

  1. A strategy that involves the development and promotion of environmentally friendly products is called ________. ( )

  2. A:tree marketing B:environmental marketing C:green marketing D:sustained marketing
    答案:错AI参考:正确答案是C:green marketing。绿色营销(Green Marketing)是指企业以环境保护观念作为其经营哲学思想,以绿色文化作为价值观念,在生产经营过程中注重对环境的保护和资源的合理利用,通过社会市场营销观念来满足人们绿色消费需求,以实现人类社会经济活动与自然生态系统的协调发展。因此,A strategy that involves the development and promotion of environmentally friendly products is called _______.这个选项应该填C:green marketing。因此答案为C。'
  3. Which of the following is NOT considered a demographic? ( )

  4. A:Lifestyle B:Occupation C:Sex D:Income
  5. The plain and simple fact is that Ralph has body odor. Worse than that, Ralph does not seem to care. Ralph's clothes are in shambles, and his personal hygiene could certainly be improved. For most people, Ralph would be in which of the following groups? ( )

  6. A:Deindividualization groups B:Avoidance groups C:Aspirational group D:Cohesive group
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Aspirational group (理想化群体)。Ralph身上的异味,衣物散乱,个人卫生差,这是很简单的实际情况,但是他的行为并未引起关注,更糟糕的是他似乎不在乎。根据这个描述,大多数人会把Ralph归为一种需要努力达到标准或者改变现状的群体,也就是“理想化群体”。因此,选项C是正确答案。其他选项都与描述不符。'
  7. Today’s vehicle market can be categorized into three main product groups by fuel types: electronic cars, gasoline cars, and hybrid cars. According to the diffusion of innovation model, a salesperson for gasoline cars should know that he is targeting the _____ who counts about 34% of the total population as the mainstream of the public in adapting a new product. ( )

  8. A:early majorities B:laggards C:later majorities D:innovators
    AI参考:答案为C:later majorities根据问题中的diffusion of innovation model(创新扩散模型),早期的主要受众为创新者(D错),后期的主要受众为早期多数(A对),中间的是落后者(B错)。而汽油车的主要受众是后期多数,占总人口34%。故选C。'
  9. A new hotel manager has used her knowledge of consumer behavior to make changes in the experience the hotel provides. When guests arrive, they now hear low-volume classical music, see a plush lobby, and are served complimentary wine while waiting for reception service. Upon entering their room, the light aroma of rose petals greets them, and they are told of the high thread-count linen that will ensure comfortable sleeping. What marketing strategy is the new manager following? ( )

  10. A:Relationship Marketing B:Sensory Marketing C:Diversity Marketing D:Direct Marketing
    AI参考:正确选项是B:Sensory Marketing。根据文章中的描述,新的酒店经理运用了她的消费者行为知识来改变酒店提供的体验。当客人到达时,他们可以听到轻柔的古典音乐,看到豪华的大厅,在等待接待服务时还能享用免费的葡萄酒。进入房间时,他们能闻到玫瑰花瓣的香味,并且被告知高密度的床单可以保证舒适的睡眠。这种营销策略主要关注消费者的感官体验,即通过视觉、听觉、嗅觉等方面的刺激来吸引和留住客户,因此答案为B,即sensory marketing。A选项relationship marketing侧重于建立和维护与客户的关系,C选项diversity marketing侧重于提供多样化的产品和服务以满足不同客户的需求,D选项direct marketing侧重于直接向消费者推销产品和服务。这些选项与文章中的描述不符。'
  11. The "please keep quite" sign in the library indicates which part of the Freudian system? ( )

  12. A:The superego B:The ego C:The archetype D:The id
    AI参考:正确答案是D:The id。在图书馆的“请保持安静”标志指示的是弗洛伊德体系中的“本我”(id)。这个标志是用来提醒人们保持安静,以尊重他人的隐私和阅读环境。在弗洛伊德的理论中,“本我”(id)是人格结构中最原始、最基本、与生俱来的部分,它遵循“快乐原则”追求欲望的满足,追求得到最大程度的自我满足,没有外部社会的控制和影响,一味地追求自己的本能欲望。其他选项在弗洛伊德的理论中与此处的语境不符。因此,答案为D。'
  13. Which of the following statement does NOT reflect the hedonistic shopping motive? ( )

  14. A:“I follow my shopping list.” B:“I like to hang out with my friends in the shopping mall.” C:“During the shopping trip, I felt the excitement of the hunt.” D:“I enjoy my leisure time of shopping.”
    AI参考:选项A:“I follow my shopping list.”不反映享乐主义购物动机。享乐主义购物动机指的是消费者购买商品时追求愉悦和享受,通常与商品的即时满足感和追求新鲜感有关。选项B、C和D都反映了享乐主义购物动机,因为它们描述了消费者在购物中心与朋友相处、寻找购买乐趣和享受购物休闲时间等行为。而选项A则表示消费者按照购物清单购物,这更多地反映了消费者的计划性和理性购物,而不是享乐主义购物动机。'
  15. Consumers who always are on the lookout for novel products or services and who are first to try something new are ________.( )

  16. A:innovators B:continuous innovation C:laggards D:early adopters
    AI参考:答案为D:early adopters。根据题干中的信息,消费者总是寻找新的产品和服务,并且是第一个尝试新事物的人,这表明他们非常愿意接受新事物,因此他们属于早期采用者。选项A中的“innovators”指的是创新者,选项B中的“continuous innovation”指的是持续创新,选项C中的“laggards”指的是落后者,都不符合题意。因此,正确答案是D。'
  17. ________ measures how optimistic or pessimistic people are about the future health of the economy and how they will fair in the future.( )

  18. A:Consumer confidence B:Saving rate C:Income inequality D:Credit score
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Consumer confidence。Consumer confidence是消费者信心指数,它反映了人们对未来经济状况的预期和信心,是衡量人们对于未来经济健康状况的乐观或悲观程度以及未来个人财务状况的指标。因此,选项A是正确答案。其他选项B、C、D与题目要求不符。'
  19. Which of the following is a new kind of avoidance group that has grown in popularity through the Web? ( )

  20. A:Virtual communities of consumption B:Consumer tribes C:Virtual worlds D:Anti-brand communities
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Anti-brand communities(反品牌社区)。反品牌社区是一种通过网络成长起来的新型避难团体。其他选项中,Virtual communities of consumption是虚拟消费社区,Consumer tribes是消费者部落,Virtual worlds是虚拟世界,都不是新型避难团体。因此,D选项是正确答案。'
  21. When a sacred item or symbol is removed from its special place or is duplicated in mass quantities, then it becomes profane as a result of ________. ( )

  22. A:defamation B:objectification C:sacralization D:desacralization
    AI参考:答案为D:desacralization “神圣物品或象征从其特殊地方移走或被大量复制,其神圣性被取消”在文化学术语中即为desacralization神圣化反义词即为“去圣化”,选项A、B、C都不符合文意。因此本题答案为D。'
  23. Which of the following statement about CSR is NOT true? ( )

  24. A:CSR describes processes that encourage the organization to make a positive impact on various stakeholders. B:Other things being equal, brands with SCR are generally better perceived. C:CSR is a management idea which bring no value to business. D:CSR stands for corporate social responsibility.
  25. Roger was really angry when Coca-Cola attempted to switch from its older formula to New Coke. He wrote letters to Coca-Cola, talked to friends, called the local bottler, attempted to hoard "old Coke," and complained to the local grocery store manager. In this example, which degree of commitment would be most closely associated with Roger and his attitudes?( )

  26. A:Internalization B:Compliance C:Identification D:Information acquisition
  27. Which of the following marketing communication case does NOT primarily aim at catching target customers’ attention? ( )

  28. A:Huawei increases its aftersales services to enhance brand satisfaction. B:Elizabeth Arden prints a full-paged ad in a high-end fashion magazine. C:Goodyear paints its trademark on an air balloon which flows above the city center. D:Xiaomi places the billboard to the center of a shopping plaza.
    AI参考:【单选题】下列哪项营销传播案例主要目的不是为了吸引目标顾客的注意力? (D)Xiaomi把广告牌放在购物中心中央。在这四个选项中,A选项(华为提高售后服务以增强品牌满意度)主要目的是提高品牌满意度,而非吸引顾客注意力;B选项(Elizabeth Arden在高端时尚杂志上做全页广告)是为了宣传产品并吸引顾客注意力;C选项(固特异在市中心飘扬的空中气球上涂上商标)也是为了吸引顾客注意力,因为气球在市中心飘扬,会引起很多人的注意;只有D选项(小米把广告牌放在购物中心中央)是为了吸引顾客的注意力,但因为广告牌通常位于人流量大的地方,所以更多的是一种提高品牌知名度的手段,而不是单纯为了吸引顾客的注意力。因此,正确答案是D。'
  29. A nuclear family consists of ________. ( )

  30. A:three generations of a family B:two generations of a family C:a mother and at least one child D:a mother, a father, and at least one child
    AI参考:正确答案是D:A mother, a father, and at least one child.核家庭是指一个母亲、父亲和一个或多个孩子的家庭,至少需要一个孩子,因此选项D为正确答案。其他选项中,A选项“三代人家庭”并不符合题意,B选项“两代人家庭”中至少需要两个孩子才能组成核家庭,C选项虽然包含一个孩子,但是少了父亲这个家庭成员。因此,选项D为最佳答案。'
  31. In China, an age cohort that describes people who were born in 1980s is ________.( )

  32. A:Generation X B:Generation Y C:Post-80s D:Generation Z
    AI参考:在中国,一个描述1980年代出生的人的年龄群体是____。正确答案是C: Post-80s,代表“后80年代”的人群。在西方,X代表70年代出生的一代人,而Y代表80年代出生的一代人。但在中国,“Y一代”还没有成为一个广泛的共识或固定的称谓。所以在中国,表示出生于1980年代的人群被称为“后80年代”(Post-80s)一代。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  33. LinkedIn is a social network specifically designed for career and business professionals to connect and to cultivate their careers and businesses. Recently, Michael, a freelancer, used his LinkedIn network to find a new job as telecommuter. According to social mobility theory, Michael’s job hoping is most likely to be labelled as: ( )

  34. A:horizontal mobility B:upward mobility C:downward mobility D:vertical mobility
  35. ________ is a physiological or psychological dependency on product services. ( )

  36. A:Consumer terrorism B:Consumerism C:Materialism D:Consumer addiction
    答案:记得AI参考:正确答案是D:Consumer addiction,意思是“消费者对产品服务的生理或心理上的依赖”。选项A“Consumer terrorism”指的是消费者对某种产品或服务的过度要求,与问题描述不符;选项B“Consumerism”指的是消费主义,即过度消费,与问题描述不符;选项C“Materialism”指的是物质主义,即过度追求物质享受,与问题描述不符;选项D“Consumer addiction”指的是消费者对产品服务的生理或心理上的依赖,与问题描述相符。因此,正确答案是D。'
  37. People buy products for ________. ( )

  38. 答案:对
  39. People born between 1946 and 1964 belong to ________.( )

  40. A:Generation Y B:he Interbellum Generation C:The Baby Boomer Generation D:Generation X
    答案:freedomAI参考:答案选项是D:Generation X。根据题目描述,问题中提到的“1946年至1964年出生的人”通常被归类为X世代(Generation X)。因此,正确答案是D。A选项Generation Y通常指的是1980年代和1990年代出生的人,而B选项Interbellum Generation指的是二战后的出生人群,与题目中的出生年份不符。C选项The Baby Boomer Generation指的是婴儿潮一代,通常指的是在20世纪50年代和60年代出生的人,但这与题目中的时间范围有出入。'
  41. "Our goal: There is no tooth decay." This simple slogan of Colgate-Palmolive is trying to stress the utilitarian function of their product. Such communication strategy is using _____ appeal for persuasion. ( )

  42. A:humorous B:rational C:fear D:emotional
  43. Which of the following is associated with compulsive consumption?( )

  44. A:Anxiety B:Happiness C:Income D:Intelligence
  45. Which of the following description about pecking order is true? ( )

  46. A:People have equal opportunities to access to such resources as education, housing and consumer goods. B:Human societies do not have pecking order. C:This phenomenon is only observed among chickens. D:It is also names as dominance-submission hierarchy.

  47. When consumers see only what they want to see—don't see what they don't want to see is called ________. ( )

  48. A:perceptual retention B:perceptual defense C:perceptual attention D:perceptual contrast
    AI参考:正确答案是B:perceptual defense。perceptual defense意为“知觉防御”。这道题目不需要进行分析,因为从上下文中可以看出答案是相对明确的,考生只要在给出的选项中进行比较即可做出正确的选择。A项perceptual retention指“知觉记忆”,与上下文意思不符;C项perceptual attention指“知觉注意力”,也不符合题意;D项perceptual contrast指“知觉对比”,虽然与上下文意思有一定关联,但与题干中的“只看到他们想看到的”不符。因此,正确答案是B。'
  49. Ming always buys Nongfu Spring out of habit, which is an example of ________. ( )

  50. A:inertia B:flow state C:low passion D:routine buying
    AI参考:正确答案是D:routine buying。根据题干中的信息,Ming总是习惯性地购买Nongfu Spring,这是一种例行的购买行为,因此答案为D。A选项inertia意为惯性,B选项flow state意为流动状态,C选项low passion意为低热情,这些选项都不符合题干中的描述。'
  51. Dimensions we use to judge the merits of competing options are called ________. ( )

  52. A:attributes B:rational factors C:emotional factors D:evaluative criteria
    AI参考:正确答案是D:evaluative criteria。维度是我们用来判断竞争选项优劣的标准,这些标准被称为评估标准。因此,答案为D,即评估标准。A选项属性是指事物的基本特征或属性,B选项理性因素是指基于理性思考的因素,C选项情感因素是指基于情感或情绪的因素。这些选项都不符合题意。'
  53. A marketing manager who wants to identify opinion leaders for her product category should ________. ( )

  54. A:look for people who stand out in a crowd B:find government officials who use the product C:find intellectuals who can write and speak well so that product communication will be facilitated D:find socially active persons who are intensely interested in the product category and who are similar to the other customers

  55. Instead of spending the weekend working on the research paper due at the end of next week, Ling decided to spend the weekend going out with friends. According to Freudian theory, which system dominated in Ling's decision? ( )

  56. A:The id B:The ego C:The anti-ego D:The superego
    AI参考:根据题目中提供的信息,Ling决定在周末和朋友出去玩而不是花时间完成下周要交的研究论文,这表明她放弃了与任务相关的活动,转而追求个人享乐。这种行为符合弗洛伊德理论中的本我(id)系统,本我系统主要追求个体的本能和欲望,不顾及现实和道德规范。因此,答案是A:The id。'
  57. Weilin Chen is sitting in a class that precedes lunch. His stomach begins to rumble and grumble. Instead of thinking about the day's lecture, Chen begins to think about lunch and his choice of places to eat. He even begins to narrow down the selection of foods that he might want for lunch. Chen is focusing on biological needs that are at present unfulfilled and have produced what might be thought of as an unpleasant state of arousal. Which of the following theories best describes Chen's experience? ( )

  58. A:Theory of cognitive dissonance B:Drive theory C:Fact-and-find theory D:Emotional theory
  59. China is a very tightly knit culture with rich history and social identification. In this culture, people tend to infer meanings that go beyond the spoken word. This classifies China as a ________ culture. ( )

  60. A:high-context B:progressive C:low-context D:paradigm
  61. A brand personality is the set of traits people attribute to a brand as if it were a person. ( )

  62. A:对 B:错

  63. Discretionary income refers to the money available to a household below what is required to survive.( )

  64. A:对 B:错

  65. Time poverty seems to be more a problem of perception than of fact.( )

  66. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。Time poverty确实是一个现实存在的问题,而不是仅仅是一种感知问题。因此,这个判断题是错误的。'
  67. Interpretation is the last stage of the perceptual process.( )

  68. A:对 B:错
  69. Our short-term memory can be transferred into long-term memory via elaborative rehearsal. ( )

  70. A:错 B:对

  71. The ideal body shape of women in China remains consistent over time. ( )

  72. A:错 B:对
  73. Impulse items such as candy or gum are placed near the checkout.( )

  74. A:错 B:对
  75. Motivation explains the strength of behavior, but not its direction.( )

  76. A:错 B:对

  77. The object of an attitude (Ao) can be an object or an issue, but not a person.( )

  78. A:错 B:对
  79. A person’s biological gender does not totally determine whether he or she will exhibit sex-typed trait-characteristics we stereotypically associated with one gender or the other. ( )

  80. A:错 B:对
  81. According to the knowledge of learning, consumers only learn from their direct experiences. ( )

  82. A:对 B:错
  83. Most holidays commemorate a cultural myth.( )

  84. A:错 B:对
  85. Not long after the purchase, Jacob is fed up with his iPhone 11 and begins to wish for a Huawei Mate 30 Pro. In the model of consumer decision making, this is called opportunity recognition in the need recognition stage. ( )

  86. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:题目中提到Jacob对他的iPhone 11感到厌倦,并开始希望拥有一台华为Mate 30 Pro。这是消费者决策过程中的需求识别阶段,在此阶段中,消费者会意识到自己对某种产品的需求。因此,这个说法是正确的,答案是A。'
  87. The looking-glass self is modeled by elements of the pop culture, such as comic book heroes.( )

  88. A:错 B:对
  89. A consumer is a person who identifies a need or desire, makes a purchase, and then disposes of the product. ( )

  90. A:错 B:对
  91. An age cohort consists of people of similar ages who have similar experiences. ( )

  92. A:错 B:对

  93. A typical antecedent state is product disposal. ( )

  94. A:对 B:错

  95. A subculture is a group whose members share beliefs and common experiences that set them apart from others. ( )

  96. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:对。句子中提到"subculture is a group whose members share beliefs and common experiences that set them apart from others",意思是“亚文化是一群人,他们共享信仰和共同的经历,与众不同”。因此,这个判断题的答案是A,即对。'
  97. Social media addiction is different from chemical (i.e., drug) dependency - the latter is typical consumer addiction, whereas the former is a habit easy to be kicked off. ( )

  98. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B。根据原文"Social media addiction is different from chemical (i.e., drug) dependency - the latter is typical consumer addiction, whereas the former is a habit easy to be kicked off."可以判断,社交媒体成瘾不同于化学(如药物)依赖,后者是典型的消费者成瘾,而前者是可以轻易戒掉的习惯。因此,该句所表达的观点是正确的,即B选项为正确答案。'
  99. Instrumental conditioning is also called classical conditioning. ( )

  100. A:错 B:对

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