第二章 Unit 2 College - The ladder to success?:Young people are now facing more challenges in educational choices. On one hand, they need to consider the increasing costs of higher education. On the other hand, they see many new graduates end up being unemployed or getting jobs that don't really require the knowledge learned from college. So, young people are asking themselves: Should I still sacrifice time, effort and money to go to college? Should I focus my studies solely upon a particular type of degree? Should I still include courses in the humanities for a broader based education? Is it more beneficial to just attend a technical or vocational school for easier to find jobs? These questions have bothered young people and yet remain to be answered. So the topic discussion of online learning is about the humanities. The second part is reading skill. The topic is reading for major details. The third part is writing skill. The topic is the focus on an advantage / disadvantage essay.2.1英语怎么说?:Topic Discussion:1. The term Millennial is introduced firstly. Some of the common topics that people talk about job are introduced. First, what you will face in the future job market. Second, what kind of talents are needed in the future society? Third, should you include courses in the humanities in university? What kind of jobs will be replaced by AI in the future? The jobs that are least likely to be replaced by AI usually have some characteristics. 2. During the job application and interview process, employers look for applicants with two skill sets: hard skills and soft skills. Then the term of humanities is introduced. Why do the humanities matter? First, Humanities teach students to think and write. Second, We live in a world increasingly dominated by science. Third, you need jobs when you graduate.
2.2英语怎么读?:Reading Skills:We just talk about the main part of a hamburger essay outline - the supporting details. First, we’d better know what are the functions of supporting details? Supporting details give details of the main ideas and help you understand main ideas and prove a significant point and make it convincing. Those details connect ideas within a paragraph. Second, there are two levels of supporting details: major details and minor details. There are 3 tips you should pay attention to, when talking about supporting details. Why do we need to identify major details? Since reading for major details can improve your comprehension of passages, you must be eager to know how to identify the major details? Step 1, Learn to read for the main idea. Step 2, Separate the major detail from the minor details. Step 3, Focus on the major details. Step 4, sometimes, turning the main idea into a question can help you find the major details.
2.3英语怎么写?:Writing Skills:You will learn a good way to achieve your goals. A particular writing method will be introduced in today's show. That is how to write an advantage or/ disadvantage essay. In this kind of essay, the advantages or disadvantages should be listed or expounded upon. An advantage or /disadvantage essay is categorized as exposition or expository writing.        There are some characteristics. The outline of writing an advantage or/ disadvantage essay falls in one of these three formats: First, advantages and disadvantages; Second, advantages only; Third, disadvantages only.       The basic structure is very simple. First , you should introduce the Topic of the essay. Second, write an Introduction. Third, write a body paragraph by giving the advantages or disadvantages. At last, write a conclusion.
[多选题]According the video, what are the milestones of adulthood? They refer to_______.
starting a family
home ownership
job stability
becoming financially independent
答案:becoming financially independentstarting a familyjob stabilityhome ownership
[判断题]According to the video, a Millennial is a person born between early 1980s and early 2000s.

[多选题]How to identify the major details?
Learn to read for the main idea.
Separate the major detail  from the minor details. 
Focus on the major details. 
答案:Learn to read for the main idea.Separate the major detail  from the minor details.Focus on the major details.
[判断题]There are two levels of supporting details: major details and minor details.

[单选题]A particular writing method  will be introduced in today's show. That is how to write an advantage / disadvantage essay. In this kind of essay, the advantages or ______ should be listed and expounded upon.  
[多选题]The outline of writing an advantage / disadvantage essay falls in one of these three formats. The formats include ______. 
disadvantages only
advantages and disadvantages 
advantages only 
答案:advantages and disadvantagesadvantages onlydisadvantages only

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