1. Watercress is for removing excessive yin in the body. ( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. The term medicinal properti (yao xing) first appears in the preface of this book, but reference is made only to the appropriate methods of preparation from each substance.( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. The dried duck gizzards are used to balance the yin and yang of the recipe. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. In traditional Chinese medicine, the taste of an herb partly determines its theraputic function.( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. Thin qi causes drainage, and thick qi causes heat.( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. There are rules and relationships in nature that have universal valedity.( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. And because the taste of Radix et Rhizoma Rhei (Dahuang) is thick and is the yang within yang, it therefore drains downward.( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. The attribution to an herb of a specific effect upon a specific organ has since become the predominant method for understanding the actions of herbs.( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. The following passages, drawn from Chapter 74 of the Plain Questions, are illustrative: “Acrid and sweet tastes scatter and are yang; sour and bitter substances drain and are yin; the salty taste drains and is yin; the bland taste seeps and drains and is yang.” ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. Acridity travels in the qi; in diseases of the qi, do not eat much acrid [food].( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. For example: “The temperature characteristics are yin , the tastes are yang.”( )

  22. 答案:错
  23. In this way,this health system is in direct opposition to Louis Pasteur's germ theory of disease,being more aligned with Claude Bernard, and Antoine Bechamp's biological terrain theory of disease. ( )
  24. Zhang Yuansu (1151-1243) expanded upon the characterization of taste as set forth in the Canon of Medicine. ( )
  25. However, this text was compiled no earlier than the first century CE by unknown authors, and was later reconstructed in the sixth century from several editions describing different numbers of herbs by the famous Daoist, Tao Hongjing.( )
  26. Adverse effects in patients with acute Plasmodium falciparum malaria treated with artemisinin derivatives tend to be higher. ( )
  27. Unfortunately, treatment courses, while effective, remain costly and thus are often unavailable to the people that need them most. ( )
  28. Actions and indications refer to the therapeutic actions or functions of the substance, using traditional terminology, together with their corresponding symptoms. ( )
  29. Legend attributes the authorship of Shennong’s Herbal to the mythical Shen Nong.( )
  30. Shennong’s Herbal or the Classic of the materia medica is the first book to focus on description of individual herbs.( )
  31. Food items are classified accordingly, and diet is adjusted based on the body's conditions. ( )
  32. Chinese ginseng has alleged effects to promote circulation, increase blood supply, revitalize and aid recovery from weakness after illness. ( )
  33. Sometimes two other terms are used: slightly cold, which is equivalent to cool or even slightly less cold than cool; and slightly warm, which is less hot than warm.( )
  34. Zhang Zhongjing wrote Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Induced Diseases) and Jin Kui Yao Lue (Synopsis of the Golden Chamber) just after the fall of the Han.( )
  35. Aromatic describes an ability to penetrate through turbidity and revive a particular function, either the digestive function of the spleen, or the cognitive functions of the spirit and sensory orifises. ( )
  36. Besides materia medica experts, this group included astrologers, geomancers, magicians, and technologists.( )
  37. Most of the classics of Chinese medicine, including the Huang Di Nei Jing (Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine), Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shennong’s Herbal), Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold-Induced Diseases), and Jin Kui Yao Lue (Synopsis of the Golden Chamber) were probably compiled or written by the third century.( )
  38. Bland substances leech dampness and promote urination. ( )
  39. The sweet almond kernels and bitter almond kernels target the lungs. ( )
  40. Bitter substances drain and dry.( )
  41. In effect, many Cantonese people practice food therapy in day to day situations. ( )
  42. Most American ginseng is produced in Wisconsin,USA.( )
  43. Sweet substances tonify, harmonize, and are sometimes thought to moisen.( )
  44. Thin taste drains; thick taste facilitates flow.( )
  45. The properties of taste and temperature have specific effects. ( )
  46. The concept of an herb entering a particular channel was later expanded to describe the capacity of the herb to guide or lead other herbs in a prescription into that channel or its related organ.( )
  47. The concept of a link between herbs and particular actions or functions developed over a long period of time.( )
  48. This regiman has been proven to be superior to regimens based on amodiaquine. ( )
  49. This method of grouping herbs by their actions has been utilized since the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). ( )
  50. Bird nest can promote beautiful skin for woman and strengthen the spleen and improve the appetite. ( )
  51. Vegetables and fruits are believed to nullify the effect of bird nest if taken within the day. ( )
  52. ( )are cut into thin flakes or grated before they can be used in preparations or taken directly.
  53. 炒法可分为( )。
  54. 学习中药学专业英语,可以( )。
  55. 中药学专业英语学习方法( )。
  56. Chinese medicinals are( )products that usually need to be processed in one way or another before they can be used.
  57. 炒炭能够增强( )。
  58. Many of the medicinal properties of an herb, both energetic and pharmacological, are very much reflected in the ( ).
  59. Heshouwu (Polygoni Multiflori Radix), when used raw, has a precipitating action, but after processing it loses this action and acquires the ability to supplement the ( )。
  60. ( )需落地之后收集或经霜之后采收。
  61. The eating of too many "cold" foods such as ( ) could cause one to develop stomach pain or diarrhea.
  62. Early research shows that Asian ginseng may improve performance on such things as ( ).
  63. You can take ginseng if you have high blood pressure.( )
  64. Ginseng is an herbal medication derived from the ( ) of the Panax genus of plants.
  65. Constituents found in most ginseng species include ( ).
  66. Some studies have found it seems to lower blood pressure, while others find it causes blood pressure to rise. That had led some people to wonder if ginseng may increase blood pressure at usual doses but lower it when doses are higher. ( )
  67. The drugs used in combination therapies can contribute to the adverse effects experienced by those undergoing treatment.( )
  68. These costs are due primarily to the necessity of harvesting large amounts of the annual plant, Artemisia annua, with relatively small yields of active compounds per acre. ( )
  69. 青蒿素译作artemisinin。( )
  70. Qinghao (Herba Artemisiae Annuae) has been used by Chinese for more than a thousand years in the treatment of many illnesses, such as skin diseases and malaria. ( )
  71. The earliest record extant dates back to 200 BC, in the Wu Shi Er Bing Fang (Formulas for Fifty-two Diseases) unearthed from the Han Dynasty tombs.( )
  72. Chinese medicine is based on the principles of ( ).
  73. There is an old saying that "food tonic is much better than medicine tonic in building up one's health" .( )
  74. Medicinal foods can prevent and treat diseases, improve fitness, and slow down the aging process.( )
  75. In traditional Chinese medicine, many common foods serve as medicines and many specific medicines are also commonly used as foods. Among the most common items are the ( ).
  76. Ginkgo nut can not improve brain functioning and has a healing effect on the lungs.( )
  77. In the early days of human history, people didn’t find some foods have curing effects. ( )
  78. Do not use yang type meat such as beef or chicken in this recipe because they nullify the effects of the watercress.( )
  79. If one has a so called "hot" disease, like eczema, then he will not want to eat "hot" foods such as garlic, onions, or chocolate lest the "hot" disease is worsened. ( )
  80. Eating of too many "cold" foods such as watermelon, or seaweed could cause one to develop stomach pain or diarrhea. ( )
  81. Chinese food therapy is not a practice in the belief of healing through the use of natural foods instead of medications.( )
  82. For example, the eating of too many "hot" foods like ( ) could cause a rash.
  83. Assessment of the safety of herbal products is not the first priority in herbal research.( )
  84. Evaluation of the toxic effects of plant constituents of herbal formulation requires detailed phytochemical and pharmacological studies.( )
  85. As a whole, herbal medicines can not have a risk of adverse effects and drug-drug and drug-food interactions if not properly assessed.( )
  86. There are numerous reports of inadvertent substitution of “Guijiu” (Podophyllum emodi Wall) for “Longdancao” (Gentiana spp.). This resulted in severe ( ) in the consumers.
  87. Herbal medicines are generally regarded as safe based on their long-standing use in various cultures. ( )
  88. In practice, the TCM experts do not revise classic formulas depending on the symptoms of the patients. ( )
  89. While a simple imbalance may require only one or a few herbs, a complex imbalance involving more physiological dysfunctions requires the use of several herbs together in formula. ( )
  90. Also, differences in the active principles of herbs owing to variation in season or location are also considered. ( )
  91. In addition, due to the complexity of individual conditions, the dose, the preparation method and even additional herbal components will frequently be modified.( )
  92. Another reason is that through their combination, the complex biochemistry of herbs forms unique chemical compounds not naturally occurring in nature. ( )
  93. Subterranean organs: include root and rhizome.( )
  94. As an example of the exceptions, schizocarp is gathered after dehiscence.( )
  95. The qualities of herbal materials collected from different locations may be the same.( )
  96. For instance, the fresh berries of Nvzhenzi (Ligustrum lucidum) and Gouqizi (Lycium barbarum) are sappy, easily broken by squeezing and thus should be plucked at noon. ( )
  97. Moreover, since different parts of one plant are sometimes used as different herbs, the collection of each part should be done carefully to avoid destroying the other medicinally useful parts in order to make the best use of every part of the medicinal plant.( )
  98. Aims of Processing( )。
  99. Xiangfu (Cyperi Rhizoma) is mix-fried with( )to increase its ability to course the liver and relieve pain.
  100. Baibu (Stemonae Rasix) and Kuandonghua (Farfarae Flos) are mix-fried with ( ) to increase their effect of moistening the lung and relieving cough.
  101. Dahuang (Rhei Radix et Rhizoma), for example, cools the blood when used raw but when cooked, it becomes slightly warmer and has a blood-quickening effect.( )
  102. Heshouwu (Polygoni Multiflori Radix), when used raw, has a precipitating action, but after processing it loses this action and acquires the ability to supplement the liver and kidney.( )
  103. Shennong is recognized for tasting hundreds of herbs in a day, identifying more than 30 herbs that had medicinal value and selecting those that were suitable as remedies, and describing their properties.( )
  104. Owing to Shennong’s efforts, numerous herbs became routinely used for health care and this knowledge was orally passed down for centuries.( )
  105. It is common practice for writers today, when describing Chinese herbs, to mention the classification of herbs into three groups such as ( ) classes.
  106. According to the principles of combining, drugs to prescriptions, the herbs (drugs) of the lower class can be employed one-sidedly. ( )
  107. Furthermore, the text that was passed down to us mentioned governmental regulations applied during the latter Tang Dynasty, indicating that this was the period when it was compiled.( )
  108. Huangqi is used in prescriptions for ( )
  109. Honey-processed, Huangqi is good for the middle abdomen, fatigue from overwork, diarrhea due to spleen deficiency, urinary incontinence, vital energy deficiency, bloody urine, and blood-deficient diseases. ( )
  110. Astragalus is becoming one of the better-known Chinese herbs used as an immune system stimulant. ( )
  111. In the Shishan Yi’an (Medical Casebook of Shishan), published in 1531, two supplements are included that discuss Huangqi and its use with ginseng, still a well-known Chinese herbal prescription as a tonic for fatigue and general debility. ( )
  112. The small, white, pea like flowers are borne on racemes extending from the leaf axils.( )
  113. Sweet herbs are good for dry conditions. Some examples include ( )
  114. The most basic level, bitters stimulate the secretion of fluids and thus act directly on dry tissues and indirectly reduce heat and irritation. ( )
  115. Function of Sweet including( )。
  116. In this case bitters stimulate secretion and hence, tissue nutrition, metabolism and elimination, building torpid tissues to remove excess fluids and increase lost function.( )
  117. Sweet herbs increase( ).
  118. Sour substances are astringent and prevent or reverse the abnormal leakage of fluids and energy.( )
  119. Qi and taste are two major aspects of the herbs.( )
  120. Astringent refers not only to the taste of the substance, but also its ability to prevent the leakage of fluids.。( )
  121. Four qi including ( )。
  122. A passage in Chapter 74 of the Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine notes that “Hot diseases must be cooled, cold diseases must be warmed.” ( )
  123. 《神农本草经》的作者是( )。
  124. Most of the classics of Chinese medicine, including the( ) were probably compiled or written in the third century.
  125. The earliest extent texts were found in archeological sites over the past 30 years, and include the famous Mawangdui medical manuscripts.( )
  126. herbal prescriptions指的是方书。( )
  127. The history of Chinese medicine began in the Eastern (Later) Han Dynasty (25-220 CE), although of course the Chinese people used medicinel substances for millennia before this time. ( )
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