1. The therapeutic effects of moxibustion can be concluded as follows:( )

  2. 答案:Removing blood stasis and stagnation###Restoring yang from collapse###Preventing diseases and keeping healthy###Warming the meridians and expelling the coldness
  3. Which meridians should be classified into the twelve regular meridians: ( )

  4. 答案:Heart meridian of hand-shaoyin###Kidney meridian of foot-shaoyin###Lung meridian of hand-taiyin###Spleen meridian of foot-taiyin
  5. What is the indications of Si Jun Zi Tang?( )

  6. 答案:Spleen qi deficiency###Stomach qi deficiency
  7. Phlegm and fluid retention can be caused by ( )

  8. 答案:Internal damage caused by seven emotions###Lack of exercises###Six pathogenic factors
  9. In the history of the development of filiform needle, filiform needle was ever made of ( )

  10. 答案:Stone###Bronze###Bone###Bamboo
  11. Restriction among five elements includes ( )

  12. 答案:Metal restricting wood###Earth restricting water###Wood restricting earth
  13. In addition to symptoms characterized by blood stasis, which information is helpful to make the diagnosis of blood stasis? ( )

  14. 答案:A history of bleeding###A long course of disease###A history of trauma###A history of delivery
  15. The function of lung in governing qi mainly reflects in ( )

  16. 答案:Lung regulating qi movements of the whole body###Lung governing the generation of pectoral qi###Lung governing qi of respiration
  17. The function of liver in storing blood mainly reflects in ( )

  18. 答案:Prevention bleeding###Regulation of blood volume###Storage of blood
  19. The pushing with one finger manipulation, operators can use the below parts ( )

  20. 答案:All the whole surface of the thumb###The side of the thumb###Tip of the thumb
  21. According to five-element theory, which symptoms can be regarded as the diagnostic basis for heart disease? ( )

  22. 答案:Red complexion###Redness on the tip of tongue
  23. According to five-element theory, which symptoms can be regarded as the diagnostic basis for liver disease? ( )
  24. the important aspects of inspection refers to ( )
  25. The cervical spondylosis can be classified into ( ) types
  26. The point of Baihui(百会穴) is good at treating( ).
  27. Operator can use the below parts to operate the rolling manipulation ( )
  28. The condition of ( ) can indicate whether kidney qi is abundant or deficient.
  29. Severe vomiting may lead to manifestations of ( )
  30. What is the medicinal composition of Yin Qiao San?( ).
  31. There are several kinds of needling inserting methods with both hands: ( )
  32. There are about( )acupoints of the fourteen meridians recorded in Huang Di Nei Jing (The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic) .
  33. When the patient is standing erect with the hands down close to the sides, the point of Fengshi is where the tip of the middle finger touches. This method is ( ).
  34. Regarding the distinction between the exterior and the interior, it is incorrect that ( )
  35. The width of the interphalangeal joint of the patient’s thumb is taken as( )cun.
  36. Tuina can treat the cervical spondylosis with the type of cervical myelopathy being pressed severely. ( )
  37. Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing (The A-B Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion) was written by Huang Fu-mi during the period of the( )Dynasty.
  38. Which one is the characteristic of blood stasis in causing diseases? ( )
  39. The appropriate treatment for Yin deficiency is ( )
  40. Certain type of cervical spondylosis will not affect the habit of urine and bowel. ( )
  41. In 1960s, Chinese doctors succeeded in performing surgical operations by using acupuncture anesthesia. ( )
  42. Which one is not the normal standard of SHEN ( )
  43. The organ that can dissolve dampness and dislikes dampness is ( )
  44. All physiological functions of human body actually depend on movements of qi. ( )
  45. In chronic disease, the tongue was red and with little coating, often seen in ( )
  46. The very special and important stage which analyze the causes, nature, location, manifestation, special characteristics and its own mechanism is ( )
  47. The sentence “Internal change must exhibit external manifestations (有诸内者必形诸外)”is under the guidance of the theory of ( )
  48. Which organ is not directly related to blood circulation? ( )
  49. Symptoms as tiresome, unwilling to speak and dispiritedness caused by fire pathogen is due to its characteristic of ( )
  50. Experts believe that the origin of acupuncture therapy can be traced back to the( ).
  51. For external wind syndrome, the key for differentiation is defending qi struggling With Pathogenic Qi in the exterior level.( )
  52. Pinching on spinal, it has the adjusting function. ( )
  53. It is generally believed that meridians and collaterals are related to blood vessel, lymph and nerve. ( )
  54. The relationship between ( ) mainly reflects in the relationship between qi and blood.
  55. Which one is not the common cause for blood stasis? ( )
  56. The frequency of kneading is 200 times per minute. ( )
  57. The characteristics of greasy tongue coating is( )
  58. Pinch skin insertion is suitable for ( )
  59. The( )Dynasty was the peak time for the development of acupuncture and moxibustion.
  60. The upmost organs that related to the generation of qi of the whole body are ( )
  61. Tuina has no good effective on treating the frozen shoulder. ( )
  62. Many factors cause the osteoarthritis on the flat roof of the cervical centrums, but the intervertebral discs degeneration is the dominated one. ( )
  63. The lumbar disc herniation is normally happened between L4-L5, L5-S1. ( )
  64. Tuina can treat some gynecological diseases such as ( )
  65. The general requirements of Tuina manipulations are ( )
  66. When you do the rubbing manipulation, should let the subcutaneous tissue to move ( )
  67. The frequency of kneading manipulation is ( )
  68. The cervical spondylosis will affect ( )
  69. Tuina can classified into many types as the followings:( ).
  70. The contact surface of rolling manipulation includes ( )
  71. The cervical disc herniation is easily happen between ( )
  72. The frequency of rolling manipulation is ( ).
  73. The book “The Canon Of Massage For Children” was published in ( ).
  74. The cyclic flow of qi and blood of the twelve regular meridians starts from( )meridian.
  75. Today, the most commonly used needle in clinic is( ).
  76. Yi Xue Ru Men says: “At the sick locations of human body where herbs and acupuncture cannot make effects,( )should be used.”
  77. The name of an acupoint helps to understand the location, functions and indications of this acupoint.( )
  78. After arrival of qi, the patient will feel( )around the point.
  79. According to the knowledge of finger measurement, we know that the taller the patient is, the shorter patient’s cun will be. ( )
  80. In ancient medical literature, there are other terms to describe acupoints such as( ).
  81. Acupuncture also has good effects on arthritis and paralysis of pets.( )
  82. Names of the twelve regular meridians consists of three factors: ( ).
  83. The completion of( )marked the establishment of the theory of acupuncture and moxibustion.
  84. Which one is not the medicinal composition of Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San? ( )
  85. What is the fundamental formula for treating warm diseases at the early stage ( )
  86. Which one belongs to the indications of Liu Wei Di Huang Wan?( )
  87. Which one has the function of nourishing blood and astringing yin, and softening liver to relieve pain? ( )
  88. Vomiting caused by obstruction of dampness turbid in the middle jiao is appropriate to be treated by ( )
  89. Drugs of similar characters and functions are used in coordination to strengthen their effects. This relationship is named as ( )
  90. Chinese medicinals with bitter taste can be used in ( )
  91. According to the theory of five flavors of Chinese medicinals, herbs with the function of tonification usually have the taste of ( )
  92. According to the theory of five flavors of Chinese medicinals, herbs with function of dispersing and promoting qi movements usually have the taste of ( )
  93. Which one is the medicinal composition of Si Jun Zi Tang?( )
  94. The medicinal that functions in strengthening spleen and calming the mind is ( )
  95. The combination of Chai Hu, Bai Shao and Dang Gui of Xiao Yao San is to ( )
  96. The exact description of the prevention and treatment characteristics of TCM is ( )
  97. The radical principle of treatment is ( )
  98. Nip a disease in the bud means ( )
  99. During the acute and emergency situation, the treatment should change into( )
  100. The most suitable treatment for Yin deficiency is ( )
  101. The hyperactivity evil qi invading while health qi also powerful situation will lead to ( ) syndrome
  102. “Treating cold with heat” belongs to which treatment method ( )
  103. “Treating the undiseased” includes two aspects ( )
  104. The strength of health qi mainly depends on ( )
  105. The “root”(本) of disease refers to ( )
  106. The deficiency syndrome of lung mostly caused by ( )
  107. The Zang-fu syndrome differentiation should focus on ( )
  108. The common manifestation for the heart deficiency syndrome is ( )
  109. The cold syndrome mostly were caused by ( )
  110. The pathological manifestations of heart-small intestine system mostly can be found in ( ) aspects
  111. The representative pulse of half exterior-half interior syndrome is ( )
  112. The guiding principle among the eight-principle syndrome differentiation is ( )
  113. The typical symptom of blood stasis is ( )
  114. The typical difference between qi deficiency syndrome and qi sinking syndrome is ( )
  115. The most common differentiation method among all the Syndrome differentiation is ( )
  116. Which syndrome manifested as lake of qi, lassitude, dizziness and spontaneous sweating ( )
  117. The key distinguish points for exterior syndrome are ( )
  118. Pitting edema of the face, limbs or over the entire body, heaviness, distension, dullness on percussion, scanty urine, enlarged tongue mostly refers to ( )syndrome
  119. A healthy people’s pulse is( ) pulse beats in one breath
  120. In the right hand, Guan mai area is indicate ( )zang-fu organs.
  121. According to the relative distribution of zang-fu organs on the tongue, the tip of the tongue belongs to ( ).
  122. In TCM, The causes of pain can be classified into two:( )
  123. In the five colors complexion, the white complexion indicate ( )
  124. Fever and aversion to cold alternately occur as follows:( )
  125. In the five colors complexion, the red corresponding to which Zang( )
  126. The diagnostic methods of TCM Diagnostics refer to ( )
  127. In the five colors complexion, the yellow corresponding to which Zang( )
  128. The broad meaning of SHEN is ( ).
  129. A chronic disease patient manifested with sick tongue with red and little tongue coating, often seen in ( )
  130. The content of physique inspection includes ( )
  131. The onset and change of disease is a reflection of the struggle between( )
  132. A sudden onset of edema with face and the general body dropsy, oliguria, white and thin coating, and floating pulse, it is probably caused by invasion of ( )
  133. A patient manifested as joints aching, heavy sensation and numbness in limbs, which aggravated in rainy days. It may be caused by ( )
  134. Diseases caused by pathogenic cold mostly present pain. It is due to ( )
  135. The immediate occurrence type of the onset of disease refers to ( )
  136. An exterior syndrome caused by six pathogenic factors fails to be cured in time, it may transmit ( )
  137. The pathogen likely to attack lung is ( D ); the pathogen likely to obstruct spleen is ( )
  138. The pathogen easily to cause qi stagnation is ( );
  139. Pathogenic dampness is viscous, therefore, it may lead to symptoms as ( )
  140. Over intake of cold and raw food is likely to impair ( )
  141. The pathogen causing vexation, insomnia, or even mania is probably ( )
  142. Which pathogen is likely to cause dry cough or cough with sticky sputum difficulty in expectoration? ( )
  143. Which is not the characteristics of phlegm in causing diseases? ( )
  144. When spleen fails in transforming and transporting water, there will be pathological products such as ( )?
  145. The pathogen tends to attack yang position is ( A ); the pathogen tends to attack yin position is ( )
  146. Diseases caused by pestilent qi are closely related with ( )
  147. Excessive anger will cause qi to ( )
  148. The followings are related to the formation of blood stasis except for ( )
  149. Which is not the characteristics of pathogenic fire in causing diseases? ( )
  150. Excessive anger damages the function of liver in ( )
  151. Normal blood circulation relies on the balance of qi’s function in ( )
  152. The growth and development of human body depends on qi’s function in ( A ); after metabolism, body fluid is discharged from sweat and urine, it depends on qi’s function in ( ).
  153. Blood is composed of ( )
  154. The major force for blood circulation is ( A ); the major force to consolidate blood flowing inside vessels is ( )
  155. Blood house (血府)refers to ( )
  156. Qi transformation specifically reflects in ( )
  157. Nutritive qi and defensive qi are common in ( )
  158. Qi movements include ( )
  159. After metabolism, fluid is excreted in the way of the followings except for ( )
  160. The most fundamental qi of human body is ( )
  161. The material basis for mental activities is ( )
  162. The generation of qi is mainly bases on cooperation among ( )
  163. The relationship between qi and blood mainly reflects in ( )
  164. The one which is to nourish brain and marrow, as well as to facilitate joints is ( )
  165. One kind of qi that accumulates in the chest is named as ( )
  166. When qi’s function in ( ) becomes weak, people will get easy to have common cold.
  167. The excretion and secretion of reproductive essence mainly rely on the collaboration between ( )
  168. Qi transformation 气化, refers to various changes caused by the movements of qi. ( )
  169. Kidney’s function in respiration is ( )
  170. Those not in the exterior-interior relationship are ( )
  171. In TCM, digestion involves cooperation among those fu-organs except for ( )
  172. When spleen fails in governing rise of the clear, there may be ( )
  173. The organs closely related with water metabolism and generation of qi are( )
  174. According to Theory of Visceral Manifestation, prolonged bone’s disease will affect ( )
  175. The relation between spleen and kidney mainly reflects in ( )
  176. The excretion of urine from urinary bladder actually relies on ( )
  177. The organs closely related with water metabolism and respiration are( )
  178. Yin and yang of zang-fu organ is rooted from ( )
  179. Which organ is regarded as the middle source of water? ( )
  180. Lung governs qi means that ( )
  181. Which one is not attributed to earth? ( )
  182. The most important organs for mental activities are ( )
  183. Which organ can be classified into both fu-organs and extraordinary fu-organs? ( )
  184. The physiological function of sanjiao includes ( )
  185. The unyielding organ (刚脏) refers to ( )
  186. The major point to differentiate zang-organs, fu-organs and extraordinary fu-organs is ( )
  187. The pivot for ascent and descent of qi activities refers to ( )
  188. One of the physiological function of spleen is transformation and transportation. It is to transform and transport ( )
  189. The method Nourishing kidney-yin to promote liver-yin deficiency is established on the basis of ( )
  190. Abnormal restriction mainly includes( )
  191. According to Five-Element Theory, wood is characterized by( )
  192. Hyperactivity of heart fire affects liver and leads to liver fire, it is a kind of disease transmission from mother to son. ( )
  193. According to inter-generation and inter-restraint among five elements, which one is incorrect? ( )
  194. It is said in TCM that when liver is sick, it will transmit the illness to spleen (见肝之病,知肝传脾), it is due to ( )
  195. According to Five-Element Theory, when wood is too weak, not only metal will over-restrict it, but also earth will launch a counter-restriction on it. ( )
  196. According to Five-Element Theory,( )
  197. The five elements refer five materials in the nature, which are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. ( )
  198. The therapeutic principle based on mutual dependence between yin-yang are( )
  199. One of the therapeutic principles in TCM is to treat heat syndrome with cold herbs, it is based on the ( )
  200. The sentence Yin stays in the interior to take the guardian of yang; yang stays in the exterior to take the messengers of yin implies that ( )
  201. The ancient Chinese philosophers believed that everything in the universe was constituted by( ).
  202. As recorded in the book The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic(《黄帝内经》), ( ) are the omen for yin-yang.
  203. The fundamental property of qi is ( )。
  204. Which book established the foundation of theoretic system of TCM? ( )
  205. Yin-yang is the generalization for two opposite aspects of things or phenomena in the natural world. ( )
  206. The following terms that can be attributed to yang include( )
  207. According to yin-yang theory and properties of zang-fu organs, five zang-organs are attributed to yin and six fu-organs are yang. ( )
  208. The movement of qi in the body mainly includes( ).
  209. The fundamental features of TCM are materialistic view and dialectical view. ( )
  210. Human body is a unit, therefore, even local illness should be understood from a holistic view. ( )
  211. To diagnose a syndrome, a doctor should recognize information as ( )
  212. The holistic idea in TCM is reflected in that ( )
  213. The feature of TCM in diagnosis and treatment is ( )
  214. Based on the unity between the body and its external environments, it is true except for ( )
  215. The systematic theory of TCM was founded in the book of The Grand Compendium of Materia Medica (本草纲目). ( )
  216. Holistic concept is one of the most important thinking method in TCM. ( )
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