1. The ____ is a new disorder that made its first appearance in DSM-IV and involves a period of intense anxiety that lasts for one month or less. ( )
A:obsessive-compulsive disorder(强迫症) B:panic disorder(惊恐障碍) C:acute stress disorder(急性应激障碍) D:generalized anxiety disorder(广泛性焦虑障碍)
2.A(An) ____ involves brief periods of exceptionally intense spontaneous anxiety, and they are unpredictable. They seem to come "out of the blue" and can even appear during sleep. ( ).
A:obsessive-compulsive disorder(强迫症) B:posttraumatic stress disorder(创伤后应激障碍) C:generalized anxiety disorder(广泛性焦虑障碍) D:panic disorder(惊恐障碍) 3.The _____ involves general, persistent anxiety that lasts for at least a month and is not associated with any particular object or situation. ( )
A:acute stress disorder(急性应激障碍) B:generalized anxiety disorder(广泛性焦虑障碍) C:obsessive-compulsive disorder(强迫症) D:panic disorder(惊恐障碍) 4.The _____ has undoubtedly existed through history, but it has only gained widespread attention since it was observed in veterans of the Vietnam conflict. The major symptom of this disorder is reexperiencing of a traumatic event. ( )
A:generalized anxiety disorder(广泛性焦虑障碍) B:obsessive-compulsive disorder(强迫症) C:posttraumatic stress disorder(创伤后应激障碍) D:panic disorder(惊恐障碍) 5.____, also called social phobia, is defined as an overwhelming and disabling fear of scrutiny, embarrassment, or humiliation in everyday social situations which leads to avoidance of potentially pleasurable and meaningful activities. ( )
A:Social anxiety disorder(社交恐惧症) B:Generalized anxiety disorder(广泛性焦虑障碍) C:Panic disorder(惊恐障碍) D:Obsessive-compulsive disorder(强迫症) 6.For panic disorder, between attacks, the individual is often___ about possible impending attacks, therefore causing an___ general level of anxiety. ( )
A:reduced(减少的) B:anxious(焦虑的) C:relaxed(放松的) D:elevated(升高的) 7.When it comes to the posttraumatic stress disorder(创伤后应激障碍), in addition to the reexperiencing, there is often a general numbing ___ involvement with the ___world. ( )
A:reduced B:increased C:external D:inner 8.According to the Social Phobia/ Social Anxiety Association (SP/SAA), people with social phobia usually find their anxiety triggered by situations such as: ( ).
A:being introduced to other people B:being watched or observed while doing something. C:being the center of attention. D:being teased or criticized. 9.Most kinds of abnormal behavior are far less dramatic than the symptoms of the wall-pounding schizophrenic(精神分裂症), in fact, most people with psychological disorders seem "normal” most of the time. ( )
A:错 B:对 10.It is important not to confuse panic attacks(惊恐障碍)with the intense periods that are associated with physical exertion and the stress of real life-threatening situations. ( )
A:错 B:对

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