
An Understanding on Traditional Chinese Medicine 认识中医

  1. The cervical disc herniation is normally happened between C5-C6. ( )

  2. A:False B:True
  3. The function of kidney in respiration is to ( )

  4. A:Receive qi B:Store qi C:Inhale qi D:Exhale qi
    答案:Receive qi
  5. What medicinal is used to dry dampness and downbeat qi counterflow to harmonize stomach? ( )

  6. A:Hou Po B:Zi Su C:Huo Xiang D:Ban XiaChapter 10
    答案:Ban XiaChapter 10
  7. When applying the kneading manipulation, it will move the subcutaneous tissue ( )

  8. A:False B:True
  9. The large intestine can change the waste into feces and conduct discharging. This function actually is based on ( )

  10. A:Spleen transforming and transporting B:Small intestine separating lucid from turbid C:Lung qi descending D:Stomach qi descending
    答案:flexurethatisnormallyhigherthantheleft(splenic.flexureAI参考:正确答案是D:Stomach qi descending。大肠的主要功能是传导和排泄糟粕,将胃中不能被小肠吸收的残渣糟粕向下传导,并形成粪便排出体外。因此,大肠的这一功能实际上是基于胃气下降而实现的。故选D。'
  11. Which pathogenic factor easily causes obstruction of qi movements and damages yang qi? ( )

  12. A:Pathogenic cold B:Pathogenic dampness C:Pathogenic summerheat D:Pathogenic wind
  13. The tongue is pale, white, not fat, but tender and has teeth marks. It indicates the ( )

  14. A:Yin deficiency B:Blood deficiency C:Yang deficiency D:Qi deficiency
  15. The part that can warm zang-fu organs, moisten skin and body hair, and regulate the opening and closure of pores is ( )

  16. A:Defensive qi B:Pectoral qi C:Primordial qi D:Nutritive qi
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:Pectoral qi(胸气)。肺主气,包括主呼吸之气和主一身之气。这里提问的是主要作用是哪些气。由于气通过三焦经络与脏腑进行阴阳五行协调而产生的不同生理作用。即主要可以温暖内脏、滋润皮肤和体毛、调节汗孔开合。因此,选项B“Pectoral qi(胸气)”符合题意。其他选项分析:A选项“Defensive qi(卫气)”具有防御作用,它属于人体正气的一种,可以护卫肌表,防御外邪入侵。C选项“Primordial qi(原气)”是人体生命活动的原动力,具有推动作用和温煦作用。D选项“Nutritive qi(营气)”具有营养全身的作用,可以化生血液,营养脏腑、经络、四肢百骸、肌肉皮毛等。因此,单选题答案为B。'
  17. The sentence “Internal change must exhibit external manifestations (有诸内者必形诸外)”is under the guidance of the theory of ( )

  18. A:The Integrity of the Human Body B:Four Diagnostic Methods of TCM C:Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation D:The Unity between the Body and Its External Environments
    AI参考:句子“Internal change must exhibit external manifestations (有诸内者必形诸外)”是在中医理论指导下形成的,其中“有诸内者必形诸外”是中医基础理论中的一个重要观点,即人体内部的变化必然会在外部表现出来。这个观点的来源是中医的“整体观念”,即人体是一个有机的整体,内部的变化会影响到外部的环境,同时外部环境的变化也会反馈到内部。因此,选项D:The Unity between the Body and Its External Environments 是最符合题意的答案。其他选项虽然也与中医有关,但是与句子所要表达的意思不完全相符。因此,正确答案是D:The Unity between the Body and Its External Environments。'
  19. Fengchi (风池穴) is often used in the treatment of stroke and common cold. ( )

  20. A:Falese B:True
  21. Experts believe that the origin of acupuncture therapy can be traced back to the( ).

  22. A:Neolithic age B:Tang(唐) Dynasty C:Qin (秦) Dynasty D:Han(汉) Dynasty
    AI参考:答案为D:Han(汉) Dynasty根据题干中的关键词“Experts believe that the origin of acupuncture therapy can be traced back to the”,可以确定本题为对中医针灸起源的描述,因此答案应该与中医针灸有关的朝代。A选项是史前时代,B选项是唐朝,C选项是秦朝,都没有涉及到中医针灸起源的具体朝代。只有D选项汉朝是与中医针灸起源相关的朝代之一,因此答案为D。'
  23. Symptoms as tiresome, unwilling to speak and dispiritedness caused by fire pathogen is due to its characteristic of ( )

  24. A:Consuming body fluid B:Impairing qi C:Producing internal wind D:Harassing the heart spirit
    AI参考:根据题干提供的症状描述,这个病症可能是由于火邪引起的。火邪的主要特征包括耗伤体内津液、影响气的功能以及产生内风、内扰心神。其中选项A,“耗伤体液”符合火邪的主要特征,其他选项如“影响气的功能”对应B选项,“产生内风”对应C选项,“扰心神”对应D选项,但是并不是火邪的唯一特征。因此,正确答案是A:Consuming body fluid。'
  25. Which one is the characteristic of blood stasis in causing diseases? ( )

  26. A:Rid-side pain related with emotion fluctuation B:Chest distress and cough, inability to lie down C:Abdominal pain with relief after defecation D:Stabbing pain with fixed location

  27. All physiological functions of human body actually depend on movements of qi. ( )

  28. A:True B:False

  29. Which medicinal is used in largest dosage in Liu Wei Di Huang Wan? ( )

  30. A:Shan Yao B:Shu Di Huang C:Shan Zhu Yu D:Ze Xie
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Shu Di Huang。刘圩地黄丸中用量最大的药材是熟地黄,因为它是君药,起主要作用。因此,本题答案为B。'
  31. Which is incorrect as concerns of the modern application of Yin Qiao San? ( )

  32. A:Flu B:Menstrual disorder C:Acute tonsillitis D:Measles at the onset stage

  33. Which Chinese medicinal herb below could tonify the blood, nourish the yin, generate the essence and fill the marrow? ( )

  34. A:Bai Guo B:Bai Shao C:Bai Zhi D:Shu Di Huang
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Shu Di Huang。答案D“熟地黄”具有补血滋阴、填精生髓的功效,符合题干要求。答案A“白果”、B“白芍”、C“白芷”均不具备上述功效,因此不符合题干要求。因此,本题答案为D。'
  35. A patient with weak constitution under the attack of cold pathogen, presented symptoms of aversion to cold, cold limbs, abdominal pain and diarrhea, clear urine, a desire to sleep, his tongue was pale and swollen, and his pulse was weak and thready. It was a syndrome of ( )

  36. A:Invasion of cold pathogen into jueyin B:Invasion of cold pathogen into yangming C:Invasion of cold pathogen into shaoyin D:Invasion of cold pathogen into shaoyang
    AI参考:单选题:A patient with weak constitution under the attack of cold pathogen, presented symptoms of aversion to cold, cold limbs, abdominal pain and diarrhea, clear urine, a desire to sleep, his tongue was pale and swollen, and his pulse was weak and thready. It was a syndrome of ( )。答案:A:Invasion of cold pathogen into jueyin。患者体质虚弱,外感风寒,症状有恶寒、四肢冷、腹痛、腹泻、小便清长、欲寐、舌淡苔白、脉象细弱而缓,此为风寒束表证,病位在足太阳经穴。因此,本题答案为A。'
  37. The upmost organs that related to the generation of qi of the whole body are ( )

  38. A:Heart, spleen and kidney B:Heart, lung and kidney C:Heart, liver and kidney D:Spleen, lung and kidney
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Heart, spleen and kidney。人体一身之气的生成,与心、脾、肾三脏的功能最为相关,因此心、脾、肾被称为“气根”。所以选项A为正确答案。选项B、C、D中,都少了一个脾脏,所以排除。'
  39. The frequency of the grasp manipulation is done repeatedly ( )

  40. A:3-5times B:20 times more C:5-10times D:10-15times
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:5-10times】。根据题目中的描述,需要进行反复的抓握操作,并且频率在5-10次之间。因此,选项C“5-10times”符合题意。选项A“3-5times”和选项D“10-15times”过于具体,不符合题目的描述;选项B“20 times more”没有具体的范围,也不符合题意。'
  41. According to the eight medicinal treatment methods, Si Jun Zi Tang belongs to? ( )

  42. A:Purgation B:Supplementation C:Harmonization D:Heat-clearing
  43. In TCM, there is a therapeutic method described as promoting urination to treat loose stool (利小便则实大便), the method is based on the physiological function of ( )

  44. A:Small intestine separating lucid from turbid B:Kidney governing urination and defecation C:Lung freeing and regulating waterways D:Spleen governing transporting and transforming water
  45. Tuina has no good effective on treating the frozen shoulder. ( )

  46. A:False B:True
  47. The following tongue image can be found both in heat and cold syndromes is ( )

  48. A:Purple tongue B:Purple tongue C:Red tongue D:Pale white tongue

  49. Pinch skin insertion is suitable for ( )

  50. A:Long needles B:Points on areas where the skin is loose C:Points where the skin and muscles are thin D:Short needles

  51. The width of the interphalangeal joint of the patient’s thumb is taken as( )cun.

  52. A:2 B:1 C:3 D:4
    AI参考:正确答案是C:3 cun。题目中提到“the width of the interphalangeal joint of the patient’s thumb”,意思是“患者拇指指间关节的宽度”,根据常识和实际情况,拇指指间关节的宽度通常为三厘米(cun),因此选项C“3 cun”是正确答案。'
  53. The secretion and excretion of bile mainly relays on ( )

  54. A:Liver qi regulating free flow of qi B:Spleen transporting and transforming C:Gall bladder storing bile D:Gall bladder excreting bile

  55. Which syndrome easily has the distending pain? ( )

  56. A:Interior excess heat syndrome B:Deficiency heat syndrome C:Exterior heat syndrome D:Qi stagnation syndrome
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:Deficiency heat syndrome (B:阴虚热症)。本题考察的是常见疾病的中医诊断。根据题目中所述“distending pain”(胀痛的)这一症状,阴虚热症容易发生。因此,答案是B。A选项中的“内热”和C选项中的“外热”均与题目中的“胀痛的”不符,排除。D选项中的“气滞”与题目中的症状无关,因此也排除。所以正确答案为B。'
  57. Massive bleeding may lead to various symptoms, and the symptom can be explained by the theory of body fluid and blood sharing the common source is ( )

  58. A:Dizziness B:Thirsty C:Pale complexion D:Tiresome

  59. Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing (The A-B Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion) was written by Huang Fu-mi during the period of the( )Dynasty.

  60. A:Qin (秦) B:Song(宋) C:Tang(唐) D:Wei and Jin(魏晋)

  61. Tuina treating the lumbar disc herniation can select the below manipulations ( )

  62. A:Traction-counter traction B:Kneading C:Rolling D:Pulling obliquely

  63. Moving cupping is suitable for places such as( )

  64. A:ThighChapter 11 B:Lower back C:Lumbus D:Upper back

  65. The therapeutic principle of supplementing the mother and reducing the child is suitable for ( )

  66. A:Kidney disease involving liver B:Diseases transmitting from child to mother C:Diseases transmitting from mother to child D:Lung disease involving liver

  67. Collaterals are the branches, but they can still divided into three parts: ( )

  68. A:Fifteen collaterals B:Superficial collaterals C:Large collaterals D:Minute collaterals
    AI参考:正确选项是 D: Minute collaterals根据上下文,collaterals是分支的意思,而选项中只有D minute collaterals符合这个意思,表示小分支。其他选项A、B、C都与上下文不符。因此,正确答案是D。'
  69. The Acting principle of Tuina include:( )

  70. A:Regulating yin and yang B:Regulating the function of qi and blood, and viscera C:Regulating the function of channels and collaterals D:Recovering of the function of tendons, bones and joints
  71. The movement of qi in the body mainly includes( )

  72. A:Descending B:Exiting C:Ascending D:Entering

  73. What is the indications of Xiao Yao San?( ).

  74. A:Spleen deficiency B:Liver qi deficiency C:Spleen failing to control the blood D:Liver constraint
    AI参考:正确选项为:A:Spleen deficiency小药散的功效是补益脾胃,主治脾胃虚弱,食少便溏,倦怠无力等症。因此,选项A“脾虚”是该方的适应症。选项B“肝气不足”、选项C“脾虚不能统血”和选项D“肝气犯脾”均不是该方的适应症。'
  75. Phlegm and fluid retention can be caused by ( )

  76. A:Six pathogenic factors B:Internal damage caused by seven emotions C:Lack of exercises D:Pestilent qi

  77. What is the medicinal composition of Liu Wei Di Huang Wan?( ).

  78. A:Fu Ling and Ze Xie B:Shu Di Huang and Shan Zhu Yu C:Sheng Di Huang and Shan Zhu Yu D:Shan Yao and Mu Dan Pi

  79. A syndrome should include information of ( )during a certain stage of disease.

  80. A:The location B:The cause C:The property D:The condition of healthy qi and pathogenic factor
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:The condition of healthy qi and pathogenic factor】根据中医理论,综合症应该包括疾病某一阶段中健康气和致病因素的情况,因此选项D是正确的。选项A、B、C都与疾病的原因、症状和性质有关,但不是综合症所需要的信息。'
  81. The three-edged needle therapy is advisable to treat( )

  82. A:Pain syndrome B:Excess syndrome C:Heat syndrome D:Blood stasis

  83. In addition to symptoms characterized by blood stasis, which information is helpful to make the diagnosis of blood stasis? ( )

  84. A:A history of trauma B:A history of delivery C:A long course of disease D:A history of bleeding
    AI参考:正确选项是:A:A history of trauma除了血瘀的症状外,了解患者是否有外伤史有助于血瘀的诊断。其他选项B、C、D虽然也可能与血瘀有关,但不如外伤史更有帮助。因此,正确答案是A选项。'
  85. The characteristics of cold pathogen include ( )

  86. A:Contraction B:Viscous C:Coagulating D:A kind of yin pathogen

  87. The Six Classics in the Tang dynasty, reported that massage can treat the diseases caused by ( )factors

  88. A:Fatigue, too leisure B:Heat, dampness C:Wind, cold D:Hunger, overeating
    AI参考:正确选项是 C:Wind, cold。根据唐代六部经典中提到,按摩可以治疗由风、寒等因素引起的疾病。因此,选项C是正确的。选项A、B、D并不符合按摩治疗的原理,因此不是正确答案。'
  89. The point of Baihui(百会穴) is good at treating( ).

  90. A:Insomnia B:Vertex headache C:Stomachache D:Poor memory
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Vertex headache】Baihui穴对前额头痛的治疗效果很好。在题目中没有明确指出治疗失眠、胃痛、记忆力差等疾病,因此只能选择B选项作为正确答案。'
  91. By descent and purification of lung, which substance can be distributed inwards and downwards? ( )

  92. A:Body fluid B:Turbid qi C:Defensive qi D:Food essence
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:Body fluid】。在肺部经过渗透和净化后,物质可以被分布到体内和向下分布。根据选项,A选项“体液”是唯一一个可以被分布到体内和向下的物质,B选项“浑浊的气”、C选项“防御的气”和D选项“食物的精华”都不能被分布到体内和向下分布。因此,答案为A。'
  93. What is the medicinal composition of Yin Qiao San?( ).

  94. A:Jie Geng and Dan Zhu Ye B:Bo He and Niu Bang Zi C:Ju Hua and Lian Qiao D:Jin Yin Hua and Lian Qiao

  95. Those are not in the exterior-interior relationship are ( )

  96. A:Heart and pericardium B:Liver and gall bladder C:Lung and Sanjiao D:Kidney and large intestine
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:Liver and gall bladder。题目要求选择不属于内外关系的一组,只有B选项属于肝胆关系,其余的选项都是属于五脏之间的关系,即内外关系。因此答案为B。肝与胆互为表里关系,是内脏和六腑的配属关系,其他选项中都属于五脏,不符合题意。因此答案为B。A选项心与心包是心的外围组织,两者有经络相连,互为表里;C选项肺与三焦属于脏腑表里关系;D选项肾与大肠是内与外的关系,有经络相连。只有B选项是内与外的关系中的局部对应关系,其他三个选项属于内与外关系中的整体对应关系。所以选择B。'
  97. The organs that like to be moistened but dislike dryness are ( )

  98. A:Stomach B:Kidney C:Lung D:Heart
  99. Ginger-isolated moxibustion is usually indicated for( )

  100. A:Diarrhea B:Heatstroke C:Abdominal pain D:Vomiting
    AI参考:正确选项是 C:Abdominal painGinger-isolated moxibustion是一种针灸方法,通常用于治疗腹部疼痛。选项中,只有C符合这个描述,其他选项与题干描述不符。'

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