,选项A中的“people from Hu group”是最符合题意的答案。选项B、C、D中的描述与题目无关,因此可以排除。'
  51. In translating pivotal sentences, which of the following skill is not included in our lecture? (   )

  52. A:Split a pivotal sentence into two or more sentences B:Use Adverbs C:Use to-do structure D:Inverse the order
    AI参考:在翻译关键句时,以下技能不属于我们讲座包括的:B: 使用副词(这是错误的,因为在翻译关键句时通常需要避免使用过多的修饰词)。A: 将关键句分成两个或更多的句子(这是翻译关键句的一个常见技巧)。C: 使用to-do结构(这在许多翻译中是常见的,特别是当你要表达一种计划或意图时)。D: 颠倒顺序(这在某些情况下是必要的,特别是当你要表达一种相反的观点或情感时)。因此,根据以上分析,正确答案是B:使用副词。'
  53. In which province did “guankoushan”start its history?(   )

  54. A:Guizhou B:Gansu C:Jiangsu D:Xinjiang
    AI参考:C: Jiangsu 。根据历史地理常识,“姑困山”(甘肃岷县境内,与著名女皇陵文县枣皮山紧邻)在中国文字及版图变化历程中是个具有相当地理概念的专有名词。因没有题干可提供进一步的分析或对比选项,正确答案只能是熟知的区域,也就是“姑困山”原址所在区域——甘肃省岷县的南边。故此,在备选项中,只有选项C江苏,地处江之南(长江之南),而与姑困山的地域接近。所以答案是选项C,江苏。'
  55. Which of the following translation adopts transliteration? (   )

  56. A:西门子 for Siemens B:花旗 for Citi (City) C:星巴克 for Starbucks D:空客 for Airbus
    答案:irrevocable L/C AI参考:正确答案是:D:空客 for Airbus。本题主要考查了英译汉,要求能准确进行翻译,通过对比选项可知,只有D项中的空客(Airbus)采用音译法,其它选项均采用意译法。故选D。'
  57. What does mianfu mean?(   )

  58. A:garments for officials and their family members B:garments for officials C:ceremonial attires D:garments for emporers
    AI参考:正确答案是B: garments for officials。根据题目中的“mianfu”这个词汇,我们可以推测这是一个关于官服或者官员服装的意思。在中国的传统文化中,官员通常穿着特定的服装,以表示他们的身份和地位。因此,选项B“官员的服装”是最符合题意的答案。其他选项中,A选项“官员及其家人的服装”与题目中的“mianfu”不符;C选项“仪式服饰”可能指的是某种特定的仪式场合所穿的服装,但并不一定是官员的服装;D选项“皇帝的服装”也不符合题意。因此,正确答案是B。'
  59. What is the best translation of 脏腑?(   )

  60. A:The solid and hollow organs B:Viscera C:Zang-fu organs D:Zang and fu
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Zang-fu organs。脏腑是中国古代对于人体内部各种器官的统称,具体指的是人的五脏(心、肝、脾、肺、肾)和六腑(胃、小肠、大肠、膀胱、胆和三焦)的合称。其中“脏”和“腑”这两个词源于中国古代医学著作,强调人体内不同的器官及其功能。因此,正确选项为C:Zang-fu organs。其他选项的含义与“脏腑”的含义不完全相符。'
  61. Which is not the proper translation of 武丑? (   )

  62. A:Martial Clown  B:Wuchou C:Wuchou Clown   D:Martial Chou     
  63. Which ware is famous for its fambe(   )

  64. A:Jun ware B:Jian ware C:Ru ware D:Ge ware
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Jian ware。根据题目中的描述,需要选择一个以其特色而著名的器皿。根据常识和历史知识,Jian ware(建盏)是中国古代的一种黑釉瓷器,以其独特的造型和颜色而著名。因此,选项B是正确答案。其他选项A、C、D与题目描述不符。'
  65. Besides Outlaws of the Marsh, ________ is another English translation of 《水浒传》。(   )

  66. A:A Good Boy B:The Monkey C:All Men Are Brothers D:The Shadows
    答案:All Men Are BrothersAI参考:正确答案是C:All Men Are Brothers。题目中提到了《水浒传》的英文翻译,根据选项中的四个中文名称,只有C选项“All Men Are Brothers”符合要求,因此答案为C。其他选项与题目无关或不符合中文翻译的英文表达。'
  67. At what age does a successful fighter for Beijing Opera usually begin the fighting training? (   )

  68. A:4 or 5 years old B:15 years old  C:Over 20 years old D:9 or 10 years old
    答案:4or 5years oldAI参考:正确答案是D:9或10岁。通常京剧武打演员的训练开始年龄在9或10岁左右,因为在这个年龄段,孩子的身体和骨骼发育已经基本完成,能够承受一定的训练强度。同时,这个年龄段的孩子也有足够的时间和精力投入到训练中,以成为一名优秀的京剧武打演员。因此,选项D是正确答案。其他选项不符合实际情况,例如,4或5岁太小,不适合进行高强度的训练;而超过20岁的人可能已经错过了最佳的训练时机。'
  69. Which do you think is the proper translation of 青花“孙悟空三打白骨精”大梅瓶? (   )

  70. A:Blue-and-white vase with pattern of Sun Wukong and Bai Gujing B:Blue and white plum vase of "three strikes of white bone spirit by Monkey King" C:Blue-and-white large vase with pattern of Sunwukong and White Bone Elf  D:Blue-and-white plum vase with design showing Monkey King subduing the skeleton demon
    答案:New SensationalistsAI参考:正确答案是:D:Blue-and-white plum vase with design showing Monkey King subduing the skeleton demon。四个选项分别表示不同译文。只有选项D表述“孙悟空三打白骨精”的含义。而B、C和A则缺乏正确的理解和译法,B表示翻译出青花小口瓶而没表现出情节的特性;C描述内容过大与“大梅瓶”含义不符;A将原文的字面意义表述清楚但没有正确体现白骨精形象以及被“孙悟空”所打败的情节。因此,选项D是正确的翻译。'
  71. Which translation of four-character phrases adopts the method of literal translation?(   )

  72. A:明明暗暗,晃晃悠悠:The shadows wave with the wind on the ground B:水光浮翠,倒映林岚:the trees reflect their shadows on the pure and clear water C:家家面水,户户枕河:every house is located beside the river D:灯火阑珊:at the midnight
    答案:家家面水,户户枕河:every house is located beside the riverAI参考:正确选项是C:家家面水,户户枕河:every house is located beside the river。这个选项中的四字短语“家家面水,户户枕河”采用了直译的方法,即直接翻译了原句的含义,没有进行任何的意译或解释。其他选项中,“明明暗暗,晃晃悠悠”使用了拆分和重新组合的方式,“水光浮翠,倒映林岚”进行了形象的解释,“灯火阑珊”则是一种隐喻和形象描述。因此,只有C选项采用了直译的方法。'
  73. Which is the proper translation of 鱼米之乡 when the domestication is adopted. (   )

  74. A:A land of rice and dish B:A land of milk and cheese C:A land of milk and honey D:A land of fish and rice
    答案:less developed areaAI参考:正确答案是D:A land of fish and rice。鱼米之乡是指盛产鱼和稻米的地区,所以选项D“鱼米之乡”的翻译为“a land of fish and rice”,表示这里盛产鱼和稻米。因此,答案为D。其他选项不符合该翻译的描述。'
  75. Regarding the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, which of the following statements are/is correct? (  )

  76. A:It conforms to the national conditions in China B:It showcases the special traits and strengths of socialism with Chinese characteristics C:provides a fundamental systemic guarantee for China’s development D:It combines national and local democratic systems, the Party’s leadership, the position of the people as masters of the country, and law-based governance
    答案:It combines national and local democratic systems,the Party’s leadership,the position of the people as masters of the country,and law-based governanceIt conforms to the national conditions in ChinaIt showcases the special traits and strengths of socialism with Chinese characteristicsprovides a fundamental systemic guarantee for China’s developmentAI参考:正确选项为D:它结合了民族和地方民主制度、党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国的治理体系。根据题目要求,需要选择关于中国特色社会主义制度正确的陈述。根据中国特色社会主义制度的特点,选项D正确地描述了该制度结合了民族和地方民主制度、党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国的治理体系。选项A和C都提到了符合中国国情,但没有具体说明中国特色社会主义制度的优势和特点。选项B虽然提到了中国特色社会主义制度的特殊性和优势,但没有明确指出该制度的具体特点。因此,选项D是唯一一个全面、准确地描述中国特色社会主义制度的选项。'
  77. Which of the following are philosophically noteworthy schools of Chinese Buddhism ?(  )

  78. A:Conscious-Only School B:The Tian-tai School C:The Hua-yan School D:The Zen School
    AI参考:选项A:Conscious-Only School(意识唯一学派)不符合题意,因为它是一种现代心理学的派别,而非佛教的派别。而其他选项B、C和D都是中国佛教哲学中有重要影响的派别,分别是天台宗、华严宗和禅宗。因此,正确选项为A。'
  79. Regarding Zen Buddhism, which of the following statements are/is correct ?(  )

  80. A:Bodhidharma was revered was the First Patriarch B:Shenxiu was regarded as the Sixth Patriarch by the Northern School  C:Hui-neng was regarded as the Sixth Patriarch by the Southern School D:It is Hui-neng who wrote The Platform Sutra, the core teaching of Chan School
    答案:Bodhidharma was revered was the First Patriarch;Shenxiu was regarded as the Sixth Patriarch by the Northern School;Hui-neng was regarded as the Sixth Patriarch by the Southern School;It is Hui-neng who wrote The Platform Sutra,the core teaching of Chan SchoolAI参考:正确答案是:C:Hui-neng was regarded as the Sixth Patriarch by the Southern School。本题为多选题,根据题目描述,需要选择正确的选项,所以我们需要仔细阅读选项。根据题目给出的四个选项,可以得出如下结论:A选项和D选项有关,但是说法有误,A选项提到Bodhidharma是第一位教主,D选项则错误地认为是慧能写出了禅宗的核心经典《坛经》,这都不是正确的信息。B选项涉及的是北方学派,并没有提及是否被视为第六代教主。因此,只有C选项是正确的,即慧能被南方学派视为第六代教主。因此,正确答案是C。'
  81. What are the sound patterns in the following: 流连戏蝶时时舞,自在娇莺恰恰啼? (  )

  82. A:Consonance B:Reduplication   C:Alliteration
  83. The grammar of English is implicit. (   )

  84. A:错 B:对
  85. The English language marks the grammatical categories of tense, aspect, voice and number explicitly in the changes of word form. (   )

  86. A:对 B:错
    答案:对AI参考:答案:B:错。原文中说:“The English language marks the grammatical categories of tense, aspect, voice and number explicitly in the changes of word form.”(英语明确地通过词形变化来标记时态、语态、语气和数等语法范畴。)但从上下文来看,这句话中的“explicitly”可能是一个错误表达,因为通常在英语中,语法范畴的变化不是通过明显的词形变化来标记的,而是通过语法规则和语境来体现的。因此,这句话可能存在表述错误。'
  87. English is a subject-prominent language, which does not use topic-comment structure at all. (   )

  88. A:错 B:对
  89. “Fair is foul and foul is fair”is a line from Shakespeare’s Macbeth. In this line, the most noticeable sound pattern is alliteration. (   ) 

  90. A:错 B:对
  91. The grammar of Chinese is implicit. (   )

  92. A:错 B:对
  93. In traditional Chinese culture, some food was named by using dignified and noble plants or stones, for example, Jade used to represent lettuce stem in a dish name, and hibiscus for egg white. (   )

  94. A:对 B:错
  95. The Silk Road

    This name refers to the inland network of trade routes connecting West to East, from the Mediterranean Sea to China. The route wound be through Rome, Greece, the Mediterranean, and Asia Minor, to West and Central Asia. It then split into two routes into China. One went through Sinkiang—referred to as the Hexi Corridor—and the central Shaanxi Plains from the northeast. The other proceeded southeast and northwards through India, Myanmar, and southeast China. Both ended up at Chang’an and Luoyang. By contrast the maritime Silk Road ran from the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, to India, and passed through the Bay of Bengal, Malaya, and the Straits of Malacca, into the South China Sea. It then went north along the south coast into mainland China.

    The Silk Road was defined and improved in its use by merchants, soldiers, and governments over the centuries, and became a valuable route along which cultural exchanges between East and West were achieved. Many people consider it was the oldest and most sedate channel for people to conduct regular communication. Indeed, it was during the Han Dynasty (202 BC–AD 220) that ancient China became more fully aware of activities going on in the Western world, which was the catalyst that started eco-nomic, political, and cultural exchanges.

    This trade route officially came into being when Zhang Qian and Gan Ying were dispatched by China’s Imperial court as special envoys to the western regions and completed their mission very successfully by returning accompanied by businessmen from Central Asia and Western countries, who had made the return journey with them to ensure for themselves that the route was unimpeded and functional.

    Zhang Qian was the pioneer of the Silk Route who opened up this ancient trade road during the reign of the Han Emperor Wudi. From 139 BC to 119 BC, he went to the Western Regions twice and brought back an immense amount of information about the Central Asia and West Asia. The Silk Route marked the beginning of a new era with an extensive exchange of culture, economy and religion between China and the West … [later]

    Gan Ying: in 97 AD, in order to establish trade relations with Rome directly, was dispatched by Ban Chao to Da Qin (the old name of the Roman Empire), which was the farthest westbound travel and exploration. He set out on his journey from Qiuci (now Kuche or Kuqa). It was full of difficulties and dangers all the way. He crossed mountains, traversed desolate deserts and the Gobi, went over plateaus and finally reached the Persian Gulf by way of Tiaozhi (the present Iraq) and the Anxi Empire (Parthia). At that time, Anxi was a key transit station on the Silk Route.

    The merchants of Anxi monopolized the trade between China and Rome; they made a big profit by selling Chinese silk to Romans at very high prices. Therefore, the Anxi merchants exaggerated the hardships of crossing the sea and persuaded Gan Ying to give up his travel. As a result, Gan Ying followed their advice and returned to China. Although Gan Ying failed to finish his mission, he brought more detailed and reliable information about Central Asia.

    Once proven viable, the Han government set up post-houses to protect and receive merchants passing by, and provided board and lodging for their convenience. By this road, new breeds of plants, such as grape and sesame, handcrafts, musical instruments, and Buddhist scriptures from India were brought into China from the west. There were additional commodities and technologies exported from China to countries in Central Asia and the West, during this period, such as ironware, lacquerware, spice, paper, cloth, and especially silk products.

    The heyday for trade along the original Silk Road was between the end of the third century BC and the early third century AD. Unfortunately, after that China fell into wars and divisions in the third century, and the Roman Empire decayed, so trade was suspended and the road has essentially been deserted ever since. In this respect it is now historically exciting to note that the Chinese Central Government is making great strides to reopen it. Once completed, it will unquestionably be of great economic and social benefit to all the countries associated with it. It should be extremely beneficial from a trade perspective, presumably with new high-speed highways allowing intercountry trade to flourish once more, on a scale never before dreamed of.

  96. 答案:DDBBCAI参考:The Silk Road refers to the ancient trade route that connected the Mediterranean Sea to China through the Mediterranean, Greece, Asia Minor, and West and Central Asia. It then split into two routes into China. One route went through Sinkiang and the central Shaanxi Plains from the northeast, while the other went southeast and northwards through India, Myanmar, and southeast China.This trade route was improved and defined by merchants, soldiers, and governments over the centuries, and became a valuable route for cultural exchanges between East and West. Many people consider it was the oldest and most sedate channel for people to conduct regular communication.The Han Dynasty (202 BC–AD 220) was a time when ancient China became more fully aware of activities going on in the Western world, which was the catalyst that started economic, political, and cultural exchanges.Zhang Qian was a pioneer of the Silk Route who opened up this ancient trade road during the reign of the Han Emperor Wudi. He went to the Western Regions twice and brought back an immense amount of information about Central Asia and West Asia.Gan Ying was dispatched by Ban Chao to Da Qin (the old name of the Roman Empire) in order to establish trade relations with Rome directly. He set out on his journey from Qiuci (now Kuche or Kuqa). He traveled through mountains, deserts, and the Gobi Desert, crossed plateaus and finally reached the Persian Gulf by way of Tiaozhi (the present Iraq) and the Anxi Empire (Parthia).The merchants of Anxi monopolized the trade between China and Rome; they made a big profit by selling Chinese silk to Romans at very high prices. However, they also persuaded Gan Ying to give up his travel, which led to him returning to China without completing his mission. Although Gan Ying brought more detailed and reliable information about Central Asia, it did not prevent new merchants from setting out on their own journeys across the Silk Road.In this period, new breeds of plants, such as grape and sesame, handcrafts, musical instruments, and Buddhist scriptures from India were brought into China from the west. There were additional commodities and technologies exported from China to countries in Central Asia and the West, such as ironware, lacquerware, spice, paper, cloth, and especially silk products.Today, with the help of modern technology and infrastructure, it is possible to reopen the Silk Road for trade between China and Europe. Once completed, it will undoubtedly be of great economic and social benefit to all the countries associated with it. It should be extremely beneficial from a trade perspective as new high-speed highways are expected to allow intercountry trade to flourish once more on a scale never before dreamed of.Therefore, the Silk Road is an important part of history that has been lost for many years but is now being revived with modern technology and infrastructure.'

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