1. Who initiated and developed psychoanalytic methods(精神分析法)? ( )
A:Sigmund Freud B:Otto Rank C:Erickson D:Anna Freud
2. What do behaviorists(行为主义者)think determines behavior? ( )
A:unconsciousness(无意识) B:inheritance(遗传) C:consciousness(意识) D:environment(环境)
3. Behaviorists believe that if psychology is to become an objective science, what should only be studied? ( )
A:observable behavior B:free will C:thought D:minds
4. It developed in America in the early 1960s, and was termed the third force in psychology. What was it? ( )
A:Psychoanalytic B:Structuralist psychology C:Humanistic psychology D:Behaviorism psychology
5. When will cognitive psychology become the dominant paradigm of psychological research? ( )
A:In the 1950s B:In the 1960s C:In the 1970s D:in the late 1950s and early 1960s
6. According to Galen, a Greek doctor, what can personality and temperament be related to? ( )
A:environmental factor B:experience C:the levels of body fluids such as blood and bile in the body D:genetic factors
7. The biological approach mainly adopts a(n) ( ) to generalize biological influences on behavior to all humans with similar physiology, but finds the use of particular “special case studies” very useful.
A:idiographic method(特殊规律研究法) B:observation method(观察法) C:mathematical method(数学法) D:nomothetic approach(一般规律法)
8. The basic assumption of humanistic method in psychology is a proper understanding of human nature can only be gained from studying ( ).
A:other animals B:white mice C:dogs D:humans
9. According to the psychoanalytic approach to psychology(精神分析法), behavior is motivated by two basic instinctual drives. They are ( ).
A:the sex drive from Thanatos and the death instinct B:the aggression drive from Eros and the life instinct C:the sex drive from Eros and the life instinct D:the aggression drive from Thanatos and the death instinct
10. Fraud's psychoanalytic approach had a great impact on psychology and psychiatry, and was developed in different ways by psychoanalysts such as ( ).
A:Jung B:Erickson C:Alder D:Watson

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