1. The sentence “大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。” is from The Analects of Confucius.( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. In the sentence “You may have cried tears of joy to be finally finished with high school...”, the writer uses the part of speech--metaphor.( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. In ancient China, the objective of learning is to help students develop sound personality and moral integrity and thus make them qualified for exercising governance. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. When Amy Chua published her book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, the westerners thought she provided a perfect method to educate kids.( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. Before you scan a text, you will have some rough idea of specific information being looked for. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. Cliff Young has only completed one marathon race. ( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. According to the text, the stories of heroes help remind us that ordinary people can do extraordinary things and being inspired by them. ( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. Judge the following translation of “警察腐败,与那伙毒品贩子内外勾结。” with [对] or [错] ---- The police were corrupt and were operating in collusion with the drug dealers. ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. In question-example-conclusion pattern, a conclusion is always drawn. ( )

  18. 答案:错
  19. Not all the acts of heroism can come to public attention,some are even unappreciated. ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. Marathon can only be completed by running. ( )

  22. 答案:错
  23. Using adverbials of time and sequence gives the essay a narrative coherence. ( )
  24. Prefix “mis-” can be used together with noun, verb, adjective, adverb and means wrong. Which of the following expression is correct?( )
  25. Which of the following statements are the meaning of the prefix “trans-”?( )
  26. What do you think we should do to honor heroes? ( )
  27. Which of the following suffixes can be combined with verbs to form nouns? ( )
  28. To avoid an oil shortage more machines must ( )solar energy.
  29. I mean, I was a bit insulted that they thought I needed ( ) to shut up.
  30. I know I’m capable of doing this job, ( )I haven’t got the chance to prove myself.
  31. We endeavor to uphold international fairness and justice, and oppose acts that impose one’s will on others or( )with the internal affairs of others.
  32. The human organism learns partly by nature, partly by( ).
  33. Vitamin( )in the diet can cause illness.
  34. Dependence on non-renewable resources may put natural environment at( )of irreversible damage.
  35. I felt terribly sorry to learn that his sister ( ) after having fought against cancer for many years.
  36. Parents want to know the best way to( )and raise their child to adulthood.
  37. Don’t cut( )with the part of basic knowledge, which will lay a firm foundation for intensive study in the future.
  38. Which of the following is the most ideal working place for most college students?( )
  39. In China, people have broad, continuous, and( )participation in day-to-day political activities.
  40. ( )means who does an activity just for pleasure, not as their job.
  41. Although somehow abstract, the article is full of biblical and historical ( ).
  42. This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important ( )of American life.
  43. According to the text, the job of first responders is to rush towards ( ).
  44. I felt he was wrong, although I didn’t say so( )at the time.
  45. A table made of steel costs more than ( ) made of wood.
  46. Call your doctor for advice if the ( ) persist for more than a few days.
  47. We are going to have a concert to ( ) money for charity.
  48. The mascot of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is ( ).
  49. The concept of heroes changes with the times. ( )
  50. Judge the following translation of “他被指控剽窃同事的成果。” with [对] or [错] ---- He was accounted of plagiarizing his colleague’s results. ( )
  51. From the text, we know Cliff Young is a famous athlete. ( )
  52. The purpose of skimming and scanning are different.( )
  53. Metaphor means a word or phrase used to describe somebody or something else, in a way that is different from its normal use, in order to show that the two things have the same qualities and to make the description more powerful. ( )
  54. Judge the following translation of “竞选活动期间,他许诺要致力于恢复经济。” with [对] or [错] ---- During his election campaign he promised to put the economy back on its feet. ( )
  55. A great report is built upon insight, which is one of important attributes of a qualified report.( )
  56. In the word submarine, the prefix sub- means inferior. ( )
  57. As university students, it’s useless to strengthen communication with the parents because they are already grown up.( )
  58. Reports in the pattern of listing usually begin with pieces of information listed one by one.( )
  59. Which of the following statements are important factors to compose a good paragraph?( )
  60. When the president in Unit One took photograph with his father after high school graduation, his father sent him a clock. Why is the clock mentioned by the president in his speech?( )
  61. You should be able to( )right from wrong.
  62. I found it difficult to ( ) my career ambitions with the need to bring up my children.
  63. The new airport will ( ) the development of tourism.
  64. When people feel pain in the muscles and cannot move easily, which of following statement can one use to express the feeling?( )
  65. He always wanted to ( ) all his possessions and return to life in nature.
  66. Facing the severe and complicated COVID-19 situation, Chinese government adopted various measures to prevent the epidemic from taking its( )on people’s lives and property.
  67. The tourist industry ( ) greatly to the economy of that country.
  68. The twins are( ). They go everywhere together.
  69. You say that you’re good friends and yet you don’t trust him. Isn’t that a( )?
  70. It is ( ) to sell cigarettes to children who are under age.
  71. I stood in the driveway and watched him back out and( ).
  72. The threat of inflation is already( )in food prices.
  73. Most science-fiction writers seek to persuade readers that the world they have created is ( )and is derived from scientific principles.
  74. I was too frightened to( )a word.
  75. In 2021, the increase of fixed asset investment was( )at 4.9 percent year-on-year to over 54.45 trillion yuan.
  76. More than 80 million people who have moved from rural to urban areas have gained ( )urban residency.
  77. Conclusion and introduction of a research report are always interactive to each other.( )
  78. Emergency refers to sudden serious event or situation requiring immediate action.( )
  79. Weighing up between working on campus and off campus is the first step to take before starting the “earn-as-you-learn” approach.( )
  80. Working students often take different working patterns at school and during holidays.( )
  81. Judge the following translation of “学校都建在一个校区内,以便资源共享。” with [对] or [错] ---- Schools located in the same campus facilitated the sharing of resources. ( )
  82. Chronological sentences are easy to follow when telling stories. ( )
  83. There are two ways of organizing paragraphs developed by cause and effect, stating effect at the beginning or predicting the effect in the latter part.( )
  84. In Chinese, there aren’t euphemisms at all. ( )
  85. Judge the following translation of “我们已经额外雇用员工来应付增加了的工作量。”with [对] or [错] ---- We have taken on extra staff to cope with the increased workload. ( )
  86. If you want to look for the price of a specific item, you’d better skim the catalogue. ( )
  87. Athletes can not sleep during the marathon race. ( )
  88. Civilian heroes refer to those ordinary people who have answered the call of the times and made extraordinary contributions in their ordinary positions. ( )
  89. Ultra-marathon was 100 miles from Melbourne to Sydney. ( )
  90. Comparison points out the differences between two or more items, while contrast underlines the similarities between them.( )
  91. Influenced by the book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother published by Amy Chua, not only Chinese but also westerners agree that to be strict is helpful to the growth of the kids.( )
  92. A qualified report follows a specific-general-specific order.( )
  93. Development by example makes abstract ideas in a report logical and impressive.( )
  94. Style of a report determines how quickly readers can understand the key points.( )
  95. When we write an essay of contrast, the block structure includes both the “similarity/difference” structure and the “subject to subject” structure. ( )
  96. Cliff Young has broken the record by 9 hours. ( )
  97. Which of the following prefixes can be used to form new words expressing the opposite meaning to the original words? ( )
  98. Skimming is usually done when reading ( ) .
  99. Which of the following statement about Jixia Academy is correct?( )
  100. What qualities do the heroes have? ( )
  101. According to the president of the university in Unit One, college students should shoulder the following three responsibilities ( ).
  102. 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics was held in Beijing in ( ), 2022.
  103. The secretary went through the typescript carefully to ( ) all errors from it.
  104. The audience burst into( )applause for the great show.
  105. Every one of us must resolutely oppose all statements and actions that( ), distort, or negate Party leadership and the Chinese socialist system.
  106. In spite of all effort the doctors had done, her burns refuse to( ).
  107. Some science students reach a high ( )of English competence in communication.
  108. Benevolence is the nature of man, which finds expression in one’s love for his kin. This sentence is from ( ).
  109. Which of the following usages of the word authority is different from the others? ( )
  110. The sick person has taken a ( )for the better.
  111. Before he sank into unconsciousness, he ( )towards the window and managed to open it.
  112. It is not advisable to burn the midnight( )to study when the final approaching, for staying up late undermines learner’s memory.
  113. The army was forced to( )after suffering heavy losses.
  114. She ( ) that we not stay at the hotel, but stay in her house.
  115. Skimming is a type of fast reading whose aim is to get the ( ).
  116. She was overwhelmed with ( ) and couldn't speak for a moment.
  117. How can students keep a good balance between work and study?( )
  118. What is the author’s purpose in writing this essay. ( )
  119. Students are expected to be quiet and ( )in an Asian classroom.
  120. The government had a ( ), if not a legal, duty to pay compensation.
  121. The advantages of taking part-time jobs include sharing parents’ financial burden, earning extra spending money, accumulating undergraduate experience, and( ).
  122. In ancient China, the content of learning in Xiaoxue is ( ).
  123. During the past decades, our nation has made( )advances on the theoretical and cultural fronts.
  124. Many of the earliest ( ) into United States plantation.
  125. Graphite is a highly efficient( )of electricity.
  126. I think my car is( ) it never starts when I need it.
  127. When we write an essay of contrast, a “similarity/difference” structure refers to the structure in which one part focuses on the similarity while the other part focuses on the difference . ( )
  128. ( ), the wedding ceremony went off without a hitch.
  129. Nothing can( )the loss of family.
  130. If you look at the problem( ), you will see it’s not that complicated.
  131. Other( )in making forecasts for the tourism industry include the weather and the general economic climate.
  132. When we write an essay of contrast, a “subject to subject” structure refers to the structure in which each part focuses on one subject of comparison. ( )
  133. We may find the topic sentence at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a paragraph. ( )
  134. When we write an essay of contrast, a point by point pattern refers to the structure in which each part focuses on one point of comparison. ( )
  135. In a paragraph, the supporting details support, describe, or explain the main idea.( )
  136. The telecom industry in Australia is very small( )the rest of the world.
  137. Grammatical suffixes are more useful than derivational suffixes for readers to identify the meaning of an unfamiliar word. ( )
  138. When things go wrong, all of us naturally feel disappointed and ( ).
  139. She'd need all her strength and bravery to ( ) with what lay in store.
  140. Synonyms, antonyms, definitions, and examples are all helpful in understanding the meaning of an unknown word. ( )
  141. They were told that they should ( ) the refugees.
  142. Wage rates must be maintained in order to maintain the ( ) power of the consumer.
  143. Giving examples is a compulsory part of writing specific details. ( )
  144. When using examples to develop an argument, it is acceptable to use ambiguous or abstract examples. ( )
  145. In a paragraph, the topic sentence is used to express the main idea of the paragraph, and specific details are used to support and explain the main idea. ( )
  146. The full transcription of the interview is ( ).
  147. It is generally assumed that employment during school time helps build character, which is actually a misconception.( )
  148. On-campus job is the top choice for college students because it ensures their safety and interests and offers a higher income than the off-campus ones.( )
  149. Long working hours may lead to increased alcohol and drug use for the sake of relieving the anxiety for peer pressure.( )
  150. Working students’ commitment to school would be generated anew once they stop working or reduce the work hours.( )
  151. Working for no more than 10 hours a week is less likely to affect school performance of college students.( )
  152. The perfect working time for students is no more than 10 hours weekly without undermining their school performance.( )
  153. Evening work interferes with college students both academically and physically.( )
  154. Cheating for exams is one of the common responses to the time pressure on working students.( )
  155. A part-time job is an essential part of undergraduate experience, whether the students need extra spending money or want a productive way to spend extra hours during the week.( )
  156. Students would probably become less interested in schoolwork when earning more spending money from part-time jobs.( )
  157. He holds ( ) over his rivals in the election.
  158. She open the door and saw him holding a bunch of flowers. ( )she fell in love with him.
  159. Time order words are used to guide the readers through a series of things that happened chronologically. ( )
  160. The greatest modern international sports competition is the Olympics. ( )
  161. They are ready to take action ( ) what will happen in the future.
  162. The show was a waste of money and time. I ( ) have stayed home. ( )
  163. We ( ) honor above money.
  164. Cliff came to ( )again in 1997, at age of 75, when he attempted to become the oldest man to run around Australia.
  165. In writing, euphemisms are used to avoid offending others or making them uncomfortable. ( )
  166. People of( ) and talent around the world were present to attend the conference.
  167. Only those who sacrifice their lives to save others can be hailed as heroes. ( )
  168. Civilian hero refers to an ordinary person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for brave deeds and noble qualities. ( )
  169. Studies show that practicing self-discipline, increases self-discipline in ( ) acts.
  170. Skimming and scanning are ( ).
  171. Which statement of Nelson Mandela is true? ( )
  172. The prefix “sub-” means( ).
  173. The question raised at the beginning in question-example-conclusion pattern is called a rhetorical question. ( )
  174. ”Heroes in harm’s way ”can be interpreted as “最美逆行者”in Chinese.( )
  175. Which of the following options does not belong to first responder?( )
  176. “In times of adversity, there have always been heroes standing forward. This reflects the great spirit of the Chinese nation”. In the sentence, “adversity” refers to( ).
  177. Young people now have more and more means to ______ their friends. ( )。
  178. Text A emphasizes the positive effects of the electronic gadgets on students’ studies and lives. ( )
  179. Millions of people ______ their attention ______ commodities which are good in quality and low in price. ( )。
  180. Her long, blonde hair and bright pink dress made her ______ in the crowd. ( )。
  181. _________ up-to-date information is essential to our research. ( )。
  182. With computer technologies widely used, we will cultivate a generation of people who are good at solving problems and thinking originally. These people are needed for the future of the world. ( )
  183. The chairman always ______ in everything and is deeply trusted by the masses. ( )
  184. According to text A, what can teachers and students do with their smartphones? ( )
  185. Many countries are trying to find out what ______ the disappearance of MH370 airplane. ( )
  186. Paragraph 2 describes how students use new technologies only in class. ( )
  187. In both Chinese and Western cultures, there are a lot of statements about the love of parents to kids.( )
  188. Confucianism holds that love for one’s parents should be extended to others.( )
  189. What’s the feelings of the mother when she mentions that the vehicle her daughter bought is too large and too expensive?( )
  190. The correct order of organizing the paragraph is ( ).
  191. When the mother cleans the books in her daughter’s bedroom, she puts the books in the plastic bags and throws them away directly. ( )
  192. All the ancient philosophers agree on this point that the love for one’s own parents should also be extended to others so that it will foster public virtue.( )
  193. When describing the people who work for a particular company, organization, or institution, which word is usually used?( )
  194. Which word is more formal and the objects are usually some abstract words, such as decision, reply, arrival, return, announcement and so on? ( )
  195. Suffix -ment usually combines with verb to form noun. ( )
  196. When the mother lists various books, such as comic books, teen fiction, romantic novels, historical novels, and textbooks, in her daughter’s bedroom, the mother indicates that ( ).
  197. The word “comprehend” is the verb form of “comprehension”. ( )
  198. When the president introduces the resources on campus in Paragraph Four, he only mentions about the interesting schoolmates and knowledgeable and helpful teachers.( )
  199. What’s the meaning of pose in the sentence “She adopted an elegant pose”?( )
  200. In Jixia Academy, all the students who wanted to enter into it must be checked strictly.( )
  201. From the aspect of the content of learning,“Daxue”in ancient China refers to ( ).
  202. In ancient China, Daxue refers to( ).
  203. According to the president of the university in Unit one, the success of university freshmen is only due to the students’ hard work.( )
  204. A comprehensive library refers to ( ).
  205. Usually writers state the main idea in a topic sentence ( ).
  206. Who is the writer of the poem “Ten thousand years are too long; seize the day, seize the hour”?( )
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