1.In Armenia(亚美尼亚) and Azerbaijan(阿塞拜疆), residents may have learned during their childhoods ethnic prejudices(种族歧视) that later ___ aggressive behaviors. ( )
A:reduced B:decreased C:fostered D:cut down
2.The explanatory variables cannot be directly observed, but rather must be inferred from ___. For example, we may infer that our friend has the trait of aggressiveness because he always gets into fights. ( ).
A:cognition B:attitude C:behavior D:belief 3.______ comprise the cognitive information people hold about various people and things. ( )
A:Plans B:Dreams C:Beliefs D:Attitudes 4.______ are evaluative responses (that is, reactions of liking or disliking) to people and things. ( )
A:Plans B:Dreams C:Attitudes D:Beliefs 5.A(n) ___--a kind of mental model or theory that people hold--contains the information we have about social groups and social settings, and even about ourselves. ( )
A:schema(图式) B:plan(计划) C:memory(记忆) D:emotion(情绪) 6.Each person we meet is a unique individual, a fact that makes our social world extremely varied and complex. Consequently, we simplify matters by forming ___representations(表征) of types of people on the basis of important or noticeable similarities and differences between them. ( )
A:mental B:external C:physical D:internal 7.The factors that a social scientist might use to explain human behavior, including ( )
A:individual-level explanations(个体水平的因素) B:broad/group-level explanations(群体水平的因素) C:internal factors(内部因素) D:impulses(冲动) 8.An individual's past environment can exert a potent effect on social behavior. One explanation for the observed tendency for women to be less aggressive than men is that girls and women are consistently taught to be less aggressive by___, ___, and ___. ( )
A:themselves B:their peers C:family members D:the mass media 9.Research on conformity(从众) investigates how pressures from groups of people induce individuals to shift their stated ___ and ___. ( )
A:attitudes B:beliefs C:emotions D:appearance 10. Human aggression is influenced by individual-level factors, such as___ and ___. ( )
A:heredity and physiology (遗传和生理) B:past environment(过去环境) C:cultural and social factors(社会文化因素) D:biology and evolutionary factors(生物进化因素)

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