第七章 社会科学(1):英美人民生活习俗以及文化传统简介英美主要宗教状况英国主要节日:复活节、新年及圣诞节等美国主要节日:独立日、马丁路德日及感恩节和万圣节7.1传统与习俗:英美人民生活习俗以及文化传统简介
[判断题]Nowadays,  a typical English breakfast consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread,  mushrooms and baked beans all washed down with a cup of coffee.   

[判断题]Hamburgers  and hot dogs are foods that are commonly identified as American.

[判断题]The  majority of Americans identify themselves as Christians, while close to  one third claim no religious affiliation. 

[判断题]In  recent years, the religious share of Christians is increasing.

[单选题]Which of  the following Christmas event is NOT typical British?
the  Queen's Christmas Message

Decorating  Christmas trees

Boxing  Day

[多选题]Religion  is a way to ______.
explain  the mysteries of life

tell  what happens when people die

tell why  there is life and death

tell how  and why the world was created
[多选题]Which  of the followings about the Easter are TRUE?
It is  a festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of  Jesusfrom the dead.

Christians  gather together on Easter Sunday

It can  fall on any date from 22 March to 25 April.

The  traditional Easter gift is an Easter Bunny.
[判断题]Every  Easter Sunday, the president of the United States holds an annual Easter egg  hunt on the White House lawn for young children. 

[判断题]The  apartment in Britain is called flat.  

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