1. In order to deal with the anxiety caused by the tense relationship between ID(本我)and superego(超我), what is the most basic defense mechanism? ( )
A:sublimation(升华) B:projection(投射) C:denial(否认) D:repression(压抑)
2. Granted, ( ) can encourage or discourage the expression of a given trait. An aggressive person, for example, is more likely to display aggressiveness on a tennis court than in church.
A:general quality of mood(情绪的总体质量) B:situational pressures(情境压力) C:activity level(活动水平) D:attention span(注意广度) 3. Beholders are prone to many perceptual biases. ( ) is a tendency to maintain our first impression of a person even if her or she acts quite differently later.
A:The phenomenon that we tend to see most people in only one role B:The so-called primary effect C:The fact that our own behavior may conspire to produce the illusion of consistency in others D:The tendency to modify behavior according to situational demands 4. ( ) in Bicultural Identity Integration (BII; that is, how bicultural experience their dual culture identities) may moderate the relationship between culture-based variability in personality and well-being. ( )
A:Contextual variability B:Situational differences C:Individual difference D:Contextual difference 5.To nurture growth in others, what did Carl Rogers advise(卡尔 罗杰斯)? ( )
A:be accepting B:be genuine C:be empathic. D:be serious 6.When James Conley measured the traits of several hundred adults at three different times in their lives, he discovered that ( ), ( ), and ( ) in particular remained remarkable stable even over a forty-five-year period. ( )
A:extraversion(外向性) B:impulse control(冲动控制) C:neuroticism(神经质) D:medulla (髓质) 7.Because we tend to want consistency in our ( ) and ( ), we often discount information that doesn't fit our initial view. ( )
A:breath(呼吸) B:beliefs(信念) C:pituitary(垂体) D:perceptions(知觉) 8.Many times our behavior is quite predictable from one context to another, suggesting that ______, as well as ______, influence how we act. ( )
A:hippocampus(海马体) B:inner traits(内在特质) C:development(发展) D:situations(情境) 9.Rather than explain the hidden aspects of personality, trait theorists have explained the predispositions that underlie our actions. ( )
A:对 B:错 10.Humanistic psychologists(人本主义心理学家) assess personality through questionnaires that rate self-concept and by seeking to understand others' subjective personal experiences in therapy. ( )
A:对 B:错

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