第五章 Unit 5 The money game:1. This unit first addresses the topic of “how to manage your money”. Nowadays, it's very necessary for college students to develop an elementary sense of money management, learn to spend money more wisely and cultivate rational consumption views, thus laying a solid foundation for a better life in the future. So the topic discussion of online learning is about how to manage your money. 2. Then this unit deals with the reading skill: Making inferences and mainly covers the following points: definition of inference, examples in daily life, necessity to make inferences, ways to make reasonable inferences and things that should be noted while making inferences. Without the ability to make inferences, readers may be unresponsive to the subtle uses of language and cannot fully understand or enjoy what they read. So there's good reason for you to focus on this reading skill and learn to achieve successful inferences. 3. The third part is writing skill. If you have two items to compare or contrast, what will you do and how can you write an effective essay to show their similarities and differences? This unit will tell you another basic mode to organize comparison and contrast: the block mode. Concentrate on this writing skill, you'll learn how to organize your thoughts more efficiently and effectively.5.1英语怎么说?:Topic Discussion:Although you are still students at present and most of your daily expenses mainly come from your parents, it's still very necessary for you to develop an elementary sense of money management and learn to spend money more wisely.       This lecture will tell you how to manage money:  Firstly, adjust your perspectives. Don't let money management distract you from your studies. Then, budget your money carefully. The next step is to set monthly goals to save at least a bit of money and deposit it in the bank. Besides, practice economy and be thrifty in your daily life. What's more, try to expand the sources of your income. Last but not least, I strongly recommend you to invest your money in all the things that may add values to who you are. This will be the most profitable and rewarding way to manage and invest your money.      Follow my suggestions and try to be the master of your money.
5.2英语怎么读?:Reading Skills:This lecture focuses on the reading skill: Making inferences. An inference is a statement about the unknown made on the basis of the known. As writers often tell us more than they write directly by giving us hints or clues that help us to read between the lines, we need to make inferences to figure out something that is implied, or not specifically stated in the reading material. How to make reasonable inferences? Firstly, identify the inference questions. Secondly, hunt for clues or hints to grasp the literal meaning of the stated facts and ideas before making any interpretation. Then, read beyond the given words. Finally, relate the ideas and deduce additional meaning from them. You may look back at the stated information to be sure that there is sufficient evidence to support your inference and check if it is accurate. Making inferences while reading can help us understand the content more thoroughly and catch the author’s purpose and attitude more efficiently.
5.3英语怎么写?:Writing Skills:This lecture focuses on another basic mode to organize comparison and contrast: the block mode. It consists of two forms. One is the subject-by-subject pattern and the other is the similarity-difference pattern. This pattern is to examine one thing thoroughly and then examine the other. Ideally, you should cover the same points for both subjects and in the same order. There are generally two body paragraphs when using this pattern.      For the similarity - difference pattern, you'll have one paragraph that is entirely focused on all the similarities between the two subjects and then another paragraph for all the differences together. Please note, between the two paragraphs of the block pattern, a strong transition is necessary to indicate the switch, such as “In contrast”, “Although there are a number of similarities, there are also several differences between … and …”, etc.      Anyway, follow the guide and try to write a good comparison or contrast essay!
[判断题]The greatest significance of managing your money lies in how much you’ll earn.

[多选题]Which of the following can be identified as inference questions?
Based on the passage, we can assume that …
The passage implies that…
It can be inferred from the passage that…
The author suggests that …[判断题]In addition to the transitions each time you move from one point to another while still on the same subject, use a strong transition when you switch from one subject to another. 

[单选题]Which of the following statement is NOT true according to this lecture?
There’s no need for you to consider whether the points for comparison or contrast can support the purpose of your writing or not. 
There’re generally two body paragraphs when using the subject-by-subject pattern.
In your essay, you’d better write a concise thesis statement.
You may use transitions to guide readers to follow the flow of your thoughts. [单选题]The ______ pattern is to examine one subject thoroughly and then examine the other, covering the same points for both subjects and in the same order.
subject-by-subject [单选题]In the subject-by-subject pattern, “subject” refers to ______ .
the aspects used to develop your essay
the similarities or differences to be focused on
the items or people to be compared or contrasted
the points to be compared or contrasted

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